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Practice school counselor exam test 5

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Practice School Counselor Exam Test TEST Four-year-old children are most likely to exhibit which of the following cognitive abilities? A B C D During middle childhood, a child’s use of language is most likely to be enhanced as a result of developed: A B C D industry vs inferiority integrity vs despair trust vs mistrust intimacy vs isolation A seventh grade social studies teacher has observed that students in one class are having difficulty learning the capitals of the fifty states According to behavioral learning theory, the teacher could most effectively promote student mastery of the material by: A B C D attending skills auditory discrimination conceptual abilities auditory memory According to Erikson, which of the following represents the major socialemotional development crisis for young adults? A B C D adding three or four single-digit numbers interpreting simple graphs understanding the difference between fantasy and reality following two-step direction requiring students who fail to attain mastery to attend after-school sessions promising a special class field trip if all students in the class demonstrate mastery assigning extra homework to students who fail to attain mastery awarding special privileges to students who demonstrate mastery In developing a procedure to assess the word attack skills of third graders, it would be most appropriate to have students: A B C D pronounce nonsense words answer comprehension questions on a passage written at grade level match words with objects identify word pairs as same or different Results of a language assessment show that a student has difficulty repeating three nonconsecutive numbers presented verbally These results indicate that the student most likely has problems in which of the following areas? A B C D Which of the following classroom interventions would be most appropriate for a third grader who has been diagnosed as having an attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity? A B C D Limit distractions in the environment and engage the student in a highly structured curriculum Create a more visually and auditorily stimulating environment to increase the student’s interest in learning Encourage the student to work together with one or more classmates when he or she seems unmotivated to work independently Seat the student next to a classmate who can model more focused behavior Which of the following program modifications would be most appropriate for a ninth grade student enrolled in a regular classroom who has been diagnosed as having a writing disorder? A auditory association verbal expression auditory sequential memory syntactic structure Provide the student with concrete reinforcement for progressive improvement in handwriting legibility B Have the student substitute handwriting practice for some English class instruction C Allow the student to record on tape class notes and rough drafts of reports D Provide the student with extra physical education time to improve motor coordination A classroom teacher consults with the school psychologist concerning the most appropriate approach to use for meeting the needs of a culturally different student who is about to enter the class Which of the following would be most appropriate for the school counselor to recommend to the teacher? A B C D 10 In a standardized assessment administered to graduating seniors, the inclusion of a question about which of the following topics would most likely result in test bias? A B C D 11 Cognitive Abilities Test Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale Slosson Intelligence Test for Children and Adults In evaluating a distribution of student test scores, the mode is determined by identifying the score that: A B C D 13 effect of war on a nation’s economy relationship of drought to food prices correct use of stock market terminology calculation of the cost of grocery purchases A school counselor who wishes to assess the intellectual abilities of a large number of fifth graders efficiently and inexpensively would most likely use which of the following assessment instruments? A B C D 12 Reward students in the class who assist and support the new student Adhere to current instructional programs and standards to accelerate the new student’s classroom assimilation Provide the student with instruction in the social and cultural values of the United States Investigate the student’s culture to better understand cultural differences that may affect classroom learning and interactions is earned by the greatest number of students who took the test represents the average of all scores earned on the test is midway between the highest and lowest scores earned on the test represents the 50th percentile of all scores in the set of test scores Use the evaluation results below to answer the question that follows: Student’s Age: 8-7 Grade: 3.6 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised (WISC-III) Verbal IQ Performance IQ Full Scale IQ Subtest Information Similarities Arithmetic Vocabulary Comprehension Digit Span 97 121 109 Scaled Score 10 9 10 8 Subtest Scaled Score Picture Completion 12 Picture Arrangement 11 Block Design 15 Object Assembly 16 Coding 11 Mazes 14 Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery Part II:Achievement Subtest Standard Score Reading Mathematics Written Language Knowledge 91 103 93 98 According to these test results, this student exhibits a relative strength in the area of: A B C D 14 Word recognition Spatial reasoning Verbal conceptual skills Quantitative skills Social modeling and desensitization are techniques associated with which of the following counseling approaches? A B C D Gestalt therapy behavioral counseling transactional analysis psychodynamic counseling 15 Which of the following responsibilities is most likely to assigned to a school counselor A B C D 16 With regard to student interactions, TCA guidelines indicate that school counselors have an ethical obligation