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CDI020121547 lecture 3

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  • Slide 1

  • Contents

  • I: Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply?

  • Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply?

  • Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply?

  • Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply?

  • II: Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939

  • Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939

  • Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939

  • Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939

  • Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939

  • III: Food and the World Wars

  • Food and the World Wars

  • Food and the World Wars

  • Food and the World Wars

  • Food and the World Wars

  • IV: Globalisation of Food after 1945: Economy

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Economy

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Economy

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Economy

  • V: Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Politics

  • VI: Globalisation of Food after 1945: Society

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Society

  • Globalisation of Food after 1945: Society

  • The END!

  • Food for a farm labourer, 1796

  • The meals of a mill worker, 1876

  • A Blogger’s Meal, 2012

  • Famine Cases After 1945

  • Potatoes and Population Growth

  • Potatoes and Population Growth

  • Increased Productivity

  • Increased Productivity

  • US Meat Industry, 1900s

  • Canned Food, 1890s

  • Marketing and Commercials

  • Banana Carriers

  • German Generalplan Ost, 1940

  • War Deaths, 1945-2000

  • International Fast Food Dist.

  • Food Multinationals

  • Per capita food consumption (kcal/person/day)

  • Obesity and health problem

  • White loaf vs Rye Bread

  • Race, Land, Agriculture

  • Hong Kong as Cold War Front: Food

  • A CARE Relief Package

  • “Bare Shelf” Policy of 1944

  • Idea of World FOOD Board

  • Changing Japanese Diet, 1961-2006

  • Japanese Military Ration

  • American Military Ration

  • Meals at the Home Front…

  • Allies food effort

  • C/P Alaska Ocean

Nội dung

NSS Enriching Knowledge Lecture Series: International cooperation and regional politics since 1945 (3): Globalisation of Food: Politics, Economy and Society (New) Dr KWONG Chi-man Hong Kong Baptist University CDI020121547 1.12.2012 C on t en t s     Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply? Globalisation of Food, 1492-1939 Food and the World Wars Globalisation of Food after 1945:  Economy  Politics  Society Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society I: Food: Simple Matter of Demand and Supply? Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society F oo d : S i mp le M a t t er of D em a n d a n d S up p l y ?  Age of Plenty     Food for a far m l abo urer, Bri ta i n , 1796 Th e m eal s of a mi l l w ork er, Bri ta i n , 1876 A b l og g er ’ s mea l , Ho n g Kon g , 01 Famine Cases After 1945 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society F oo d : S i mp le M a t t er of D em a n d a n d S up p l y ?   Food: solely economic issue? Human rights issue?   “ Th e Fr eedom fr om W an t ” – Fou r Freedo m s of Fr an kl i n Ro osevel t , U S Pr esi den t, 19 41 Un i v ersa l Decl a ti on of Hu man Ri g h ts, 948  Ev ery on e h as th e r i g h t to a sta n d ar d o f l i v i n g ad eq uat e for t h e h ea l th a n d w el l -bei n g of h i msel f an d of h i s fam i l y , i n cl u di n g fo od… (Ar ti cl e 5) Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society F oo d : S i mp le M a t t er of D em a n d a n d S up p l y ?  International dimension     Gl ob al mov emen t of food an d i deas In te rn ati on a l tr ade Pol i t i cs an d In tern ati on al r el ati on s Social dimension  Cl a ss   Eth n i ci t y an d Iden ti ty    E a ti n g h a b i t a s e x p r e s s i o n o f c la ss i d e n t i t y N a t i o n a l i d e n ti t y a n d n a t i o n a l c ui s i n e R e g i o n a l c ul t ur e Cul tur e   Globalisation G l o c a l i s a t io n Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society II: Globalisation of Food, 1493-1939 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d , - 9  Age of Discovery, 1493-1850   Tr ad e an d Col on i al i sm Movem e n t of food fr om th e Amer i cas t o Eura si a    S ug ar can e, spi ce, fr ui ts… Pot ato a n d Ma i ze Pop ul a ti on i n cr ease Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d , - 9  The Mid-Nineteenth Century to WWI  In cr ea se i n pr od ucti vi ty    Staple food – wheat, barley, rice… M e a t – (1 k g p e r p e r s o n / ye a r i n 18 – 0+ k g p e r p e r s o n / y e a r i n ) In du st r i al i sa ti on      De h y d r a t io n P a st e u r is a t io n R e f r ig e r a t i o n C a n n in g Tr a n s p o r ta t io n   Railway and steamships Em er g en ce o f l a r g e cor por ati on s an d l obby g rou ps   E g U n i te d F r ui t C o m p a n y, 99 - a n d M e a t U n i o n M a r k