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Building strategies for development of vietnam national hospital of pediatrics during 2010– 2020

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THESIS MBA Building strategies for development of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics during 2010– 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Page COMMITMENT GRATITUDE TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES, DIAGRAMS FOREWORD 10 Necessity of the research subject 10 Research objectives 11 Scope of research 11 Research methods 11 Structure of the subject 12 CONTENT PART CHAPTER 1: BASIC THEORIES ON BUILDING BUSINESS STRATEGIES IN THE 13 ENTERPRISE Basic issues on strategy 13 1.1- A number of concepts on strategy 13 1.2- Characteristics of a strategy 14 1.3- Types of business strategies 14 1.3.1- Classification of business strategies according to their levels 14 1.3.2- Classification of business strategies according to their contents 15 1.3.3- Classification of business strategies their processes 15 1.4- Roles of business strategies 15 1.5- Process of strategy planning 16 2- Contents of strategy building process 17 2.1 Determining the organization’s missions and goals 17 2.1.1- Determining the organization’s missions 17 2.1.2- Determining strategic goals 18 2.2- Analyzing the enterprise’s external business environments 18 2.2.1- Impacts of external environments on business strategies 18 Macro environment 19 Sector environment 19 Number and capacity of enterprises within the sector 20 2.2.2- Evaluating environmental impacts 21 2.3- Analyzing the internal enterprise (analyzing internal environment) 22 2.3.1- Analyzing the organization’s value chain 2.3.2- Analyzing financial codition 22 23 2.4- Building and selecting strategies 24 2.4.1- Concentrated growth strategy 24 2.4.2- Integrated growth strategy 25 2.4.3- Diversification-based growth strategy 25 2.4.4- Reduction strategy 25 2.4.5- Mixed strategy 26 2.5- Building level strategies 26 2.5.1- Business strategies 2.5.2- International business strategies 26 26 CHAPTER 2: BUILDING STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF VIETNAM 27 NATIONAL HOSPITAL OF PEDIATRICS DURING 2010 - 2020 Overview of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics 27 1.1- Forming and developing process 27 1.2- Fields of operation 27 1.2.1- Treatment 27 1.2.2- Scientific research 28 1.2.3- Training 28 1.2.4- Speciality guidance 28 1.2.5- Education health activities 28 1.2.6- International cooperation 28 1.3- Organizational structure and leading machinery 28 1.3.1- Organizational structure 28 1.3.2- The hospital’s leaders 30 1.4- State of medical examination and treatment during the past years 30 1.4.1- Results of specialized activities 30 1.4.2- Financial operation results 34 Analyzing the enterprise’s strategic and managerial matters 34 2.1- External environment 34 2.1.1- Macro environment 34 Economic environment 34 Political - legal environment 36 Technological environment 38 Cultural environment 39 Social environment 40 2.1.2- Analyzing the sector environment 41 Real situation of sector environment 41 Summing opportunities and challenges for the environment sector 43 Five competitive forces 44 2.2- Analyzing the internal environment 48 2.2.1- Vision 48 2.2.2- Missions 48 2.2.3- Value and philosophy of operation 48 2.2.4- Strategic goals of the hospital 48 2.2.5- The organization’s cultural environment 49 2.2.6- Human resources 49 Situation of current human resources 49 Regime for employees 50 Regimes to attract talents and recruit 50 Training policies 50 2.2.7- Information technology 51 2.2.8- Finance 51 2.2.9- Scientific research 53 2.2.10- Hospital management 54 2.3 Analyzing strategies through model SWOT 55 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS 57 Strategic solutions 57 1.1- Strategy selection 57 1.2- Reasons for choosing strategy of basing on distinctions 57 1.3- Distinctions 57 1.3.1- Distinctions in science and technology level 57 1.3.2- Distinctions in service quality 58 1.3.3- Distinctions in facilities 58 1.4- Solutions to strategy of making distinctions 58 1.4.1- Strategy of human resources development 58 1.4.2- Intensifying application of science and technology 61 1.4.3- Reforming organization 62 1.4.4- Improving financial capacity 62 1.4.5- Investing in facilities and equipment 63 1.4.6- Reputation 65 1.4.7- Broadening international cooperation 65 1.4.8- Intensifying examination and assessment 66 1.4.9- Accomplishing the information system to instruct the strategy 66 implementation Recommendations 67 2.1- For the macro environment 67 2.2- For the sector (micro) environment 68 Drawbacks in process in research and research orientation in the 68 future 3.1- The sensitivity of figures 68 3.2- Researching time 69 CONCLUSION 69 LIST OF MATERIALS 71 Books 71 Other publications 71 Websites 72 LIST OF INSTRUCTING ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS 73 LIST OF TABLES, DIAGRAMS Name of table, diagram I TABLES 1.1 The organization’s value chain 1.2 The