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http://www.ebook.edu.vn HUE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH *** NGUYEN VAN TUAN SPEAKING HUE - 2006 http://www.ebook.edu.vn Chapter 1: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES LOVE Unit 1: Vocabulary appropriate sloppy lazy boyfriend difficult love break up relationship teenager girlfriend would care about impolite Let's Talk Words approve generation bring home judge constant race culture religion disapprove Usage Work with a partner Read all the vocabulary to each other Decide which words describe people and which describe their feelings People : race , _ Feelings : approve, Let's Start Work in pairs Read the situation below Decide who will play the role of the teenager and who will play the role of the parent If you were the parent; what would you do? If you were the teenager, what would you do? Role play PARENT: You know your teenager is in a difficult relationship Your child is dating someone who is sloppy, lazy, and impolite You want them to break up Talk to your teenager and try to get him or her to consider dating another person TEENAGER: You are in love! You think the person you are dating is the best thing that has ever happened to you You see this person as wonderful, fun to be with, and attractive You think your family doesn't understand your relationship Explain your situation and feelings http://www.ebook.edu.vn Let’s Talk What five characteristics young people usually consider when they look fo r a boyfriend or a girlfriend? How older people, or the parents of the younger generation, usually judge a potential partner? How these characteristics differ from the younger generation's ideas of a potential partner? Did your parents disapprove of any of your past relationships? Why? Did you disapprove of any of your children's or sibling's relationships? Explain why If you disapproved of a you felt? Why or why not? family member's relationship, would you tell that person how Have you ever dated someone whom you would never want to bring home to your family? If so, explain why you chose not to introduce that person to your family If not, did you always introduce your dates to your family? Explain Would you break up with someone if your family disapproved of that person? Why or why not? Have you ever broken up with someone because of that reason? Why or why not? In your country, who decides whom a person should marry? Does the person decide, or the parents? How you feel about that? How you feel about people who don't marry someone of the same race, religion, or culture? Why? If that person were someone in your family, would you feel differently? Explain STRESS Unit 2: Vocabulary more than owe raise associate shout sight less than stress manage million Let's Talk Words afraid negative cause occur deal with handle relax better nervous responsibility scare combat optimist throughout pessimist upset destroy physical way positive mental reduce http://www.ebook.edu.vn Usage Word Association Game Work in pairs One student will say a word The other student will choose a word that can be associated with that word and then explain why Write your word pairs below Student 1: upset Student 2: stress Student 2: People feel upset when they hove a tot of stress in their lives Let’s Start Compare the situations and decide which would be more or less stressful Write more or less Then form into groups and discuss your ideas raising two children stressful than managing a hundred employees owing the government a million dollars stressful than being sick for a year losing your sight _ stressful than losing your hearing having too much to stressful than having nothing to your boss shouting at you _ stressful than, your spouse shouting at you Let’s Talk l What is stress? What five things can cause stress? What are five positive ways people deal with stress? What are five negative ways people deal with stress? Talk about the most stressful day that you have ever had How did you handle the stress? When you were a child, how did people in your family deal with stress? Give some examples Have you ever broken or destroyed anything when you felt very stressed? What have you done to combat stress? http://www.ebook.edu.vn When someone you know is very upset and shows signs of stress, does it scare you? What you think might happen? Has this ever happened to you? Explain 8.Would you take a very stressful job if you were paid a high salary? Why or why not? 9.How can people reduce stress in their lives? What are some things people to relax? 