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“THE WARNING IS UPON US PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS” God is using many of His chosen ones to warn us and gives us messages of the Great Chastisement that is going to be soon upon us if we not change, however we chose not to listen We refuse to pay attention to the signs that are right in our faces with the increase of violent Earth Changes in the last few years: e.i Massive Earthquakes, Volcanic Erruptions, Devastating Tornadoes and Hurricanes, Droughts, Plagues and Diseases, Famines, Mass Animal Die Offs that Have no Explanations and Much, Close calls with Asteroids, Meteors Impacting the Planet and much more We continue to allow that a small group of greedy humans destroy our Planet, kill the innocent and other sentient beings through wars, abortions, violence, etc Evil has become the norm We have sold our souls and our gods have become money and earthly pleasures and we have left God out of the Equation We prefer material things to the Spiritual and our relationship to God, one another, other sentient beings and the Planet Soon all this will end and the world as we know it will never be the same after the Warning and the Great Chastisement I am enclosing in these few pages some of the warnings that God is giving us through His Prophets so that you wake up before it's too late!!! You can choose to ignore these message or you can choose to seriously heed them and become one of God's emissaries and share these pages with others and save lives as well as souls OUR LADY OF GARBANDAL The Warning: GARBANDAL There are prophecies in Scriptures that should concern all of us There are modern day prophets making claims to prophecy Some of these prophets and visionaries claim they have seen sad events, which will fall upon the world The apparitions of the Virgin Mary to shepherd children in Fatima as an example The prophecies given the children were questionable during the time of the apparitions in 1917, the most recent release of the "Third secret of Fatima," the prophecies have all come true In apparitions such as Medjugorje and Garabandal the prophecies are quite alarming The four warnings given were (in order of sequence): The Warning:: A worldwide warning is to be experienced by everyone on earth Its purpose will be to call humanity to amend its behavior and return to God The Miracle: A great miracle will occur in the late winter or early spring within one year after the warning Signs of the Miracle: Permanent signs of the miracle will remain for all time at a pine grove near Garabandal and other selected locations of Marian apparitions The Chastisement: A terrible chastisement will occur during which many will die Other prophecies indicate that this chastisement will eliminate up to two-thirds of humanity Between 1961 and 1965 over 2,000 apparitions of the Virgin Mary appeared at San Sebastian de Garabandal in northwest Spain Four girls aged eleven and twelve were revealed four warnings in visions concerning the future DATES: We not know the date of the warning From the time she learned of it, the visionary Conchita has spoken of the warning as “imminent”, “expected every day” though she herself does not know the date Conchita alone knows the date of the miracle Our Lady permitted her to say only that it will come some time after the warning Conchita will announce the date of the miracle eight days prior to its occurrence The chastisement, if it comes, will follow the miracle-how long after is not known NATURE: The warning will be seen and felt by everyone in the world, no matter where they may be, at exactly the same time It will be a terrible experience The miracle will take place in Garabandal, in the pine grove, and be visible to all who are in the village or the surrounding mountains In Conchita’s words, the miracle will be “very great because of the world’s needs are very great.” It will be “a miracle of the love of God, something that will manifest His love to us in an outstanding way” The chastisement, if it comes, will be worldwide and incomparably horrible The warning, the miracle, and the chastisement will be clearly understood by all people to be from God, that is, not explained by natural causes Detailed Description And the Reasons Answers to the basic questions about the warning–(who? what? when? where? why?)–are found in various statements made by Conchita: The Blessed Virgin told me (during a two-hour apparition at the pines January 1, 1965) that a warning would be given before the miracle The warning is a thing that comes directly from God No one can escape it It will be visible all over the world We will feel it bodily and interiorly The warning is like a chastisement, a terrifying thing for the good as well as for the wicked It will be like a revelation of our sins We shall see the consequences of the sins we have committed God will send the warning to purify us so that we may better appreciate the miracle by which He clearly proves His love for us and hence His desire that we fulfill the message The warning will draw the good closer to God and it will warn the wicked that the end of time is coming The Warning is something that is seen in the air, everywhere in the world and is immediately transmitted into the interior of our souls It will last a very little time, but it will seem a very long time because of its effect within us It would be like fire It will not burn our flesh, but we will feel it bodily and interiorly The Warning appears like two stars — that crash and make a lot of noise, and a lot of light — but they don’t fall It’s not going to hurt us but we’re going to see it and, in that moment, we’re going to see