This book has been developed with the intention of providing an updated primary reference for environmental managers working in industry, environmental engineering consultants, graduate students in environmental engineering, and government agency employees concerned with wastes from industries. It presents an explanation of the fundamental mechanisms by which pollutants become dissolved or suspended in water or air, then builds on this knowledge to explain how different treatment processes work, how they can be optimized, and how one would go about efficiently selecting candidate treatment processes. Examples from the recent work history of Woodard Curran, as well as other environmental engineering and science consultants, are presented to illustrate both the approach used in solving various environmental quality problems and the stepbystep design of facilities to implement the solutions. Where permission was granted, the industry involved in each of these examples is identified by name. Otherwise, no name was given to the industry, and the industry has been identified only as to type of industry and size. In all cases, the actual numbers and all pertinent information have been reproduced as they occurred, with the intent of providing accurate illustrations of how environmental quality problems have been solved by one of the leading consultants in the field of industrial wastes management. This book is intended to fulfill the need for an updated source of information on the characteristics of wastes from numerous types of industries, how the different types of wastes are most efficiently treated, the mechanisms involved in treatment, and the design process itself. In many cases, “tricks” that enable lower cost treatment are presented. These “tricks” have been developed through many years of experience and have not been generally available except by word of mouth. The chapter on laws and regulations is presented as a summary as of the date stated in the chapter itself andor the addendum that is issued periodically by the publisher. For information on the most recent addendum, please call the publisher or Woodard Curran’s office in Portland, Maine, at (207)
Trang 1Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Trang 3Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Frank Woodard, Ph.D., P.E.,
Trang 4Copyright © 2001 by Butterworth–Heinemann
A member of the Reed Elsevier group
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Butterworth–Heinemann prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible.
Butterworth–Heinemann supports the efforts of American Forests and the Global ReLeaf program in its campaign for the betterment of trees, forests, and our environment.
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
The publisher offers special discounts on bulk orders of this book.
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Trang 5my (almost) lifelong best friend, Jean McNeary Woodard, who deserves much of the credit for the existence of this book.
Trang 61 Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 1
1.1 Management of Industrial Wastewater 1
1.2 O&M Costs 10
1.3 Management of Solid Wastes from Industries 18
1.4 Management of Discharges to the Air 20
1.5 Bibliography 28
2 Fundamentals 29
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater 29
2.3 The Polar Properties of Water 30
2.4 Electrical and Thermodynamic Stability 33
2.5 Chemical Structure and Polarity of Water 36
2.6 Hydrogen Bonding 37
2.7 Polar Solvents versus Nonpolar Solvents True Solutions 38
2.8 Emulsification 40
2.9 Colloidal Suspensions 43
2.10 Mixtures Made Stable by Chelating Agents 44
2.11 Summary 44
2.12 Examples 45
2.13 Bibliography 48
3 Laws and Regulations 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 History of Permitting and Reporting 49
3.3 Requirements 49
3.4 Water Pollution Control Laws 50
3.5 Groundwater Pollution Control Laws 52
3.6 Air Pollution Control Laws 55
3.7 Bibliography 60
4 Wastes from Industries 61
4.1 Chemical Descaling 61
4.2 Degreasing 62
4.3 Rinsing 64
4.4 Electroplating of Tin 65
4.5 The Copper Forming Industry 74
4.6 Prepared Frozen Foods 77
4.7 Wastes From De-inking 86
4.8 Die Casting: Aluminum, Zinc, and Magnesium 93
4.9 Anodizing and Alodizing 99
4.10 Production and Processing of Coke 103
4.11 The Wine-Making Industry 107
4.12 The Synthetic Rubber Industry 110
4.13 The Soft Drink Bottling Industry 119
4.14 Production and Processing of Beef, Pork, and Other Sources of Red Meat 124
4.15 Rendering of By-Products from the Processing of Meat, Poultry, and Fish 130
4.16 The Manufacture of Lead Acid Batteries 138
4.17 Bibliography 144
5 Industrial Stormwater Management 149
5.1 General 149
5.2 Federal Stormwater Regulations 149
5.3 Prevention of Groundwater Contamination 151
5.4 Stormwater Segregation, Collection, Retention, and Treatment 152
5.5 Design Storm 152
5.6 System Failure Protection 153
5.7 Stormwater Retention 153
5.8 Stormwater Treatment 153
5.9 Stormwater as a Source of Process Water Makeup 154
5.10 Bibliography 165
Trang 76 Wastes Characterization: The Wastes Characterization Study, Wastes
Audit, and the Environmental Audit 166
6.1 Wastes Characterization Study 166
6.2 Wastes Audit 169
6.3 Environmental Audit 172
6.4 Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater 179
6.5 Characteristics of Discharges to the Air 192
6.6 Sample Analysis 198
6.7 Ambient Air Sampling 198
6.8 Characteristics of Solid Waste Streams from Industries 201
6.9 Bibliography 205
7 Pollution Prevention 208
Findings and Policy 208
7.1 General Approach 209
7.2 Source Reduction 212
7.3 The Waste Audit 215
7.4 Benefits of Pollution Prevention 216
7.5 Bibliography 216
8 Methods for Treating Wastewaters from Industry 219
8.1 General 219
8.2 Principle and Nonprinciple Treatment Mechanisms 220
8.3 Waste Equalization 223
8.4 pH Control 227
8.5 Chemical Methods of Wastewater Treatment 230
8.6 Biological Methods of Wastewater Treatment 255
8.7 Development of Design Equations for Biological Treatment of Industrial Wastes 256
8.8 Physical Methods of Wastewater Treatment 322
8.9 Bibliography 394
9 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Wastes from Industry 397
9.1 Characterization of Solid Wastes 398
9.2 The Solid Waste Landfill 400
9.3 Solid Waste Incineration 409
9.4 The Process of Composting Industrial Wastes 421
9.5 Solidification and Stabilization of Industrial Solid Wastes 427
9.6 Bibliography 433
10 Methods for Treating Air Discharges from Industry 437
10.1 Reduction at the Source 437
10.2 Containment 437
10.3 Treatment 438
10.4 Bibliography 456
Index 461
Trang 8Preface
This book has been developed with the
inten-tion of providing an updated primary reference
for environmental managers working in
indus-try, environmental engineering consultants,
graduate students in environmental
engineer-ing, and government agency employees
concerned with wastes from industries It
pre-sents an explanation of the fundamental
mechanisms by which pollutants become
dis-solved or suspended in water or air, then builds
on this knowledge to explain how different
treatment processes work, how they can be
optimized, and how one would go about
effi-ciently selecting candidate treatment processes
Examples from the recent work history of
Woodard & Curran, as well as other
environ-mental engineering and science consultants,
are presented to illustrate both the approach
used in solving various environmental quality
problems and the step-by-step design of
facili-ties to implement the solutions Where
permis-sion was granted, the industry involved in each
of these examples is identified by name
Other-wise, no name was given to the industry, and
the industry has been identified only as to type
of industry and size In all cases, the actualnumbers and all pertinent information havebeen reproduced as they occurred, with theintent of providing accurate illustrations ofhow environmental quality problems have beensolved by one of the leading consultants in thefield of industrial wastes management This book is intended to fulfill the need for
