The process of infiltration So far , the researchers have yet to agree on a conclusion the process of Islam introduced in Southeast Asia , however , opinion is still the most favored an
Trang 1bìa
HUE, 1/ 2014
Trang 21 Nguyen Thao Nguyen
2 Nguyen Thi Yen Anh
3 Nguyen Thi Bich Thuong
4 Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang
5 Nguen Thi Hong Nhung
Trang 3I Introduction of Islam……….
II The process of infiltration……….
III Situation of Muslims in Southeast Asia…………
IV Conclusions……….
I Introduction of Islam
Islam ( / ɪslɑ ː m / ; Arabic : م لسللا al - ʾ Islam IPA : [ aelʔɪslae ː m ] ) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an , a book Considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God ( Arabic : ا Allāh ) and by the Teachings and normative example ( Called the Sunnahand composed of hadith ) of Muhammad , Considered by them to be the last
Trang 4Prophet of God Called An adherent of Islam is a Muslim Islam born in Saudi in early seventh century , canon law has on the traffic type strictest religious law Five pillars of Islam : Testimony , Prayer , Alms - giving , Pilgrimage and Fasting
II The process of infiltration
So far , the researchers have yet to agree on a conclusion the process of Islam introduced in Southeast Asia , however , opinion is still the most
favored and this Islam introduced through Arab merchants and India from around VII - XIII centuries Islam occurs in the presence of Christian, but really influential few centuries later and Islam has spread steadily along the waterway trade route linking western India with East Asia The first
territorial intrusion northern Sumatora , the first Ache -resident Muslims When Malacca became prosperous , it became the University center spread Islam to Malaisia , Indonesia , Malaisia road then spread through the South Island Philippines Until the fifteenth century , the islands of Southeast Asia are tied together by a string of national trade Muslims The process of " Islam
" of that time is completed through conversion and conquest of the island , to expand Islam region bordering along the existing trafficking The coastal cities such as Malacca , Aleh , Pasai plays an important role because they are the city and is the center of trade in the region , therefore , we are Islam first place to invade
On Southeast Asia , Islam children not scroll through the crystal because
it " refinery " this planet can enter India - where Islam immigration before introduced into Southeast Asia and is influenced by cultural humanity
natives Although access to the Middle East and Islam AD by the holy war , but it is the path to peace in South East Asia through trade and merchants Islam , should easily be accepted and increasingly profound impact in
economic life , political , cultural , especially in island nations like Malaisia , Indonesia, Philippines ( in the Philippines , with states like Sulu Islam ( X -
XV centuries ) , Mindanao ( XVI )
Southeast Asian mainland , the Islam community has been established in Myanmar , Thailand , VietNam and Cambodia However, the Islam
community in this area is just minority communities , not strongly developed
as in the islands of Southeast Asian countries , because Islam has faced one major obstacle is Buddhism However, Islam in this area there are specific religions and cultures
III Situation of Muslims in Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia , religious paintings are varied by the process of
historical development , convergence here have the system fully conscious thinkers from both the East and the West In the picture of the culture of Southeast Asia , Islam certainly status in many countries of the region along with the collapse of many ancient nations and states born Muslim , Islam has
Trang 5contributed significantly to the development of commodity economy and is one of deep religious intervention in political life most of the Southeast Asia countries
Can say Southeast Asia is home of Islam the world's largest , rims
traditional stretching from North Africa to the South West But Muslims in Southeast Asia in the heart outside the scope of these problems gloves
Muslim spiritual boards , psychology Islam is very deep and powerful , not much different in authentic Islam but other places
Currently Southeast Asia is one of the main territories of Islam with more than three fifths of the population are Muslim , or almost 200 million people Especially in Eastern Indonesia , approximately 130 million people in
approximately 5-6 million and then to Malaysia , Philippines , Moros
approximately 3 million people Islam is the state religion of Brunei , is the official religion of Malaysia and Indonesia , is the religion of a large minority groups in the Philippines , Singapore , Thailand and was present in
Myanmar , Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam Islam is a political force , big society in Southeast A Muslims in different countries in many aspects :