our consciences The Warning sounds very much like two comets (or comet fragments in this case) will appear to be on a collision course with the earth — or with each other at close proximity to our planet Whether they explode and disintegrate or impact one another is unclear Whatever happens, it will be at a safe distance from us But up until that point, humanity will be in great fear and dread of the coming “deep impact.” We are tempted to conclude this because, according to Conchita Gonzalez, The Warning will be “a fearful thing.” One year later will then come The Miracle, and less than a year later, a global holocaust called The Chastisement It is unclear whether conditions of war will already be in progress at the time of the cosmic Warning The Chastisement which will also come from outer space The Warning will be a catastrophe from space that, at the last second, will miraculously terminate far enough away to spare this planet and its inhabitants The Chastisement will be a catastrophe from space that will succeed in causing great destruction to earth and its inhabitants This will likely take the form of Planet X as it reaches it closest point to earth, a large celestial object also known by the ancient names of Nibiru and Marduk and the biblical prophetic name of Wormwood Both will bring great terror as mankind watches and awaits The Power of The Warning: Purification To a question about the nature of the warning, Conchita once replied: “It will be like fire It will not burn our flesh but we will feel it bodily and interiorly.” We must allow that Conchita gropes for human words, admittedly inadequate, to convey her understanding of the nature of the warning In fact, she said that the warning would be “like” fire; she did not say that it would be fire To Conchita, there are two things that the warning and the fire have in common: they can be “seen” and “felt,” and they are “very terrifying.” Hence her use of the words: “like fire.” In this same context—an attempt to make identifiable comparisons—I submit that the warning is “like (our understanding of) Purgatory.” Our Lady told Conchita that “we should bear this suffering for the sake of her Son, victim of the gravest offenses.” This is the language of penance and reparation However, it is possible–and this again is my own reflection—that, while we are experiencing the warning, we will not be able to make this penance offering or any other comforting identification, so absorbed will we be with the calamity visible to us and within us.(ftnt 3)Hence the necessity to “condition” our souls for it now, while we have the faculty to reflect and the presence of mind to make penance and reparation I believe that the warning will go easier for us to the extent that we prepare for it now through penance and the overall fulfillment of the message of Garabandal We have heard that some say the warning may be a natural phenomenon but will be used by God to speak to mankind.–The warning is something supernatural and will not be explained by science “The warning will be a correction of the conscience of the world.” Our Lady did not reveal the duration of the warning Shortly after the apparition, when Conchita learned of the warning, she told her aunt and Godmother, Maximina Gonzalez, about it Maximina asked how long the calamity would last Conchita said that she didn’t know, but that “we could suffer it by night as well as by day.” In this same conversation, Conchita said: “It is better to die than to suffer just five minutes of what is to happen to us.” In 1970, asked the same question Conchita repeated that she didn’t know but that two minutes of it will be enough for anybody.” These statements lead us to reflect that the warning is probably of short duration, but nonetheless- powerful Our Lady said the purpose of the warning “is to draw the good nearer to God and to warn the others (that they must reform),” and “God wishes that through this warning we amend our lives and commit less sins against Him.” To a woman who expressed her fears about the warning, Conchita remarked: “ Oh, but after the warning you will love God very much.” Another time Conchita said, “ I think those that not despair will experience great good from it (the warning) for their sanctification.” All of this leads to reflect that, at least for a time, there will be very much love and service to God The warning has the purpose and the power to achieve this, but to what extent and for how long depends on men How much time will we have to prepare? Asked this question in 1965, Conchita replied: “The miracle will not delay in coming.” She added, and this applies to the warning as well: “Although it is taking time to come, it will not be late God’s time is always the appropriate time.” In a interview Conchita stressed the need to fulfill the message in preparation for the warning and the miracle She said that during the apparitions Our Lady made her understand: “Everything is coming soon” • • • Of the three major prophecies of Garabandal, the warning, the miracle, and the chastisement, only the chastisement is not a certainty regarding the fulfillment It was always presented by Our Lady as something that could be averted if the world fulfilled the requests outlined in the formal message she gives to the world at Garabandal Asked if the warning would cause people to die, Conchita responded: “I think that if that happens it will be through fear.” Another time she replied: “I don’t know They could only die of the emotional shock of seeing it.” Considering the event as a whole, my own conclusion is that, differing from the chastisement, it is not the design of the warning to strike fatal blows However, it is plausible, even