an updated source of information on the acteristics of wastes from numerous types ofindustries, how the different types of wastes aremost efficiently treated, the mechanismsinvolved in treatment, and the design processitself In many cases, “tricks” that enable lowercost treatment are presented These “tricks”have been developed through many years ofexperience and have not been generally avail-able except by word of mouth
char-The chapter on laws and regulations is sented as a summary as of the date stated in thechapter itself and/or the addendum that isissued periodically by the publisher For infor-mation on the most recent addendum, pleasecall the publisher or Woodard & Curran’soffice in Portland, Maine, at (207) 774-2112
Trang 9Acknowledgments
This work was produced over a period of more
than five years; during that time, a very large
number of individuals, corporations, and various
business organizations contributed significant
material I have tried to cite each contributor,
and I apologize mightily if I have missed one or
more Thus, I extend heartfelt gratitude and
acknowledgement to:
Adam H Steinman; Aeration Technologies,
Inc.; R Gary Gilbert; Albert M Presgraves;
Andy Miller; Claire P Betze; Connie Bogard;
Connie Gipson; Dennis Merrill; Dr Steven
E Woodard; Geoffrey D Pellechia; George
Abide; George W Bloom; Henri J Vincent; Dr
Hugh J Campbell; J Alastair Lough; Janet
Robinson; Dr James E Etzel; James
D Ekedahl; Karen L Townsend; KatahdinAnalytical Services; Keith A Weisenberger;Kurt R Marston; Michael Harlos; Michael
J Curato; Patricia A Proux-Lough; PaulBishop; Randy E Tome; Eric P King; Ray-mond G Pepin; Robert W Severance; Steven
N Whipple; Steven Smock; Susan G Stevens;Terry Rinehart; and Thora Knakkergaard, all ofwhom contributed text or verbal informationfrom which I freely drew, either word-for-word
or by way of paraphrase I extend specialthanks to Adam Steinman, Esq., who providedtext and verbal information regarding laws,regulations and environmental audits
Trang 101 Management of Industrial
Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases
The approach used to develop systems to treat
and dispose of industrial wastes is distinctly
different from the approach used for municipal
wastes There is a lot of similarity in the
char-acteristics of wastes from one municipality, or
one region, to another Because of this, the best
approach to designing a treatment system for
municipal wastes is to analyze the performance
characteristics of many existing municipal
sys-tems and deduce an optimal set of design
parameters for the system under consideration
Emphasis is placed on the analysis of other
sys-tems, rather than on the waste stream under
consideration In the case of industrial waste,
however, few industrial plants have a high
degree of similarity between products
pro-duced and wastes generated Therefore,
emphasis is placed on analysis of the wastes
under consideration, rather than on what is
tak-ing place at other industrial locations This is
not to say that there is little value in analyzing
the performance of treatment systems at other,
more or less similar, industrial locations Quite
the opposite is true It is simply a matter of
Wastes from industries are customarily
clas-sified as liquid wastes, solid wastes, or air
pol-lutants, and often the three are managed by
different people or departments The three
sep-arate categories are regulated by sepsep-arate and
distinct bodies of laws and regulations, and
his-torically, public and governmental emphasis
has moved from one category to another from
one time period to another The fact is,
how-ever, that the three categories of wastes are
closely interrelated, both as they impact on the
environment and as they are generated and
managed by individual industrial facilities
Solid wastes disposed of in the ground can
influence the quality of groundwater and
surface waters by way of leachate entering thegroundwater and traveling with it through theground, then entering a surface water bodywith groundwater recharge Volatile organics inthat recharge water can contaminate the air Airpollutants can fall out to become surface water
or groundwater pollutants, and water pollutantscan infiltrate into the ground or volatilize intothe air
Waste treatment processes can also transfersubstances from one of the three waste catego-ries to one or both of the others Air pollutantscan be removed from an air discharge by means
of a water solution scrubber The waste ber solution must then be managed to enable it
scrub-to be discarded within compliance with cable water regulations Airborne particulatescan be removed from an air discharge using abag house, thus creating a solid waste to bemanaged On still a third level, waste treatment
appli-or disposal systems themselves can directlyimpact on the quality of air, water, or ground.Activated sludge aeration tanks are very effec-tive in causing volatilization of substancesfrom wastewater Failed landfills can be potentpolluters of both groundwater and surfacewater
The total spectrum of industrial wastes, then,must be managed as substances resulting from
a system of interrelated activities Materialsbalances must be tracked, and overall costeffectiveness must be kept in focus
Management of Industrial Wastewater
With respect to industrial wastewater, Figure1-1 illustrates the approach for developing awell-operating, cost-effective treatment system.The first step is to gain familiarity withthe manufacturing processes themselves This
Trang 112 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Figure 1-1 Approach for developing an industrial
waste-water treatment system.
usually starts with a tour of the facility, andthen progresses through a review of the litera-ture and interviews with knowledgeablepeople The objective is to gain an understand-ing of how wastewater is produced, for tworeasons The first is to enable an informed andtherefore effective wastes reduction, or minimi-zation (pollution prevention) program; thesecond is to enable proper choice of candidatetreatment technologies
Analysis of Manufacturing Processes
One of the first steps in the analysis of facturing processes is to develop a blockdiagram that shows how each manufacturingprocess contributes wastewater to the treatmentfacility, as is illustrated in Figure 1-2 In Figure1-2, a block represents each step in the manu-facturing process The supply of water to eachpoint of use is represented on the left side ofthe block diagram Wastewater that flows awayfrom each point of wastewater generation isshown on the right side
manu-Figure 1-2 is representative of the processesinvolved in producing finished woven fabricfrom an intermediate product of the textileindustry The “raw material” for this process isfirst subjected to a process called “desizing,”during which the substances used to size thewoven greige goods, or raw fabric, areremoved The process uses sulfuric acid; there-fore, the liquid waste from this process would
be expected to have a low pH as well as containwhatever substances were used as sizing Forinstance, if starch were the substance used tosize the fabric, the liquid waste from the desiz-ing process would be expected to exhibit a highbiochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
As the knowledge became available, fromthe industry’s records, if possible, or from mea-surements taken as part of a wastewater charac-terization study, the flow rates, total quantitiesfor a typical processing day, upper and lowerlimits, and characteristics such as BOD, chemi-cal oxygen demand (COD), total suspendedsolids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS),and specific chemicals would be indicated onthe block diagram Each individual process
Trang 12Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 3undergone during the industrial process would
be developed and shown on the block diagram,
as illustrated in Figure 1-2
Wastes Minimization and Wastes
Characterization Study
After becoming sufficiently familiar with the
manufacturing processes as they relate to
wastewater generation, the design team shouldinstitute a wastes minimization program(actually part of a pollution prevention pro-gram) as described in Chapter 7 Then, after thewastes reduction program has become fullyimplemented, a wastewater characterizationstudy should be carried out, as described inChapter 6
Figure 1-2 Typical woven fabric finishing process flow diagram (From the EPA Development Document for the Textile Mills Industry.)