10 Where you think it is most stressful to live? Why? 11 Do you think that being single is less stressful then being married? Why or why not? 12 Do you think it is more stressful to work at a job that is physically or mentally challenging? Why? 13 Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Why is it better to be an optimist when negative events occur in your life? Think Throughout life people have stress Compare your life now to your life when you were a child What is more stressful now? What is less stressful? Why? Discuss in a group GROWING OLD Unit 3: Vocabulary accomplish achieve grow (old) make a difference senior citizen take turns Let's Talk Words advantage golden years positive light affect help cane recognized ail how old reflect leader refuse care lifestyle retirement convalescent mandatory wheel chair hospital media distinguished nursing home depict negative light elderly http://www.ebook.edu.vn Let’s Start What you want people to think and say about you when you become a senior citizen? Answer the following questions Then share your answers with someone in the class Where did you grow up? What did you like to when you were very young? Did you ever help anyone? Who? How did' you make a difference in that person's life? 4.How you treat your family and friends? What have you achieved or accomplished? What kind of person are you? Let’s Talk l What are five fears that you have about growing old? How "old" is old? Why? Explain What are some advantages people have when they become senior citizens? How can older people help younger people? How can younger people help older people? Give some examples In the United States, many senior citizens need special care They live in places called convalescent hospitals or nursing homes Where ailing seniors live in your country? Some people become famous, distinguished, or recognized leaders after they enter their "golden years." Name a few of these people What did they accomplish? Was there an elderly person in your life who was special to you when you were a child? How did that person affect your life? What plans have you made for your retirement? How you think your lifestyle will change when you become a senior citizen? Do you think there should be mandatory retirement for people over 65? Why or why not? 10 How have people in your county treated senior citizens? Explain 11 How does the media depict older people? Do TV shows or movies generally show aging in positive or negative light? Give some examples 12 What are the "golden years"? Do you think that your older years will be "golden"? Why or why not? Think Imagine you are in your golden years Sit on a park bench and reflect on your life Do you remember your accomplishments, achievements, failures, adventures, some joyous and some somber events? Share your thoughts Have you had any regrets? How can you change your life and lifestyle now to avoid further unhappiness and failures? http://www.ebook.edu.vn POLLUTION AND RECYCLING Unit 4: Vocabulary aluminum bottle can garbage glass smog noise store pollution styrofoam paper waste plastic pollute pollution problem recycle Let's Talk Words active environmental concern group conserve force contribute frequent convince gasoline depend on improve director recycling center resources eliminate safe volunteer Usage Work with a partner Decide the answers together Use your vocabulary words and other words you know to write as many possibilities as you can Share your ideas with the class Smog is caused by Recycled aluminum cans are made into _ Recycled paper is used for _ Noise pollution is caused by Recycled styrofoam can be used for Recycled plastic is used to make _ Glass and bottles are recycled at _ Garbage and waste can be stored http://www.ebook.edu.vn Let's Start The president put your group in charge of improving your local city's environment Make a list of all the environmental problems in your city Then make a list of how these problems will be corrected Present environmental problems How they will be corrected Let's Talk What are five things that can be recycled ? Name five things that can't be recycled and explain why Have you ever recycled anything? What and why? If not, why not? What are some things that are recycled in your country? The United States has government recycling centers People bring things that can be recycled to the centers, and they receive money for them Are there recycling centers in your country? If so, how much people get paid for each item recycled? If not, why you think there aren't any recycling centers? Do you think people should be forced to recycle? Why or why not? What are five things that cause pollution? What can be done to eliminate pollution? What is carpooling? Why most people drive alone instead of carpooling? Give three reasons What environmental groups are active in your country? Have you ever contributed your time as a volunteer to an environmental group? Why or why not? 9.Do you think smaller families usually use fewer resources, or you believe it depends on the individual family's concern for the environment? Explain 10 What are landfills? Where are they in your country? Do you think they are safe for the environment? Why or why not? 11 How you think we can make the earth a cleaner and better place in the future? How students improve the environment? Do most students in your class carpool? What is the