Some adjectives and related nouns + prepositions Key: sby = somebody; stg = something adjective noun absent from a place absence from afraid of sby/stg fear of sby/stg amazed at/by sby/
Trang 1Verb + prep.
OF: accuse, approve, assure, beware,
boast (or about), complain (or about), consist,
convince (or about), cure, despair, dream (or about),
expect (or from), hear (or from), be/get rid, smell,
suspect, think (or about), tire(d), warn (or against)…
FROM: borrow, defend (or against), demand
(or of), differ, dismiss, draw, emerge, escape, excuse
(or for), hinder, prevent, prohibit, protect (or
against), receive, separate, suffer ….
IN: believe, delight, employ(ed),
encourage, engage(d), experience(d), fail, help (or
with), include, indulge, instruct, interest(ed), invest,
involve(d), persist, share ….
ON: act, base(d), call, comment, count,
live, concentrate, congratulate, consult (or about),
decide, depend, economize, embark, experiment,
insist, lean (or against), operate, perform (or in),
pride (oneself), rely, vote (on a motion/for
someone), write (or about) ….
TO: accustom(ed) amount, appeal, apply
(or for), attach(ed), attend, belong, challenge,
compare (or with), condemn(ed), confess, confine,
consent, convert, entitle(d), listen, mention, object,
occur, prefer, react (or against), reply, respond, see,
submit, surrender, turn, yield ….
AT: amuse(d) (or by), arrive (or in),
astonish(ed) (or by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock,
look, point (or to), shock(ed) (or by), stare,
surprise(d) (or by), wonder (or about), work (or on).
FOR: account, ask (or of), act (or on),
apologize, blame, beg, call, charge, exchange, hope,
look, mistake, mourn, pay, prepare, provide, search,
thank, vote (or on), wait (or on) ….
WITH: agree, begin, communicate, compare
(or to), compete (or against), comply, confuse,
contrast (or to), cope, correspond, disgust(ed),
finish, help (or in), interfere (or in), mix, occup(ied),
part, please(d), quarrel (or about), reason, satisf(ied)
(or by), threaten(ed) ….
Adj + Prep.
FOR: available, difficult, eager, enough, famous, fit, grateful (or to), late, perfect, qualified (or in), ready (or to), responsible, sorry, sufficient, thankful (or to), useful (to sb for st), valid….
WITH: acquanted, angry (with someone / at something), busy (or at), consistent, content, crowded, friendly, familiar (or to), identical, patient, popular ….
OF: afraid, ahead, aware, capable, careful (or with), certain, confident, conscious, envious, fond, full, guilty, ignorant, independent, jealous, kind (or to), north/south/east/west, short, shy, sure, worthy ….
TO: acceptable, accustomede, agreable, close, contrary, cruel, dear, equal, faithful, fatal, harmful, important, indifferent, inferior, kind, liable, likely, lucky, new, obedient, obvious, pleasant, polite, previous, rude, sensitive, similar ….
AT: bad, clever, efficient, expert (or in), good, indignant, present, quick, sad (or about), slow, skilful (or in) ….
FROM: absent, away, different, far, safe ….
IN : deficient, fortunate, honest, interested, rich, successful, weak….
ON: dependent, intent, keen ….
ABOUT: confused, curious, doubtful (or of), enthusiastic, reluctant (or to), right (or in), serious, uneasy ….
