100 câu hỏi về mạng Cisco thường gặp
Trang 1*************************************************************************
From: Question 1
Subject: What does ``cisco'' stand for?
cisco folklore time:
At one point in time, the first letter in cisco Systems was a lowercase ``c'' At present, various factions within the company have adopted a capital ``C'', while fierce traditionalists (as well as some others) continue to use the lowercase variant, as does the cisco Systems logo This FAQ has chosen to use the lowercase variant throughout
cisco is not C.I.S.C.O but is short for San Francisco, so the story goes Back in the early days when the founders Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner and appropriate legal entities were trying to come up with a name they did many searches for non similar names, and always came up
with a name which was denied Eventually someone suggested ``cisco'' and the name wasn't taken (although SYSCO may be confusingly similar sounding) There was an East Coast company which later was using the ``CISCO'' name (I think they sold in the IBM
marketplace) they ended up having to not use the CISCO abberviation Today many people spell cisco with a capital ``C'', citing problems in getting the lowercase ``c'' right in
publications, etc This lead to at least one amusing article headlined ``Cisco grows up'' This winter we will celebrate our 10th year
[This text was written in July of 1994 -jhawk]
Trang 2If you have a tftp server available, you can create a file on the server for your router to write
to, and then use the write network command From a typical unix system:
mytftpserver$ touch /var/spool/tftpboot/myconfig
mytftpserver$ chmod a+w /var/spool/tftpboot/myconfig
myrouter#copy running-config tftp
Remote host []?
Name of configuration file to write [myrouter-confg]? myconfig
Write file foobar on host [confirm] y
From: Question 3
Subject: How can I get my cisco to talk to a third party router over a serial link?
You need to tell your cisco to use the same link-level protocol as the other router; by
default, ciscos use a rather bare variant of HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) all level protocols use at some level/layer or another To make your cisco operate with most other routers, you need to change the encapsulation from HDLC to PPP on the
link-relevant interfaces For instance:
sewer-cgs#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line
Edit with DELETE, CTRL/W, and CTRL/U; end with CTRL/Z
Trang 3interface serial 1
encapsulation ppp
sewer-cgs#sh int s 1
Serial 1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
Hardware is MCI Serial
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
Trang 4You should tell your cisco to use ``encapsulation frame-relay ietf'' (instead of
``encapsulation frame-relay'') on your serial interface that's running frame relay if your frame relay network contains a diverse set of manufacturers' routers The keyword ``ietf'' specifies that your cisco will use RFC1294-compliant encapsulation, rather than the default, RFC1490-compliant encapsulation (other products, notably Novell MPR 2.11, use a practice sanctioned by 1294 but deemed verbotten by 1490, namely padding of the nlpid) If only a few routers in your frame relay cloud require this, then you can use the default
encapsulation on everything and specify the exceptions with the frame-relay map command:
frame-relay map ip 56 broadcast ietf
Subject: How can I use debugging?
The ``terminal monitor'' command directs your cisco to send debugging output to the current session It's necessary to turn this on each time you telnet to your router to view debugging information After that, you must specify the specific types of debugging you wish to turn on; please note that these stay on or off until changed, or until the router
reboots, so remember to turn them off when you're done
Debugging messages are also logged to a host if you have trap logging enabled on your cisco You can check this like so:
sl-panix-1>sh logging
Trang 5Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 flushes, 0 overruns)
Console logging: level debugging, 66 messages logged
Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged
Trap logging: level debugging, 69 message lines logged
Logging to, 69 message lines logged
If you have syslog going to a host somewhere and you then set about a nice long debug session from a term your box is doing double work and sending every debug message to your syslog server Additionally, if you turn on something that provides copious debugging output, be careful that you don't overflow your disk (``debug ip-rip'' is notorious for this).One solution to this is to only log severity ``info'' and higher:
sl-panix-1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line End with CNTL/Z
logging trap info
The other solution is to just be careful and remember to turn off debugging This is easy enough with:
Trang 6*
From: Question 6
Subject: How do I avoid the annoying DNS lookup if I have misspelled a command?
Use the command
No ip domain-lookup
From: Question 7
Subject: How to use access lists
Where in the router are access lists applied?
