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Urban Planning and the Place Marketing Model An Application to Cities and Provinces in Viet Nam

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Urban Planning and the Place Marketing Model: An Application to Cities and Provinces in Viet Nam By Thi Thanh Van Hoang (Van T Hoang) Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Centre for Strategic Economic Studies Faculty of Business and Law Victoria University Melbourne, Australia November 2010 Declaration I, Van Thi Thanh Hoang, declare that the PhD thesis entitled Urban Planning and the Place Marketing Model: An Application to Cities and Provinces in Viet Nam, is no more than 100,000 words in length including quotes and exclusive of tables, figures, appendices, bibliography, references and footnotes This thesis contains no material that has been submitted previously, in whole or in part, for the award of any other academic degree or diploma Except where otherwise indicated, this thesis is my own work _ _ Van Thi Thanh Hoang Date i Acknowledgements I know that this is an opportunity for me to express my sincere appreciation to the persons who assisted and encouraged me during the course of this dissertation but I not know where I should start So many people helped me on my rocky trip and their help was all so valuable for me First of all, I would like to thank Heather Parker for her long and great friendship to me and my little daughter Ha She has given us uncountable and volunteered help, not only by reading my terrible writing now or taking my daughter out so that I could have a little time for my own another time, but also supporting and encouraging me in critical times of my life We had great times together She is a true Aussie! Special thanks to my supervisor, Professor Peter Sheehan, for his understanding, encouragement, and support during my candidature The completion of this thesis would not have been possible without his direction and support I would like thank CSES for providing necessary conditions and help for my research Particular thanks are due to Margarita Kumnick for her hard work in editing this thesis Many thanks to the Clancy family, especially Sasha and Lilli for their warm companionship which cheered us up much and was very useful With you, Ha and I had learned a lot about friendship, simplicity and confidence Becky, Ben and Hugo, taking Ha to school in the mornings so that I had more time to concentrate on my research was really a big help Your willingness to help is appreciated We know that you did this with your kindness and love for us Thank you so much And our other friends as well as house mates, I would also like to say thanks for their support My family and friends in Viet Nam, who always give me a hand at any time ii I should not forget to say thanks to my home country, Viet Nam, for its great effort to support my course Without this support, my long trip would not have started The last person but not least, my little angel , Ha She is, for me, a small bridge to the fresh outer world and our friends Without this lovely bridge, my past time would have been so boring with computers, books and I could not keep myself sane   What I have received and will bring along with me is something much much more than a thesis Nam Mô Thường Tinh Tấn Bồ Tát Ma Ha Tát iii Abstract In the past three decades many cities and regions around the world have applied a marketing approach to place planning and to attracting development resources Several scholars have analysed this trend in order to define a new approach to the economic planning of places based on the principles of marketing, now called ‘place marketing’ This thesis sets out to clarify the key concepts and the implementation model of place marketing, and to examine the effectiveness of place marketing activities in Vietnam to date and the relevance of improved methods of place marketing to the country To these ends it seeks to clarify the key concepts involved, to build an implementation model of place marketing and to analyse empirically, by statistical analysis and case studies, the practice and effectiveness of place marketing in Vietnam Place marketing can have different characteristics in each type of place, so that applying the concepts and models developed to Vietnam raises specific questions In Viet Nam, the foundations of the market economy are weak and place marketing is in an early stage, so that in many cases the methods used are still simple and focused on creating place products A large number of Vietnamese cities and provinces are currently making efforts to create attractive attributes of places by removing barriers, mostly administrative ones, to access for investors to the resources These efforts can be measured by the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) Nevertheless, an analysis across provinces shows that, after allowing for initial conditions, place marketing as measured by PCI has had a significant impact on economic performance at the provincial level This broad conclusion is confirmed by a further consideration of eight Red River Delta provinces and by case study analyses of Hanoi, Ha Tay and VinhPhuc These analyses also show the critical role of leadership in effective place marketing, the dangers to this process arising from official corruption and from a weak national legal system and enforcement methods The application of place marketing to an economic model such as Viet Nam is possible and necessary for economic growth But the research results suggest that profound reforms of the institutional platform and of national laws are needed for an effective and sustained application of successful models iv Table of Contents Declaration i  Acknowledgements ii  Abstract iv  Table of Contents v  List of Tables x  List of Figures xii  List of Maps xiii  List of Boxes xiii  List of Acronyms xiv  Chapter Introduction 1  1.1 