to: A B C D 17 obtain student approval for release of information to a parent explain to students how assessment data will be used release the names of individuals who refer students for evaluation describe criteria used in the selection of assessment instruments Which of the following would be considered unethical behavior by a school counselor? A B C D 18 Evaluate a teacher’s classroom management practices Arrange class schedules for students identified as having a behavior disorder Evaluate a student’s learning style Design curricula for students identified as having a learning disability sharing counseling results with the school principal arranging separate meetings with a student’s divorced parents to discuss the student’s school or behavioral difficulties citing summary statistics in a professional journal article to describe a class’s assessment results sending counseling summary results to a child’s physician before obtaining parental permission Which of the following federal laws prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in any program or agency receiving federal financial assistance? A B C D Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments of 1983 Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 19 In special education, a major function of a multidisciplinary team is to: A B C D 20 A school counselor who wishes to evaluate the effectiveness of a behavior management program used by some special education staff would most likely use which of the following techniques to collect data? A B C D 21 serve as community advocates for special education review comprehensive student assessment data conduct screenings of high-risk students evaluate a school’s special education services work samples student interviews classroom observations case studies In meeting social and emotional needs, children between the ages of seven and eleven typically exhibit an increasing reliance on their interactions with: A B C D 22 According to Piaget, which of the following types of thought is most likely to begin developing during adolescence? A B C D 23 preoperational concrete operational sensorimotor formal operational Which of the following is most likely to characterize an elementary school student who is physically abused at home? A B C D 24 individuals in their peer group parents nonparent adult role models siblings hostility toward parents academic overachievement emotional withdrawal excessive dependence on peers In a school setting, a child with an avoidant disorder is most like to experience difficulties in which of the following areas? A B C D 25 A student’s cultural background is most likely to be an important factor in determining the: A B C D 26 Texas Department of Public Aid Texas State Board of Education Texas Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Texas Department of Child Protection and Regulatory Services A school counselor who has been designated as a supervisor would most likely provide leadership in: A B C D 28 academic areas in which the student is most likely to excel type of educational environment in which the student feels most comfortable sequence of stages in cognitive development exhibited by the student ease of the student’s transition from childhood to adolescence An elementary school teacher who learns that a young child has been left unattended overnight should immediately contact which of the following Texas agencies? A B C D 27 social interactions language development academic achievement psychomotor development developing in-service training programs on effective school social work practices managing a school’s special education program creating standard assessment instruments to identify children’s special needs raising funds for school counseling programs Which of the following populations would most likely be given priority in the school counselor’s delivery of services? A B C D 29 A school district has identified a number of students who are experiencing difficulties as a result of parental divorce As a first step in establishing a support group for them, the pupil personnel services administrator has asked the school counselor to conduct a needs assessment Which of the following questions should be addressed in a needs assessment developed for this purpose? A B C D 30 teachers requesting a classroom presentation on the social effects of alcohol abuse a community service organization seeking assistance in assessing the need for summer youth activities students requesting assistance following the loss of their family’s home as the result of fire a team of educational specialists planning a program to decrease the school drop-out rate How much funding is available to finance such a support group? Have such groups been successful in other school districts? How well such support groups meet the needs of their members? Is there sufficient student motivation to participate in such a group? A sixth grade student attains a grade equivalent score of 8.6 on a sixth grade standardized reading achievement test administered in February A correct interpretation of this score is that the sixth grader: A B C D achieved a score that eighth graders would be expected to achieve on a grade-appropriate standardized reading test administered in April can eighth grade work as well as the average eighth grade student in the sixth month performed as well as students at grade level 8.6 would perform if they took the same test that the sixth grader took reads as well as 80 percent of eighth graders 31 An elementary student has been referred to the school counselor for behavior indicative of a possible attention deficit disorder Which of the following best describes the first step the school counselor should take in meeting the needs of this student? A B C D 32 According to legal and ethical guidelines, in which of the following situations should the school counselor maintain the confidentiality of information received from a student? A B C D 33 Contact the student’s parents to set up an appointment to begin a social-developmental study Ask the student’s teachers to