probable, that many will die from fear In the apparitions of Fatima, Our Lady said, on July 13, 1917: “When you see the night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign which God is giving you, indicating that the world, on account of its innumerable crimes, will soon be punished by war “In order to stop it, I ask for the consecration of the world to my Immaculate Heart ” The Fatima visionary, Lucia, said that the “sign of God” (warning) was the extraordinary aurora borealis which illuminated a large area of Europe for a long period of the night January 25-26, 1938 • These statements are made in a signed document by Maximina Gonzalez The document comes to us from Fr Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, the Spanish Capuchin who has done much writing about the Garabandal events Our Lady of Medjugorje Warnings and Chastisements of Medjugorje Medjugorje visionary Mirjana has mentioned the horror of these future chastisements The visionaries tell us there will be a "Lasting Sign" in Medjugorje We have heard the whole world will see it, but some visionaries have said that those visiting Medjugorje will see it messages reinforce the Catholic teachings of faith and morals Maria has been given the support of a number of believers including hundreds of priests and Christian volunteers from all over the world, to enable them to be revealed quickly to the world They are, she says, being revealed to the world for its own good and that of others The messages have been translated into 38 languages already Whether officially approved by the Church or otherwise, through perchance worthy of pious credence, Catholic individuals are not morally obliged to espouse the messages emanating from any source of private revelation (e.g apparitions, interior locutions and so forth) Unlike public revelation i.e Sacred Scripture the Church herself has no providential protection in the realm of private revelations The skies will open up during The Warning Monday, May 23rd, 2011 @ 02:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter you are suffering the torment that I endure for the sins of man This is what it feels like Now you are glimpsing just a tiny fraction of My suffering which I face every minute of your day There is nothing to fear, My daughter about The Warning The Warning will be a dramatic event It will shock many people in the world as it will be a dramatic event where the skies will open and the flames of Mercy will shoot up across the world For many people will not understand what is happening So shocked will they be they will mistakenly think that they are witnessing the end of the world Tell them to rejoice when they witness My Glory for this, if you are properly prepared for it, will be the most spectacular example of My Mercy since the day of My Crucifixion This, My children, will be your saving grace and will prevent those who would otherwise have been condemned from entering the depths of Hell All My children everywhere must warn lost souls as to what to expect Urge them to seek reconciliation by confessing their sins now It is important that as many people as possible are in a state of grace beforehand as they may not survive this event due to shock Far better to witness this Divine Spectacular event first rather than being unprepared at the final day of Judgement Keep strong all of you Rejoice if you are a devout follower for you will be shown a glimpse of My Divine Presence which your ancestors never saw during their lifetime Pray for the rest of My children Tell them the truth now while you can Ignore their scorn for should they take action now by praying for the forgiveness of their sins they will thank you after this great miracle takes place Go now in peace Do not be fearful Just pray for those souls with no faith so they not die in mortal sin Your Divine Saviour Jesus Christ Two comets will collide, My cross will appear in a red sky Sunday, June 5th, 2011 @ 04:30 pm My dearly beloved daughter time is near The Warning is close now It is with great sorrow that I must tell you that many souls will not heed these messages about The Warning My word falls on deaf ears Why won’t they listen? I am not only giving them My great gift of Mercy when I will shower My graces over the whole world, I am also trying to prepare them for this event Many millions of sinners will rejoice when they are shown My great mercy Others won’t get a chance to redeem them selves in time because they will die of shock My daughter you must everything you can to warn the world Because this great event will shock everyone They will see great signs in the skies before The Warning takes place Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic As these comets infuse a great red sky will result and the sign of my cross will be seen all over the world by everyone Many will be frightened But I say rejoice for you will see, for the first time in your lives, a truly Divine Sign that represents great news for sinners everywhere See My cross then and you will know that My great mercy is being given to each of you, My precious children For it was with the deep abiding love that I held for you that I died, willingly, on the cross to save you When you see the crosses in the sky during The Warning you will know that this is a sign of My love for you Pray My beloved followers that your brothers and sisters can rejoice when they, too, are shown the proof of My existence Pray that they will accept that this is their chance to redeem themselves in My eyes That this great act of Mercy will save their souls if they will allow Me to help them You will be shown what it is like to die in mortal sin The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you