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Gontents Map of the book Acknowledgements Introduction Un¡ñüf UmfiüZ Is tlrerea bank? Airmail,pleasel -7 10 14 'lB Urafit4 what'son? what's in yourluggage? 22 Umfit5 Whereshallwe eatit 26 Umñt6 somewhere to stay 30 Un¡flt? on top of TabteMorurtain 34 Un¡ñt8 lt's ringing 3B Umfit9 Don'tworryl 42 UnltS UmfiülO what'sinthe news? Umilr:l I I'll checkmy email 46 Rcmewi tr,4 Umfitl2 Is that speltcorrectty? 50 60 Un¡fit13 Howdo I ioin? Un¡Etl4 At the sportscentre 64 túmEtl5 I'd tiketo üuorkhere UmEtl6 Justthelobl 7) 76 Revñew2 BO 6B Appendices Appemdkl Usefullangruage 82 Appemdffi2 Learningtips 87 AppemdkO Using a dictionary J1 Answer key 96 Unit number Title Topic Howto ,, I I$ there a hanle? Shopsandother se¡vices ó scana textto find particular piecesof information s find outaboutservices in theareawhereyouarestaying a readnotices in shopwindows andfindoutexactly what services areavailable Airmail, pl€as*! Sending mail abroad s reada postofficeleafletquicklyto geta generalideaof whatit isabout s findtheinformation youneedto decidewhichisthe bestwayto sendlettersandpostcards abroad o find outhowto sendpackets andpackages abroad Vllhat's on? Theatre and cinema o understand a textwithoutknowingthe meaningof every word o reada theatreprogramme andchoose a showyou wouldliketo see o reada cinemabrochure, andfindoutaboutpaying for tickets andmembership Whaü'sin ycur Iuggage? Handand checked-in ru88a8e o findwordswithsimilar meanings in a text o findoutaboutrestrictions to yourhandluggage o decideif youneedto declare anything at Customs Whereshatrl we eát? Foodandeating ouf understand descriptions of dishesandrecommendaüons, andchoosewhatyouwouldliketo eat g workoutthefunctionof eachsentence in a text o understand webrecommendations andchoose a place to eat Someurhereto stay Hostel accommodation useyourknowledge andexperience to predict the contentof a text e findoutabouta hostelandwhatit offers c findtheanswers to frequently askedquestions On top sf fahle Mountain Sightseeing readandfindtheinformation youneedwithoutfocusing on unknown words o tryandworkoutthe meaning of unknown words findoutaboutanattraction fromleaflets aboutit I It's ringing Telephones s usea chartto makenotesandcomparethings o choosethe bestmobilephonepackage for yourneeds c decidehowto payfor callsfroma publicphonebox Map of the book Unit number TiUe Topic How to , * identifythe mostimport¿nt partsof sentences * followinstructions in a firstaidmanual andgivefirstaid * findoutabouttreatment at Accident andEmergency (A&E) # ffisx*'tw*ssleq Firstaidand accidents $# lfiiBnÉt'$ i* á*:e a¡g¡gr*? Newspapers useheadlines to predict thecontent of newspaper articles understand shortnewspaper articles identifywordsthatareusefulto you X'!$e3ce*3< rxag *ra?aáE Keeping in touch workoutthemainpurpose of an email understand emailabbreviations and'smileys' identify different typesof emailanddealwiththem 12 Is rhat spelr correctly? British Checking spellings o identify English andAmerican English spellings o addwordsto thecomputels customized dictionary o identifu incorrect - - spellinss -r -o- 13 How do-Iioin? Usinga library 14 At the sports Genüre Staffnoticeboard o usea varietyof approaches whenreading texts o readadvertisements on a noticeboard anddecidewhat youareinterested in findoutabouttakingup a newsportandhavinglessons f5 I'd like fo work here Working in a music store t6 Jusrúheiob! Finding a job dd E* o putthesentences of a textintoyourownwords o findoutabouta librarywhatyoucanborrowandwhat youhaveto payfor usea dictionary withEnglish definitions to findoutthe meaning of words o findoutaboutjobsandbenefitson a company website choose a iobyouareinterested in skima pageof advertisements in a newspaper to find outwhichonesaremostusefulto you job advertisements understand andchoose a jobwhich suitsvou complete a job application form Xs*ketre& fussrk? read i * Lookat the listof placesagain.Whichplacesareshops? Whichprovideotherservicesfor customers? Wntetwo lists shops - "u-&y.r-'"s - - serulces -. -_-9_s4y-_" -" S Lookat the photographs Whataretheseshopsand services? Choosefrom the wordsin the box i i bake/s i l/eiir¡te & Add someotherplacesto the h,voiistsabove & lmagineyou are doinga languagecoursein Britain a -.-. -fui*d.wq lp .- b d € C +I Lookat yourilstof shopsand seruíces Whichshops and servicesare most importantto you?