most frequently recycled item? http://www.ebook.edu.vn THE HOMELESS AND WELFARE Unit 5: Vocabulary find out homeless represent services social worker welfare Let's Talk words aid jobless specific assist low cost success business housing successful change needs suggest cross out offer support depressed poverty system food stamps private best way give reasons profession unemployed hunger program unhealthy in order for provide utility rates individual public assistance job counselor Usage Work in a small group Draw some pictures you believe will represent the life of someone who is homeless Then use your vocabulary words to tell a story about your pictures Let's Start Work in pairs Read the situation below Decide who will play the role of the social worker and who will play the role of the homeless person Role play Social worker: How long have you been homeless? Homeless person: _ Social worker: How did you become homeless? Homeless person: Social worker: How did you find out about our services? Homeless person: How can find a job? Do you know anyone who would hire me? Social worker: Homeless person: Where are some places I can stay until I start working again? Social worker: Homeless person: What are some other ways I can change my life? Social worker: http://www.ebook.edu.vn Let's Talk Give some reasons why people I become homeless Do you know anyone who was or is homeless? Explain Have you ever seen any homeless people on the street? What you when you see them? Have you ever given a homeless person anything? What? Why? What you think is the best way to help a homeless person? Give an example What are some things that individual people in your country to help poor people? Are there any homeless people in your country? What does the government to help them? In the United States a welfare system helps to provide assistance to some indivi duals who cannot support themselves or their families Food stamps, low-cost housing, shelters, reduced utility rates, and sometimes money are offered by the government What you think about this? 8.Does a public assistance or welfare system exist in your country? Why or why not? If there is one, you know anyone who is or was receiving assistance? Who? Why did that person need help? Name some professions that help homeless people Name some occupations that help people improve their lives so they might not become homeless 10 If you were the president or leader of your country, how would you end poverty? GENDER ROLES Unit 6: Vocabulary nowadays go (out) outside accomplishment household respect leadership role chore look up to congratulate typically expect typical laundry women's rights modern movement put (away) put (out) Let's Talk Words take (out) trash http://www.ebook.edu.vn 80 Make your own list of the most irritating things about people in your life - friends, family, or just people you know Then say what you like about the same people Mahatma Gandhi said "The only really lasting and valuable friendship is bet ween people of a similar nature " In the article, Susie Orr is not so sure of this What you think? The English poet William Blake (1757-1827) wrote: I was angry with my friend I told my wrath, my wrath did end I was angry with my foe I told it not, my wrath did grow Can you explain the meaning of the poem? (wrath = anger, foe = enemy) Do you agree with the idea? When a girl gets a boyfriend, does that often affect her other friendships? And what about when a boy gets a girlfriend? Which of these quotations or proverbs you agree with? Say why/why not a "Friendship never ends." (The Spice Girls) b "Money can't buy friendship." c "A faithful friend is the medicine of life." ( Ecclesiasticus) d "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) e "The only way to have a friend is to be one." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) f "Old friends are best." g "Good neighbours become good friends." (The title song of Neighbours, a TV soap opera) Read this letter to Sandy, an "agony aunt" working for a magazine Dear Sandy, I don't know what to Emma and I have been best friends for years We everything together But now things are going wrong Two months ago I started going out with a gorgeous boy called Darren I'm crazy about him The problem is that Emma really likes him, too I can't help noticing the way they look at each other We've always discussed everything in the past, but we don't talk about him - its almost a forbidden subject If they get together, I'm going to lose my best friend AND my boyfriend - I can't bear to think about it Please help me Catherine Imagine you are Sandy Talk to Catherine, giving her some advice http://www.ebook.edu.vn 81 Unit 33: Focus Do you live in a place with traffic jams? traffic jams? Do you know about any other environmental problems caused by cars? LEAVE YOUR CAR AT HOME ! In the last hundred years, cars have revolutionized the way we travel but at what cost? If you're a driver, using your car less is one of the