VERB PATTERN 1) To Infinitives: After: agree, appear, accept, ask, choose, claim, demand, decide, expect, hope, intend, learn, offer, pretend, promise, prepare, refuse, want, would like, wish 2) Gerunds: After: admit, avoid, can’t help, delay, dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, like, mind, miss, practice, suggest 3) Bare Infinitives: - After modal verbs - After make/ let - After Verbs of perception 4) Special cases: Verbs + To Infinitive/V-ing: Go on Remember Verbs Forget Stop Try To Infinitive Mean Need V-ing One action follows another An action is repeated or continued Before doing the action The action happened The action did not happened The action happened Stop There are two actions: the first stops so that the second can begin There is one action that stops Try Make an effort to something and may not be successful Experience with doing something Mean To have something as a purpose or intention As an result or meaning of something Need The subject of the sentence There is a passive will the action meaning Go on Remember Forget