1 According to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, the primarydevelopmental task of middle childhood involves resolving conflicts relatedto which of the following aspects of identity?
A autonomy versus doubtB initiative versus guiltC industry versus inferiorityD identity versus role confusion
2 A school counselor plans to conduct a group guidance session on gangs andgang avoidance with a class of sixth graders early in the session, the
discussion unexpectedly turns to another issue: how to resolve an ongoingconflict between two groups of students in the glass The counselor decidesto focus on the classroom conflict issue as part of the discussion of gangs.Which of the following best explains a key benefit of the counselor’s decision?
A Students’ self-esteem and sense of worth is likely to be enhanced when they view themselves as being free to determine the direction of their own learning.
B The counselor’s action allowed the class to address content that is more developmentally appropriate for students in this age group.C Student learning is likely to be maximized when students have a chance to pursue topics that are perceived as being immediately relevant to their lives.
D The counselor’s action modeled for students the value of individualflexibility in responding to changing situations and needs.
3 Ramon is a second grader who receives a grade-equivalent score of 4.5 on amathematics achievement test Which of the following is the best
interpretation of Ramon’s test result?
A Ramon knows mathematics about as well as a typical fourth graderat the end of the fifth month of school.
B Ramon’s performance on the test is about the same as that expectedof an average fourth grader midway through the school year.
C Ramon’s current mathematics instruction should focus on contenttypically taught to fourth graders during the fifth month of school.D Ramon has mastered about half the mathematics content typically
included in the fourth grade curriculum.
Trang 2session, and all the selected students have agreed to participate in the session Which of the following should be the counselor’s first step at the group’s initial session?
A guiding group members to establish peer agreement about issuesof group confidentiality
B discussing the counselor’s goals and expected outcomes for the groupC establishing rules of order and etiquette to be used during the group
D explaining the sequence and purposes of activities the counselor haschosen for the group
5 At the request of the principal, a middle school counselor is establishing asocial skills groups to resolve an ongoing dispute between two groups ofseventh grade students that have cause classroom and other disruptions forseveral months Which of the following is the first step the counselor shouldtake in establishing this social skills group?
A Advise the students’ parents or guardians that their children have beenassigned to this group at the request of the principal.
B Inform the students that as a result of their continuing conflicts, theywill be required to participate in this group.
C Contact each student’s parent or guardian to discuss the purpose ofthe group and request permission for the student to attend.
D Ask each student to sign a release form indicating her understandingof the group’s purpose and willingness to participate.
6 Bob, a school counselor in a culturally diverse high school, makes an effort to increase his sensitivity to and awareness of traditionally family
relationships and interactions in students’ home cultures This practice is likely to be most useful in helping the counselor:
A recognize when the families of culturally different students may be in need of counseling or other services.
B focus on the fundamental similarities that exist among groups andindividuals from all cultures.
C guide students into making appropriate and culturally acceptableeducational and career decisions.
D adjust counseling strategies in ways that are responsive to eachstudent’s experiences.
Trang 3Using a trait-factor approach, a school counselor’s first step would be to:A provide Alicia with detailed information about occupations in her
areas of interest.
B advise Alicia to complete a liberal arts degree before choosing acareer.
C administer tests to provide Alicia with a profile of her interests,aptitudes, and personality.
D encourage Alicia to pursue a career in her area of greatest achievement.
8 A high school junior with an above-average academic record talks to hisschool counselor about his disappointing PSAT scores He attributes his lowscores in part to test anxiety and in part to having forgotten some content insubjects not recently studied The counselor can best respond to this
student’s concerns by advising him to:
A keep in mind that the PSAT is only intended as practice for the SAT.B immerse himself in review and practice test-taking activities for at
least a week before the SAT is administered.C enroll in an SAT preparation course.
D keep in mind that college entrance exam scores are only one of manycriteria used by colleges to judge applicants.
9 Professional standards of conduct require school counselors to adhere towhich of the following ethical guidelines when counseling students?A Refrain from consciously encouraging a student to accept values,
decisions, or beliefs that represent only the counselor’s personalorientation.