In general, Basic access lists are executed as filters on outgoing interfaces Newer releases
Trang 7of the cisco code, such as 9.21 and 10, do have increased ability to filter on incoming ports Certain special cases, such as broadcasts and bridged traffic, can be filtered on incoming interfaces in earlier releases There are also special cases involving console access.
Rules, written as ACCESS-LIST statements, are global for the entire cisco box; they are activated on individual outgoing interfaces by ACCESS-GROUP subcommands of the INTERFACE major command Filters are applied after traffic has entered on an incoming interface and gone through a routing process; traffic that originates in a router (e.g., telnets from the console port) is not subject to
Trang 8+ -+
Some types of ``filter,'' using ``filter'' as a broader class than ACCESS-LIST, can operate on incoming traffic For example, the INPUT- SAP-FILTER used for Novell networks is applied to Service Advertisement Packets (SAP) seen at incoming interfaces In general, incoming filtering can only be done for ``system'' rather than user traffic
Rules of thumb in defining access lists
First, define what you want to do and in which directions An informal drawing is a good first step As opposed to the usual connectivity drawings among routers, it's often
convenient to draw unidirectional links between routers
Second, informally write out your filtering rules In general, it is best to go from most specific to least specific Modify the order of writing things to minimize the number of rules needed
Third, determine which rules need to be on which routers
Explicitly consider the direction of flow, and the possible existence of additional paths that could inadvertently bypass a filter
Can a cisco router be a ``true'' firewall?
This depends on the definition of firewall Some writers (e.g., Gene Spafford in _Practical UNIX Security_) define a firewall as a host on which an ``inside'' and/or an ``outside'' application process run, with application-level code linking the two For example, a
firewall might provide FTP access to the outside world, but it would not also provide direct FTP service to the inside world To place a file on the FTP external server, a designated user would explicitly log onto the FTP server, transfer a file to the server, and log off The firewall prevents direct FTP connectivity between the inside and outside networks; only indirect, application-level connectivity is allowed Firewalls of this sort are complemented
by chokes, which filter on network addresses and/or port numbers Cisco routers cannot do application-level control with access control lists Other authors do not distinguish between chokes and filters Using the loose definition that a firewall is anything that selectively blocks access from the inside to the outside, routers can be firewalls
IP Specific
Trang 9-Can the ``operand'' field be used with a protocol keyword of IP to filter on protocol ID? No Operand filtering only works for TCP and UDP port numbers How can I prevent traffic for a certain Internet application to flow in one direction but not the other? Remember that Internet applications flow from client port to server port Denying traffic from port 23, for example, blocks flow from the client to the server + -+
| |
A ->| | ->B |1 2|
< -|
| |
+ -+
If we deny traffic to Port 23 of address B by placing a filter at interface 2, we have blocked A's ability to telnet to B, but not B's ability to telnet to A A second filter at interface A would be needed to block telnet in both directions Assume that we only have the filter at interface 2 Telnets to A from B will not be affected because the filter at 2 does not check incoming traffic
-With the arrival of in-bound access lists in 9.21, it should be noted that both inbound and access lists are about equally efficient, in case any of you were wondering It's worth remembering that there are some kinds of problems that packet-filtering firewalls are not best suited for There's reasonably good information in:
Network (in)security through packet filtering"
Trang 10*
From: Question 8
Subject: The cisco boot process
What really happens when a cisco router boots, from boot start to live interfaces?
First it boots the ROM os version It reads the config Now, it realizes that you want to netboot It loads the netbooted copy in on top of itself It then re-initializes the box and re-reads the config Manly, yes, but we like it too
[[ Ummm in particular it loads the netbooted copy in as WELL as itself, decompresses it,
if necessary, and THEN loads on top of itself Note that this is important because it tells you what the memory requirements are for netbooting: RAM for ROM image (if it's a run from RAM image), plus dynamic data structures, plus RAM for netbooted image ]]
The four ways to boot and what happens (sort of):
I (from bootstrap mode)
The ROM monitor is running The I command causes the ROM monitor to walk all of the hardware in the bus and reset it with a brute force hammer If the bits in the config register say to auto-boot, then goto B
B (from bootstrap mode)
Load the OS from ROM If a name is given, tell that image to start silently and then load a new image If the boot system command is given, then start silently and load a new image powercycle
Does some delay stuff to let the power settle Goto I
reload (from the EXEC)
Trang 11Goto I.
From: Question 09
Subject: How should I restrict access to my router?