most important things you can to help the environment - and help make it easier for everyone to get around Here's why IT'S A CHOKE! Car fumes are the leading cause of smogs, which are choking our towns and cities, and a major contributor to poor air quality in rural areas, threatening the health of one in five people Pregnant women, young children and people who suffer from heart and lung disease are most at risk GOING NOWHERE With 21 million cars alread y, clogging up UK roads, travelling can be a slow and frustrating experience If we don't anything to cut car use, there could be more than 30 million cars competing for road space by the year 2025 Road congestion already costs our economy some £IS billion every year CLIMATE CATASTROPHE? Road traffic is the fastest growing cause of carbon dioxide, the main "greenhouse gas" Rising levels c greenhouse gases in our atmosphere threaten to make the Earth hotter leading to disastrous changes in the world's climate Cars pump out 14% of all the UK's carbon dioxide pollution CARMAGEDDON Making cars, producing fuel and building roads gobbles up precious natural resources, destroys and poisons huge areas of land In the UK, road building threatens to damage or destroy over 50 of our finest wildlife reserves WHAT A WASTE! When cars are scrapped, many materials end up in the ground or burnt, poisoning our air, water and soil with harmful chemicals Each year 1,400,000 cars are scrapped worldwide choke not being able to breathe rural in the country (not the city) http://www.ebook.edu.vn threatening risking clogging up blocking congestion heavy traffic (= traffic jams) fuel petrol Pollution things which damage the environment gobbles eats greedily resources useful natural things (eg metals, oil) scrapped destroyed soil the earth in which plants grow harmful dangerous (for people animals or plants) 82 Why people love cars so much? Is it because they are convenient means of transport - or they have other qualities? (Think about car adverts.) Do a survey in your class to find out Is it possible to "use cars less"? In groups, discuss these ideas • provide good public transport • make it difficult for car users (eg expensive parking) • cut down the need for journeys (eg new technology) The article talks about damage to the environment even if we don't use cars much Discuss one or more possible solutions to this problem Who should solve these problems - governments or individuals? Would you rather join a political campaign, or something about it yourself, instead? Farmers in Brazil want to cut down the forest to make room for agriculture Tourists want to keep the forest so that they can seethe wildlife In groups, prepare the arguments on each side, and then talk about the issue in class Many people in Britain think that tropical countries should preserve their rainforest But those countries sometimes say: "You in Britain have cut down all your forest You have no right to tell us what to do." It is true that 6,000 years ago, Britain was covered in forest, and now only a tiny area remains How you feel about this argument? What can you to prevent the destruction of the rainforest? Make a list of ideas, then discuss and decide which are the most useful Here is a short list of environmental "green" issues Which you think is the most important? Explain your choice to the class • climate change - global warming, or "the greenhouse effect" • acid rain http://www.ebook.edu.vn 83 • species in danger of extinction (eg the rhino, the elephant, the tiger) • destruction of the rainforest • destruction of the countryside • pesticides and other pollution in food It is sad when an animal or plant species becomes extinct But we don't feel bad about the dinosaurs - and they disappeared millions of years ago Does it really matter if we lose a few more species? Unit 34: RICH PICKING POOR STANDARDS Honesty, as the Reader's Digest has demonstrated by leaving 80 wallets containing £30 around the country, is both absent and alive in the most surprising places The poor, like Glasgow student Andrew Pryde who had only £10 to spend on food that week, often found it in themselves to return the wallet, while those who were obviously much better off sometimes trousered the money without a second thought Trouser is the right word here because it seems that women are far more likely to be honest than men (Two thirds of women who found a wallet handed it in compared to little more than half of men.) Imagination often seemed to separate the people in the Reader's Digest experi ment The Glasgow student wondered if the wallet might have sentimental value, while an unemployed man in Basildon speculated that it might have been dropped by someone else who was unemployed You find a £5 note lying in the street Do you a) hand it into the police'? b) pocket it and thank your good fortune`? c) give it to charity or the next homeless person you meet? You have filled in a £5 National Lottery ticket for a friend who