B Share with a student’s parents or guardians thoughts or concernsexpressed during counseling that are in conflict with the family’sbasic values or belief system.
C Avoid pursuing discussions with students that appear likely to leadto their questioning of widely accepted community values or beliefs.D Take all reasonable steps to encourage students’ acceptance of the
values and belief systems of their parents or guardians.
Trang 4counselor is surprised to learn from the student that she has been seeing apsychiatrist for an anxiety disorder In this situation, the counselor’s firststep should be to:
A encourage the student to view both counseling professionals aspartners working to help her feel better.
B terminate the weekly sessions at school because the student’s workwith the psychiatrist has been started first.
C ask the parents’ permission to contact the psychiatrist and continuecounseling in school only if the parents and psychiatrist approve.D advise the student’s parents that their child should choose only one
counseling professional to see to avoid confusion and conflict.11 Adolescence is the period during which most individuals first develop the
ability to:
A draw conclusions from stated informationB solve problems using abstract reasoningC memorize excerpts from texts
D use information to develop generalities
12 Compared with a culturally homogenous classroom, a classroom that
includes students from a variety of culture groups is likely to be characterized by expanded student diversity in which of the following areas?
A linguistic backgroundB quantitative skillsC emotional developmentD achievement levels
Trang 5average abilities, she is barely passing her courses Which of the following would be the best strategy for the school counselor to use in attempting to assist Carlene at this point?
A Help Carlene identify ways her special interests can be incorporated into her course selections.
B Provide Carlene with a tutor to help improve her performance in the subjects she is finding difficult.
C Establish a weekly monitoring with Carlene’s teachers to determine the causes of her academic problems.
D Help Carlene appreciate the usefulness of her classes by encouraging her to find an after-school job in a related technical area.
14 A sixth grade student attains a grade equivalent score of 8.6 on a sixth grade standardized reading achievement test administered in February A correct interpretation of this score is that the sixth grader:
A achieved a score that eighth graders would be expected to achieve on a grade–appropriate standardized reading test administered in April.B can do eighth grade work as well as the average eighth grade student
in the sixth month.
C performed as well as students at grade level 8.6 would perform if they took the same test that the sixth grader took.
D reads as well as 80 percent of eight graders.
Trang 6John is fifth grader who has difficulty attending to task After collecting baseline data, the classroom teacher initiates new reinforcement procedure designed to increase John’s attending behaviors Using observation techniques to monitor changes in John’s performance over a period of six weeks, the teacher obtains the data presented above These data indicate that the new reinforcement procedures:
A had only minimal success, since John continues to exhibit non-attending behaviorsB resulted in an increase rather than a decrease in John’s non-attending behaviors.C succeeded in increasing significantly the amount of time John spends attending to task.D ceased having any effect on John’s behavior during the last two weeksof observation.
16 Which of the following objectives would be most appropriate in helping students within a school system cope with the accidental death of three students?
Trang 7B Students will be provided with an opportunity to talk and discuss their feelings about the loss of a peer.
C Students will be able to focus on their studies and compartmentalize their feeling in relation to the deaths.
D Students will attend memorial services in an effort to provide closure in the grieving process.
17 The school counselor is informed by the reading specialist that Martha, a tenth grade student , is reading at the eighth grade level Further
investigation by the counselor indicates that Martha is highly motivated to learn and earns average grades in her classes In this situation, which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for the counselor to use?A Schedule Martha to begin a program for individual reading assistance.B Refer Martha to the school psychologist for a comprehensive
cognitive assessment.
C Reassign Martha to t he next lower grade when the next marking period begins
D Administer standardized assessment to Martha in all subjects areas to determine the appropriateness of her placements.
18 In her first session with the school counselor, Ruth reports severe anxiety that has led her to consider running away from home Which of the
following counseling techniques would be most effective to use initially in this situation?
A Take Ruth’s family history to gain insight into the underlying causes of the problem
B Challenge Ruth’s irrational assumptions about self and family.
C Develop a contract designed to modify Ruth’s undesirable behaviors and attitudes.