Many admins are concerned about unauthorized access to their routers from malicious people on the Internet; one way to prevent this is to restrict access to your router on the basis of IP address
Many people do this, however it should be noted that a significant number of network service providers allow unrestricted access to their routers to allow others to debug,
examine routes, etc If you're comfortable doing this, so much the better, and we thank you!
If you wish to restrict access to your router, select a free IP access list (numbered from 100) enter ``sh access-list'' to see those numbers in use
yourrouter#sh access-list
Standard IP access list 5
permit, wildcard bits
Next, enter the IP addresses you wish to allow access to your router from; remember that access lists contain an implicit "deny everything" at the end, so there is no need to include that In this case, 30 is free:
yourrouter#conf t
Trang 12Enter configuration commands, one per line End with CNTL/Z.
yourrouter(config)#access-list 30 permit
(This permits all IP addreses in the network, i.e 172.30.*.*) Enter multiple lines for multiple addresses; be sure that you don't restrict the address you may be telnetting to the router from
Next, examine the output of ``sh line'' for all the vty's (Virtual ttys) that you wish to apply the access list to In this example, I want lines 2 through 12:
Trang 13Be sure to save your configuration with ``copy run start”
Please note that access lists for incoming telnet connections do NOT cause your router to perform significant CPU work, unlike access lists on interfaces
From: Question 10
Subject: What can I do about source routing?
What *is* source routing?
Trang 14Soure routing is an IP option which allows the originator of a packet to specify what path that packet will take, and what path return packets sent back to the originator will take Source routing is useful when the default route that a connection will take fails or is
suboptimal for some reason, or for network diagnostic purposes For more information on source routing, see RFC791
Unfortunately, source routing is often abused by malicious users on the Internet (and elsewhere), and used to make a machine (A), think it is talking to a different machine (B), when it is really talking to a third machine (C) This means that C has control over B's ip address for some purposes
The proper way to fix this is to configure machine A to ignore source-routed packets where appropriate This can be done for most unix variants by installing a package such as Wietse Venema, <wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl>,'s tcp_wrapper:
For some operating systems, a kernel patch is required to make this work correctly (notably SunOS 4.1.3) Also, there is an unofficial kernel patch available for SunOS 4.1.3 which turns all source routing off; I'm not sure where this is available, but I believe it was posted
to the firewalls list by Brad Powell soimetime in mid-1994
If disabling source routing on all your clients is not posssible, a last resort is to disable it at your router This will make you unable to use ``traceroute -g'' or ``telnet
@hostname1:hostname2'', both of which use LSRR (Loose Source Record Route, 2 IP options, the first of which is a type of source routing), but may be necessary for some If so, you can do this with
foo-e-0#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line End with CNTL/Z
foo-e-0(config)#no ip source-route
Trang 15It is somewhat unfortunate that you cannot be selective about this; it disables all forwarding
of source-routed packets through the router, for all interfaces, as well as source-routed packets to the router (the last is unfortunate for the purposes of ``traceroute -g'')
From: Question 11
Subject: Is there a block of private IP addresses I can use?
In any event, RFC 1918 documents the allocation of the following addresses for use by
As an additional note, some Internet providers provide network-management services, statistics gathering, etc It is unlikely (if at all possible) that they would be willing to
perform those services if you choose to utilize private address space
With the increasing popularity and reliability of address translation gateways, this practice
is becoming more widely accepted Cisco has acquired Network Translation, who
manufacture such a product It is now available as the Cisco Private Internet Exchange With it, you can use any addressing you want on your private internet, and the gateway will insure that the invalid
addresses are converted before making out onto the global Internet It also makes a good
Trang 16firewall Information on this product is available at
Subject: How do I interpret the output of ``show version''?