Trang 134 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
The ultimate purpose of the wastewater
characterization study is to provide the
design team with accurate and complete
information on which to base the design of
the treatment system Both quantitative and
qualitative data are needed to properly size
the facility and to select the most appropriate
treatment technologies
Often, enough new information about
mate-rials usage, water use efficiency, and wastes
generation is learned during the wastewater
characterization study to warrant a second level
of wastes minimization effort This second part
of the wastes minimization program should be
fully implemented, and its effectiveness should
be verified by more sampling and analyses,
which amounts to an extension of the
wastewa-ter characwastewa-terization study
A cautionary note is appropriate here
con-cerning maintenance of the wastes
minimiza-tion program If, after implementaminimiza-tion of the
wastes minimization program, operation of the
manufacturing facilities and/or housekeeping
practices loses attention and becomes lax so
that wastewater increases in volume, strength,
or both, the treatment facility will be
underde-signed and will be overloaded at the start It is
extremely important that realistic goals be set
and maintained for the wastes minimization
program, and that the design team, as well as
the industry’s management team, are fully
aware of the consequences of overloading the
treatment system
Treatment Objectives
After the volume, strength, and substance
char-acteristics of the wastewater have been
established, the treatment objectives must be
determined These objectives depend on where
the wastewater is to be sent after treatment If
the treated wastewater is discharged to another
treatment facility, such as a regional facility or
a municipal treatment system, pretreatment
requirements must be complied with As a
minimum, the Federal Pretreatment
Guide-lines issued by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and published in the Federal
Register must be complied with Some
municipal or regional treatment facilities havepretreatment standards that are more stringentthan those required by the EPA
If the treated effluent is discharged to anopen body of water, then a National Pollut-ant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit, plus a permit issued by the appropri-ate state agency, must be complied with Inall cases, Categorical Standards issued by theFederal EPA apply, and it is necessary towork closely with one or more governmentagencies while developing the treatmentobjectives
Selection of Candidate Technologies
Once the wastewater characteristics and thetreatment objectives are known, candidate tech-nologies for treatment can be selected.Rationale for selection is discussed in detail inChapter 8 The selection should be based onone or more of the following:
• Successful application to a similar water
waste-• Knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, andmicrobiology
• Knowledge of what technologies are able, as well as knowledge of theirrespective capabilities and limitationsThen, bench scale investigations should beconducted to determine technical as well asfinancial feasibility
avail-Bench Scale Investigations
Bench scale investigations quickly and ciently determine the technical feasibility and
effi-a rough effi-approximeffi-ation of the fineffi-ancieffi-al feeffi-asi-bility of a given technology Bench scalestudies range from rough experiments inwhich substances are mixed in a beaker andresults are observed almost immediately, torather sophisticated continuous flow studies inwhich a refrigerated reservoir contains repre-sentative industrial wastewater, which ispumped through a series of miniature treat-ment devices that are models of the full-sizeequipment Typical bench scale equipment
Trang 14feasi-Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 5includes the six-place stirrer shown in
Figure 1-3(a), small columns for ion exchange
resins, activated carbon, or sand, shown in
Figure 1-3(b), “block aerators,” shown in
Figures 1-3(c) and (d), for performing
micro-biological treatability studies, and any number
of custom-designed devices for testing the
technical feasibility of given treatment
Because of scale-up problems, it is seldom
advisable to proceed directly from the results
of bench scale investigations to design of the
full-scale wastewater treatment system Only in
cases for which extensive experience exists
with both the type of wastewater being treated
and the technology and types of equipment to
be used can this approach be justified
Other-wise, pilot scale investigations should be
conducted for each technology that appears to
be a legitimate candidate for reliable, effective treatment
cost-In the absence of pilot scale investigations,the design team is obliged to be conservative inestimating design criteria for the treatment sys-tem The likely result is that the cost for thefacility will be greater than the total cost for thepilot scale investigations plus the treatmentfacility that would have been designed usingthe information that would have been devel-oped from the pilot scale investigations Saidanother way, the objective of pilot scale investi-gations is to develop the data necessary todetermine the minimum size and least costlysystem of equipment to enable the design of atreatment system that will reliably meet itsintended purpose
Figure 1-3(a) Photograph of a six-place stirrer (Courtesy of ©Phipps & Bird, Inc., 2000.)
Trang 156 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Figure 1-3(b) Illustration of a column set-up to evaluate treatment methods that use granular media (From Wachinski and
Etzel, Environmental Ion Exchange: Principles and Design, 1997 Reprinted by permission of CRC/Lewis Publishers.)
Figure 1-3(c) Diagrammatic sketch of a block aerator set-up for performing treatability studies in the laboratory.
Trang 16Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 7
Pilot Scale Investigations
A pilot scale investigation is a study of the
per-formance of a given treatment technology
using the actual wastewater to be treated,
usu-ally on site, and using a representative model
of the equipment that would be used in the
full-scale treatment system The term
“repre-sentative model” refers to the capability of the
pilot treatment system to closely duplicate theperformance of the full-scale system In somecases, accurate scale models of the full-scalesystem are used In other cases, the pilotequipment bears no physical resemblance tothe full-scale system Fifty-five gallon drumshave been successfully used for pilot scaleinvestigations
Figure 1-3(d) Photograph of a block aerator set-up for performing treatability studies in the laboratory (Courtesy of AWARE Environmental, Inc.)
Trang 178 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
It is not unusual for equipment
manufactur-ers to have pilot scale treatment systems that
can be transported to the industrial site on a
flatbed truck trailer A rental fee is usually
charged, and there is sometimes an option to
include an operator in the rental fee It is
important, however, to keep all options open
Operation of a pilot scale treatment system that
is rented from one equipment manufacturer
might produce results that indicate that another
type of equipment (using or not using the same
technology) would be the wiser choice
Figure 1-4 presents a photograph of a pilot
scale wastewater treatment system
One of the difficulties in operating a pilot
scale treatment system is the susceptibility of
the system to upset caused by slug doses, wide
swings in temperature, plugging of the
rela-tively small diameter pipes, and lack of
famil-iarity on the part of the operator
When operating a pilot scale treatment
sys-tem for a sufficiently long period, it is critically
important to:
1 Evaluate its performance on all
combina-tions of wastes that are reasonably
expected to occur during the foreseeable
life of the prototype system
2 Provide sufficient opportunity to evaluate
all reasonable combinations of operation
parameters When operation parameters
are changed—for instance the volumetric
loading of an air scrubber, the chemical
feed rate of a sludge press, or the recycle
ratio for a reverse osmosis system—the
system must operate for a long enough
time to achieve steady state before data to
be used for evaluation are taken Of
course, it will be necessary to obtain data
during the period just after operation
parameters are changed, to determine
when steady state has been reached
During the pilot plant operation period,
observations should be made to determine
whether performance predicted from the results
of the bench scale investigations is being
con-firmed If performance is significantly different
from what was predicted, it may be prudent to
stop the pilot scale investigation work and try
to determine the cause
Preliminary Designs
The results of the pilot scale investigationsshow which technologies are capable of meet-ing the treatment objectives, but do not enable
an accurate estimation of capital and operatingcosts A meaningful cost-effectiveness analysiscan take place only after preliminary designs ofthose technologies that produced satisfactoryeffluent quality in the pilot scale investigationshave been completed A preliminary design,then, is a design of an entire wastewater treat-ment facility, carried out in sufficient detail toenable accurate estimation of the costs for con-structing and operating a wastewater treatmentfacility It must be complete to the extent thatthe sizes and descriptions of all of the pumps,pipes, valves, tanks, concrete work, buildings,site work, control systems, and labor require-ments are established The difference between
a preliminary design and a final design is cipally in the completeness of detail in thedrawings and in the specifications It is almost
prin-as though the team that produces the nary design could use it to directly constructthe plant The extra detail that goes into thefinal design is principally used to communicateall of the intentions of the design team to peoplenot involved in the design
prelimi-Economic Comparisons
The choice of treatment technology and a plete treatment system between two or moresystems proven to be reliably capable of meet-ing the treatment objectives should be based on
com-a thorough com-ancom-alysis of com-all costs over theexpected life of the system
Example: Pretreatment for a line Cellulose Manufacturing Plant
Microcrystal-By Henri Vincent
The following sections illustrate an economiccomparison of five alternatives for treatingwastewater from an industrial plant producing
Trang 18Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 9
Figure 1-4 Photograph of a pilot scale wastewater treatment system (Courtesy of Paques ADI, Inc.)