has asked you to choose his numbers At the same time you have completed your own ticket Three days later you discover that one of the tickets has come up with five numbers, but you can't be absolutely certain whether it is your ticket, or your friend's A prize of more than £100,000 is involved Do you a) suggest that you split the prize'? b) make the claim yourself and keep the whole amount? c) insist that your friend takes the whole amount? The Guardian Find the answers in the text to these questions a What was the Reader's Digest experiment on honesty? b Who were generally more dishonest - men or women? c Why did Andrew Pryde hand the wallet in? d How did the man in Basildon react? rich pickings money which people get easily but dishonestly poor standards bad moral attitudes http://www.ebook.edu.vn found it in themselves made a moral decision better off richer trousered kept (literally, "put inside their trouser pockets") has numbers has the five winning numbers split share equally make the claim ask for the money 84 Read this sentence from the article What would you in the following situations? We use would or 'd when we imagine a situation or action Often there is an if -clause with the past simple in the same sentence Examples: If I found a 5-pound note in the street, I would hand it in I'd buy a boat if I won £100,000 in the lottery Use the prompts to make questions with if + past simple and would a shop assistant (give) you too much change by mistake / what you do? b you (see) someone cheating in an exam /you report them? c you (crash) your motorbike into an expensive car and nobody (see) you / you tell the police? d your rich friend (forget) he had lent you £20 /you remind him? e how you feel / you (lose) your wallet containing £50? f you tell the waiter / he (forget) to charge you for your drink? In pairs, ask and answer the questions above Give reasons Do you think the Readers Digest experiment was a good way of checking on people's honesty? Do you agree that women are more honest than men? Why/why not? What would you in the situations described in the last two paragraphs of the article? Would you choose one of the options or take some other action? Have you, or has anyone you know, ever lost money or something valuable? What happened? Did you/(s)he ever get it back? Do you think it would be excusable for a very poor person to keep a wallet found in the street? http://www.ebook.edu.vn 85 Roleplay this situation You find a £50 note in the street You decide to keep it Your friend thinks you should hand it in to the police station Put these actions in order of dishonesty: for the least dishonest and for the most Discuss your list Stealing £5 from a friend's jacket Keeping £5 that you find in the street Stealing something worth £5 from a shop Keeping quiet when a cashier gives you £5 too much change Stealing £5 from your parents Not paying back £5 you borrowed from a friend Do a class survey Find out which of these actions your classmates have done/would Lying to their parents/partner about where they're going Lying about their age to get into an 18 film Not admitting that they have broken/damaged something Copying from someone in a public exam Not telling people the truth (to avoid upsetting them) Reading letters or a diary without permission Repeating something they've promised to keep secret Lying about their age to make themselves more attractive http://www.ebook.edu.vn 86 Unit 35: Focus English is becoming a world language Is this good news for everyon e, or can it cause problems? NO GETTING AROUND IT : ENGLISH IS GLOBAL TONGUE by the Marques de Tamaron Most of us feel that our own language is an essential part of our national identity, yet at the same time we realize that we need a world language, a sort of lingua franca Over the centuries, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Malay, Swahili and other languages have been used as international instruments for trade, diplomacy or religion Many of them are still used in that capacity But three new elements have complicated the situation The first is the rise of English to the position of world language This makes life easier for many people, but it irritates others Many speakers of less widespread languages feel threatened by English It is like sleeping next to an elephant; regardless of its intentions, the size of the animal makes it dangerous Speakers of minority languages quite rightly fear the disappearance of their cultural identity According to Michael Krauss of the Alaska Native Language Center, nine out of ten of the 6,000 languages in the world will die out within the next century This is the second new element in the linguistic situation The third, more dangerous, novelty is the modern reluctance to accept multilingualism Why shouldn't a Corsican use Corsican in some cases and French in others? Indeed, why should a Frenchman feel dishonored using Englis h to sell Camembert to a Japanese? Nowadays, linguistic rivalry