Typing ``show version'' or ``show hardware'' yields a response like:
prospect-gw.near.net>sh version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software (GS7), Experimental Version 10.2(11829) [pst 113]
System-type (imagename) Version major.minor(release.interim)[who] Desc
System-type: type of system the software is designed to run on
imagename: The name of the image This is different (slightly) for
run-from-rom, run-from-flash, and run-from-ram images, and also
for subset images which both were and will be more common
"Version": text changes slightly For example, if an engineer gives you
a special version of software to try out a bug fix, this will say
Trang 17EXCEPT: 9.14, 9.17, and 9.1 are all somewhat similar 9.1 is
the base, 9.14 adds specical feature for low end systems, 9.17
added special features specific the high end (cisco-7000) This was an experiment that we are trying not to repeat
release: increments (1 2 3 4 ) for each maintenance release of released software Increments for every compile in some other places
interim: increments on every build of the "release tree", which happens weekly for each release, but is only made into a generically
shipping maintenance release every 7 to 8 weeks or so
[who]: who built it Has "fc 1" or similar for released software
has something like [billw 101] for test software built Bill
Westfield (billw@cisco.com)
Desc: additional description
The idea is that the image name and version number UNIQUELY identify
Trang 18a set of sources and debugging information somewhere back at cisco,
should anything go wrong
Copyright (c) 1986-1995 by cisco Systems, Inc
Compiled Thu 09-Mar-95 23:54 by tli
Image text-base: 0x00001000, data-base: 0x00463EB0
Copyright, compilation date (and by whom), as well as the
starting address of the image
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 5.0(7), RELEASE SOFTWARE
ROM: GS Software (GS7), Version 10.0(7), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
The version of ROM bootstrap software, and the version of IOS
in ROM
prospect-gw.near.net uptime is 2 weeks, 4 days, 18 hours, 38 minutes System restarted by reload
How long the router has been up, and why it restarted
System image file is "sse-current", booted via flash
Trang 19How the router was booted.
RP (68040) processor with 16384K bytes of memory
Type of processor
G.703/E1 software, Version 1.0
X.25 software, Version 2.0, NET2, BFE and GOSIP compliant Bridging software
ISDN software, Version 1.0
Various software options compiled in
1 Silicon Switch Processor
2 EIP controllers (8 Ethernet)
2 FSIP controllers (16 Serial)
1 MIP controller (1 T1)
8 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces
16 Serial network interfaces
128K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory
4096K bytes of flash memory sized on embedded flash
Trang 20Hardware configuration.
Configuration register is 0x102
Lastly, the "configuration register", which may be set via
software in current releases
From: Question 13
Subject: When are static routes redistributed?
In the simple case, any static route *in the routing table* is redistributed if the ``redistribute static'' command is used, and some filter (set with either ``route-map'' or ``distribute-list out'') doesn't filter it out
Whether the static route gets into routing table depends on:
Whether the next hop address is reachable (if you use static route pointing to a next hop)
OR Whether the interface is up (if you use static route pointing to an interface)
If one of these is true, an attempt is made to add the route to the routing table; whether that succeeds depends on the administrative distance of the route a lower administrative distance (the route is "closer") than a preexisting route will cause the preexisting route to be
Trang 21*************************************************************************
From: Question 14
Subject: When is the next hop of a route considered ``reachable''?
When a static route is added, or during an important event (eg: interface up/down
transition), the next hop for a route is looked up from the routing table (i.e recursive
routing) As a consequence, if a route which is depended upon for evaluation of the next hop of a static route goes away, a mechanism is required to remove that (now-invalid) static route Scanning all static routes each time the routing table changes is too expensive, so instead, a period timer is used One a minute, static routes are added and removed from the routing table based on the routes they depend upon It should be noted that a particular static route will be reevaluated when its interface transitions up or down
*************************************************************************From: Question 15
Subject: How do name and phone number of ``dialer map'' interfere?
How do name and phone number of `dialer map' interfere?
We use the telephone number first actually If the caller id matches the telephone number
to call, then you don't need the 'name' parameter with a phone number I realized that the above is ambiguous, so let's do this You have:
dialer map ip x.x.x.x name <param1> <phone-num>
<param1> is used for incoming authentication It can be either the hostname, for PAP and CHAP, or it can be a number as returned by caller id If this is not there, and it is an
imcoming call, and there is caller id, we will compare against <phone-num> to see if that matches
Trang 22From: Question 16
Subject: What's the purpose of the network command?
>* what is the real purpose of the network subcommand of
> router commands? When do I not want to include a network
From: Question 17
Subject: What is VLSM?
A Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) is a means of allocating IP addressing resources
to subnets according to their individual need rather than some general network-wide rule
Trang 23Of the IP routing protocols supported by Cisco, OSPF, Dual IS-IS, BGP-4, and EIGRP support "classless" or VLSM routes.