Trang 1910 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
microcrystalline cellulose from wood pulp
This plant discharged about 41,000 gallons per
day (GPD) of wastewater to the local municipal
sewer system (publicly owned treatment works
[POTW]) The municipality that owned the
POTW charged the industry a fee for treatment,
and the charge was proportional to the strength,
in terms of the BOD, TSS, fats, oils, and
greases (FOG), and total daily flow (Q)
In order to reduce the treatment charges
from the POTW, the plant had the option of
constructing and operating its own wastewater
treatment system; however, because there was
not an alternative place to discharge the
treated wastewater other than the municipal
sewer system, there would continue to be a
charge from the POTW, but it would be
reduced in proportion to the degree of
treat-ment accomplished by the industry Because
the industry’s treated wastewater would be
further treated by the POTW, the industry’s
treatment system is referred to as a
“pretreat-ment system,” regardless of the degree of
treatment accomplished
Sequencing Batch Reactors
The use of sequencing batch reactors is one
alternative for pretreating the plant’s
wastewa-ters Table 1-1 presents capital costs associated
with this
Rotating Biological Contactors
Table 1-2 presents a summary of the capital
costs associated with this option Also included
in Table 1-2 is the number of each unit
required, along with its size and installed cost
Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactors
Table 1-3 presents a summary of the capital
costs associated with this option Also included
in Table 1-3 is the number of each unit
required, along with its size and installed cost
Expanded Bed Anaerobic Reactors
Because the expanded bed is not
commer-cially available, capital costs were estimated
using the major system components fromthe fluidized bed anaerobic reactor (seeTable 1-3) and deleting the following itemsthat are not required for the expanded bedsystem:
• Two 40-ft Secondary Clarifiers
• Two 20 GPM Sludge Pumps
• One 40-ft3 Filter Press
• Two 60 GPM Filter Feed Pumps
• Two 80 GPM Sludge Transfer Pumps
• One 10 BP Sludge Tank Mixer
• One 5 HP Sludge Tank Mixer
• One 100 CFM Compressor Also, a smaller building was designed forthis option
As a result of these deletions, the estimatedcapital cost for the expanded bed anaerobicreactor system is $1,600,000
O&M Costs
Operational and maintenance costs presentedfor each treatment alternative include the fol-lowing elements:
• Chemicals
• Power
• Labor
• Sludge disposal, if applicable
• Sewer use charges
• MaintenanceThe bases for estimating the annual operat-ing cost for each of the previous elements were(1) the quantity of chemicals required for aver-age design value; (2) power costs for runningpumps, motors, blowers, etc.; (3) laborrequired to operate the facility; (4) sludge dis-posal costs, assuming sludge would be dis-posed of at a local landfill; (5) the cost forsewer use charges based on present rates; and(6) maintenance costs at a fixed percentage oftotal capital costs The estimated sewer usecharges for each treatment alternative are given
in Table 1-4
Trang 20Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 11
Table 1-1 Capital Cost Opinion; Sequencing Batch Reactors — Alternative #1
1 Total for Both Tanks
Trang 2112 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Table 1-2 Capital Cost Opinion; Rotating Biological Contactors — Alternative #2
Trang 22Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 13
Table 1-3 Capital Cost Opinion; Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactors — Alternative #3
Sequencing Batch Reactors
An illustration of yearly O&M costs
associ-ated with the use of sequencing batch reactors
for wastewater pretreatment is presented in
Table 1-5
Rotating Biological Contactors
Table 1-6 presents a summary of the capitalcosts associated with this treatment alternative.Also included in Table 1-6 is the estimatedquantity and unit cost for each O&M element
Trang 2314 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Table 1-4 Estimated Sewer Use Charges
Table 1-5 Yearly O&M Cost Summary; Sequencing Batch Reactors — Alternative #1
Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactors
Table 1-7 presents a summary of the capital
costs associated with this treatment alternative
Included in Table 1-7 is the estimated quantity
and unit cost for each O&M element Additional
information on gas recovery is also included to
show potential offsetting of O&M costs
Expanded Bed Anaerobic Reactors
Because the expanded bed is not commercially
available, O&M costs were estimated with the
O&M elements from the fluidized bed bic reactor (see Table 1-7) and adjusted for thefollowing:
anaero-• Labor Because no sludge dewatering isrequired, labor requirements can bedecreased by 75%
• Sludge Disposal None required becausecellulose can be recycled
Based on the above, the total O&M costwithout gas recovery is $400,000, and with gasrecovery is $300,000
*Based on flow, TSS, and BOD5 charges currently incurred.
*Total rounded to nearest $50,000.
Trang 24Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 15
Table 1-6 Yearly Operating Cost Summary; Rotating Biological Contactors — Alternative #2
Annualized Costs
Annualized costs are a convenient method for
making economic comparisons among
treat-ment alternatives To obtain annualized costs,
the capital cost for the alternative in question is
amortized over the life of the system, which for
the purposes of this example is assumed to be
20 years The cost of money is assumed to be
The five alternative treatment systems
evalu-ated in the previous sections include (1) a
sequencing batch reactor (SBR), (2) a rotating
biological contactor (RBC), (3) a fluidized bed
anaerobic reactor, (4) an expanded bed
anaero-bic reactor, and (5) the option of no
pretreat-ment, which would result in paying the POTW
for accomplishing all of the treatment The
four treatment system types are described in
a level of accuracy of plus or minus 30% forthe total estimated cost
*Total rounded to nearest $50,000.
Trang 2516 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Table 1-7 Yearly Operating Cost Summary; Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor — Alternative #3
Table 1-8 Annualized Costs
* Total rounded to nearest $50,000.
Trang 26Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 17
Final Design
The final design process is both a formality
during which standardized documents
includ-ing plans and specifications are produced, and
a procedure during which all of the subtle
details of the facility that is to be constructed
are worked out The standardized documents
have a dual purpose; the first is to provide a
common basis for several contractors to
pre-pare competitive bids for constructing the
facility The second is to provide complete
instructions for building the facility, so that
what gets built is exactly what the design team
Competitive Bids for Construction
The purpose of going through the competitive
bidding process is to ensure that the facility
developed by the design team is built at the
lowest achievable cost In addition, the
contrac-tors invited to participate in the bidding process
should be carefully selected on the basis of
competence, experience, workmanship, and
reliability In the end, the best construction job
for the lowest possible price will not have a
chance of being realized if the best contractor
is not on the list of those invited to submit bids
The foundation of the bidding process is the
set of documents known as the “plans and
specifications.” The first duty of the plans and
specifications is to provide all information in
sufficiently complete detail that each of the
contractors preparing bids submits cost
propos-als for exactly the same, or truly equivalent,
items It is essential that each contractor’s bid
proposal be capable of being compared on an
“apples to apples” basis That is, regardless of
which contractor builds the facility, it would be
essentially identical in all respects relating to
performance, reliability, O&M requirements,
and useful life The key to obtaining this result
is accuracy and completeness, down to the
fin-est details, of the plans and specifications
As it has developed in the United States, the
bidding process follows the block diagram
shown in Figure 1-5 Figure 1-5 illustrates that
the first of six phases is to develop a list of
potential bidders, as discussed previously This
list is developed based on past experience, erences, and discussion with contractorsregarding their capabilities Other means fordeveloping the list can involve advertising forpotential bidders in local and regional newspa-pers, trade journals, or publications issued bytrade associations In the second phase, a for-mal request for bids is issued, along with plans,specifications, a bid form, and a timetable forbidding and construction
ref-The third phase, the pre-bid conference, iskey to the overall success of the project.This phase involves assembling all potentialcontractors and other interested parties, such
Figure 1-5 Illustration of the bidding process
Trang 2718 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
as potential subcontractors, vendors, and
sup-pliers, for a meeting, preferably at the project
site This site visit normally includes a guided