(X: not very rmportant, /: important,'/,/ : veryimportant) l m a g i n e y o u a r e d o i n g a l a n g u a g ec o u r s ei n S u m m e r t o w n and you see the leaflet on the opposite page on the school noticeboard Look quickly at the leaflet What is ¡t about? Tick / one of the boxes , [ : : u m n e r t t w I b cervrces in SumrlertownI c :rirops ¡ird seruices in Summertown[] Learning tip We sometrrnes look througha texl to find a particularpieceof rnformationThls type of readlngis cailedscanning.Whenwe scan,we clon'treadeveryword.We f,nd the rnformatronwe're lookingfor and then stopreading.We don't pay any attentionto the rest of the text fg S Socialand Travel Scanthe leaflet on the opposite page and find the answersto these questions.Answer yes or no" a ls ther-e a bikerentaislore rn Sumnrefiown? g9l " h l sl l e r e a p o s to f i r c e ? c ls therean internetcaÍé? ,.j cfhere¿ ctnerf¿? e ls therea drycleaner's? """ i I ' t h e r ca n o p l i t i a ns ? Is tlrere a bank? [t:]ii¡Eü't Which of the serv¡ces¡n Exercise2 are in Banbury Road?Which are in South Parade?Write BR or 5P after your yes answers¡n Exercise2 is a busycommun¡q/ We hopeyou will enjoyyour stayhere!Summertown north from whichhasbuiltup aroundBanburyRoad,themainroadheading the centreof Oxford.lt is a mainlyresidentialarea.Here are somenotes whichwe hopewill helpmakeyour stayenjoyable What other shops and serv¡cesare there ¡n Summertown?Write a list 59 and Oxford City Centreiswithin easyreach.Several buses- 7,7, 17,25,27, I - run frequentlyto andfrom the centre.Alternatível¡you canrent or buy a bikeandcycledown BanburyRoadin aboutten minutes.(Youcanhirea bike Cycles,or buyyour own.) at Summertown Shops and other serv¡ces Youdont needto go into Oxfordfor your shopping asyou will find you needherein Summertown Mostshopsarein Banbury everyth¡ng for food shopping.The Co-op(at the Road.There arethreesupermarkets southernendofthe shopingarea)is openunt¡l lOpmon weekdayevenings food shopsincludea andhasthe longestopeninghours.Other specialist fruit shop,a delicatessen, a Lebanese shopandtakeawa¡a butcher'sshopand two bakert.Unlessotherwisestated,shoppinghoursare from 9.30amuntil 5.30pm,Monday-Saturday in Summertown, Thereusedto be three newsagent's but now there is only one.Martinsis at the northernendof the shoppingarea.Martinscanorder foreignnewspapers for you.Speakto one of the salesassistants if you'dliketo arrangethis.Youcanalsobuystampshere.Thereis no longera postofficein nearestpostofficeis in the centreof Oxford Summenown.The - Lloyds, Therearethreebanksin Summertown HSBCandBarclays Openinghoursare 9.00am-4.30pm All of themhaveATM machines outside Other shopsin BanburyRoadincludea stationerl,a book store,a health is alsoan internetcafé,a computershopanda shopanda cardshop.There homefor you branchof MAILBOXESETC.whichwill shipyour possessions at the end of your stay whichis at the northernendof Summertown Libraryis in SouthParade, libraryis openeverydayexceptWednesday BanburyRoad.The andeveryone is welcome.You'll find lots of informationaboutthe areahere,andyou can alsoreadthe newspapers Thereisnt a cinemain Summertown, but therearetwo videorental in BanburyRoad,offersthe usualma¡nstream films stores.Blockbuster, in SouthParade, Videosyncratic, on the other hand,hasa wide selectionof foreignfilms travelagent'sandlaunderetteare both in SouthParade.There Summertown's is alsoa dry cleanerlin BanburyRoad.You cangetyour photosdeveloped there too, For your medicalneeds,there are two chemist'sin BanburyRoad Thereis alsoan optician's Thereare severalhairdresser's, bothfor menandwomen,in Summertown T¡ro of them -Wendy Burnett'sandAnthonyLawrence- alsooffer a range of beautytreatments Are thesesentences true (T) or false(F)? a Thereis a good bus seruiceinto Oxfordfrom Summertown. J b Mostshopsin Summertownare closedon Sundays _ _-_ is c The Co-opsupermarket oppositethe newsagent's _ d The newsagent's sells stamps. _e The bestdayto go to the libraryis Wednesday f Therearetwo hairdresse/s in Summertown. _ - Classbqrus Writesomequestions aboutthe or some textlikethosein Exercise sllementslikethosein IueÍalse_ Civeyourquestions/ Exercise statements to anotherstudent yourpartne/s questions Answer or decideif his/herstatements are ' trueorfabe Are there any other shops or servicesyou would like to find in Summertown? E brapracbice youaredoinga language lmagine coursein anotherBritishtownor for this city.Lookat thevr¡ebsite town/city.Scanthewebsiteto find you outif it hasallthe services notedin Getrecdytu reed tl ,*:litjt Is therea bank? B I saw iü in tÉ¡ernrimdemr Look at these noticesfrom windows of shopsand placesin Summertownwhich provide other services Where would you see each notice? Complete these sentences viA*n rexlnL sbre lf I wantedto renta bike, l'd go to a raararalal h ,pEN 7.DDam uAar wAaH -7.DDpn CLO5E 8,4OPN 6ERt/LcE wAail 4.7Dan - 2.3Oyn Mondag - FrLdag company and will soonbe ;,$b"ary, to all our patients, In order to aseLef cue{omere, * on a voluofarg fo{f m¿mbers "{ baeLs - are wLllLng fo oamplofe washLag later, befween aof loes @ Sociat andTravel whLch wLll be dallaoted ThLs Le a prLvafe ar oqstomer aooepf damage a"d arra.