It may be unpleasant in part especially for those in grave sin Because for the first time ever you will be shown what it feels like when the light of God disappears from your life Your souls will feel the abandonment felt by those who die in mortal sin These poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them their sins Remember it is important that I allow all of you to feel this emptiness of soul For only then will you finally understand that without the light of God in your souls you cease to feel Your soul and body would be just empty vessels Even sinners feel the light of God because he is present in every one of his children on earth But when you die in mortal sin, this light no longer exists Prepare now for this great event Save your souls while you can For it will only be when the light of God leaves you that you will finally realise the empty, barren and darkness that Satan offers which is full of anguish and terror Replenish your souls Rejoice now for The Warning will save you and bring you closer to My Sacred Heart Welcome the Warning For then you will be given the proof of Eternal Life and know how important it is Your Beloved Saviour Jesus Christ King of Mankind Another example of Prophetic Warnings from God: Native Prophetic Visions and Warnings of the Great Chastisement to come upon Mankind: Stalking Wolf was given four prophesies, they were told to him in about 1920 The first two have already come true, and cannot be misunderstood as they are very specific He said that after the third prophecy took place there was no possibility to save our planet, but up until then it was possible to change the course of nature by prayer and a joining of minds (not specifically in those words) after the third prophecy took place he said there would be seasons of peace to prepare for the incredible and terrible 4th and only the "Children o of the Earth would survive" "Out of all of the personal and major prophecies that Grandfather foretold, there are four that stand out above all the rest It is these four that mark the destruction of man, and life on Earth as we know it Yet Grandfather said we could still change things, even after the first two prophecies come true, but that there could be no turning back after the third." This vision was given to the old Apache in the 1920s, and Tom met him when he was in his eighties That was in 1962 "How will I know that we are so close to destruction?" I asked Grandfather said, "I had a vision, It was a vision of the destruction of man But man was given four warnings , two of which gave man a chance to change his ways and two of which would give the children of the Earth time to escape the Creator's wrath." "How will I know these signs?" I asked, and Grandfather continued, "They will be obvious to you and those who listen to the Spirit of the Earth, but to those who live within the flesh and know only flesh, there is no knowing and no understanding When these signs, these warnings and prophecies, are made manifest, then you will understand the urgency of what I speak Then you will understand why people must not just work for their own spiritual rapture, but to bring that rapture to the consciousness of modern people" Grandfather had just finished his third Vision Quest at the Eternal Cave when the spirit of the warrior appeared to him The spirit called Grandfather's name and beckoned him to follow As Grandfather stood, he was suddenly transported to another world and he thought that he was dreaming, but his flesh could feel the reality of this place; his senses knew that this was a state of abject reality but in another time and place "The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather, saying, 'These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator There are four signs, four warnings, that only the children of the Earth will understand Each warning marks the beginning of a possible future.' With that the spirit warrior was gone, and Grandfather was left alone in this strange new world "The world he was in was like nothing he had ever known It was a dry place, with little vegetation In the distance he saw a village, yet it was made out of tents and cloth rather than from materials of the Earth As he drew closer to the village the stench of death overwhelmed him and he grew sick He could hear children crying, the moaning of elders, and the sounds of sickness and despair Piles of bodies lay in open pits awaiting burial, their contorted faces and frail bodies foretelling of death from starvation The bodies appeared more like skeletons than flesh, their once dark brown complexions now ash grey "As Grandfather entered the village, the horror of living starvation struck him deeper Children could barely walk, elders lay dying, and everywhere were the cries of pain and fear The stench of death and the sense of hopelessness overwhelmed Grandfather, threatening to drive him from the village It was then that an elder appeared to Grandfather, at first speaking in a language that he could not understand Grandfather realized as the elder spoke that he was a spirit of a man, a man no longer of the flesh but a man that had walked a spiritual path, possibly a shaman of his tribe It was then that he understood what the old one was trying to tell him "The elder spoke softly saying, 'Welcome to what will be called the land of starvation The world will one day look upon all of this with horror and will blame the famine on the weather and the Earth This will be the first warning to the world that man cannot live beyond the laws of Creation, nor can he fight Nature If the world sees that it is to blame for this famine, then a great lesson will be learned