and annotated tour, a presentation of the
engi-neer’s/owner’s concept of the project, and a
question-and-answer period This meeting can
result in identification of areas of the design
that require additional information or change
If this is the case, the additional information
and/or changes are then addressed to all parties
by issuance of formal addenda to the plans and
The final three phases—receipt and opening
of bids, bid evaluation, and award of contract—
are highly interrelated Upon receipt, the bids
are reviewed to determine accuracy,
complete-ness, and the lowest responsible bidder If all
bids are higher than was expected, the
indus-try’s management and engineers have the
opportunity to explore alternatives for redesign
of the project Finally, the project is awarded to
the contractor submitting the lowest
responsi-ble bid Construction or implementation can
now begin
Management of Solid Wastes from
By Janet Robinson
Industrial wastes that are discharged to neither
air nor water are classified as solid, industrial,
or hazardous waste At the federal level, these
wastes are regulated primarily by the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
which contains specific design and
manage-ment standards for both hazardous wastes
(Subtitle C of the Act) and municipal solid
wastes (Subtitle D)
Solid Waste
Solid waste (i.e., trash) includes such routine
wastes as office trash, unreusable packaging,
lunchroom wastes, and manufacturing or
pro-cessing wastes that are not otherwise classified
as “hazardous” under RCRA These wastes are
normally deposited in trash cans and dumpsters
and collected by a local trash hauler for disposal
in a municipal landfill or treatment at a pal incinerator Although RCRA contains designand other standards for municipal waste man-agement facilities, these facilities are normallygoverned primarily by state and local regulation General solid waste management has comeunder increasing scrutiny in recent yearsbecause of a recognition of the relatively highproportion of hazardous household compoundsthat solid waste contains As a result, technicaldesign standards for solid waste landfills arenow approaching those for industrial and haz-ardous waste landfills In addition, a reduction
munici-in the amount of available landfill space wide has caused a steady increase in tippingfees (the fees charged for using municipal land-fills) and has prompted energetic recyclingefforts by many industries and communities
nation-Industrial or Special Wastes
Industrial or special wastes are nonhazardousmanufacturing wastes that are barred frommunicipal waste treatment or disposal facili-ties, but do not meet the regulatory definition
of “hazardous waste.” Examples of thesewastes include tannery leather scraps, feathersand other wastes from poultry processing, non-hazardous sludge, and asbestos These materi-als are normally disposed of in an industriallandfill, which is generally more strictly regu-lated, more highly designed, and more closelymonitored than municipal landfills Prior wastetesting and approval are necessary before anindustry can ship waste to the site
Industrial wastes are normally regulated onthe state and local levels, and most facilities arelicensed to accept only certain kinds of waste.Special state approval is often necessary forunusual waste streams
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste is a type of waste that meetsspecific characteristics of toxicity, ignitability,reactivity, or corrosivity, or is specificallylisted as a hazardous waste in RCRA regula-tions Examples of wastes that are said toexhibit a hazardous “characteristic” are sludges
Trang 28Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 19containing heavy metals that can be solubilized
by certain weak acids (toxic), waste gasoline
(ignitable), elemental alkali metals such as
sodium or potassium (reactive), and acid
wastes (corrosive) “Listed hazardous wastes”
include waste commercial products, wastes
from specific industrial processes, and
wastes (e.g., spent solvents) from nonspecific
Hazardous waste management is arguably
among the most complex and comprehensive
arenas of environmental regulation As described
in Chapter 3, the RCRA program contains
detailed requirements for storing, handling,
transporting, treating, and disposing of
hazard-ous wastes, and mandates a “cradle-to-grave”
waste tracking system to ensure that wastes are
transported and disposed of only by properly
licensed firms Although hazardous waste
regu-lations originated at the federal level, most states
are authorized by the EPA to administer their
own programs and often promulgate standards
that are more strict than the federal standards
Hazardous waste generators are required by
the land disposal restrictions (LDRs), also
referred to as “land ban” restrictions, to
deter-mine the concentrations of certain constituents
in their hazardous wastes Depending on the
constituents present and their concentrations,
specific treatment standards, expressed as
spec-ified technologies, may be required before the
wastes can be land disposed Residues
result-ing from treatment of the waste are subject to
the same requirements and restrictions
The distinctions between each of the waste
categories (municipal, industrial, and
hazard-ous) as described are not always clear, and the
onus is on the individual industry, or
appropri-ate facility, to make the correct determination
Some states, for instance, consider waste oils to
be hazardous waste, even though federal law
does not Cans of dried paint are generally
regarded as a normal solid waste that can go in
a dumpster; however, cans of wet paint,
espe-cially those that contain lead or chromate, are
usually designated as hazardous Tannery
wastes with trivalent chrome usually can go to
an industrial landfill, but some states consider
these materials to be hazardous And, at the
present time, mixtures of listed hazardouswastes and nonhazardous wastes (e.g., rinsewa-ters containing spent plating solution, a listedhazardous waste) are hazardous in many cases.The so-called mixture rule illustrates theimportance of keeping waste streams separate
to minimize the volume of hazardous waste fordisposal
In addition to these wastes, most industriesproduce by-products, scraps, or spent materialsthat can be reused, reclaimed, or recycled foruse on or off site Depending on their charac-teristics, these materials may be regulated ashazardous wastes even during the recyclingprocess, or they may become wastes if thedemand for them decreases to the point wherereprocessing becomes unprofitable A goodworking knowledge of the solid waste manage-ment laws, or the advice of a reputable consult-ant or attorney, is imperative to avoid violations
of waste RCRA regulations
Waste management and disposal often sent significant and constantly increasing costsfor industry In order to minimize these costsand reduce the likelihood of enforcementactions by regulators, environmental managersmust ensure that a sound program is in placeand that all personnel, from laborers to topmanagers, are vigilant in carrying it out Thefollowing guidelines are often helpful:
repre-• Know the facility waste streams Like trial wastewaters, these are seldom the samefor different plants As a first step, facilitiesmust know how much of each type of solidwaste they are producing
indus-• Keep wastes segregated Heavy fines, aswell as criminal sentences, are the penaltiesfor improper waste disposal Facilities mustensure that hazardous wastes are not put inthe trash dumpster, that listed hazardouswastes are not mixed with other nonhazard-ous materials, and generally that wastes arehandled as they’re supposed to be
• Choose waste disposal firms carefully.Because facilities can be held responsiblefor clean-up costs of the waste facilities theyuse, waste transporters and facilities should
be chosen carefully
Trang 2920 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
• Institute a pollution prevention program that
includes a vigorous wastes minimization
effort Where possible, reduce the quantity
or toxicity of materials used in production
• Keep areas clean Frequent spills or releases
not only present safety hazards, but also will
increase the amount of facility
decontami-nation necessary at closure
• Keep good records Industrywide, a great
deal of money is wasted on testing and
disposing of unknown materials or in
inves-tigating areas with insufficient historical
data Good recordkeeping is essential to
keep both current and future waste
manage-ment costs to a minimum
Excellent texts that discuss in detail the
many aspects of solid, industrial, and
hazard-ous waste management are available; these
ref-erences are listed in the bibliography at the end
of this chapter and can be consulted for specific
Management of Discharges to the Air
The discharge, or release, of substances to the
air, no matter how slight, is regarded as air
pol-lution Such discharges can be classified in one
of only two categories, within compliance or not
within compliance A federal permit as well as a
state license or permit must cover all discharges
over a certain quantity per unit time Local
ordi-nances or regulations may also apply
Discharges to the air can be direct, by means
of a stack, or by way of leaks from a building’s
windows, doors, or other openings The latter
are referred to as “fugitive emissions.”