Globalisation, place competition and place marketing 1  1.2 Research issues and research design 5  1.2.1 Research issues 5  1.2.2 Research design 8  PART BUILDING THE MODEL OF PLACE MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12  Chapter Place Marketing Practices: The Case of New South Wales 13  2.1 Introduction to worldwide and Australian place marketing 13  2.1.1 The context of place marketing internationally 13  2.1.2 Introduction to Australian place marketing 15  2.2 Place marketing in Australia: Case study of New South Wales 17  2.2.1 Darling Harbour Project as a start of marketing Sydney 17  2.2.2 Continued marketing of Sydney 21  2.2.3 Sydney’s advantages and the choice of target markets 30  2.3 Place marketing practices: Success, failure and questions 33  2.4 Concluding remarks 42  Chapter Key Concepts of Place Marketing 44  3.1 Introduction 44  3.2 Place product 44  3.3 Place products and place resources 50  v 3.4 Consumption and the selling-buying process of place products 55  3.5 Place product price 57  3.6 Place marketing and place marketing management 59  Chapter Model of Place Marketing Management 60  4.1 Introduction 60  4.2 Urban planning and place marketing 61  4.3 Place marketing process 63  4.3.1 Place audit 64  4.3.2 Vision and goals 66  4.3.3 Strategy formulation 68  4.3.4 Action plans 75  4.3.5 Implementation and control 76  4.4 Cost-revenue assessment and the cycle of using public resources in place marketing 80  4.4.1 Cost-revenue assessment as a management tool of place marketing 80  4.4.2 Cycle of using public resources and the role of government agencies in doing place marketing 83  4.5 Influence of external environment on provincial place marketing 87  PART EVALUATION OF THE APPLICABILITY OF THE MODEL TO VIETNAMESE PROVINCES 90  Chapter Empirical Methodology 91  5.1 Introduction 91  5.2 PCI as an indicator of provincial place marketing management 93  5.2.1 The Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) 93  5.2.2 Using the PCI as an indicator of place marketing 98  5.3 Measuring outcomes 102  5.3.1 Various outcome indications: Investment, enterprise profit, GDP and PIO 102  5.3.2 The issue of initial advantages 102  5.4 Empirical methodology: Statistical analysis and the case study approach 104  5.4.1 Statistical evidence of the impact of the PCI on selected outcome indicators 104  5.4.2 Limitations of the PCI and the related analyses 105  5.4.3 The case study approach 105  vi Chapter Urban Planning and Place Marketing in Vietnam: An Overall Evaluation of the PCI’s Effects on Economic Outcomes 108  6.1 Introduction: The objectives and structure of the analysis 108  6.2 The PCI research team approach to initial advantages 109  6.3 Using the measure of initial advantages 118  6.4 PCI and selected outcomes: Cross-section results 122  6.5 PCI and the growth of private industrial outcomes per capita (PIO) 124  6.6 Conclusion 127  Chapter Impact of the PCI in Red River Delta Provinces 128  7.1 Introduction: The Red River Delta provinces 128  7.2 The limitations of existing measures of initial condition 133  7.2.1 Limitations of the PCI research method 134  7.2.2 Problems in collecting data and accurateness of data 136  7.3 Transport and initial conditions 137  7.4 Analysing the relation between PCI, initial advantages and DPIO, DPIO+FIO 145  7.4.1 Bac Ninh and Hung Yen 146  7.4.2 Thai Binh 146  7.4.3 Ha Tay 147  7.4.4 Nam Dinh 147  7.4.5 Hai Duong 148  7.4.6 Vinh Phuc 148  7.5 Conclusion 149  Chapter Impact of PCI and Factors Conditioning PCI: A Study of Ha Noi 151  8.1 Introduction 151  8.2 The analysis of PIO 152  8.3 Ha Noi’s PCI and growth in number of enterprises 160  8.4 PCI and the national institution 166  8.4.1 Leadership and PCI sub-indices 166  8.4.2 Ha Noi’s PCI and the national institution 172  8.5 Conclusion 182  Chapter An Evaluation of the Applicability of the Model to Vietnamese Provinces 183  9.1 Introduction 183  vii 9.2 Vinh Phuc province: A success in planning and implementing the model of place marketing? 184  9.2.1 Place Audit – Vision and Goal: Distinguishing actual or potential strengths and identifying the target market 184  9.2.2 Strategy, action plan and implementation: Marketing strategies 190  9.3 Ha Tay province: Hoa Lac urban development – the failure of the projects of a scientific city during 1996-2007 202  9.3.1 Good vision and good strategic planning 202  9.3.2 Determination of the Vietnam top leaders and the failure in deploying the project in the period 1998-2007 210  9.4 Success, failure and conditions for effectively applying the model of place marketing 215  9.4.1 Success factors of Vinh Phuc 215  9.4.2 Causes hindering the implementation of Hoa Lac projects 219  9.4.3 Conditions for effectively applying the model of place marketing 219  Chapter 10 Conclusion 224  Appendix 1: Detailed Description of Component Indicators 228  Appendix 2: Ranking of Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) by Province 229  A2.1 PCI 2005 – forty-two cities and provinces 229  A2.2 PCI 2006 – sixty-four cities and provinces 232  A2.3 PCI 2007 – sixty-four cities and provinces 235  A2.4 PCI 2008 – sixty four cities and provinces 238  Appendix 3: Status and Network of the NR in the Red River Delta region 241  Appendix 4: Assessment of the extended initial advantages of Red River Delta provinces 245  A4.1 Ha Tay 245  A4 Bac Ninh 246  A4.3 Hai Duong 247  A4.4 Nam Dinh 248  A4.5 Hung Yen 249  A4.6 Vinh Phuc 250  A4.7 Ninh Binh 251  viii A4.8 Thai Binh 252  Appendix 5: Summary of Interviews in Vinh Phuc 253  A5.1 Interview with Vinh Phuc Management Board of Industrial Zones and Attracting Investment 253  A5.2 Interview with Vinh Phuc Investment and Planning Department 254  References 257  ix Gold, J 1994, 'Locating the message: place promotion as image communication ', in J Gold (ed.), Place 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Ngày đăng: 19/12/2016, 12:14