But I am afraid that the world will not blame itself, but that the blame will be placed on Nature The world will not see that it created this place of death "The old one continued 'These people should have been left alone They once understood how to live with Earth, and their wealth was measured in happiness, love, and peace But all of that was taken away from them when the world saw theirs as a primitive society It was then that the world showed them how to farm and live in a less primitive way It was the world that forced them to live outside the laws of creation and as a result it is now forcing them to die.' The old man slowly began to walk away, back to death and despair "He turned one last time to Grandfather and said, 'This will be the first sign There will come starvation before and after this starvation, but none will capture the attention of the world with such impact as does this one The Children of the Earth will know the lessons that are held in all this pain and death, but the world will only see it as drought and famine, blaming Nature instead of itself.' With that the old one disappeared, and Grandfather found himself back at the mouth of the Eternal Cave Grandfather knew that people all over the Earth were now starving, but why was this starvation so critical, so much more important than the starvation that was taking place now? It was then that Grandfather recalled that the tribal elder had said that the entire world would take notice but that the world would not learn the lessons of what the death and the famine were trying to teach The Children of the Earth would die in vain In a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, Grandfather fell into a deep sleep, but it was in this sleep that the warrior spirit appeared to him again and brought the remainder of the first sign to completion In this dream the spirit spoke to Grandfather saying, 'It is during the years of the famine that all will be plagued by a disease, a disease that will sweep the land and terrorize the masses The white coats (doctors) will have no answers for the people, and a great cry will arise across the land The disease will be borne of monkeys, drugs, and sex It will destroy man from inside, making common sickness a killing disease Mankind will bring this disease upon himself as a result of his life, his worship of sex and drugs, and a life away from Nature The spirit continued, saying, 'The drugs will produce wars in the cities of man, and the nations will arise against those wars, arise against that killing disease But the nations will fight in the wrong way, lashing out at the effect rather than the cause It will never win these wars until the nation, until society changes its values and stops chasing the gods of sex and drugs.' It is then in the years of the first sign, that man can change the course of the probable future It is then that he may understand the greater lessons of the famine and the disease It is then that there can still be hope But once the second sign of destruction appears, the Earth can only be healed on a spiritual level Only a spiritual healing can then change the course of the probable futures of mankind With that the warrior spirit let Grandfather fall into a deep and dreamless sleep, allowing him to rest fully before any more Vision was wrought upon him Second vision Grandfather awoke at the entrance of the cave once again, the memory of the warrior spirit vivid in his mind, the spirit's words becoming part of his soul When Grandfather looked out across the landscape, all had changed The landscape appeared dryer, there was no vegetation to be seen, and animals lay dying A great stench of death arose from the land, and the dust was thick and choking, the intense heat oppressive Looking skyward, the sun seemed to be larger and more intense; no birds or clouds can be seen; and the air seemed thicker still It was then that the sky seemed to surge and huge holes began to appear The holes tore with a thunderous sound, and the very Earth, rocks, and soil shook The skin of the sky seemed to be torn open like a series of gaping wounds, and through these wounds seeped a liquid that seemed like the oozing of an infection, a great sea of floating garbage, oil, and dead fish It was through one of these wounds that Grandfather saw the floating bodies of dolphins, accompanied by tremendous upheavals of the Earth and of violent storms As he held fast to the trembling Earth his eyes fell from the sky, and all about him, all at once, was disaster Piles of garbage reached to the skies, forests lay cut and dying, coastlines flooded, and storms grew more violent and thunderous With each passing moment the Earth shook with greater intensity, threatening to tear apart and swallow Grandfather Suddenly the Earth stopped shaking and the sky cleared Out of the dusty air walked the warrior spirit, who stopped a short distance from Grandfather As Grandfather looked into the face of the spirit he could see that there were great tears flowing from his eyes, and each tear fell to the Earth with a searing sound The spirit looked at Grandfather for a long moment, then finally spoke, saying, "Holes in the sky" Grandfather thought for a moment, then in a questioning, disbelieving manner said, 'Holes in the Sky?' And the spirit answered, saying, "They will become the sign of the destruction of man The holes in the sky ,and all that you have seen could become man's reality It is here, at the beginning of this second sign, that man can no longer heal the Earth with physical action It is here that man must heed the warning and work harder to change the future at hand But man must not only work physically, he must also work