language , race , particularly ethnic issues The specific situation of Islam in some Southeast Asian countries
• Indonesia
The population of Indonesia about 225 million people , in which 85 % the population is Muslim Therefore, Islam is considered the national religion of this country In addition to Islam, Indonesia have the other religions such as Hindu, Buddhism and Christianity From the 8th century , Islam has
penetrated into Indonesia through the Indian traders and then the Arabians The first, Islam appeared in Ache, northern Sumatra , and from there spread around Indonesia
In Indonesia, the majority Muslim have pretty liberal views with Islam
Example women Muslim in Indonesia are much freer than women in other Islam countries They do not have to wear a veil , instead, they ware a
colorful short skirt and a bundle skirt is called xarong However, in Jakarta, Muslim women not wear skirts instead wear the pants but their hair must cover by a big scarf
Many women although Muslim but still popular West style completely, is mean they wear modern short skirts and their head no scarf With youth , they dress very modern no different with western countries
Regarding food , Indonesian people eat quite simple Rice is considered main dishes, can be used for breakfast , lunch and dinner When eaten, the
Indonesian people not use bowl and chopsticks, used the plate and hand to eat
Hand to eat must use right hand because the left hand is considered dirty Left hand is hand upon, many Indonesian people write by left hand In the hotel,people usually use knife and fork , but in the families and in restaurants,
Trang 6people still use the hand to eat Before eating , the restaurant calves for
everyone a small tureen made of inox to wash their hands and put there until the meals finish
• Malaysia
Islam came from neighboring country India has captured the love and faith with over 60 % of the population and is the national religion of Malaysia
at present
In Malaysia , Islam occupied a very important position and can dominate
as well as participating in all aspects of life from economic , political ,
educational and have a separate ministries Islamic law , Islamic courts and a some other vital organs Islam of Malaysia has some issues that need to know and should be avoided such as take off the shoe , hat before entered the
temple , shrine or on the house of Malaysian and sitting is not cross your legs ( according to the Malaysian this action is very rude ) Malaysian Muslims do not eat pork and drink alcohol , Islam is the national religion in Malaysia, according to 2010 statistics , approximately 61 % Muslim
Among Muslims , the Muslim of Sunni occupied majority, while non-
denominational is the second largest group with 18 %
Follow the Constitution , all Malaysian people are considered Muslim
Muslims have obligations follow to the decision of the Syariah courts in
matters concerning their religion The Islamic judges are considered the school of Islam Shafi law, madh'hab of Malaysia Powers of Shariah courts is limited to Islam community in matters such as marriage , inheritance , divorce , apostasy , proselytizing The crimes and other civil violations within the jurisdiction of the civil courts , civil courts not handling the matters related to Islamic practices
• Brunei
Although 70% of the population are Muslims, but Islam is the national
religion under the law, Muslim practice is very spacious and adhere strictly in Brunei Brunei has announced introduction of strict Sharia law of Islam The Act applies only to Muslim contains provisions stoned to death as those with adultery and theft bleach Religion Brunei had strict regulations than
neighboring Muslim countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, for example
banning the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages The new law has been applied very strict In the penalties for offenders who dropped but
drinking beer or abortion Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, 67, a notice of applying the law, said it was "part of the great history of our nation." Before that, he would put into mandatory regulations as all Muslim children to learn about religion and start businesses to close for prayer on Friday Brunei is a Muslim country with 70% Muslim population The title is used to show the high esteem in vocative in Brunei An ordinary men called is Dayang Awang
Trang 7and women Pengiran title of royal lineage Those who greatly contributed to the country in various fields, the King bestowed titles and Pehin Dato The Brunei titles used in daily communication on replacing names The Brunei not use their name, typically the son is padded bin, binti daughter, followed by the name of the father Married women do not call her husband by name, but his name remained
• Singapore
Singapore is a country with a population of about 2.5 million , but is a multi-racial , multi- language and multi- religious 77 % of the population are Chinese, 15% Malay , 6 % Indian people Like other Southeast Asian