Volatil-ization of organic compounds, such as solvents
and gasoline from storage containers, transfer
equipment, or even points of use, are important
sources of air discharges Another source of
discharge to the air of volatile organics is
aer-ated wastewater treatment systems
Management of discharges to the air is
almost always interrelated with management of
discharges to the water and/or the ground
because air pollution control devices usually
remove substances from the air discharge
(usu-ally a stack) and transfer them to a liquid
solution or suspension, as with a scrubber, or to
a collector of solids, as with a bag house.Therefore, a total system approach to environ-mental pollution control is preferred, and thisapproach should include a pollution preventionprogram with vigorous waste minimization There are three phases to the air pollutioncycle: (1) the release, or discharge, at thesource; (2) the dispersal of pollutants in theatmosphere; and (3) the reception of pollutants
by humans, animals, or inanimate objects.Management of the first phase is a matter ofengineering, control, and operation of equip-ment The second phase can be influenced bystack height, but meteorology dictates the path
of travel of released pollutants Because themotions of the atmosphere can be highly vari-able in all dimensions, management of the thirdphase, which is the ultimate objective of airpollution control, requires knowledge of mete-orology and the influence of topography Chapter 3 presents a detailed synopsis oflaws and regulations that pertain to protection
of the nation’s air resources Because theselaws are constantly being revised and replaced
by new legislation, an updated supplement tothis book is published every five years
Analysis of Manufacturing Process
Successful and cost-effective air pollution trol has its foundation in complete awareness
con-of all con-of the individual sources, fugitive as well
as point sources The process of cataloguingeach and every individual air discharge within
an industrial manufacturing or other facility ismost efficiently done by developing detaileddiagrams of the facility as a whole Depending
on the size and complexity of the facility, itmay also be advantageous to develop separatediagrams for point sources and sources of fugi-tive emissions Next, a separate block diagramfor each air discharge source should be devel-oped The purpose of each block diagram is toillustrate how each manufacturing process andwastewater or solid wastes treatment or han-dling process contributes unwanted substances
to the air Figures 1-6 through 1-8 are examples
of these diagrams
Trang 30Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 21
Figure 1-6 Block diagram of a cement manufacturing plant.
Trang 3122 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Figure 1-7 Flowsheet for the manufacture of Portland Cement (Taken from the EPA Development Document PB-238
610, 1974.)
Trang 32Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 23
Figure 1-8 Kiln dust collection and handling.
Trang 3324 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Figures 1-6 through 1-8 are block diagrams
that pertain to a facility that manufactures
cement from limestone Figure 1-6 is a diagram
of the facility as a whole, showing the cement
manufacturing process as well as the physical
plant, including the buildings, parking lots, and
storage facilities
Cement, manufactured for use in making
concrete, is produced by grinding limestone,
cement rock, oyster shell marl, or chalk, all
principally calcium carbonate, and mixing it
with ground sand, clay, shale, iron ore, and
blast furnace slag, as necessary, to obtain the
desired ingredients in proper proportions This
mixture is dried in a kiln and then ground again
while mixing with gypsum The final product is
then stored, bagged, and shipped Each of the
individual production operations generates, or
is otherwise associated with, dust or
“particu-lates” and is a potential source of air pollutant
emissions exceeding permit limits
Figures 1-6 and 1-7 illustrate that raw
mate-rials are received and stockpiled at the plant,
and are potential sources of particulate
emis-sions because of the fine particles of dust that
are generated during the mining,
transporta-tion, loading, and unloading processes Their
susceptibility to being blown around if they are
out in the open is also a factor In order to
control emissions from these sources, it is
nec-essary to conduct all loading, unloading,
grind-ing, and handling operations within enclosures
that are reasonably air-tight, to prevent fugitive
emissions, and are also ventilated, for the
health and safety of employees Ventilation
requires a fresh air intake and a discharge The
discharge requires a treatment process
Candi-date treatment processes for this application
include bag houses, wet scrubbers, and
electro-static precipitators, possibly in combination
with one or more inertial separators Each of
these treatment technologies is discussed in
Chapter 10
A very important aspect of air pollution
con-trol is to obtain and then maintain a high degree
of integrity of the buildings and other
enclo-sures that have as at least one of their purposes
that of containment of potential air pollutants
Doors and windows and vents must be kept
shut The building or enclosure must be kept ingood repair to avoid leaks In many cases, it isnecessary to maintain a negative pressure(pressure inside building below atmosphericpressure outside building) in order to preventthe escape of gasses or particulates Maintain-ing the integrity of the building or enclosurebecomes very important in this case to mini-mize costs for maintaining the negative pres-sure gradient
As further illustrated in Figure 1-6, the nextseries of processing operations constitutes thecement manufacturing process itself, and startswith crushing, then proceeds through mixing,grinding, blending, and drying in a kiln Each ofthese processes generates major amounts of par-ticulates, which must be contained, transported,and collected by use of one or more treatmenttechnologies, as explained in Chapter 10 Insome cases, it may be most advantageous frompoints of view of reliability or cost effectiveness,
or both, to use one treatment system for all pointsources In other cases, it might prove best totreat one or more of the sources individually Continuing through the remaining pro-cesses illustrated in Figures 1-6 and 1-7, thefinished product (cement) must be cooled, sub-jected to finish grinding, cooled again, stored,then bagged and sent off to sales distributionlocations Again, each of these operations is
a potential source of airborne pollutants, inthe form of particulate matter, and it is neces-sary to contain, transport, and collect the partic-ulates using hoods, fans, ductwork, and one ormore treatment technologies as explained inChapter 10
The next step in the process of identifyingeach and every source of air pollutant dischargefrom the cement manufacturing plant beingused as an example is to develop a block dia-gram for each individual activity that is a majoremission source Figure 1-8 illustrates this step.Figure 1-8 is a block diagram of the processreferred to as the “kiln,” which dries the unfin-ished cement using heat This diagram pertains
to only the manufacturing process and does notinclude sources of emissions from the physicalplant, most of which are sources of fugitiveemissions
Trang 34Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 25Figure 1-8 shows that the inputs to the kiln
include partially manufactured (wet) cement
and hot air The outputs include dry partially
manufactured cement and exhaust air, laden
with cement dust, or particulates The diagram
then shows that there are four candidate
tech-nologies to treat the exhaust gas to remove the
particulates before discharge to the ambient air
The four candidate technologies are:
• Electrostatic precipitator
• Cyclone
• Bag house
• Wet scrubber
Each of these technologies is worthy of
fur-ther investigation, including their technical
fea-sibility and cost effectiveness Also, each of
these technologies results in a residual, which
must be handled and disposed of properly
For instance, the bag house technology
pro-duces a residual that can be described as a dry,
fine dust that is essentially “raw” cement This
material can be stored in a “dust bin” (the dust
bin must be managed as a potential air
pollu-tion source), and from there can be:
• Returned to the kiln in an attempt to increase
the yield of the manufacturing process
• Buried
• Hauled (as a by-product) to another point of
• Mixed with water to form a slurry
The first of the aforementioned options is
only a partial solution, at best, because there
must be some “blow down,” if only to maintain
quality specifications for the finished product
The second option, “burial,” is a final solution,
but it must be accomplished within the
parame-ters of good solid waste disposal practice, and
the third option, “water slurry,” is only an
interim treatment step Forming a water slurry
transforms the air pollution potential problem
into a water pollution potential problem
(“cross-media” effect) The slurry can be
trans-ported to another location without risk of air
pollution, but it must then be dewatered by
sed-imentation before final disposal within the
bounds of acceptable solid waste and ter disposal practices
wastewa-The foregoing example illustrates how anentire manufacturing facility must be analyzedand diagrammed to define each and everysource of discharge of pollutants to the air as anearly step in a technically feasible and cost-effective air pollution control program Thenext steps are presented as follows
Wastes Minimization and Characterization Study
After all potential sources of air pollutants havebeen identified, the objectives of the industry’spollution prevention program should beaddressed As explained in Chapter 7, wastesminimization is only one aspect of a pollutionprevention program, but it is a critical one.Each source should first be analyzed to deter-mine if it could be eliminated Next, materialssubstitution should be considered to determine
if there are opportunities to use able substances in place of currently usedobjectionable ones Then, it should be deter-mined whether a change in present operations,for instance, improved preventive maintenance
nonobjection-or improved equipment, can significantlyreduce pollutant generation Finally, it should
be determined whether improvements in dent and spill prevention as well as improvedemergency response are warranted
acci-After a prudent wastes minimization gram has been carried out, a period should beallocated to determine if the changes madeappear to be permanent This phase of the over-all air pollution control program is importantbecause, if the determination of air pollutantflow rates and concentrations is made on thebasis of improved maintenance and operationalprocedures, and if the facility regresses to theway things were done previously, the handlingand treatment equipment designed on the basis
pro-of the improved procedures will be overloadedand will fail
Once all air pollution flows and loads havebecome stabilized, each of the sources should
be subjected to a characterization program todetermine flow rates and target pollutant
Trang 3526 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
concentrations (flows and loads) for the
pur-pose of developing design criteria for handling
and treatment facilities Examples of handling
facilities are hoods, fans, and ductwork
Examples of treatment equipment are