spiritually, through prayer, for only through prayer can man hope to heal the Earth and himself." There was a long pause as Grandfather thought of the impossibility of holes in the sky Surely Grandfather knew that there could be a spiritual hole, but a hole that the societies of Earth could notice would hardly seem likely The spirit drew closer and spoke again, almost in a whisper "These holes are a direct result of man's life, his travel, and the sins of his grandfathers and grandmothers These holes, the second sign, will mark the killing of his grandchildren and will become a legacy to man's life away from Nature It is the time of these holes that will mark a great transition in mankind's thinking They will then be faced with a choice, a choice to continue the path of destruction or a choice to move back to the philosophy of the Earth and a simpler existence It is here that the decision must be made, or all will be lost." Without another word the spirit turned and walked back into the dust Grandfather spent the next four days at the cave entrance, though for the next four days nothing spoke to him, not even the Earth He said that it was a time of great sorrow, of aloneness, and a time to digest all that had taken place He knew that these things would not appear in his life time, but they had to be passed down to the people of the future, with the same urgency and power with which they had been delivered to him But he did not know how he could explain these unlikely events to anyone Surely the elders and shamans of the tribes would understand but not society, and certainly not anyone who was removed from the Earth and spirit He sat for the four full days, unmoving, as if made of stone It was at the end of the fourth day that the third Vision came to him As he gazed out onto the landscape toward the setting sun, the sky suddenly turned back to a liquid and turned blood red As far as his eyes could see, the sky was solid red, with no variation in shadow, texture, or light The whole of creation seemed to have grown still, as if awaiting some unseen command Time, place, and destiny seemed to be in limbo, stilled by the bleeding sky He gazed for a long time at the sky, in a state of awe and terror, for the red color of the sky was like nothing he had ever seen in any sunset or sunrise The color was that of man, not of Nature, and it had a vile stench and texture It seemed to burn the Earth wherever it touched As sunset drifted to night, the stars shone bright red, the color never leaving the sky, and everywhere was heard the cries of fear and pain "Again the warrior spirit appeared to Grandfather, but this time as a voice from the sky Like thunder, the voice shook the landscape, saying, "This, then, is the third sign, the night of the bleeding stars It will become known throughout the world, for the sky in all lands will be red with the blood of the sky, day and night It is then, with this sign of the third probable future, that there is no longer hope Life on Earth as man has lived it will come to an end, and there can be no turning back, physically or spiritually It is then, if these are not changed during the second sign, that man will surely know the destruction of Earth is at hand It is then that the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and hide For when the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety in the world of man." Grandfather sat in shocked horror as the voice continued "From this time, when the stars bleed, to the fourth and final sign will be four seasons of peace It is in these four seasons they must live deep within the wild places and find a new home, close to the Earth and the Creator It is only the children of the Earth that will survive, and they must live the philosophy of the Earth, never returning to the thinking of man And survival will not be enough, for the children of the Earth must also live close to the spirit So tell them not to hesitate if and when this third sign becomes manifest in the stars, for there are but four seasons (1 yr) to escape." Grandfather said that the voice and the red sky lingered for a week and then were gone as quickly as they were made manifest Grandfather did not remember how many days he'd spent at the mouth of the cave, nor did it make a difference, for he had received the Vision he had come for It was in the final night at the Eternal Cave that the fourth vision came to Grandfather, this time carried by the voice of a young child The child spoke, saying, "The fourth and final sign will appear through the next ten winters following the night that the stars will bleed During this time the Earth will heal itself and man will die For those ten years the children of the Earth must remain hidden in the wild places, make no permanent camps, and wander to avoid contact with the last remaining forces of man THEY MUST REMAIN HIDDEN, like the ancient scouts and fight the urge to go back to the destruction of man Curiosity could kill many." There was a long silence, until Grandfather spoke to the child spirit, asking, "And what will happen to the worlds of man?" There was another period of silence until finally the child spoke again "There will be a great famine throughout the world, like man cannot imagine Waters will run vile, the poisons of man's sins running strong in the waters of the soils, lakes, and rivers Crops will fail, the animals of man will die, and disease will kill the masses The grandchildren will feed upon the remains of the dead, and all about will be cries of pain and anguish Roving bands of men will hunt and kill other men for food, and water will always be scarce, getting scarcer with each passing year The land, the water, the sky