e t i n g a n d c o n s ume r is m Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d , - 9  The Mid-Nineteenth Century to WWI (con’t)  In te rn ati on a l tr ade – Free T r ade     Free tr ade an d di v i si on of l abo ur Ba n an a rep ubl i cs (mon ocul tur e) S out h Amer i ca an d Au str al i a Mi g r at i on an d ch an g i n g di et Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 10 F ood Mul t in a t io na ls Please use this link to view the companies which have enormous number of consumer brands in the market http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/27/consumer-brands-owned-ten-companies-graphic_n_1458812.html Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 48 Pe r ca pi t a f o o d co n s u mpt i o n ( kc al / per s o n / da y ) FAO, World Agriculture: towards 2015/2030, p.30 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 49 O b e s it y a nd h ea lt h pr o b lem Please use this link to view the charts showing the overweight rates in analyzed countries and OECD (adults) in 2010 http://www.oecd.org/els/healthpoliciesanddata/thirdlancetseriesonchronicdiseaseschinakeyfacts.htm Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 50 Wh i t e lo af v s Ry e B r ead Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 51 Rac e, La n d, A g r ic ul t ur e Please use this link to view the Nazi Poster in 1937 http://file.vintageadbrowser.com/l-vaayf2et6kmhxm.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 52 Hon g K on g as Co ld W a r F r o n t : F o o d  (Enhancement of the) economic, social and political conditions in Hong Kong that will continue t o contrast favorably with conditions in Communist China – “Statement of US Policy on Hong Kon g,” NSC6007, 1960  US food aid to Hong Kong (P.L.480) – all American outputs     m i l l i on US D (3 0,400,000U SD i n 011 ) per an n um b etw een 1958-196 1 m i l l i on un der r efug ee p ro g m 0.8 m i l l i on u n d er i n form ati on pr og r am 0.02 m i l l i on un der educa ti o n al exch an g e Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 53 A C ARE Rel ief P ac ka g e Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Please use this link to view the picture of a care relief package http://blob.freent.de/contentblob/739398/teaserImg847x565/carepakete-luftbruecke.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 54 “ B ar e S he lf ” Po li cy o f 4  US Department of Agriculture vs US Military and UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UN RRA)   Dept of Ag r i cul tu r e w an ted to red uce pr od uct i on to pr otect th e U S far m i n g i n t er est from ov er p rod ucti on Food admi n i stra tor s en c our ag ed th e pr odu cti o n a n d su m pt i on of m eat – i n stea d of pr odu ci n g en ou g h g r n for t h e star v i n g Eu rop ean pop ul at i on  US A un abl e to pr ov i de en oug h g i n for t h e st ar v i n g Eur opea n co un t r i es i n 194 – h ad to be h el p ed by co un tri es such as Br i tai n an d Can ada Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 55 Ide a o f W o r ld F O O D B o a r d  Put forward by John Boyd Orr, British nutritionist, who was elected as the director-general of the FAO in 1946  To “reconfigure the world’s political economy by organizing it scientifically, according to human need, not profit”  The idea of continuing the Food Board during the Second World War to coordinate production and distribution of food  Opposed by the US State Department Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 56 C h an g i n g J a pa n es e D i et , - 0 “Resour ce consum ption in Japanese agr icultu re an d its link to food security,” Energy Policy, Vol 39, No 3, (Mar 2011) Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 57 J a p an es e M i li t a r y Ra t i o n Please use these links to view the pictures showing the Japanese Military Ration http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/japanese-rations/japanese-combat-rations.jpg http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/japanese-rations/japanese-army-rations.jpg http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/japanese-rations/japanese-military-rations.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 58 A mer ic an M il it ar y Ra t io n Please use this link to view the picture of K-Ration (Survival-ration) for field use http://www.usarmymodels.com/ARTICLES/Rations/KRatSupper.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 59 M ea ls a t t h e H o me F r o n t … Please use these links to view the pictures of meals at the home front http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/u010000/u011869.jpg http://pic50.picturetrail.com/VOL437/658868/10754765/367572848.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 60 A ll ies f o od e f f o r t Please use these links to view the pictures showing the Allies food effort http://bhgsltd.co.uk/var/plain_site/storage/images/home/gallery/wartime_posters/dig_for_victory _now/1570-1-eng-GB/dig_for_victory_now_large.jpg http://www.stanfordfestival.com/drcposter.