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PhD Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Economics at the University of Neuchâtel

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Three essays on the economics of smoking PhD Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Economics at the University of Neuchõtel by Joachim Marti Supervisor: Claude Jeanrenaud, Professor of Economics, University of Neuchõtel Members of the Committee: Donald Kenkel, Professor of Economics, Cornell University Milad Zarin, Professor of Economics, University of Neuchõtel Peter Zweifel, Professor of Economics, University of Zurich Defended in Neuchõtel, 19 January 2011 iii Acknowledgments The writing of a dissertation can be an isolating experience, yet it is obviously not possible without the support of numerous people These few words are intended to thank them First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Claude Jeanrenaud, for his thoughtful guidance His comments and high requirements allowed me to improve significantly my scientific rigor I am also grateful to Professors Donald Kenkel, Milad Zarin and Peter Zweifel who have kindly accepted to serve in my dissertation Committee I particularly acknowledge them for their comments, remarks, and their precious time I thank the University of Neuchõtel which provided me the resources to conduct research effectively and which gave me the opportunity to work in a pleasant environment I also thank the Federal Office of Public Health and the Tobacco Prevention Fund for the funding of some of the projects presented in this dissertation I would also like to thank Professors Claude Jeanrenaud, Milad Zarin and Jean-Marie Grether for giving me teaching responsibilities These experiences were very fruitful and I had an immense pleasure to contribute a little to the building of the academic background of Bachelor and Master Students I am also grateful to all my colleagues at the Institute for Research in Economics, especially Sonia Pellegrini, Dimitri Kohler, and Sylvie Fueglister-Dousse who had the difficult task to tolerate me and to laugh at my bad jokes I would like to thank all my friends, particularly Olivier, Lorin, Jody, Alain, Laurent, Romain (2x), Vincent, Bertil, Thierry, Georges-Alain, all members of the fabulous Section Neuchõteloise de la Sociộtộ Suisse des Etudiants de Zofingue, and all other great people I met during the essential hours spent at having good time My sincere gratitude goes to my parents, my brother Sộbastien, my sister Aurộlie, and to Gaởlle, for their love, support and patience over the last few years Finally, I would like to dedicate this work to my Dad v Executive summary Each year, more than 9,000 people die from diseases attributable to smoking in Switzerland This corresponds to 15% of the total number of deaths per year According to the OECD/WHO report on the Swiss health system, tobacco use is the leading risk factor for disease, as it accounted for 11.2% of total disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in the country in 2002 Intuitively, as human beings, our primary reaction would be to consider these numbers per se as justifications for intervention in the tobacco market, with a substantial reduction in tobacco consumption as the objective Yet, is any intervention justified in the economic sense? If yes, what is the optimal level of intervention, and what measures are the most effective and, as we must deal with limited resources, cost-effective? Many of these questions remain unresolved The economic approach benefits from sophisticated analytical instruments, both theoretical and empirical, that have the virtue of providing fairly objective insights into the decision to smoke This dissertation focuses on the influence of tobacco policies on smoking behavior, on the perception of smoking risks of young individuals, and on the valuation of smoking cessation treatments It is divided into two main parts In the first part, I discuss the rationale of analyzing smoking decisions from an economic perspective, based on the specificities of the product I then briefly present the main models of smoking decisions, and I review the recent literature on the best-practice interventions aimed at reducing tobacco use, i.e., price increases, information, advertising bans, smoking bans, and cessation support The second part consists of three empirical essays related to smoking decisions The first essay sheds light on the ability of tobacco control expenditures to influence individual smoking decisions In 2007, in Switzerland, approximately 20 million francs, or 2.6 francs per capita, were spent on non-price policy interventions aimed at reducing tobacco use in the population While I provide evidence that these resources were effective in increasing the number of quitters, it seems likely that they did not have any significant influence on smoking onset Besides price increases, tobacco control measures implemented in the last decade hardly influenced smoking participation among youths Another strategy that could potentially influence the behavior of this population is the dissemination of proper deterrent messages The second essay specifically looks at the relative importance that young individuals put on the consequences of smoking I show that apart from lung cancer, reduced life expectancy, and cardiovascular vii diseases, youths are also concerned by more immediate consequences, such as a reduction of physical capacity and sexual dysfunction I also show that smoking participation is negatively associated with the level of far-sightedness, defined as the level of concern for long-term health risks The last essay focuses on smoking cessation Smokers make repeated attempts to quit and are rarely successful, mainly due to the negative effects of addiction, i.e., physical and psychological craving One way to improve the cessation rates is to increase the use in the population of an appropriate smoking cessation support To understand what drives the demand for smoking cessation drugs and how smokers value their potential benefits and disadvantages, I collected data on hypothetical choices and focused on treatment efficacy, minor side effects, price, availability, and ability to prevent smokingcessation-associated weight intake I was able to estimate willingness-to-pay for each dimension and for improved medications as a whole and also to point out some individual characteristics that determine the decisions to use such products Keywords: smoking, smoking initiation, smoking cessation, tobacco control, public health, health behaviors, health economics, smoking cessation treatments, risk perception, hazard models, discrete choice experiments, best-worst scaling viii Table of contents General introduction Part I Background Economics of smoking and public policy 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theoretical framework 2.3 Market failures and rationale for a government intervention 15 2.4 Policies 22 2.4.1 Tobacco taxation 22 2.4.2 Information 30 2.4.3 Advertising, and advertising bans 37 2.4.4 Protection against passive smoking 39 2.4.5 Smoking cessation support 42 Appendix A: Successful cessation, education, and income 46 Part II Empirical Essays The impact of tobacco control expenditures on smoking initiation and cessation 51 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 Related work 54 3.3 Tobacco control in Switzerland 56 3.4 Empirical strategy 59 3.5 Data 67 3.6 Descriptive statistics 71 3.7 Results 75 3.8 Discussion 84 Appendix A: Overview of tobacco control in Switzerland 86 Appendix B: Kaplan-Meier hazard rates by region 87 Appendix C: Cox model fit 88 Perception of smoking-related adverse effects among youths: a best-worst scaling approach 89 4.1 Introduction 90 4.2 Background 92 4.3 Method 97 4.4 Results 103 ix 4.5 Conclusion 110 Appendix A: Experimental design 111 Appendix B: Sample characteristics 112 Appendix C : Estimated relative importance across groups 114 Appendix D: Present orientation and alcohol use 114 Assessing smokers' preferences for smoking cessation medications: A discrete choice experiment 117 5.1 Introduction 118 5.2 Related work 120 5.3 Framework for analysis 123 5.4 Data collection (DCE survey) 125 5.5 Econometric analysis 130 5.6 Results 136 5.7 Discussion 148 Appendix A: Example of choice set 150 Appendix B: Nested Logit and the IV parameter 151 Concluding remarks 153 6.1 Introductory part 153 6.2 Empirical essays 155 6.3 Potential future projects 161 x 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Xem thêm: PhD Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Economics at the University of Neuchâtel