Prepositional phrases
With ‘at’
at + meals (lunch, etc.) at length
at all events at most
at all times at once
at any rate at pains
at best/worst at peace/at war
at fault at play/at work
at first at present
at first sight at a profit
at hand at sea
at km per hour at sight
at last at table
at least at the time
at leisure at times
With ‘by’
by + weight by land/sea/air
by accident by luck
by air by marriage
by all means by means of
by any/no means by mistake
by birth by name
by chance by post
by cheque/credit card by right(s)
by day/by night by stages
by degrees by surprise
by design by virtue of
by far by the way
by force by way of
Trang 2With 'for' and 'from'
for the better/the best from bad to worse
for a change from the first
for ever from good to bad
for once from the heart
for sale from now on
With 'in'
in action in full
in addition in general
in all in half/in halves
in any case, in any event in a hurry
in brief in ink/in pencil
in business in love
in case of in a minute
in cash in no time
in the circumstances in order
in comfort in pain
in comparison in person
in conclusion in practice
in control in public
in danger in return
in debt in short
in demand in tears
in depth in time
in detail in turn
in doubt in view of
With 'off'
off duty off the record
off one's head off the road
off the point off school, off work
With 'on'
on account of on the hour
on approval on the job
on average on a journey
on behalf of on loan
on business on no account
on condition on offer
on the contrary on one's own
on credit on purpose
on demand on the radio/TV
on display on sale
on duty on strike
on fire on the (tele)phone
on foot on time
on guard on a visit
on hand on the way
With 'out of' Those marked * form their opposite with in
out of breath out of the ordinary
*out of character *out of pain
*out of control *out of place
*out of danger *out of pocket out of date *out of practice
*out of debt out of reach
*out of doors *out of season
*out of fashion *out of sight
*out of favour *out of step
*out of focus *out of stock
*out of hand *out of style out of hearing *out of touch out of humour *out of tune
*out of love *out of turn
*out of luck *out of use
*out of order *out of work
With 'past' and 'to'
past belief to advantage past care to a great extent past control to hand
past hope to the point
With 'under'
under age under orders under control under pressure under cover under repair under one's feet under the rules under the impression under suspicion under (no) obligation under the weather
With 'up to', 'with', 'within', 'without'
up to date within the law
up to mischief within range (not) up to much within reach
up to no good without bothering
up to one's ears without ceremony
up to (you) without delay with regard to without a doubt with respect to without exception with the exception of without fail within one's income without prejudice
Trang 3Some adjectives and related nouns + prepositions
Key: sby = somebody; stg = something
adjective noun
absent from a place absence from
afraid of sby/stg fear of sby/stg
amazed at/by sby/stg amazement at
angry at/about stg anger at/about stg
angry with sby anger with sby
annoyed at/about annoyance at/about
annoyed with sby annoyance with
anxious about/over sby/stg anxiety about/over
ashamed of sby/stg shame at stg
aware of sby/stg awareness of
awful at (doing) stg
-bad at (doing) stg
-bored by/with sby/stg boredom with
busy at or with stg
-capable of (doing) stg capability for
careful of/with sby/stg carefulness with
careless of danger carelessness of
certain of/about facts certainty of/about
clever at (doing) stg cleverness at/in
content with stg contentment with
contrary to advice
-curious about sby/stg curiosity about stg
different from/to sby/stg difference from/to
eager for stg eagerness for stg
easy (= not worried) about
-excited about/at/by/over excitement about/at
faithful to sby/stg faithfulness to
famous for (doing) stg fame as
fond of sby/stg fondness for
free from danger freedom from
free of charge freedom of speech
full of stg
-glad about stg gladness about
good/no good at (doing) stg
-good with one's hands
-grateful to sby for stg gratitude to/for
happy about/at/over/with happiness at/over
interested in/by sby/stg interest in sby/stg jealous of sby/stg jealousy of sby/stg keen on (doing) stg keenness on kind to sby kindness to sby late for work lateness for work married to sby marriage to sby nervous of sby/stg nervousness about obliged to sby/stg obligation to pleased about/with sby/stg pleasure about ready for sby/stg readiness for stg right about sby/stg
-sad about sby/stg sadness about safe from stg/for sby safety from stg satisfied with sby/stg satisfaction with separate from stg separation from slow at (doing) stg slowness at sorry about/for (doing) stg sorrow for (doing) sorry for sby
-surprised about/at/by surprise about/at terrible at (doing) stg
-thankful to sby for stg thankfulness to/for worried about sby/stg worry about/over wrong about sby/stg
-Verb + preposition transitive (non-idiomatic) Related nouns + most common prepositions
Verbs marked * are often passive
verb noun
*advise against doing stg advice against agree about stg agreement about
*agree to a proposal agreement to agree with sby agreement with aim at/for a target aim at/for apologize to sby for stg apology to sby