enterprise’s SWOT matrix analysis table 1.3 Table of changes in concentrated growth strategy 1.4 Table of changes in integrated growth strategy 2.1 Composition of the hospital’s Board of Leaders 2.2 Results of medical examination and treatment during the past years 2.3 Results of revenue and expenditure through a number of years 2.4 Compare rates doctors and hospital beds/ children 2.5 Comparison in competitive capacity and market share on the site in 2008 2.6 The amount of patients in years (2004-2009) 2.7 Details of some incomes 2.8 Summary of deduction for establishing funds 2.9 Annual budget for scientific research 2.10 Matrix diagram of SWOT II DIAGRAMS 1.1 Process of strategy planning 1.2 Process of business strategy formation 1.3 Model of five competitive pressures according to M Porter 2.1 Organizational structure of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics 2.2 Number of outpatients 2.3 Number of inpatients 2.4 Occupational efficiency of sick-beds 2.5 Number of operations FOREWORD Page 22 23 24 25 30 30 34 42 45 47 52 53 54 55 16 17 19 29 31 32 32 33 Necessity of the research subject Under the background of current fierce market, any enterprise wishing to exist and develop must find its own appropriate direction, and build developing strategies which comply with external environmental conditions and the enterprise’s internal factors, in which business strategy is a component and one of the most important bases to build the enterprise strategies Founded in 1969, after 40 years of building and growing, Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics have developed continuously, becoming the leading Hospital specializing in Pediatrics in Vietnam which provides medical examination and treatment for millions of patients throughout the country However, Vietnam is a young population country having over 86 million people, 16 million of which are children with age under 16 The demands for examination and treatment of people, in general, and small children, in particular, are very high, especially when the current environmental and climatic conditions change complicatedly and many new diseases have appeared, threatening the health and life of small children Our country has only 30 hospitals specializing in Pediatrics and Obstetrics 2, in which there is only 01 national hospital; the remaining ones are provincial and city hospitals, leading to regular patient overload at other hospitals, especially in summer and winter In parallel with the country’s open and developing economy, apart from demands for high quality health care of Vietnamese people have increased more and more The tendency to have demands for medical examination and treatment of diseases at jointventure hospitals and in neighboring countries such as Singapore, Thailand, China, Korea and even the US has increased Sources reported the General Statistics Office 2009 Home electronic information Ministry of Health To meet demands for examination and treatment of diseases of the people at maximum; to exist, develop and compete with other hospitals, besides investing in upgrading infrastructures, applying modern scientific and technological advances in diagnosis, treatment, etc, building strategies for long-term business development is of great importance That is the reason why our group chooses the research subject “Building strategies for development of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics during 2010– 2020” Research objectives: - To systematize a number of theories on building and developing business strategies for the enterprise - To analyse the enterprise’s business environments (micro and macro environments) during the pas time and in the coming time; to analyse internal factors and potentials; - To orient business strategies which are suitable for the hospital during 2010 – 2020 and solutions to implement the strategies effectively Scope of research: To analyse the business environments of the hosspital from 2004 to 2009 in order to orient the business strategies for 2010 – 2020 Research methods: 4.1- Method of data collection: Uses both primary and secondary data such as: - Collection of primary data via such sources as press, television, Internet, the hospital’s internal documents, reports of health sector and specialized magazines - Collection of secondary data: through working meetings with leaders, cadres and employees currently working at the hospital; interviews with experts in health sector 4.2- Method of comparison and synthesis: Comparing an indicator with the basis (original indicator) for data of business results, market parameters, mean indicators and other comparable indicators Conditions for comparison are that data must be appropriate in terms of space, time, economic contents, measuring units, calculating methods, business scales and conditions 4.3- Method of statistics using tables and diagrams: The statistics used to find the common trends or characteristics of analysed factors 4.4- Expert method: Consulting opinions of experts to draw the conclusions 4.5- SWOT