Historically, EGP depended on the IP address class definitions, and actually exchanged network numbers (8, 16, or 24 bit fields) rather than IP addresses (32 bit numbers); RIP and IGRP exchanged network and subnet numbers in 32 bit fields, the distinction between network number, subnet number, and host number being a matter of convention and not exchanged inthe routing protocols More recent protocols (see VLSM) carry either a prefix length (number of contiguous bits in the address) or subnet mask with each address,
indicating what portion of the 32 bit field is the address being routed on
A simple example of a network using variable length subnet masks is found in Cisco
engineering There are several switches in the engineering buildings, configured with FDDI and Ethernet interfaces and numbered in order to support 62 hosts on each switched subnet;
in actuality, perhaps 15-30 hosts (printers, workstations, disk servers) are physically
attached to each However, many engineers also have ISDN or Frame Relay links to home, and a small subnet there These home offices typically have a router or two and an X
terminal or workstation; they may have a PC or Macintosh as well As such, they are
usually configured to support 6 hosts, and a few are configured for 14 The point to point links are generally unnumbered
Using "one size fits all" addressing schemes, such as are found in RIP or IGRP, the home offices would have to be configured to support 62 hosts each; using numbers on the point to point links would further compound the address bloat
One configures the router for Variable Length Subnet Masking by configuring the router to use a protocol (such as OSPF or EIGRP) that supports this, and configuring the subnet masks of the various interfaces in the 'ip address' interface sub-command To use supernets, one must further
configure the use of 'ip classless' routes
From: Question 18
Trang 24Subject: What are some methods for conserving IP addresses for serial lines?
VLSM and unnumbered point to point interfaces are the obvious ways The 'ip unnumbered' subcommand indicates another interface or sub-interface whose address is used as the IP source address on messages that the router originates on the unnumbered interface, such as telnet or routing messages By doing this, the router is reachable for management purposes (via the
address of the one numbered interface) but consumes no IP addresses at all for its
unnumbered links
From: Question 19
Subject: Flash upgrade issues for Cisco 2500 series routers
> When I remove the original flash and replace it with ether one or both of
> the new flash chips, I get the following error on boot upand the router ends
> up in boot mode.:
> ERR: Invalid chip id 0x80B5 (reversed = 0x1AD ) detected in System flash
This has to be the most common FAQ for this group You have non-Intel flash chips on your new SIMMs and boot ROMs that are too old to know about the different access
method for the flash chips you have
You need to either get the (free, call TAC) BOOT-2500= ROM upgrade from Cisco, or exchange the flash SIMMs for ones using Intel chips Note that Intel no longer makes those chips, which is why everybody has this prob-lem
From: Question 21
Trang 25Subject: How do I configure a router to act as a Frame-Relay Switch?
frame-relay intf-type dce
! In the config below, the 102 is the DLCI that will be
! presented to the router connected to this S0
! interface 201 is the DLCI that is mapped to S1
frame-relay route 102 interface Serial1 201
frame-relay route 103 interface Serial2 301
interface Serial1
no ip address
no keepalive
encapsulation frame-relay
Trang 26clockrate 64000
frame-relay intf-type dce
frame-relay route 201 interface Serial0 102 frame-relay route 203 interface Serial2 302
frame-relay intf-type dce
frame-relay route 301 interface Serial0 103 frame-relay route 302 interface Serial1 203
| FR SW |_S2 S0_| R3 | | _ | | |
Trang 27| _| | _|
R1 S0, R2 S0 and R3 S0 will be on the same subnet You can treat it as p2mp I put all the DCE ends of the cables on the Frame Switch, so clock rate is defined there However, this
is not a requirement The FR Switch router does not need to have the DCE end Regardless
of the gender of the cable, however, the "frame-relay intf-type dce" is required I defined the DLCIs as Source Router + 0 + Destination Router So if the circuit goes from R1 to R3 it's DLCI 103 From R3 to R1 it's DLCI 301
From: Question 22
Subject: What are the different types of memory used by Cisco Routers?