*apply to sby for stg application to
*approve of sby/stg approval of
-believe in sby/stg belief in sby/stg
-choose between choice between confess to sby/to stg confession to
-*depend on sby/stg dependence on differ from sby/stg difference from/to dream about/of (doing) dream of
emerge from a place emergence from fail in an exam failure in
*guess at the truth guess at identify with sby identification with insist on (doing) stg insistence on knock at the door knock at
*know of/about knowledge of
*laugh at/about sby/stg laughter at stg
-meet with sby (AmE) meeting with
*object to sby/stg objection to
*pay for sby/stg pay(ment) for quarrel with sby/about stg quarrel with/about
-*refer to sby/stg reference to
*rely on sby/stg reliance on
*reply to sby reply to sby
*report on sby/stg to sby report on resign from a job resignation from retire from one's job retirement from
*search for sby/stg search for (it) smell of stg smell of stg succeed in (doing) stg success in (doing)
Trang 4-*talk to sby about stg talk to sby about
(it) taste of stg taste of stg
trade with sby/in stg trade in stg
trust in sby/stg trust in sby/stg
*vote for/against sby/stg vote for/against
wait for sby/stg (long) wait for
*wish for wish for
Verb + object + preposition transitive
Related nouns + most common prepositions
verb noun
absent oneself from work absence from
accuse sby of stg accusation of
adapt stg to stg adaptation to
add stg to addition to stg
admire sby for stg admiration for
advise sby about stg advice to/about
appoint sby as/to a post appointment as/to
arrange stg for sby arrangement for
assess stg at a price assessment of/at
associate sby/stg with association with
attach stg to stg attachment to
betray a secret to sby betrayal of
blame sby for stg blame for stg
charge stg to my account charge to
charge sby with a crime charge against
claim stg from sby claim to stg
combine stg with stg combination of/with
compare sby/stg with comparison with
compensate sby for stg compensation for
congratulate sby on stg congratulations on
connect sby with stg connexion with
convert sby to stg conversion to
defend sby from stg defence against
describe stg to sby description of
discuss stg with sby discussion with
divide a number division by
excuse sby for stg excuse for stg
explain stg to sby explanation of forgive sby for stg forgiveness of/for
-identify stg with/as stg identification with include stg in stg else inclusion of stg in inform sby of/about stg information about insure sby against stg insurance against interest sby in stg interest in stg invest money in stg investment in lend stg to sby loan to sby neglect sby/stg for sby/stg neglect of refer sby/stg to sby reference to remind sby of sby/stg reminder of stg repeat stg to sby repetition of stg reserve stg for sby reservation for return stg to sby return of stg to rob sby of stg robbery of search sby for stg search for stg share stg with sby share of/with steal stg from sby (theft) of/from stop sby from doing stg -tell sby about stg -translate stg from/into translation into turn stg in stg else -use stg for stg else use of stg for
Trang 5Verb + preposition transitive (idiomatic)
Verbs marked * can go into the passive
eggs don't agree with me (= have a bad effect)
you answer to him (= explain yourself)
appear for me in court (= represent)
you're asking for trouble (= seeking/inviting it)
you can't bank on his help (= rely on)
* I didn't bargain for this (= not prepared for)
please bear with me (= listen patiently)
she's broken with him (= parted from)
she burst into the room/burst into tears
*please call for me at 6 (= come and collect)
can I call on you tomorrow? (= visit you)
I came across this old book (= found it)
he came at me with a knife (= attacked)
*where did you come by this? (= obtain)
he came into a lot of money (=inherited)
what came over you? (= affected)
*can I count on you for help? (= rely)
*my aunt descended on me (= visited)
*you can't dictate to me (= give me orders)
he's dying for a drink (= wants one badly)
stop digging at me (= finding fault with me)
this dress will do for Jane (= be all right for)
shall I do for you now? (= clean your room)
I could do with a drink (= want one badly)
I can't do without you (= manage without)
*bills are eating into my savings (=using up)
*he's entered for an exam/into a discussion
he's fallen for her (=fallen in love with)
I won't fall for that trick (= be deceived by it)
he fell on his food (= ate it greedily)
she's finished with him (= parted from)
she flew into a rage (= became very angry)
I gather from John that (= understand)
please gather round me now (= support)
*stop getting at me (= constantly criticizing)
he got into trouble/debt/difficulties
she's got over her illness (= recovered from)
*you can't get round me (= persuade)
*how do we get round this problem? (= solve)
I'm going about my business/work
let's go after him (= try and catch)
the dog went for the postman (= attacked)
the picture went for £1,000 (= was sold for)
*I'll go into the matter (= consider, investigate)
the house grew on me (= became attractive)
I must hand it to you (=praise you for it)
it hangs on this agreement (= depends)
stop harping on it (= always referring to)
he headed for home (= went)
I won't hear of it (= refuse to consider it)