is the third most common cause of conflict, after race and religion, and is often mixed with the other two It need not be so Everyone is right in trying to preserve his or her vernacular tongue But this should not exclude other languages Speakers of minor languages will also have to learn a major language to profit from the expanding world economy INTERNATIONAL Herald Tribune Some French speakers in Quebec want independence from English-speaking Canada The Basque language (Euskera) was banned by the Spanish government; after a long struggle, it was accepted as an official language only in 1980 Why people care so much about their own language? Would you fight for the right to speak your language? Why you think English is becoming a world language? Is it because it is easy to learn? Or is it for historical or economic reasons? What are these reasons? In some countries people are getting angry about the use of English words in t heir own language For example, not everybody likes le marketing, le stress and le fast food in French How you feel about this? Does it matter? Can it be stopped? http://www.ebook.edu.vn 87 You are learning English at this moment Is there any other language that you would real ly like to learn? Give your reasons Have a vote in your class to discover the most popular language (other than English) There used to be a lot of dialects around Britain - each with its own words and grammatical forms Now the dialects are more or less dead, and only regional accents remain Is that a good or a bad thing? Do you speak a dialect? What is happening to dialects in your country? Here are some possible effects of growing up bilingual a After learning two languages, it's easier to learn others " b "When you are very young, you can get confused and speak both languages badly " c "It gives you equal access to two different cultures " d "It upsets older people in the family to see you losing your culture " e "You can get translating or interpreting jobs " f "It gives you o feeling of confidence and power g "Sometimes it's difficult to decide which language to use - with your friends, for example." Decide which are advantages and which are disadvantages Then work in small groups to choose which you think are the two most important in the list Finally compare your choices with other groups In a sense, everybody is bilingual There are always differences between formal written language and the spoken language you use with friends or family Give some examples of these differences in your own language What would it be like if everyone in the world spoke the same language' What would be better or easier? Would we lose anything? http://www.ebook.edu.vn 88 Unit 36 : Focus What does the Internet mean to you? Have you ever tried it? Do you think it is a good or a bad thing? NET ADDICTS LEAD SAD VIRTUAL LIVES In the fall of 1994, Lisa Bowes decided to give up her computer As an undergraduate in California she'd spent so much time chatting with strangers on the Internet that she eventually made close friends in places as far away as Sweden and Germany And a man from Pennsylvania she met online came to visit her, with romantic intentions Nearly all of her free time - up to seven hours a day - was spent with the computer Enough was enough "I was definitely an addict," said Ms Bowes, 27 "I met lots of people, but I didn't actually know them When I decided to give my computer back to my parents, that was really good." As university students everywhere make greater use of the Internet, some of their lecturers are beginning to worry Even though the Internet allows for conversations, some students say time on the Net can exaggerate anti-social tendencies and interfere with healthier, face-toface contact One psychologist said he talked with a male college student who, face-to-face, could not ask a woman out But he had no difficulty doing so over the computer Two psychologists at the University of Maryland are even trying to start a support group, Caught In The Net, for those who "find themselves spending too much time on their computers" But, while some students acknowledge spending up to half of each day on the Net, few believe that heavy use is dangerous The Guardian/Baltimore Sun According to the article, who is happy about the Internet, and who thinks it may cause problems? The Internet has its own language Before you start using it, you'll need to know a few basic words the Net the Internet virtual not real, existing only on the computer online when you are connected to the Net surf play with the Net, not looking for anything in particular (the opposite is "search for something") http://www.ebook.edu.vn download copy something from the Net onto your hard disk e-mail electronic mail sending letters through the Net modem 89 the device which connects your computer to the telephone line People also get addicted to computer games Have you played them? Why you think they are "addictive"? If you collect photos of TV