method: Finding strengths and weaknesses inside the enterprise, opportunities and risks outside the enterprise This is the key method in strategy planning Structure of the subject The subject is presented in chapters: + Chapter 1: Basic theories on building business strategies in the enterprise + Chapter 2: Builing strategies for development of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics during 2010 – 2020 + Chapter 3: Strategic solutions and recomendations CHAPTER 1: BASIC THEORIES ON BUILDING BUSINESS STRATEGIES IN THE ENTERPRISE Basic issues on strategy 10 Most specific procedure – Highest spirit of serving – Most perfect service – Shortest time of examination – Highest quality of treatment - Serving spirit and behavior: always considering patients as relatives; devoted to patients - Waiting time: Improving procedure of receiving and handling patients’ records to reduce to minimum the waiting time in accordance with the precept “Examined as soon as visiting; treated as soon as catching diseases” - Supporting and answering the patients’ inquiries: All of patients’ queries, requests will be timely answered through direct consultancy of the hospital’s cadres and staffs, by switchboard system (hotline), through guiders or by documents 1.3.3- Distinctions in facilities The hospital is determined to invest into facilities with the perspective to build a modernly equipped hospital with adequate facilities and clean environment 1.4- Solutions to strategy of making distinctions 1.4.1- Strategy of human resources development Human resources take the important and decisive role in the hospital’s existence and development To succeed in implementing the proposed strategy of development, in the time to come, human resources development, especially high quality human resources is a task of the utmost importance * Firstly, it is a must to set up a favorable working environment because this is the incentive environment to develop employees’ creativity, to create the closeness between employees and the hospital To accomplish this, the period 2010 - 2020, hospitals will set up specific and explicit regulations; appropriately invest into equipment supporting employees in their working process; pay attention to incentives such as labor efficiency, effectiveness of machines and equipment use, income distribution based on working productivity and quality Particularly, it is necessary to establish a civilized, close-knit and solidary working environment 54 * Secondly, it is essential to have short-term and long-term strategy of training human resources: To be successful in business, it is necessary to have more qualified and keener cadre and staff team in comparison with rivals Medicine is a special aspect, directly related to human health, therefore, training to improve qualification for the doctor team must be conducted frequently and continuously To this, the hospital will concentrate on training to advance and retraining qualification for the doctor team according to major and speciality; emphasizing training in some fields which the hospital did and will develop in the coming time such as: - Periodically each year, each Faculty will open at least 02 professional training courses, 02 specialized workshops (eg, endoscope surgery, organ transplant, nursing, ) at the hospital - Every year, sending at least 20 doctors, nurses, nurse participation in specialized training courses in many fields, pediatric center's reputation in the world - Will cooperate with Hanoi University of Foreign languages, Apollo international center of foreign languages, etc to open English courses in the hospital as well as appoint 100 cadres to train in RMIT university with the output standard: - 6.5 points in IELTS; maintain the daily handover in English to create the environment and motivation for cadres to practice English - Each year, the hospital opened 03 training communication skills, behavior, service, for all workers in the hospital Training managers will focus on training to advance the level of politic reasoning, enterprise managing and executing skills (financial management, administrative management), legal knowledge, science and technology, foreign languages, informatics for from deputy heads of departments, wards to upper leaders, appointing leading cadres to study in MBA classes, attend domestic and international conferences, etc 55 * Thirdly, having policy of attracting talents through appropriate salary and allowance regime: Salary and treatment regime is one of the incentives to encourage the employees to work devotedly, but at the same time, it is also the reason for being slack, discontented or even leaving the enterprise Salary and treatment will only promote its effect as a lever when there are flexible and fair mechanisms Therefore, the hospital will focus on reforming regulations on salary paying according to each title, undertaken task, recruiting based on ability, promoting and creating favorable conditions for the employees to develop their talents * Fourthly, policy of retaining good