help him to some potatoes (= serve him with)
I hit on this idea (= had/got this idea)
*you must hold to our agreement (= keep to it)
*he jumped at the idea/suggestion/opportunity
*don't jump on me for this (= blame me for this)
keep at it (= work persistently)
*you can't keep a secret from me (= not tell)
*who keeps him in money? (= supplies him)
I'm keeping off tobacco (= not indulging in)
*please keep to the point/plan, etc
he kicked up a fuss/a noise
*someone landed me into trouble
*I've been landed with this (= given a bad task)
please lay off him (= stop attacking him)
*leave it to me (=give me the responsibility)
*leave him to it (= let him get on with it)
he lives on fruit (i.e that's what he eats)
he lives with her (i.e but is not married to her)
*we'll have to look into this (= investigate it)
you can look over the house (= inspect it)
she looked right through me (= ignored me)
I hope we can look to you for help/support
*I can't make anything of this (= understand it)
you won't pass for a nun (= be accepted as)
*let's pass over that (= avoid the subject)
don't pick/peck at (= eat without appetite)
he plays at being a teacher (i.e he's not serious)
don't play on my feelings (try to gain my sympathy)
*I'll press for a rise in pay (= try hard for)
*how much do you put it at? (= value it)
*put some money on a horse (= make a bet)
*I'll put money towards it (= contribute money)
she's reading for a degree (= studying)
*can you read much into this? (= understand)
he's rolling in money (= has a lot of money)
we'll be rooting for you (AmE) (= supporting)
he suddenly rounded on me (e.g in anger)
I ran across/into her (= met by chance)
will he run for president? (= try to be elected)
we'd better run for it (= escape quickly)
*a bus ran into my car (= hit it)
we've run into difficulties/trouble/problems the cost runs into millions (= reaches)
he ran through a fortune (= spent quickly)
I can't run to a new car this year (= afford)
*don't rush into it (without consideration)
I'll see about fixing that fence (= arrange)
can we see over the house? (= examine)
*I saw through it (= understood the truth)
*will you see to the supper? (= attend to it)
*he sat on my application (= did nothing)
we sat through a boring film/lecture, etc
I'll sleep on your suggestion (= decide later)
I hope you'll stand by me (= support me)
she's standing for parliament (= to be elected)
I won't stand for your rudeness (= tolerate it)
don't stand over me (= supervise me)
we must step on it (= hurry up)
I hope you'll stick by me (= remain loyal)
I swear by this medicine (= have confidence)
he takes after his father (= resembles)
he took to English quickly (= found it easy)
work is telling on him (having a bad effect)
*he didn't touch on the subject (= mention it)
*I'm toying with it (= considering lightly)
he's turned against us (= become hostile)
*I've been turned off it (= lost interest)
it turns on this letter (= depends on)
*you can turn to me for help (= ask me for)
I waded through it (= finished with difficulty)
*who's waiting on you? (= serving)
I walked into a job (= got a job easily)
I walked into a trap (i.e carelessly)
Arsenal walked over Chelsea (= beat easily)
Verb + particle transitive (idiomatic)
Verbs marked *take the object before the particle
he *answered me back (= contradicted)
blow the balloon up (= inflate)
they blew it up (= destroyed by explosion)
she broke the engagement off (= ended)
who brought it about? (= caused to happen)
they brought down the ruler (= defeated)
we'll bring the job off (= succeed in doing so)
they'll bring your article out (= publish)
*bring him round (= to consciousness)
Trang 6I brought up her son well (= rear, educate)
don't bring that up again (= mention)
he tried to buy me off (= e.g bribe me)
call the meeting off (= cancel)
call up your mother (= phone her)
he's been called up (i.e for military service)
he carried it off (= managed it successfully)
we'll carry out a test (= conduct)
he *cleaned me out (= won all my money)
she's cooked up an excuse (= invented)
they're covering the facts up (= concealing)
I've been cut off (= interrupted on the phone)
please *cut it out (= stop being annoying)
I'll dash off a letter (= write one quickly)
dish out these leaflets (= distribute)
he *did everybody down (= cheated them)
shall I do your room out? (= clean it)
we've done the house up (= decorated)
help me draw up this document (= draft it)
she *dressed them down (= rebuked them)
I dressed myself up (= put on fancy clothes)
drop her off here (= let her get out of the car)
don't explain away the facts (= find excuses)
fill this form in/out (= supply details)
they'll *find him out (that he's been dishonest)
fit me in (= give me an appointment)
let's fix a date up (= make arrangements)
the police followed it up (= investigated it)
he *got his message across (= conveyed)
the news *gets me down (= depresses me)
get a builder in (= e.g to do the job)
*get him round here (= persuade him to visit)
you gave away the secret (= revealed it)
I *gave myself away (= showed I'd been lying)
who'll give the bride away? (at the wedding)
I've given up smoking (= stopped the habit)
will they *give themselves up? (= surrender)
he's *having us on (= deceiving as a joke)
*have it out with him (= discuss grievance)