describe the student’s behavior and classroom strategies used to remediate the behavior Interview the student to determine his or her attitudes and perspectives regarding the problem behavior Obtain parental permission to perform a complete evaluation of the student’s behavior A student discloses that a relative physically abuses the student’s young brother A student repeatedly threatens to kill his stepfather for abusing his mother A student describes a detailed suicide pact she has made with a friend A student admits an increasing frequency of sexual activity with her boyfriend Which of the following responses would be most appropriate for a school counselor who has been told by a 14-year-old student that she is considering dropping out of school to care for her chronically ill mother? A B C D Help the family identify alternative family or community resources to help with the mother’s care Arrange for the student to be tutored at home while she cares for her mother Provide the student with information about programs available for students at risk of dropping out of school Discuss with the student state legal guidelines related to school attendance for students under the age of 16 34 A sixth grade teacher refers a student to the school social worker, explaining that the student has recently begun exhibiting periods of tearfulness each day when she enters her third period class The teacher notes that although the student is continuing to progress academically and gets along well in the classroom, she refuses to respond to any questions about her tearful behavior Upon interviewing the student, the school counselor finds a similar lack of willingness to discuss her behavior Which of the following would be the most appropriate step for the school social worker to take next in order to more fully assess the situation? A B C D Interview the student’s friends to determine their perspective on the problem Refer the student for a full case study Make arrangements for a home visit to evaluate factors outside of the school which may impact on the student’s behavior Observe the student in various school settings, including other classrooms, the lunchroom, and playground 35 A third grade student has been referred for an evaluation because the student has exhibited a marked increase in violent and aggressive behaviors in the classroom over time In this situation, the school counselor would most likely use a social-developmental study to determine which of the following? A B C D which community resources could best provide assistance for the student and his or her family how school personnel can best help the student cope emotionally and educationally with a specific problem whether it is necessary to develop a staff in-service program about dealing with aggressive classroom behavior whether the student meets required criteria for being classified as having a specific social-emotional disorder 36 At A 17-year-old student discloses that her parents have a drinking problem her coach’s suggestion, the student agrees to meet with the school counselor She does not show up for her scheduled appointment, however In this case, the school counselor should respond by doing which of the following? A B C D calling the student to the counselor’s office to ask her why she did not show up for her appointment arranging with the coach to send the student to the counselor’s office the following day sending a note to the student indicating the counselor’s continued availability if the student wishes to meet in the future sending the student literature about the benefits of school social work programs 37 Which of the following would be the most appropriate source of information to use for evaluating a school counseling program designed to decrease truancy among previously truant youngsters? A B C D 38 Placement in a community-based sheltered workshop would most likely be appropriate for an adolescent student who: A B C D 39 student report card grades structured questionnaires school attendance records open-ended interviews with students has a learning disability that causes problems in reading has a severe cognitive disability is confined to a wheelchair because of a spinal injury has a severe hearing disability Which of the following steps would be most appropriate for the school counselor to take in dealing with a 15-year old student who confides that she thinks she is pregnant? A B C D 40 Refer the student to the school nurse for confirmation of the pregnancy Provide the student with literature about preventing teenage pregnancy Call the parents/guardians to arrange a meeting in which they, the student, and the school counselor can discuss the problem Counsel the student about the kind of help she may need, and where and how to get it The main purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is to: A B C D define the rights of parents and guardians in determining how best to education their children prescribe standards for public school personnel to follow in handling student records prohibit discrimination in public schools on the basis of a student’s family background establish due process procedures related to student discipline in public schools 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.D 35.B 36.C 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.B ... the greatest number of students who took the test represents the average of all scores earned on the test is midway between the highest and lowest scores earned on the test represents the 50 th percentile... counseling 15 Which of the following responsibilities is most likely to assigned to a school counselor A B C D 16 With regard to student interactions, TCA guidelines indicate that school counselors... in public schools 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.D 5. A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15. C 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.A 25. B 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.D 35. B 36.C 37.C

Ngày đăng: 13/12/2016, 10:43



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