... focus on the local similarity of the Bayer color difference plane not only along the directional axis but also beside the axis within the local region. Since the edge directions of the pixels on ... difference plane of the opposite case. From these examples, the strong connection of the global shift direction and the local edge direction is described by the spatial correlation of Bayer color ... variance of the pixels located along the horizontal or the vertical axis of CFA samples [23]. Tsai and Song introduced the concept of the spectral -spatial correlation (SSC) which represented the direct
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
... that the effect of DO on each response variable was linear but that the magnitude and direction of the effect could differ by location. The interpretation of the spatially varying DO term is therefore ... influence the spatial distri- bution of the catch, effort, CPUE, and probability of fishing in the Gulf Menhaden fishery of the northern GOM. Spatial patterns in the effects of DO on response variables ... in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. Effect of Changes in Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations on the Spatial Dynamics of the Gulf Menhaden Fishery in the Northern Gulf of
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2015, 08:12
Investigation on the spatial distribution of PM 2 5 by integraring satellite image from 2013 2015
... is strongly and consistently affected by outdoor fine mode particulate matter, the so-called PM2.5 The monitor of PM concentration thus attracts much attention for the society However, the observations ... limitation in terms of retrieved AODs For the application of total column AOD to PM concentration, the vertical distribution and aerosol type should be taken into account Association with extinction ... Formatted: Font: Italic, Font color: Auto aerosol compositions from Lidar It is a vital role to conduct research Investigation Formatted: Font color: Auto on the spatial distribution of
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2016, 09:27
Uses of prepositions into, ontoin english and the equivalences in vietnamese
... is the introduction in which we present the reason of the study, the history of the study, the aims of the study, the methods of the study and the design of the study. The second part is the content ... features of spatial cognition II. The uses of prepositions INTO, ONTO in English and the equivalences in Vietnamese II.1. The types of meaning II.2. The use meanings of prepositions INTO, ONTO II.2.1. ... Classification of prepositions II.4. General introduction about prepositions of direction Chapter II: The uses of prepositions INTO, ONTO in English and the equivalences in Vietnamese I. Language and the
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26
Báo cáo hóa học: " The impact of spatial correlation on the statistical properties of the capacity of nakagami-m channels with MRC and EGC" pdf
... increases the variance as well as the LCR of the channel capacity, while the ADF of the channel capacity decreases. On the other hand, for the case of EGC, an increase in the spatial correlation decreases ... 6and7canbestudiedtodrawsimilarconclusions regarding the influence of the number of diversity branches L as well as the spatial correlation on the mean channel capacity and the variance of the channel capacity ... for the improvement of the system performance [29]. The temporal behavior of th e channel capac ity can be investigated with the help of the LCR and ADF of the channel capacity. The LCR of the
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Study on the spatial motion model of underwater projectile
... including the equations of the solids of six degrees of freedom, equations for calculating the shape and size of the cavity, the equations determine the relationship to calculate the interaction forces ... and the motion around the center during the stable motion phase, we obtain the results as given: Under the gravity effect, the lift force at the nose of the projectile and the condition of the ... determined by the super-cavity size calculations when considering the effect of the reduction of the super-cavity size The calculation results obtained the integrated motion of the super cavitating
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2020, 02:34
The Spatial Diffusion of Social Conformity and its Effect on Voter Turnout
... based on the voting age population in the 48 contiguous states The first hypothesis that the state turnout distribution is a harmonic function is tested on these elections The purpose of using ... and depends only on the values on the boundary If the simulation continues until no further change occurs? ?the steady state? ?the distribution of turnout values fits a mathematical function u(x,y) ... (5) constant functions Because a harmonic function is the unique solution to the diffusion problem represented by the lattice model of social conformity, one can use the properties of harmonic
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 03:48
Spatial analysis of vaccine coverage on the first year of life in the northeast of Brazil
... of high and low VC, which consequently positively or negatively influence their neighbors Figures 2 and show the spatial distribution of VC and Figs. 3 and show the spatial autocorrelations of ... influence on their neighbors In 2017 (Fig. 3b), some agglomerations of Sertão Paraibano municipalities were seen, including one cluster toward the north and another in the center of the region with ... YsabelydeAguiarPontesPamplona1and LourdesConceiỗóoMartins1* Abstract Background: Over time, vaccination has been consolidated as one of the most cost effective and successful public health interventions
Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2022, 11:13
... in the body part, especially in the news plentiful of content and the content expresses the reaction to the news. Like the headline, it attracts the reader’s attentions to the main content of ... And the structure is one of the features of the news story’s paragraph. According to Do Huu Chau [2]: “Structure is an art of the performance on content factors of the writers. Structurally, the ... face-to-face interaction. The situation, therefore, must be interfered from the text. Naturally, readers only pay attention to the contents or news of the news story, they do not care how the story are...
Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2012, 11:12
The noneffects of class on the gendered division of labor in the home
... relations are not mere functions of class or anything else, and in this sense they have some genuine autonomy. An implication of relatively strong versions of the gender-autonomy thesis is that the ... compositions. Class counts150 tion of housework ± to the contrast between highly egalitarian and inegalitarian households ± rather than to the distribution as a whole. None of these manipulations of the ... mobilization of classes on the one hand and gender relations on the other. One might argue that the Class counts156 countries, therefore, it appears that in what might be thought of as traditional...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu ITU Study on the Financial Aspects of Network Security: Malware and Spam doc
... any opinion whatsoever on the part of ITU concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific ... represent the views of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or its membership. The designations employed and the presentation of material, including maps, do not imply the expression of ... that the potential contribution of ICTs to economic growth differs across nations. First, the impact of ICT on economic growth and its specific form are probably dependent on the stage of economic...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu University Oars Being a Critical Enquiry Into the After Health of the Men Who Rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race, from the Year 1829 to 1869, Based on the Personal Experience of the Rowers Themselves pdf
... crew in the table is the first 1849 Cambridge crew. Four of the men of which it consisted died young; (two of them from accidental causes, one only three years after the race, and the other only ... as they bear upon the duration of life of Uni- versity Oarsmen, must be deemed decidedly favourable ; the lives of each one of the 32 crews to which they refer extending over 334 instead of 320 ... to loosen their hold upon the youth of Great Britain. Viewing athletic contests then as national institu- tions, what is their influence upon health ? Are they calculated to improve the physique of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20
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