will all be poisoned, and man will live in the wrath of the Creator Man will hide at first in the cities, but there he will die A few will run to the wilderness, but the wilderness will destroy them, Man will be destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is then that the grandchildren will pay for the sins of their grandfathers and grandmothers." "Is there then no hope"? Grandfather asked The child spoke again, "There is only hope during the time of the first and second signs Upon the third sign, the night of the bleeding, there is no longer hope, for only the children of the Earth will survive Man will be given these warnings: if unheeded, there can be no hope, for only the children of the Earth will purge themselves of mankind's destructive thinking The children of the Earth will bring a new hope to the society, living closer to the Earth and spirit." Then all was silent, the landscape cleared and returned to normal and Grandfather stepped from the vision Shaken, he said he had wandered for the next season, trying to understand why he had been chosen God is an all Loving and Merciful Father that He sent His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile us to Him and for the forgivesness of the Sins of the World Now Our Merciful Father is trying in every way He can to get our attention and warn us that His patience is almost finished There is so much evil in the World today like there has never been since the beginning when God created the World and Man If man does not change soon, we will all regret not taking seriously the warnings He's been giving us through His seers and prophets [...]... Your Warning before Chastisement! Flash, fire, and the voice within you! The final Warning before Chastisement (vol I page 98) SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 - Man has only one means now to avert the planned Chastisement and Warning The Warning and the Chastisement will follow soon upon each other if man continues on his present course He must humble himself before the world When the Warning is sent upon man, there...This suggests that the media will play a part in reporting the, "Lasting Sign" around the world After the "Lasting Sign" the visionaries tell us Our Lady has spoken of chastisements Prayer and fasting has removed one chastisement but others can not be removed and will happen The fact remains that only the visionaries know when the warning signs and chastisements will come Father Petar has... mankind You must go forward and refresh their memories Many have forgotten the warnings from Heaven, for they go about saying: Where is the promise of His coming, and where are the warnings that you speak of and write of? O My children, you are truly blind! These warnings have been given for time, and an extension of time to mankind before the major catastrophe shall be sent upon you, the baptism of fire... (vol I page 173,174) APRIL 6, 1974 - These prayers had won a reprieve for mankind However, it is in the plan of the Father that the cleansing begins Man has not recognized the warnings given by the Father Therefore, they will become more severe in nature (vol I page 183) AUGUST `14, 1974 - How many warnings will you receive before the Hand of your Father will be sent upon you? No dates do I give unto... unless he changes his ways great Chastisement shall fall upon all mankind There have been wars and rumors of war going now throughout the world There will be great war, but first you receive the Warning, the great Warning Many hearts shall stop with fear MARY CRUSHES THE HEAD OF SATAN MARCH 18, 1973 - I stand upon the head of the serpent My heel will crush him, but not until man and the world have been... - There will come, the general final judgment upon mankind, the end of time It will be at this time that there will come unto you a new Heaven and a new Earth, the New Jerusalem promised from the beginning of time by the Father Your spirit will return to your bodies United will be the body and the soul, and as such you will be set in judgment (vol I page 263) AUGUST 14, 1973 - However, it is in the. .. and change his ways, there will be sent upon him the great destruction in two parts; the great war, that will take from your world one third of mankind; and then the Ball of Redemption, the second third! And what is left, My child O sorrow of great sorrows! What is left though, shall be in the few, but they will join My Son in rising up in glorious triumph to rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth... will receive another Warning The world will call it a major disaster, and after that, the world will not call it a major disturbance of natural tendencies, but they will call it the Hand of God (vol I page 73) FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - There will be many warnings before the Chastisement One major Warning will be given soon to your country The Chastisement and cleansing will come in two parts of the world One... My clergy are falling into the plan with the octopus, the great world powers that seek to gather all nations into a rule of one-world government and a one-world religion based on humanism and modernism However, this shall not be set in motion to a conclusion with the loss of souls This shall not set in motion because the Eternal Father will send a Warning to mankind, a great Warning of such magnitude... Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundation of the Faith But in a short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith, and sanctity and holiness But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind (vol II page 292) The SIGNALS will lead you to the date of the GREAT WARNING You must neither speculate