D Use empathic listening as a means of providing Ruth with support.19 In initiating a counseling relationship with an elementary school student who
has been referred for problems involving abuse by a family member, the school counselor cam best promote a positive student-counselor relationship by:
A attempting to minimize the severity of the problem
Trang 8C establishing an atmosphere that ensures confidentiality.
D offering open criticism of family members who engaged in abusive behaviors.
20 Female students who have strong math and science abilities are most likely to require special support from school counselors and teachers in order to:A decrease their reliance on academic achievement as a primary
determinant of self-concept.
B ensure that their social and emotional development keeps pace with their intellectual development.
C overcome social conditioning that may keep them from achieving theirfull academic potential.
D ensure that their math and science interests do not interfere with education in the humanities.
21 Which of the following is most likely to characterize a potential school dropout?
A high level of social conformity.B poor reading achievement.
C high variability in achievement test scores.D excessive competitiveness.
22 During group counseling relating to substance abuse issues, the success of the counseling process cam best be judged by evaluating the extent to which the
group has promoted the:
A acquisition of leadership skills by group participants.
Trang 923 The school counselor is initiating a group guidance program designed to improve the study skills of a group of eighth graders Which of the
following would be the most appropriate initial step for the counselor to takeon implementing this program?
A Have the students establish a set of collective goals for the group.B Discuss with students the theoretical approach to be emphasized in the
C Have students share information about their past grades and specific academic problems.
D Develop procedures with the group for selecting a group leader.24 A counselor using a trait-factor approach to career development would most
likely use individual counseling sessions primarily to:A discuss current level of career maturity.
B explore drives and resolve conflicts.
C match personal and occupational characteristics.D discuss decision-making steps and processes.
25 A major goal of a career development program at the secondary level shouldbe to:
A identify the best career match for each student.
B inform student about historical and contemporary employment trends.C help students learn to apply decision-making skills.
D encourage students to enter college preparatory programs.
26 Roberto is an 11th grade student whose grades and achievement test scores indicate superior abilities in the areas of math and science, and at or just above average abilities in most other areas, including English, social studies,and German In discussing his education plans, Roberto tells the school counselor that the enjoys writing very much and that he has decided to pursue a career as a journalist In this situation, the counselor could best respond by encouraging Roberto to:
A review his standardized assessment scores and past grades before he makes any final education and career decisions.
Trang 10C make education and career decisions base on current interests, while disregarding information that may point to other choices.D take classes that will promote further exploration of his writing
interests, while keeping open the possibility of alternative education and career paths.
27 A secondary school student who has dyslexia requests help from the school counselor in making educational plans The counselor could best help the student by encouraging her to:
A consider the broadest range of educational options as she plans her education.B pursue educational goals that minimize the need for strong verbal skills.C postpone educational planning until efforts to remediate the dyslexia are completed.D focus her educational decision-making on options available in vocational education.
28 Which of the following is the most appropriate scheduling policy for
secondary school counselors to employ when coordinating visits by collegeadmissions recruitment representatives?
A Assign scheduling priority to representatives from four-year colleges.B Schedule visits for representatives evenly throughout the academic
C Assign scheduling priority to colleges to which a high percentage of graduates have applied.
D Schedule visits for representatives evenly throughout the fall and earlywinter months.
Trang 11dealing with this problem Which of the following problem-solving steps should be counselor address first in consulting with the teacher?
A Specify the respective roles and responsibilities of the teacher and counselor in regard to the student.
B Defining and clarifying the presenting problem exhibited by the student.C Brainstorming about possible corrective strategies to assist the student.D Reviewing salient cognitive and behavioral data concerning the student.
30 In reviewing the record of Tim Graham, a 15-year-old student who has begun having problems in math, the school counselor notices the following remark made several years earlier by one of Tim’s previous math teachers:“Tim has suddenly dropped far behind his classmates in math (His father was incarcerated for six months when Tim was a preschooler.)”
The counselor feels the information about Tim’s father’s incarceration is irrelevant and should be deleted from the record In this situation, which of the following steps should the counselor take next?
A Talk to Tim about the remark in his record.B Notify Tim before deleting the information.