or film stars, or if you study the history of football in South America, the Internet is for you You can always find groups of people - somewhere in the world - with the same interest or hobby What special interest groups would you like to check out on the Internet, and why? With television and newspapers, there has always been some government control and censorship With the Internet, control is almost impossible Can you think of problems or dangers that might come from the freedom of the Internet? The Internet can offer some wonderful things For example, how you think doctors or writers or students might use it? What are the possibilities of the Internet? Computers some jobs much quicker and cheaper than humans Make a list of jobs which might be done by computers Do you think that computers cause unemployment? One CD-ROM can hold the same as almost half a million pages in books So they are very good for reference materials, like encyclopedias They can also carry sound and video pictures But are they better than books in every way? Is there any reason to prefer books? We are in the middle of an "information revolution": computers, CD-ROMs, the Internet and mobile phones In what ways can these technologies be good for the environment? Unit 37: HOMELESS ARE RUN OUT OF TOWN Every night an army of invisible people disappear into the alleys and abandoned buildings of Austin, Texas They are the city's homeless But here and in more than 40 cities across the United States, the homeless are facing new laws banishing them from the streets Critics see the movement as proof of the growing hardheartedness of America There are about 700,000 homeless people in the United States In Austin the city council is nearing final approval of a law to ban camping in any public place In New Orleans, an anti-camping law has just been proposed, to control the homeless youths who swarm the French Quarter "The general public is fed up," said New Orleans city council president Peggy Wilson "People should be able to use public spaces When other people http://www.ebook.edu.vn 90 come in and build cardboard tents and so on, the area becomes inaccessible for everyone else Particularly in Lafayette Square, there's a group that feeds people on weekends, and they make no effort to clean up; they dump the garbage, and there's the presence of enormous rats." In Austin, the city's estimated 6,000 homeless can be found near the drinking clubs of Sixth Street, near the University of Texas campus and in tents in corners of the city parks It is the business community who wants rid of them most "Austin is known as an easy city It provides a lot for the homeless," said Jose Martinez of the Downtown Austin Alliance, which favors the anti-camping bill The city's new anti-camping law is expected to carry fines as high as $500 At the same time, the council's homeless task force, is proposing a $3.5 million "campus" for the homeless Task force member Tom Hatch, an architect, said: "It's insane to make not having a home a crime." The Guardian/Washington Post Which of these are generally "for" (F) or "against" (A) the homeless? critics (paragraph 2) the Austin city council (3) the general public (4) Peggy Wilson (4) the group that feeds people (4) the Downtown Austin Alliance (6) the homeless task force (7) Tom Hatch (7) Try to imagine being homeless How would you feel? What sort of problems would you have? What would you miss most from your present life? In some countries asking for money on the street "begging" is illegal Do you think it should be allowed? Do you ever give money to beggars? Young people can't get a job if they are homeless - and they can't afford a home if they haven't got a job How can they get out of this dilemma? Should the government or city council something to help? In Britain some homeless people make money by selling a magazine called The Big Issue Would you buy the magazine? Do you think it's a good idea? Role play In pairs, act out the parts of Emily and Steve, and continue their argument Make sure you use some of these phrases http://www.ebook.edu.vn 91 from Key Language Spend a few minutes preparing your points before you begin Here is some information: Steve "Unicef says that " • half the money spent on cigarettes in Europe would save the lives of all the children in the world who die from preventable disease • 800 million people in the world not have enough to eat • more than billion people not have clean water • 25,000 people die each day from diseases carried by dirty water • half a million babies die each year from tetanus, often because there isn't a clean blade (price: 30 cents) to cut the umbilical cord • in the poorest countries, life expectancy is only just above 40 years; in the richest countries it is almost 80 years Emily "In the USA " • there are about 700,000 homeless people, including 100,000 children • there is a lot of unemployment When the City of Los Angeles advertised for 100 low-paid cleaners, 25,000 