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_LL7ZWpU1aRQ/S9yALZDwscI/AAAAAAAAABI/HYzd5WrpL0s/s1600/ Food+is+a+Weapon.gif Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 61 C / P A la s k a O c ean Please use these links to view the pictures of the C/P Alaska Ocean(7,419t) – catcher and processor of fish – nearly 40% of commercial caught fish in the USA http://amhistory.si.edu/onthewater/assets/object/full/2009-2229.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 62 [...]... 100,000 1959–1961 China 15,000,000– 43, 000,000 1968–1972 Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso 1,000,000 1972–19 73 Ethiopia 60,000 1974 Bangladesh 1,000,000 1975–1979 Cambodia 2,000,000 1980–1981 Uganda 30 ,000 19 83 1985 Ethiopia 200,000 1991–1992 Somalia 30 0,000 1996 North Korea 200,000 -3, 500,000 1998 Sudan 70,000 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 36 ... interest Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 31 The END! Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 32 F ood f or a f a r m la b o ur er , 1 7 9 6      Bread Little bit of bacon Sometimes with potatoes A bit cheese Beer, sugared tea, and “tiny quantities of milk” Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 33 T h e mea l s o f a mi ll wo r ke r , 1 8 7 6    ... Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 13 F ood a nd t he W o r ld W a r s  Germany (con’t)  Au ta rch y vs Fr ee tr a de? Debate i n t h e 192 0s    Ar g um e n t o f A ut a r c h y w o n S up p o r t e d b y r ig h t - w i n g mo v e m e n t s Th e Na zi s an d Food     Reich Food Corporation – total state control since 1 933 “ B l o o d a n d s o i l” : R a c e , a g r i c ult... of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 23 G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d a f t e r 1 9 4 5 : Po li t ic s  International Cooperation Attempts (By UN)    Th e In t er n ati on al In sti tute of Ag r i cul t ur e, 19 05-1 945 Com bi n ed Fo od Boar d dur i n g th e S econ d W or l d War Un i t ed Na ti o n s Con fer en ce on Food an d Ag ri cul t ur e, 19 43 ( Hot S pr i n g Con fer en ce)   ... Food Con fer en c e, 1974 Wor l d Food Coun ci l , 197 4-19 93 Wor l d S umm i t on Fo od S ecur i ty , 1996, 2 002 , 2 009 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 24 G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d a f t e r 1 9 4 5 : Po li t ic s  International Cooperation Attempts (By Others)    Wor l d Tr ad e or g an i za ti on , 19 93 Gl ob al Fo od S ecur i ty Pr og r am (Wor l d Ba n k) , 2...G lo b a l is a t i o n o f F o o d , 1 4 9 3 - 1 9 3 9   S el l g oods a n d bu y food/ Gr ow food an d b uy g oods? - Aut ar ch y o r Gl oba l i sat i on ? German example (1870-1914):  Con texts: Ger man fa rmer s v s maj o r expo rt er s of g... Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 34 A B log g er ’ s Me al , 2 0 1 2 (Not a wedding dinner!)           Roasted pig Fried crab leg Stir-fried shrimp Dried scallop Sharks fin soup Abalone with goose palm Steamed garoupa Crispy chicken Shanghai dumplings Braised noodles Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 35 F ami ne C a s es A f t er 1 9 4 5 Year Location... of food avai l abl e to th e w orl d: 12% less th an before the war – and a d rough t br oke ou t in 1946 Man y h ad l ess th an h alf of w ha t th ey had i n 1945 th an in 1 939 Europe      P r o d uc t i o n w a s o n l y 3 6 % o f p r e w a r l e ve l G e r ma n y : 1 , 0 0 0 c a l or ie s p e r p e r s o n p e r d a y i n c i t i e s S o me G e r ma n s lo s t a p o un d a d a y i n 1 9 4 6... c i a t i o n o f M e a t P r o c e s s o r s Twi stin g of taste   S t a n d a r d i s a t i o n o f fl a v o ur Ar t i f ic i a l f la v o u r Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 30 G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d a f t e r 1 9 4 5 : S o ci et y  Cultural and Class Dimensions    Nat i on al cui si n e an d reg i on a l food? Cl a ss d i men si on o f fo od? Con ser v ati on... ll i o n d i e d i n t h e S o vi e t U n i o n E v e n B r it a in h a d t o in t r o d u c e r a t i o n in g i n 19 4 5 Asia    F a m in e i n C h i n a , K o r e a , Ja v a , a n d V i e t n a m 3 0 mi l l i o n i n C h i n a s uf f e r e d f r o m un d e r - n o ur i s h me n t 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 s t a r v e d t o d e a t h in T o k y o t h r e e mo n t h s a f te r t h e w a r Th e Am ericas Globalisation ... Society II: Globalisation of Food, 14 93- 1 939 Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society G lo b a l is a t i on of F oo d , - 9  Age of Discovery, 14 93- 1850   Tr ad e an d Col on i al... e m e n t s Th e Na zi s an d Food     Reich Food Corporation – total state control since 1 933 “ B l o o d a n d s o i l” : R a c e , a g r i c ult u r e , a n d L e b e n sr a um U n d e... http://chestofbooks.com/gardening-horticulture/Commercial-Gardening-4/images/TURNIPS-FOR-STREET-SALE-Turnips-badly-Infested-withmaggots.jpg Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics, and Society 13 F ood a nd t he W o r ld W a r s  Germany (con’t)  Au ta rch y vs Fr ee tr a de? Debate i n

Ngày đăng: 06/12/2016, 00:53