they've *hit it off (= they get on well together)
we were held up in the fog (= delayed)
he's keeping us on (= continuing to employ)
he knocked back two pints (= drank quickly)
*knock him down (= make him cut the price)
*knock him out (= make him unconscious)
I've laid off 100 men (= stopped employing)
I can't lay out more (= spend more money)
he's been *laid up a year (= e.g by illness)
he's let us down (= not fulfilled expectations)
please let the children off (= don't punish)
someone's let the secret out (= revealed it)
please look over this essay (= scrutinize)
look the word up (= i.e in the dictionary)
look me up when you're back (= contact me)
I can't make him out (= understand him)
I can just make him out (= see him)
you've made that story up (= invented it)
you've made yourself up (= used cosmetics)
you've missed out my name (= not included)
I'm packing in smoking (= stopping)
she was *passed over (= not chosen)
I'll pay you back for this (= get my revenge)
point it out to me (= show or explain)
we've pulled off a deal (= been successful)
he can't put the ideas across (= communicate)
they had to *put him away (= e.g in prison)
can we put off the meeting? (= postpone it)
she *puts me off (= discourages, repels)
I've put out my hip (= dislocated)
put me up (= give me accommodation)
I've been ripped off (= overcharged)
he always runs her down (= criticizes unfairly)
he was run over by a car (= knocked down)
come and *see me off (= say goodbye to me)
he's sending me up (= ridicule by imitating)
the strike set us back (= delayed/cost us money)
he set up the whole scheme (= organized it)
I can't shake this cold off (= get rid of it)
*shut him up (= make him stop talking)
sort this company out (= organize it)
I'll spell it out (= make it absolutely clear)
we must step up production (= increase)
I'm not taken in by this (= deceived)
how many are they taking on? (= employing)
he's going to take me out (= e.g for a meal)
I can't *tell them apart (= distinguish between)
you're always telling me off (= reprimanding)
top up the battery (= fill)
they're turning us out (= making us leave)
win him over (= persuade him to agree)
it wiped out the village (= destroyed)
we must work this problem out (= solve it)
his car was written off (= unrepairable)
Verb + particle intransitive (idiomatic)
that boy's acting up (= behaving badly)
all this doesn't add up (= make sense)
she's just blown in (= arrived unexpectedly)
prices bottomed out (= reached bottom)
my car's broken down (= it won't go)
the prisoners broke out of gaol (= escaped)
I'll call by/in/round tomorrow (= visit briefly)
please calm down (= don't panic)
sorry, I don't catch on (= understand)
cheer up! (= change your mood, be cheerful)
when do you clock in/out? (= start/finish)
how did that come about? (= happen)
prices have come down (= been reduced)
my plan came off (= succeeded)
the subject came up again (= was mentioned)
you'd better cough up (= pay)
please don't cut in (= interrupt)
my engine's cut out (= stopped working)
the sound died away (= became fainter)
that custom has died out (= become extinct)
let's dress up (= put on best/fancy clothes)
I'll drop by/in on the way home (= visit you)
dad's just dropped off (= fallen asleep)
you should ease off (= work less hard)
where will we end up? (= finish our journey)
we fell about (= collapsed with laughter)
his argument fell down (= failed to convince)
the roof fell in (= collapsed)
Jim and his wife have fallen out (= quarrelled)
my plan fell through (= was unsuccessful)
you really get about/around (= travel)
don't you want to get ahead? (= succeed)
he got off (= wasn't punished)
we really get on (= have a good relationship)
it's time you got up (= rose from bed)
I'll never give in (= surrender)
the bomb went off (= exploded)
what's going on? (= happening)
will this food go round? (= be enough)
he hung up on me (= put the phone down)
don't hold back now (= hesitate)
it's hard to keep on (= continue)
I can't keep up! (= stay at your level)
I'm going to knock off (= stop work)
I wish you'd lay off (= stop being annoying)
please don't let on (= reveal the secret)
I love to lie in (= stay in bed late)
Trang 7I'd like to look on (= be a spectator)
look out! (= take care! i.e danger)
things are looking up (= improving)
he took it and made off (= e.g ran away)
he messes about (= acts in a lazy fashion)
mind out! (= be careful! i.e danger)
later, he opened up (= talked more freely)
come on, own up (= confess)
he passed away / on / over last year (= died)
when I heard it, I passed out (= fainted)
your scheme didn't pay off (= succeed)
trade's picking up (= improving)
the car's playing up (= not working properly)
pull in here (= stop the car at the roadside)
you pulled up suddenly (= used the brakes)
we'd better push on (= continue our journey)
I've got to ring off (= end the phone call)
our supplies have run out (= been used up)
we're selling up (= selling all we have)
winter has set in (= begun and will continue)
when do you set out? (= start your journey)
we all set to (= began working energetically)
I've settled down (= got used to a situation)
when will he settle up? (= pay his bills)
don't show off (= act boastfully)
he showed up at 1 (= arrived (probably) late)
shut up! (very informal) (= be quiet!)