electro-static precipitators and fabric filters (bag
houses, for instance) The characterization
study is essentially the process of developing
estimates of emission rates based on historical
records of either the facility under
consider-ation or those of a similar facility For instance,
materials balances showing amounts of raw
materials purchased and products sold can be
used to estimate loss rates
Treatment Objectives
Treatment objectives are needed to complete
the development of design criteria for handling
and treatment equipment The air discharge
permit, either in hand or anticipated, is one of
the principal factors used in this development
Another principal factor is the strategy to be
used regarding allowances, i.e., whether or not
to buy allowances from another source or to
reduce emissions below permit limits and
attempt to recover costs by selling allowances
This strategy and its legal basis are discussed in
Chapter 3 Only after all treatment objectives
have been developed can candidate treatment
technologies be determined; however, it may
be beneficial to employ an iterative process,
whereby more than one set of treatment
objectives and their appropriate candidate
technologies are compared as competing
alter-natives in a financial analysis to determine the
most cost-effective system
Selection of Candidate Technologies
After the characteristics of air discharges, in
terms of flows and loads, have been determined
(based on stabilized processes after changes
were made for wastes minimization), and
treat-ment objectives have been agreed upon,
candidate technologies for removal of
pollut-ants can be selected The principles discussed
in Chapters 2 and 8 are used as the bases for
this selection The selection should be based on
one or more of the following:
• Successful application in a similar set ofconditions
• Knowledge of chemistry
• Knowledge of options available, as well asknowledge of capabilities and limitations ofthose alternative treatment technologiesThe next step is to conduct bench scaleinvestigations to determine technical and finan-cial feasibility
Bench Scale Investigations
Unless there is unequivocal proof that a giventechnology will be successful in a given appli-cation, a rigorous program of bench scalefollowed by pilot scale investigations must becarried out Such a program is necessary forstandard treatment technologies as well asinnovative technologies The cost for this type
of program will be recovered quickly, as aresult of the equipment being appropriatelysized and operated Under-designed equipmentwill simply be unsuccessful Over-designedequipment will cost far more to purchase,install, and operate
The results of a carefully executed benchscale pollutant removal investigation providethe design engineer with reliable data on which
to determine the technical feasibility of a givenpollutant removal technology, as well as a pre-liminary estimate of the costs for purchase,construction and installation, and operation andmaintenance Without such data, the designengineer is forced to use very conservativeassumptions and design criteria The result,barring outrageous serendipity, will be unnec-essarily high costs for treatment throughout thelife of the treatment process
Pilot Scale Investigations
Bench scale investigations are only the firststep in a necessary procedure for determiningthe most cost-effective treatment technology.Inherent scale-up problems make it inadvis-able, to say the least; imprudent, to beconservative; and negligent, to be truthful, todesign a full-scale treatment system based only
Trang 36Management of Industrial Wastes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases 27
on data from bench scale work The next step
after bench scale investigations is the pilot
scale work A pilot plant is simply a small
ver-sion of the anticipated full-scale treatment
A good pilot plant should have the capability
to vary operational parameters It is not
suffi-cient to merely confirm that successful
treat-ment, in terms of compliance with discharge
limitations, can be achieved using the same
operating parameters as was determined by the
bench scale investigations Again, it would be
outrageous serendipity if the results of the
bench scale investigations truly identified the
most cost-effective, as well as reliable,
full-scale treatment system design and operating
The pilot scale investigation should be
carried out at the industrial site, using a
por-tion of the actual gas stream to be treated A
pilot scale treatment unit, for instance a wet
scrubber, or an electrostatic precipitator, can,
in many cases, be rented from a
manufac-turer and transported to the site on a flatbed
The pilot plant should be operated
continu-ously, over a representative period, so as to
include as many of the waste stream variations
that are expected to be experienced by the
full-scale unit as is reasonably possible One
diffi-culty in carrying out a pilot scale study is that
smaller units are more susceptible to upset,
fouling, plugging, or other damage from slug
doses caused by spills or malfunctions in
pro-cessing equipment Also, unfamiliarity on the
part of the pilot plant, either with the gas
stream being treated, the processing system
from which the stream is generated, or the pilot
plant itself, can result in the need for prolonged
Similar to wastewater treatment pilot plant
investigations, it is critically important to
oper-ate a pilot scale treatment system for a
suffi-ciently long period to:
• Include as many combinations of wastes
that are reasonably expected to occur during
the foreseeable life of the prototype system,
as is reasonably possible
• Evaluate as many combinations of operationparameters as is reasonably possible Whenoperation parameters are changed, forinstance the volumetric loading of an airscrubber, the chemical feed rate of a pHneutralization system, or the effective poresize of a bag house type fabric filter, the sys-tem must operate for a long enough time toachieve steady state before data to be usedfor evaluation are taken Of course, it will benecessary to obtain data during the periodjust after operation parameters are changed,
to determine when steady state has beenreached
Observations should be made to determinewhether performance of the pilot plant using aparticular set of parameters is in the range ofwhat was predicted from the results of thebench scale investigations If the difference inperformance is significant, it may be prudent tostop the pilot scale investigation work and try
to determine the cause
Preliminary Designs
The results of the pilot scale investigationsshow which technologies are capable of meet-ing the treatment objectives, but do not enable
an accurate estimation of capital and operatingcosts A meaningful cost-effectiveness analysiscan take place only after preliminary designs ofthose technologies that produced satisfactoryeffluent quality in the pilot scale investigationshave been completed A preliminary design,then, is a design of an entire waste treatmentfacility, carried out in sufficient detail to enableaccurate estimation of the costs for construct-ing and operating a waste treatment facility Itmust be complete to the extent that the sizesand descriptions of all of the pumps, pipes,valves, tanks, concrete work, buildings, sitework, control systems, and labor requirementsare established The difference between a pre-liminary design and a final design is principally
in the completeness of detail in the drawingsand specifications It is almost as though theteam that produces the preliminary designcould use it to directly construct the plant Theextra detail that goes into the final design is
Trang 3728 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
principally used to communicate all of the
intentions of the design team to people not
involved in the design
Economic Comparisons
The choice of treatment technology and
com-plete treatment system between two or more
systems proven to be reliably capable of
meet-ing the treatment objectives should be based on
a thorough analysis of all costs over the
expected life of the system
American Society of Civil Engineers, Manual
of Practice: Quality in the Construction
Project—A Guide for Owners, Designers,
and Contractors, New York, 1988
CELDS: United States Army Corps of
Engi-neers, Construction Engineering Research
Chanlett, E.T., Environmental Protection, 2nd
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979
Dunne, T., and L.D Leopold, Water in
Envi-ronmental Planning, Freeman, San
Francisco, 1978
Pruett, J.M., “Using Statistical Analysis for
Engineering Decisions,” Plant Engineering,
May 13, 1976, pp 155–157
U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Design
Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and Component Reliability,
EPA-430-99-74-001, Washington, D.C.,
U.S Environmental Protection Agency,
Devel-opment Document for Effluent Limitations and Guidelines and New Source Perfor- mance Standards for the Cement Manufacturing Point Source Category, EPA/
PB-238 610, January 1974
U.S Environmental Protection Agency, ISO
14000 Resource Directory, National Risk
Management Research Laboratory, EPA/625/R-97/003, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1997
Vesilind, P.A., Environmental Pollution and
Control, 10th ed., Ann Arbor Science
Pub-lishers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982
Wachinski, A.M., and J.E Etzel,
Environmen-tal Ion Exchange, Lewis Publishers, New
York, 1997
Willis, J.T., (ed.), Environmental TQM, 2nd
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994
Trang 382 Fundamentals
Although the laws and regulations that require
industrial wastewater treatment are constantly
changing, the fundamental principles on which
treatment technologies are based do not
change This chapter presents a summarized
version of the basic chemistry and physics that
treatment technologies are based on, with the
objective of showing that a command of these
principles can enable quick, efficient
identifica-tion of very effective treatment technologies
for almost any given type of wastewater
The fundamental idea upon which the
approach suggested in this chapter is based can
be stated as follows: If the mechanisms by
which individual pollutants become
incorpo-rated into a waste stream can be identified,
ana-lyzed, and described, the most efficient
methodology of removal, or treatment, will be
As an example of the usefulness of this
approach to quickly develop an effective,
effi-cient treatment scheme, the leachate from a
landfill was to be pretreated, then discharged to
a municipal wastewater treatment facility
(publicly owned treatment works [POTW])
Because the waste sludge from the POTW was
to be disposed of by land application, a
restric-tive limitation was placed on heavy metals in
the pretreated leachate Analysis of the
leachate showed that the content of iron was
relatively high Other metals such as cadmium
(probably from discarded batteries), zinc,
cop-per, nickel, and lead were also present in excess
of the concentrations allowed by the
pretreat-ment permit, but substantially lower than iron
Knowledge of the following enabled quick
conceptualization of a treatment scheme:
• All metals are sparingly soluble in water
• Iron in the divalent state is highly soluble in
water, whereas iron in the trivalent state is
• Iron can be converted from the divalent state
to the trivalent state by passing air throughthe aqueous solution containing the dis-solved iron (The oxygen in the air oxidizesthe ferrous (divalent) ion to ferric (trivalent)ion.)