countries , Muslims in Singapore are not homogeneous The majority of people follow Islam is Malaysia Some people follow Islamic States is very small Malaysian Muslim community is weakest economic and social versus Islam must not repainting Malaysia , even lower than all academic
• Philippines
Islam in the Philippines has a long history Islam began on the islands in the southern Philippines in the late fourteenth century , in the year 80 of this century in the islands Tavitavi , Simunul started to reappear but the first
Muslim community Start colonial foreign invaded this country , but Muslims
in the southern Philippines were against the invasion of the Spanish colony However, massive invasion of Spain has reduced and almost entirely
eliminates the Muslim states in this process and repel Islamic expansionism in northern Philippines Therefore , the influence of Islam is only found in the original location , when it was invited to Sulu The Mendanao and Muslim areas south , it was not until the early twentieth century flower competition beginners enter the country on a common from the administrative system Muslims in the Philippines is called Moros Moros of approximately 4.5 million people or about 9 % of the population The majority of them
fishermen , engaging in agriculture A small number did was state employees
or teachers , military or judiciary
• Thailand
Islam is the second religion Buddhist actual number of Muslims in
Thailand accounted for 4 % of the country's population of 50 million people
In terms of ethnographic information can divide religious groups Thailand bar Muslim Malays and Muslims must not Ma Lai Muslims account for about 70-80 % Malay Muslim country At present , although it has become Thailand 's citizens , the Muslim Malay preserve cultural identity Malay and gloves closely with Malayan world in many ways , especially in language fisheries , cultural - economic , social Son of non- Muslims believe Ma Lai including moving India , Pakistan , Iran , China , Indonesia It should be noted , were the non- Muslim Malays are considered officially Muslim Thais , by their famous Thai , mingle with Thai culture scene Basically, Muslims in
Thailand live in the countryside, farming , catching Children in urban areas ,
Trang 8according to the majority of Muslim shopkeepers , workers and State officials , a number of other less successful in many different areas In economic
terms , Muslims are not much different Buddhist believers Muslims in
Thailand scattered across the country Yet this also 4 crowded places
especially in the southernmost province of Thailand ( where the majority Malays )
• Myanmar
Islam started entering Myanmar from XIII - XIV century , originated from Bengal In the sixteenth century , most residents of northern Myanmar,
according to Islam, while the center is still Buddhism Then , in the British colonial era Islam, residents series India migrated here , make stronger Islam Community today , outside the area also has a number of cities in Central and Southern Myanmar , the Myanmar side Thailand world , is also developing Islam
• VietNam
Muslims number more than 72,000 people (including Cham and Cham
Bani Islam ) , reside in the area 13/63 provinces and 257 cities nationwide and
70 church dignitaries Due to geographical location and circumstances
missionaries , living conditions and exchanges of Cham especially outside the Muslim world but in Vietnam 2 blocks forming Muslim with significant
differences :
+ Central Vietnam Muslims called Cham Banih Islam
+ Muslims in South Vietnam 's Cham Muslim Islam
The only ethnic Cham in Vietnam Muslim Muslims world have strict rules but when introduced to Cham communities it has been changed a lot and humane nation imbued by the vitality of indigenous cultural traditions
It is characterized Cham culture - culture is dominated and tied strongly by intercalation and tolerance of religious beliefs and practices
For those who care , there are Muslim huge impact in the life-cycle rituals and daily living habits as birth , weddings , funerals
Costumes :Cham's costume in the South is a combination of many factors Women who take Islam as exposed or when the roads are living turban on his head to cover the hair and not carry the network as Muslims in Arab countries
IV Conclusions
Islam increasing influence in the political life of many Southeast Asian countries In many countries , the national director Islam and really play a role in running the country however , different from the Middle East
countries Islam , Islam though capable of governing , affecting peace and stability in the region but the domination of Islam in Southeast Asia is still quiet and less stressful This shows that the action backwards to integrate into his civilized exterior of indigenous cultures of Southeast Asia
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