The 2500 Series and 7204 VXR have the same types of memory, but they are implemented
in different physical packages:
ROMMON - This is the initial bootstrap for the router
Boot Helper - This is a subset of IOS that is used to update software or network boot The
2500 implements the ROMMON and boot helper in a set of two ROMs The 7204VXR has ROMMON in a ROM and boot helper in a piece of flash memory on the I/O controller called boot flash
Main memory - This is used to hold routing tables, and IOS variables In the 7204 VXR, IOS itself is also resident in main memory The 2500 Series usually runs the IOS directly in flash
Shared memory - This is the memory that holds packet buffers On the 2500 Series, this is part of the same physical memory as main memory On the 7204 VXR, it's separate
Trang 28Flash memory - This memory holds the IOS image On the 2500 Series, there are two flash SIMM sockets (max 16 MB) On the 7204VXR, there are PCMCIA slots on the I/O
controller which can take a 128 MB flash disk
Configuration memory (NVRAM) - This is the memory that holds the IOS configuration In the 2500 Series, it's a 32 KB EEPROM On the 7204VXR it is 128 KB battery backed up SRAM on the I/O controller
From: Question 23
Subject: How do I load the Documentation CD (UniverseCD) on Windows 2000?
Doc CD Content appears garbled:
The Doc CD content is compressed - it requires Verity to decompress it This is why Verity
is used on the Doc CD What has happened is you've tried to directly open up index.html off the CD into your browser, and this is not possible todo The CD must be accessed through the Verity Web Publisher through:
This is the startup address that is launched when you click on "Launch CD."
Windows 2000 and Doc CD: Pre-July 2000 Documentation CDs do not work on Windows
2000 out of the box They will cause "Search.exe" to crash when run under Win2k
There is a fix that sometimes works for these CDs at:
This fix MUST be done BEFORE you install the CD If the CD has already been installed, then uninstall it, delete c:\cisco, make this registry change, then re-install the Doc CD.(both the Browser Software Installer and The Documentation CD
Trang 29(I have tried this on My labtop which is running windows 2000 and it worked fine but I had
to delete c:\Cisco first and Lunch the Browers software Installer CD (1) first then the Document CD(2) (my version of CD was Nov 1999)
(I have already sent this one to you did you delete c:\Cisco and lunch both CDs)
Other fixs are shown
The Doc CD starts up to about:blank
There are two alternate fixes for this:
1 After launching the Doc CD, put in for the address, and then add it to your favorites
-2 This is a 4-step fix:
A Ensure that search.exe is not running
B Edit the installed search.ini (c:\CISCO\search.ini)
C Change the line 'Browser=c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe'
to 'Browser=msie'
D Launch the CD
Nothing happens when I click Launch CD
The usual cause for this is that you've installed a post-July 2000
Documentation CD over the top of a previous Doc CD
The fix for this is to:
Trang 301 Uninstall the Doc CD from the control panel->add/remove programs.
Subject: How dow I load a large image on a 2500 *lab* router?
For production work (support by Cisco required) you need 16M Flash to run 12.0 or 12.1 Enterprise If you don't need Cisco support, 12.0 Enterprise is small enough (about 10M) to run from RAM (upgrading to 16M of RAM is MUCH cheaper than upgrading to 16M of flash) using a compressed image in the 8M of flash you do have
12.1 Enterprise is 14M so it must be run from flash (otherwise there is not enough RAM remaining to even complete loading of the OS)
Check the release notes on www.cisco.com for the IOS release you want to use If the actual size of the IOS plus the minimum recommended RAM totals less than 16MB, you can run compressed or boot from TFTP without expanding flash Check deja-news on google if you are unclear on how to run a compressed image on the 2500, it is a frequent request and hopefully will turn up in the renovated FAQ when Hansang gets a chance to publish it
From: Question 25
Trang 31Subject: daisy-chaining reverse telnet console-aux ports
> I've hooked 4 routers together in a lab and I'm daisy-chaining them
> aux > console and using reverse telnet to get to them
> However when I get to the fourth router and do a CTRL-SHFT-6 X,
> I get back to the first router If I kill the AUX line, then initiate the
> reverse telnet again, I fall through router 2 and 3 to 4 again
> Is there an easy way to fall back one router at a time?
> or should I not bother to do this?