the news has sunk in (= been understood)
slow down! (= live less energetically)
speak out! (= make your views public)
his work stands out (= is of high quality)
they are staying out (= remaining on strike)
did you stay up all night? (= not go to bed)
who heard them steal away? (= leave quietly)
you'd better step in and help (= intervene)
I've switched off (= I'm not listening)
did the plane take off? (= leave the ground)
when did the plane touch down? (= land)
I'm going to turn in (= go to bed)
how did things turn out? (= finish)
look who's turned up (= suddenly appeared)
don't wait up for me (= not go to bed)
don't walk out (= stop work because of dispute)
who's going to wash up? (= wash the dishes)
watch out! (= be careful! i.e danger)
the pain's worn off (= disappeared)
the evening wore on (= passed slowly)
he can't wind down (= relax after effort)
how did your plan work out? (= develop)
Verb + particle + preposition (idiomatic)
it backs on to the railway (= overlooks)
it boils down to this (= can be summarized as)
he's broken out in a rash (i.e on his skin)
I must brush up on my English (= improve)
I'm bursting out of my clothes (= am too fat)
cash in on the price-rise (= take advantage of)
come across with the money (= provide it)
it comes down to this (= means this)
his work has come in for criticism (= received) can I come in on your plan? (= be included)
the bill comes out at $100 (i.e as a total)
he came up with a good idea (= produced)
we cried out against the idea (= protested)
he's crying out for help (= is in great need)
they did away with the bad law (= abolished)
face up to it (= accept it with courage)
we fell back on our savings (= had to use)
I don't feel up to it (= feel capable of it)
can you fill me in on this? (= inform me)
get away with it (= manage to deceive)
he got back at me in the end (= retaliated)
I got down to work (= began to tackle)
I'll get on to him (= contact him)
he's getting up to something (= e.g mischief)
our house gives on to the river (= overlooks)
I won't go back on my word (= fail to honour it)
he's gone in for painting (= started as hobby)
can't go through with it (= finish difficult thing)
he's grown out of his coat (= got too big for)
he has it in for me (= is very hard on me)
don't hold out on me (= keep secret from me)
keep in with him (= stay on good terms)
let me in on it (= let me share, e.g the secret)
I can't live up to it (= maintain high standard)
he looks down on us (= considers us inferior)
I look forward to it (= expect to enjoy)
look out for my book (= keep constant watch)
she looks up to you (= admires, respects)
this won't make up for it (= compensate for)
what do you put it down to? (= how explain?)
put in for a rise (= make a formal request)
who put you up to this? (= gave you the idea)
I won't put up with it (= tolerate)
read up on its history (= improve knowledge)
his luck rubbed off on me (= benefited)
we've run out of rice (= used up all we had)
she's run out on him (= abandoned him)
I'm running up against problems (= meeting) I've set up in business (= started a business)
he's shown me up as a liar (= revealed truth)
speak up for him (= state your support)
I'll stand in for you (= act in your place)
stand up for your principles (= defend)
don't start in on him (= criticize him)
stick out for more (= insist on receiving)
we'll stick up for you (= support you)
don't take it out on me (= treat me unfairly)
I'll take the matter up with Jim (= discuss it)
she's taken up with Jim (= become friendly)
talk him out of it (= persuade him not to do it)
don't throw that back at me (= remind me of)
that ties in nicely with my plan (= fits)