staffs: Good staffs are an important factor in developing hospitals At present, there appear cases in which good staffs move to work for private hospitals To retain staffs, the hospital focuses on some solutions: - Creating friendly, comfortable working environment for staffs - Timely acknowledging and glorifying staffs’ contributions - Creating conditions for staffs to perform and devote wholeheartedly - Creating conditions for staffs to train and advance their knowledge by attending domestic and overseas courses - Creating conditions for staffs to promote their career - Seeking for solutions to increase income and having special treatment regime for the good cadres 1.4.2- Intensifying application of science and technology Science and technology has been and is applied in medical branch, bring a lot of selections to medical foundations in investing and applying new technology in diagnosis and treatment - In the coming time, the hospital will intensively apply advanced science and technology in research, disease diagnosis and treatment Particularly, the hospital will focus on its strengths, namely: 56 + Endoscopic surgery: Buying the most advanced endoscopic equipment to support operating surgery on some difficult and complicated diseases, such as diaphragmatic hernia in newborn children, esophageal atresia , patent ductus arteriosus; applying new advances in endoscopic surgery, such as: operating endoscopic surgery through a single line canal; endoscopic surgery with support of robots, etc + Cardiovascular surgery: Promoting the achievements in operating successful surgery on 1000 children with congenital heart diseases, in the time to come, the hospital will continue operating surgery on patients with complicated defects in newborn stage, such as: Transposition of the arteries, right ventricle with two exits, main artery, pulmonary stenosis, and single ventricular defect Besides, the hospital will broaden to appoint cardiovascular intervention, such as healing ventricular septal, developing electrophysiological system to diagnose and treat cardiac arrhythmia in children + Viscera transplantation: The hospital will invest into some modern equipment, associate with some famous pediatric centers on the world to transfer advanced technology, experience in viscera transplantation (liver, kidney, marrow, heart); apply molecular biology technology to diagnose infected diseases, hereditary disease before and after parturition, etc - Implementing the hospital digitalization to reduce the administrative procedures for the patients - Having policy to encourage cadres, doctors to participate in researching themes, initiative, technical solutions to promote the managing, examining and treating effectiveness 1.4.3- Reforming organization To implement business strategy effectively, reforming organization is also an important task Reforming and accomplishing the organizing apparatus have to be considered a frequent and inevitable task In the coming time, the hospital will focus on some following issues: 57 - Organizing, arranging and fulfilling the organization so as to appropriate to the orientation of the developing strategy on the trend of compactness and taking suitable From 2010 - 2012, hospitals will conduct merger and adjustment functions, duties a staff room; from 2012 - 2015, will rearrange the scientific examination and treatment in the direction of interdisciplinary science - Strengthening the leading role and centralization and unification of management; broadening the decentralization, division of authority to the inferiors to promote the activeness, creativity, and responsibility of the divisions, wards and departments Specifying the collective functions and personal responsibility of the heads - Promoting the implementation of administrative reformation, setting up and applying the managing system of the standard ISO 9001:2008, standard 5S in hospitals - Reviewing, amending and modifying institutions, regulations to be consistent to and ensure the rights of the employees - Setting up the comprehensive reviewing and sponsoring structure 1.4.4- Improving financial capacity To ensure the enterprise’s business activities to be frequently and effectively carried out, it is necessary for the hospital to have a firm and purified financial system To serve well citizens’ demand for disease examination and treatment, the hospital needs to invest into facilities and equipment with a huge sum of starting capital while the independent financial resource is unable to meet this demand Therefore, improving financial capacity of the hospital is extremely imperative The solutions to improve financial capacity are: - Initiative to dispose the capital from the state budget, having special mechanism to raising capital from domestic or foreign economic sectors, such as: ODA capital, preferential loan capitals from other countries’ governments, issuing public bonds, etc to invest in upgrading infrastructure, equipment as well as building a new hospital (For example: applying for investment from public