people applied • every day six children commit suicide, most of them from poor families • all around us there are adverts showing rich people enjoying expensive products • getting rich is part of the "American Dream" How you feel about the role of charities? Is it a good way to help the poor, or should the government deal with such problems? One famous type of sports shoe is made in Pakistan and costs $70 to buy in the USA But who exactly gets the money? Rich countries pay very low prices for goods from poor countries - not only factory-made things, also fruit, vegetables, coffee etc Is this right? What can be done about it? http://www.ebook.edu.vn 92 REFERENCES Alexander, L.G and R.H Kingsbury I Think You Think Longman Clark, A 1976 The Secret Of The Andes Penguin Group, Maryland, USA Grisham, J 1999 A Time To Kill Penguin Readers Ltd Original Publishing House, Maryland, USA Hailey, A 1999 Airport Penguin Books, Maryland, USA Hawthorn, N 2000 The Scarlet Letter Penguin Group, Maryland, USA Hutchinson, T 1997 Lifelines (Intermediate) Oxford: OUP Johnston, O 1998 Ideas & Issues Macmillan Languagehouse, London, UK Jones Leo and Victoria Kimbrough 1992 Great Ideas Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Lawrence, D 1999 British And American Short Stories Penguin Ltd, Maryland, USA Leonard, T.J 1996 Talk, talk: American Style Tokyo: MacMillan Languagehouse Ltd Lowry, L 1989 Number The Stars Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Maryland, USA Richard, R 1998 Impact Issues.Longman Asia ELT, Hongkong Richard, R 1998 Impact Topics Longman Asia ELT, Hongkong Shelley, Mary 1988 Frankenstein Oxford University Press, London, UK Spack, R 1999 International Story Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House, HCM City, Vietnam Thomson, A 1989 A Practical English Grammar Oxford University Press, London, UK http://www.ebook.edu.vn CONTENTS Chapter 1: PERSONAL & SOCIAL ISSUES Unit 1: Love Unit 2: Stress Unit 3: Growing Old Unit 4: Pollution & Recycling Unit 5: The Homeless & Welfare Unit 6: Gender Roles Unit 7: Ghosts & the Supernatural Unit 8: Disasters Unit 9: Gambling Unit 10: War & Military Chapter 2: SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Unit 11: Money management Unit 12: Cheating Unit 13 Government Spending Unit 14: Divorce Unit 15: Employmement Issues Unit 16: Excuses & Lies Unit 17: Success Unit 18: Identical Twins Unit 19: Can I Help You? Unit 20: Keep in Touch Chapter 3: CONTROVERSIAL MATTERS Unit 21: Once Upon a Time Unit 22: One of These Days Unit 23: Job Satisfaction Unit 24: Equal Rights for Fat People Unit 25: Advertising Unit 26: Animal Rights Unit 27: Beauty Unit 28: I’m a Believer Unit 29: Teenage Killers Free after Months Chapter 4: EMOTINAL ISSUES Unit 30: Sex… Drugs… Alcohol? Unit 31: Today’s Teenagers’ Victims Unit 32: Living With a Stranger Unit 33: Leave Your Car at Home! Unit 34: Rich Picking Poor Standard Unit 35: English Is Global Tongue Unit 36: Net Addicts Lead Sad Virtual Lives Unit 37: Homeless Are Run out of Town References 1 11 13 16 19 22 22 24 27 29 32 34 36 38 41 43 45 45 48 52 54 55 59 61 65 68 71 71 74 78 81 83 86 88 88 92 http://www.ebook.edu.vn Thông tin tác giả giáo trình: - Họ tên: Nguyễn Văn Tuấn - Sinh năm: 1963 - Cơ quan công tác: Tổ Biên-phiên dịch, Khoa Tiếng Anh, Trường Đại học Ngoại Ngữ Huế - Địa email: tuannguyen11863@yahoo.com Phạm vi đối tượng sử dụng giáo trình: - Giáo trình Speaking chủ yếu sử dụng để dạy cho sinh viên ngành Tiếng Anh, chuyên ngành Sư phạm Biên phiên dịch Giáo trình cịn dùng để dạy dùng nguồn tham khảo cho sinh viên ngành Quốc tế học, Việt Nam học - Giáo trình dùng cho trường Đại học ngoại ngữ, Đại học sư phạm ngoại ngữ - Yêu cầu kiến thức trước lúc học môn này: Để học tốt mơn này, người học cần có trình độ tiếng Anh từ Intermediate trở lên Ngoài người học cần phải có kỹ nói tiếng Anh tương đối tốt, có kiến thức lập luận vấn đề liên quan đến sống ngày, văn hóa, xã hội, trị khoa học - Các từ khóa để tra cứu: Love, personal issues, stress, growing old, social issues, pollution and recycling, homeless and welfare, solutions to problems, money management, cheating, government spending - Giáo trình chưa xuất bản, sử dụng làm giáo trình giảng dạy chương trình đào tạo cử nhân sư phạm tiếng Anh Đại học Sư phạm Huế chương trình elearning Đại học Huế - ... help you remember Look at the different ways to compliment people below, and then go and compliment your classmates http:/ /www. ebook.edu.vn 43 You can start with: That''s a beautiful (pretty,... game of chess with someone miles away and much more http:/ /www. ebook.edu.vn 44 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE COMPUTER STORE 962-00 03 OR COME IN AND SEE US TODAY Discuss the following questions... vocabulary words on the next two pages, and guess their meanings from the context.) http:/ /www. ebook.edu.vn 33 Let''s Start What is most important to you in a career choice? Number the following items

Ngày đăng: 22/12/2016, 12:52