• Because substances such as cadmium, zinc,and lead are so sparingly soluble, they tend
to adsorb to the surface of almost any solidparticle in an aqueous environment
In this scheme, the leachate would be veyed to a simple, open concrete tank where airwas bubbled through it In this tank, insolubleiron oxide was formed from soluble ferrouscompounds, the precipitated iron oxide parti-cles would coagulate and flocculate because ofthe gentle mixing action of the air bubbles, anddissolved species of other metals would adsorb
con-to the iron oxide particles Next, the aeratedleachate was allowed to settle, effectivelyremoving all of the heavy metals to within thelimits of the pretreatment permit
The following sections of this chapter havebeen developed to explain the fundamentalchemical and physical principles by which pol-lutants become dissolved, suspended, or other-wise incorporated into wastewater At the end
of this chapter, several simple examples, lar to that involving the leachate, are given tofurther illustrate the usefulness of the techniquewhereby fundamental concepts of chemistryand physics can be applied to efficientlydeduce optimal treatment schemes
simi-Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater is the aqueous discardthat results from the use of water in an indus-trial manufacturing process or the cleaningactivities that take place along with thatprocess
Trang 3930 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
Industrial wastewater is the result of
sub-stances other than water having been dissolved
or suspended in water The objective of
indus-trial wastewater treatment is to remove those
dissolved or suspended substances The best
approach to working out an effective and
effi-cient method of industrial wastewater treatment
is to examine those properties of water and of
the dissolved or suspended substances that
enabled or caused the dissolution or
suspen-sion, then to deduce plausible chemical or
physical actions that would reverse those
pro-cesses Familiarity with the polar
characteris-tics of water is fundamental to being able to
make such deductions
The Polar Properties of Water
Water molecules are polar This polarity arises
from the spatial arrangement of protons and
electrons in the individual hydrogen and oxygen
atoms that make up each water molecule
Con-sidering hydrogen first, it is the smallest of the
elements Hydrogen consists of one proton
within a small, extremely dense nucleus and one
electron contained within an orbital that is more
or less spherical and surrounds the nucleus An
orbital is a region in space where, according to
the theory of quantum mechanics, an electron is
most likely to be found Figure 2-1 is a
two-dimensional portrayal of the three-two-dimensional
hydrogen atom, but is sufficient to show that, at
any given instant, the negatively charged
elec-tron is able to counteract the positively charged
nucleus within only a small region of the space
that the atom occupies
Figure 2-1 Diagram of a hydrogen atom
Figure 2-1 illustrates that, if a charge tor could be placed near the hydrogen atom, atany given instant, it would detect a negativecharge in the region near the electron and apositive charge everywhere else The positivecharge would register strongest in the regionopposite in space to the region occupied by theelectron At any given instant then, a hydrogenatom is a polar object, having a negativelycharged region and a positively charged region
detec-In this sense, at any given instant, a hydrogenatom exhibits properties of a tiny magnet; how-ever, the electron is in continual motion, and atany given instant can be found anywherewithin the approximately spherical orbital sur-rounding the nucleus The net effect of an iso-lated hydrogen atom is to appear electricallyneutral and not polar
Before proceeding to an examination of thestructure and electrically charged characteris-tics of oxygen, and then water, it is useful toexamine the construction of the six elementsthat lie between hydrogen and oxygen in size,and to consider, in a step-by-step way, howeach successive proton and its associated elec-tron influence the characteristics of each ele-ment Several “rules” govern where electronsare to be found within an atom or a molecule.The first has to do with energy level As atomsincrease in size, the additional protons alwaysreside in the nucleus, but the additional elec-trons reside in successively larger orbitals that,
in turn, exist within successively larger tric shells The electrons within orbitals that arecloser to the nucleus are of lower energy levelthan those in larger orbitals One of the strictrules of electron location is that no electron canoccupy an orbital of higher energy level untilall orbitals of lower energy are “full.” A secondrule is that only two electrons can occupy anyatomic orbital, and these electrons must haveopposite spins These electrons of oppositespin are called “electron pairs.” Electrons oflike spin tend to get as far away from eachother as possible This rule is the “Pauli exclu-sion principle” and is the most important of allthe influences that determine the properties andshapes of molecules
Trang 40concen-Fundamentals 31Figures 2-2(a) and (b) show two ways
to depict a spherical electron orbital
Figure 2-2(a) presents the orbital as a
spheri-cal cloud surrounding the nucleus Figure 2-2
(b) is simply a convenient, two-dimensional
representation of the orbital Figure 2-3 shows
the shapes of the two orbitals of lowest
energy level, which are the two smallest
orbit-als as well
Figure 2-3(a) shows that the smallest and,
therefore, lowest energy level orbital is
desig-nated the “1s” orbital and is approximately
spherical The center of the 1s orbital coincides
with the center of the atom’s nucleus Figure
2-3(b) shows that the next larger orbital is
called the “2s” orbital and is also
approxi-mately spherical, with its center coinciding
with the center of the nucleus Next in size (and
energy level) are three orbitals of equal energy
level that have two approximately spherical
lobes each, and can thus be described as having
Figure 2-2(a) Spherical electron orbital as a spherical
cloud surrounding the nucleus.
Figure 2-2(b) Two-dimensional representation of the
electron orbital.
shapes similar to dumbbells (as in ing) These orbitals, named “2p orbitals,”are shown in Figures 2-4(a), (b), and (c).Figure 2-4(a), (b), and (c) show that the threetwo-lobed orbitals are arranged so as to be asfar away from one another as possible, and arethus arranged such that the center of each lobelies on one of three axes that are perpendicular
weightlift-to one another
The center of the atomic nucleus coincideswith the origin of the three axes The axes arereferred to as the x, y, and z-axes, and the threeorbitals are called the 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals The electron orbitals exist within electronshells The electron shells are concentric andare numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and the smallershells, closer to the nucleus, must become fullbefore electrons will be found in orbitals inhigher, or larger, shells Shell 1 is full with one(1s) orbital The total number of electrons inshell 1, when it is full, then, is two Shell 2 is
Figure 2-3(a) 1s orbital.
Figure 2-3(b) 1s and 2s orbital.