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Sở GD – ĐT ABC KIỂM TRA HỌC 1( NH 2007 -2008) Trường PTTH XYZ MÔN : TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 ANH TG : 60’ (Không kể thời gian giao đề) b*a Name :…………………………… Class :………………………… A. TRAÉC NGHIEÄM (4ñ) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: 1/ a ask b master c castle d aspect 2/ a prove b movie c women d lose 3/ a champagne b chemist c chiropodist d chaos 4/a advanced b arrived c equipped d watched 5/ a resign b sit c easy d busy Choose the best answer that best completes each sentence 6/ Because it hadn't rained for several months, there was a _______of water a water b drop c scarce d shortage 7/ If it_________for his help, we couldn't succeed in business a hadn't been b isn't c won't d weren't 8/ When he retired from his job, the director________ him with a clock. a presented b offered c satisfied d pleased 9/ Vitamin C________ by the human body. It gets in to the blood stream quickly a is easily absorbing b is easily absorbed c absorbs easily d absorbed easily 10/ She was trusted because she was_______ a being honesty b honestly c honest d honesty 11/ . If Mary could be an animal, she________ to be a dolphin. a liked b likes c would like d will like 12/ I would like to thank you……… my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us a an account of b on behalf of c instead of d because of 13/ _______he have a lot of money, he_______travel around the world. a had / would be b. should /will c Unless / will d.would /will 14/ It's high time you_______this place a left b leave c had left d leaved 15/ "when_________________?" "In 1928" a did penicillin discovered b. penicillin was discovered c was penicillin discovered d. did penicillin discover 16/ Wedding rings are usually made__________ gold a of b on c in d by 17/ It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for_______ a a control b a revision c a check-up d an investigation 18/ I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won't ________ me to go again. a persuade b impress c urge d convince 19/ . I_________ it if I didn't see it with my own eyes a will believe b wouldn't believe c would believe d won't believe 20/ She tried to prevent the dog___________ running into the road a for b to c from d against B. TÖÏ LUAÄN (6ñ) I. Use some cues to complete a profile of Shakespeare (2ms) 1. William Shakespeare /born/April/16,1564 Strafford - on - Avon 2. He/ move/London/when/still/young. 3. By/age/ 35/already/well-known writer 4. He/ write/plays/ some poems 5. His plays/of/3kinds/history/tragedy/comedy Mã đề :001 6. He/die/1616/age/52 7. He/considered/genius/with/many ideas/life 8. and/ wonderful way /with/words II/ Supply the correct word form (2ms) Wildlife in Danger Air travel has become much (0) cheaper in recent year and (1)_________________________________go on foreign holidays in larger numbers every year. The huge travel and tourism (2)___________________ brings money to many of The poorer countries around the world. The (3)_________________________of large numbers of visitors every year (4)______________ very good (5)_______________and planning However, many countries have (6)_huge tourist centers without much thought for(7)____________________________ people and (8)_________________ III. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning (2ms) 1. Michael found the car he really wanted but he didn't have enough money. If Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The police have arrested the men who broke into the museum last night The men -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tom can't do the test now because he didn't study his lessons last night If Tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. When we arrived at the party, no one was there. Everyone -------------------------------------------- 5. You shouldn't travel alone under any circumstances. Under ------------------------------------------------ 6. They couldn't find the missing boy anywhere. Nowhere --------------------------------------------- 7. We can see the moon only at night. Only --------------------------------------------------- 8. He had just come home when the guests came. No sooner--------------------------------------------- DEVELOPMENT LOCATION WILD TOUR INDUSTRIAL ARRIVE REQUIREMENT ORGANISE ĐÁP ÁN TR ẮC NGHI ỆM Đáp án của đề thi: Đáp án của đề thi: 1[ 1]d . 2[ 1]c . 3[ 1]a . 4[ 1]b . 5[ 1]b . ¤ Đáp án của đề thi: 6 1]d . 7[ 1]d . 8[ 1]a . 9 [1]b . 10[ 1]c . 11[ 1]c . 12[ 1]b . 13[ 1]b . 14[ 1]a . 15[ 1]c . 16[ 1]a . 17[ 1]c . 18 [ 1]a . 19[ 1]b . 20[ 1]c . TỰ LUẬN Supply the correct word form (2ms) ( 0,25m for each) 1.tourists 2. industry 3.arrival 4.requires 5. organization 6.developed 7. local 8. wildlife Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning (2ms) ( 0,25m for each) 1.If Michael had had enough money, he would have bought the car 2.The men who broke into the museum last night have been arrested 3 By the age of 35 he was already a well- known writer 4 He wrote many plays and some poems 5.His plays are of 3 kinds: history, tragedy and comedy 6.He died in 1616 at the age of 52 7 He is considered a genius with many ideas about life 8.and with wonderful way with words Use some cues to complete a profile of Shakespeare (2ms)( 0,25m for each ) 1.W.S was born on April 16 th 1654 on Trafford- on - Avon 2.He moved to London when he was still young 3.By the age of 35 he was already a well - known writer 4.He wrote many plays and some poems 5.His plays are of 3 kinds: history, tragedy and comedy 6.He died in 1616 at the age of 52 7.He is considered a genius with many ideas about life 8.and with wonderful way with words KIỂM TRA HỌC 1( NH 2007 -2008) MÔN : TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 ANH TG : 60’ (Không kể thời gian giao đề) b*a Name :…………………………… Class :………………………… A. TÖÏ LUAÄN (6ñ) I/ Supply the correct word form (2ms) Mã đề :002 Wildlife in Danger Air travel has become much (0) cheaper in recent year and (1)_________________________________go on foreign holidays in larger numbers every year. The huge travel and tourism (2)___________________ brings money to many of The poorer countries around the world. The (3)_________________________of large numbers of visitors every year (4)______________ very good (5)_______________and planning However, many countries have (6)_huge tourist centers without much thought for(7)____________________________ people and (8)_________________ II. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning (2ms) 1. Michael found the car he really wanted but he didn't have enough money. If Michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. The police have arrested the men who broke into the museum last night The men -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tom can't do the test now because he didn't study his lessons last night If Tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. When we arrived at the party, no one was there. Everyone -------------------------------------------- 5. You shouldn't travel alone under any circumstances. Under ------------------------------------------------ 6. They couldn't find the missing boy anywhere. Nowhere --------------------------------------------- 7. We can see the moon only at night. Only --------------------------------------------------- 8. He had just come home when the guests came. No sooner--------------------------------------------- III. Use some cues to complete a profile of Shakespeare (2ms) 1. William Shakespeare /born/April/16,1564 Strafford - on - Avon 2. He/ move/London/when/still/young. 3. By/age/ 35/already/well-known writer 4. He/ write/plays/ some poems 5. His plays/of/3kinds/history/tragedy/comedy 6. He/die/1616/age/52 7. He/considered/genius/with/many ideas/life 8. and/ wonderful way /with/words DEVELOPMENT LOCATION WILD TOUR INDUSTRIAL ARRIVE REQUIREMENT ORGANISE B. TRAÉC NGHIEÄM (4ñ) I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1/ a chaos b champagne c chemist d chiropodist 2/ a prove b lose c movie d women 3/ a equipped b watched c arrived d advanced 4/ a aspect b ask c master d castle 5/ a sit b easy c busy d resign II. Choose the best answer that best completes each sentence 6/ . If Mary could be an animal, she________ to be a dolphin. a will like b liked c would like d likes 7/ She tried to prevent the dog___________ running into the road a from b against c to d for 8/ Wedding rings are usually made__________ gold a of b in c on d by 9/ Vitamin C________ by the human body. It gets in to the blood stream quickly a is easily absorbed b is easily absorbing c absorbed easily d absorbs easily 10/ Because it hadn't rained for several months, there was a _______of water a drop b shortage c water d scarce 11/ . I_________ it if I didn't see it with my own eyes a wouldn't believe b won't believe c would believe d will believe 12/ When he retired from his job, the director________ him with a clock. a satisfied b pleased c presented d offered 13/ "when_________________?" "In 1928" a did penicillin discovered b was penicillin discovered c penicillin was discovered d did penicillin discover 14/ It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for_______ a a control b a revision c an investigation d a check-up 15/ I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won't ________ me to go again. a convince b impress c urge d persuade 16/ I would like to thank you______my colleagues, for the welcome you have given us a on behalf of b because of c an account of d instead of 17/ It's high time you_______this place a leave b left c leaved d had left 18/ She was trusted because she was_______ a being honesty b honestly c honest d honesty 19/ _______he have a lot of money, he_______ travel around the world. a should /will b .had / would be c.would /will d Unless / will 20/ If it_________for his help, we couldn't succeed in business a isn't b weren't c won't d hadn't been ------------------------The End-------------------- ĐÁP ÁN TR ẮC NGHI ỆM ¤ Đáp án của đề thi: 1[ 1]b . 2[ 1]d . 3[ 1]c . 4[ 1]a . 5[ 1]a . ¤ Đáp án của đề thi: 6[ 1]c . 7[ 1]a . 8[ 1]a . 9[ 1]a . 10[ 1]b . 11[ 1]a . 12[ 1]c . 13[ 1]b . 14[ 1]d . 15[ 1]d . 16[ 1]a . 17[ 1]b . 18[ 1]c . 19[ 1]a . 20[ 1]b . TỰ LUẬN Supply the correct word form (2ms) ( 0,25m for each) 1.tourists 2. industry 3.arrival 4.requires 5. organization 6.developed 7. local 8. wildlife Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning (2ms) ( 0,25m for each) 1.If Michael had had enough money, he would have bought the car 2.The men who broke into the museum last night have been arrested 3 By the age of 35 he was already a well- known writer 4 He wrote many plays and some poems 5.His plays are of 3 kinds: history, tragedy and comedy 6.He died in 1616 at the age of 52 7 He is considered a genius with many ideas about life 8.and with wonderful way with words Use some cues to complete a profile of Shakespeare (2ms)( 0,25m for each ) 1.W.S was born on April 16 th 1654 on Trafford- on - Avon 2.He moved to London when he was still young 3.By the age of 35 he was already a well - known writer 4.He wrote many plays and some poems 5.His plays are of 3 kinds: history, tragedy and comedy 6.He died in 1616 at the age of 52 7.He is considered a genius with many ideas about life 8.and with wonderful way with words . Sở GD – ĐT ABC KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ 1( NH 2007 -2008) Trường PTTH XYZ MÔN : TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 ANH TG : 60’ (Không kể thời gian giao đề). about life 8.and with wonderful way with words KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ 1( NH 2007 -2008) MÔN : TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 ANH TG : 60’ (Không kể thời gian giao đề) b*a Name

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2013, 01:27