You have two options One is to use a different escape character on the second (third, fourth etc) console (and/or vty)
Trang 32session, and CTRL-SHFT-6, CTRL-SHFT-6, CTRL-SHFT-6, X to come back to thethird session, etc.
access-list 101 permit tcp any host eq telnet
access-list 101 dynamic foobar permit ip any any
Trang 33The first access list allows telnet into the router Your users will telnet into router and authenticate with username foobar and password "cisco"
The router will then immediately disconnect the telnet session When they successfully authenticate, an access list with their source IP will be added to the dynamic list Basically,
if they authenticate correctly, they can come in to the inside network After 5 mins of inactivty the entry will be deleted from the access list
The vty 3 and 4 are using the rotary command so that you can telnet to your router with the command: "telnet 3001" This takes you to vty 3 (or 4) This way, you can telnet into the router and actually manage it A very subtle but VERY important point If you forget this, you'll be making a trip to use the console port
*************************************************************************From: Question 27
Subject: How do I telnet to a specific VTY line?
See "rotary" example in question 48
From: Question 28
Subject: Is there a better (free) tftp server than the one by Cisco?
3CDv2r10.zip file located at:
Trang 35-Note that Lo0 interface may have any ip address.
From: Question 29
Subject: How do I hide a summarized OSPF router from one ABR to another?
area 1 range x.x.x.x x.x.x.x not-advertise
From: Question 30
Subject: How do I setup Windows 2000 and IPSec to PIX FIrewall
To describe how to use the Local Security Policy MMC in W2K would take a
long time So, the config I will share with you is the 'dial-up' one I
mentioned before In this posting I will detail the bare minimum needed to
get a W2K client working with a PIX firewall running v6.01 software For
simplicity I use a preshared key for authentication Since I have to embed
this key into the script I use it makes the configuration open and thus
vulnerable However, you should be able to tweak the configuration from this
to meet your own security needs The W2K IPSec client supports certificates
as well as preshared keys so a "secure" version of this config is
The configuration script I eked (it isn't beautiful code) out is actually written in Perl If you
Trang 36would like to re-write it in the old DOS batch file format, please do so Otherwise, you should find a copy of Perl for NT/W2K I use the version found at http://www.activestate.com The Perl script I show here is documented as to what it does The MS ipsecpol.exe program that you have to use has it's own documentation which you should read For the PIX I give you only the crypto, isakmp, and sysopt commands you need to issue to your PIX to make this config work The config assumes that the PIX
has NAT enabled
Ok, enough blabber, here it is I hope it is helpful!
For the purposes of this 'demo' config The PIX Firewall will have as it's outside IP The inside network will be the 10.0.X.X
network The inside router will be
Quick Network Schematic:
[W2K] > [Dial-Up WAN adapter (DHCP assigned address)] ->
[Internet] >[PIX Firewall(] -> [Internal LAN
(10.0.X.X)] > [Inside Router (]
The PIX firewall commands needed are:
sysopt connection permit-ipsec
sysopt connection permit-l2tp
sysopt ipsec pl-compatible
Trang 37crypto ipsec transform-set W2K esp-des esp-md5-hmac
crypto ipsec transform-set W2K mode transport
crypto dynamic-map W2KDynamic 11 set transform-set W2K
crypto map W2K-Map 23 ipsec-isakmp dynamic W2KDynamic
crypto map W2K-Map interface outside
isakmp identity address
isakmp key gobbeldygook address netmask
isakmp policy 11 authentication pre-share
isakmp policy 11 encryption des
isakmp policy 11 hash md5
isakmp policy 11 group 1
isakmp policy 11 lifetime 28800
isakmp enable outside
The Perl script I wrote is as follows I execute this script everytime Iestablish a connection with my dial-up ISP It then sets up the IPSec tunnelusing my current ISP assigned IP Address
#begin listing
Trang 38# IPSecInit.pl
# Written by: Steven Griffin Jr
# Date: 6 June, 2001
# Note: The basis of this code came from the PERL documentation site
# The original snippets came from the links below
Trang 39and not just
# This section is pretty much identical to the one found on the PERLdocumentation site
# I just added an assignment of the discerned ipaddress to the
$localipaddress variable
# I also changed the @ARGV assignment to 'localhost' instead of'netscape.com'
@ARGV = ('localhost') unless @ARGV;
for $host ( @ARGV ) {
Trang 40for $addr ( @{$h->addr_list} ) {
printf "\taddr #%d is [%s]\n", $i++, inet_ntoa($addr);
} else {
#my modification is on the next line
printf "\taddress is [%s]\n", $localipaddress= inet_ntoa($h->addr); }