^gemenf sta{f, respoasLbLlLfg fo the a^d {or t4e ang eaLd tlashLng, t t Is therea bank?Un¡iltt Scanthe noticesand answerthese questions.The question letters match the notice letters a Whatexactlv canvourentfor €9? -1 vptw.o N-!cil9.2 ht L MY'!-a Look at this notice from another shop in Summertown.This shop sells things, but what is different about it? Complete this sentence Oxlan sdls ütnqs b Canyou get takeawaymealshere? c How muchtime you getfor the cheaperbudgetcard? S *xrarn d Whymightsomepricesbe higher? Opening Times andhealth? e Dotheyonlydealwithmedicine Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday f Whencan'tyouusetheATMmachine? g Whosephonenumberisgiven? h Whatisthelatesttimeyoucanstartyourwashing? Focuson g'-tB 9.3Oam9.3Oam9.3Oam9.30am9.30am9.30am- 5.3Opm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm CLOSED We are very gratefulfor your donatedgoods Please help us by leavingthem when the shop is OPEN for and from Leavingdonationsoutside the shop at any other time presents a fire risk, and donationsget STOLEN We use for Thankyou for your cGoperation, - to showanamountof moneyandtime:2 forE7for2 nights - whensomething canbe usedbysomeone or something: Discounts Mondoyonly for students Weusefromto show - wheresomething Breodfreshfromtheoven started: - whensomething pricesfromApril2006 started:Revised * the startingprice:/A/IERtuET from90p on hour withfor ar from Complete thesesentences is open -.-{tg -7.00am a Thelaunderette fishcomes thesea b Fresh f5 budgetcard c Youcanbuythecheapest peoplewithoutwashingmachines is . -d Thelaunderette freshfruit e Youcangoto thesupermarket f A haircut costs " -. -89 fromthetext Complete thesetwo expressions further information, contact 01865244699 R - . h Wedo notacceptresponsibility anylossor damage Did you know ? Odamwasstartedin Ig42andis the IJK'slargestaid agency.'Oxfam'js shortfor'OdordCommittee for Fa¡¿ine Relief'.Its headguarte¡s usedto be in Summertown andits fustshopis in the centreof Oxford.TheSummertor¡m shopis oneof 5001ntheUK ,t_t'd.i'l Look at all the noticesagain.Which of the shops and serviceswould you use if you lived in Summertown? $$$s$$s$$*$$$.$#*s $s$$"$"s$ $.$#$#$sr Can-dochecklisb lck whatyoucando piecesof information I canscana textto find particular in the areawhereI am staying I canfindoutaboutservices what I canreadnoticesin shopwindowsandfindout exactly services areavailable, kolea¿o /rinka 5oo Raba, ul|-ña zo't¿t'Pola¡d A tam I hawea stisker? Learning tip Weoftenlookat a text qulckiyto findout whatit is about or to geta generalideaof its meaning, Welookat pictures andheadings, aswell asthe text itself.Thistypeof read"ing is caliedskimñng.\ly'henwe skim,we don'treadevery word.Wegetthe marnideaanddon'tpayattentionto the smalldetails You are going to read a text from a leaflet called Mail made easy Skim the text on the opposite page What is it about? Tick / one of the boxes a sending letters andpostcards withinthe UK f b sending letters andpostcards withinEuropefl c sending letters andpostcards allovertheworldf, Skim the text again.Which of these sentencesis true?Tick / one ofthe boxes a Airmail isfasterbutmoreexpensive thansurface mail.I b Surface mailis slowerandmoreexpensíve thanairmail I c Airmailis cheaper andfasterthansudacemail.tr @ SociatandTravel How you addressthe envelopes? Completethe sentences a !t Hgy y? -!?-t9-Í{!*_z _!o! g-y?rg.?.\tfu bJf -s-o-q 4f t9 T.s!¿_s9_{ Fccuson pounds aneipence "'F* u,t ' ," '!; Lookat thelistof airmailpriceson theleaflet Círcle thefigures fortheseprices a onepoundforty-one (pence) b threepoundsten (pence) c sixty-four pence d fourpoundsandh,vopence Nowwritetheseprices in words.Practise saying the prices aloud e fO.72 -?-e-y%fu:W9_-p94*_-_- -_. f g n t 81.O2 E1.79 €2.14 E2.7O i F

Ngày đăng: 13/12/2016, 14:36