bonds of 800 billion Vietnamese dongs to 58 build a new and modern hospital, applying for the loan of 300 billion Vietnamese dongs with the preferential interest rate from the Northern European Bank to buy equipment) - Establishing and promulgating mechanism to encourage all the economic sectors to take part in investing, capital contributing to purchasing advanced and modern equipment supporting disease examination and treatment - Equitizing some aspects to raise and attract dormant capital in the society - Opening some more service types, surgical rooms, treating rooms to increase revenue for the hospital - Intensifying financial management, economy practicing, income increasing and expense reducing 1.4.5- Investing in facilities and equipment Investment facilities, equipment to improve the quality of examination, treatment and increase revenue for the hospital job is needed In the period 2010 - 2020, hospitals will focus on investment: *Build a new hospital, modern The hospital consists of 11 floor area is 1.296m2 (18 x 72m) with 400 beds and 15 clinics Where: 1st floor: General outpatient ward: 15 consulting room, registration patient, hospitalization fees counter, pharmacy 2nd floor: The test, imaging, medical technical Department 3rd floor: Administrative section, meeting hall, information technology center 4th floor: surgery, postoperation, cardiac intervention 5th – 11th floor : Inpatient treatment wards 400 beds are arranged as follow: No Kind of bed Standard bed Premium-2 bed Premium-1 bed Deluxe bed 59 quantity 200 100 70 25 Special care bed - Total investment capital: 133.280 billion, of which: Unit: Million VND Items Contruction costs : Unit price at Hanoi in 5/2009 is 5million/1m2 Medical equipment expenses: Amount 71.280 57.000 - Operation wards: 10.000 million - Imaging equipment: 15.000 million - Analysis equipment: 12.000 million - bed, cabinet, TV, telephone…: 5.000 million - Other medical equipment: 10.000 million Working Capital 5000 Total investment 133.280 The capital structure capital: 50% Development career fund; 30% Staff contributions; 20% loans from development bank; * Establish treatment center quality In 2010 the hospital will establish 01 treatment centers with 60 high quality medical bed with full specialist equipment to meet modern needs examination and treatment quality of people, * Investment and procurement of equipment: Equip more modern machines: Magnetic resonance imaging machine, two-direction vascular imaging machine, light seed VCT 64, genetic sequence analyzing machine, circulation extracorporelle machine, surgical robots, etc 1.4.6- Reputation Being the top hospital in pediatrics for the last many years has brought the hospital the sound reputation Most citizens mention to “Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics” when referring to pediatric hospitals This is the invaluable asset that the hospital has to maintain and develop To retain this trade mark, beside concentrating on well 60 implementing disease examining and treating duty, the hospital should also intensifying programs of conveying the trade mark “Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics” to the customers by popularizing through mass media, such as: radio, television, newspapers, specialized magazines, the hospital’s and Ministry of Health’s websites; participating in domestic and international majored conferences, Pediatric associations in the area and on the world Specially, it is necessary to zealously participate in social-charitable activities (such as: supporting free examination and treatment for poor patients; organizing teams to go examining and delivering medicines to citizens in poor areas, ethnic regions; funding the programs on children’s health care, etc.) 1.4.7- Broadening international cooperation For the last years, Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics has succeeded in maintaining cooperative relationship with hospitals, pediatric organizations of countries and of the world This helps the hospital a great deal in disease examination and treatment (For example: transferring technology, training cadres, appointing experts to go to offer assistance, etc.) In the time to come, the internationally cooperative relationship should be more intensified First of all, maintaining firmly the traditional relations with Melbourne Royal hospital (Australia), Rome children’s hospital (Italia), Samsung hospital (Korea), and at the same time, initiative to broaden the relationship with some potential partners such as: pediatric hospitals of England, France, Taiwan, USA, Singapore, Japan, etc.; Initiative in participating as a member and enthusiastically taking part in activities of Pediatric Association in Asia and on the world 1.4.8- Intensifying examination and assessment Examining is the indispensable stage in the managing process in general and business strategy management in particular Examining to assess and adjust in order to repair the errors and mistakes in the implementation of strategy Basing on the scale and level of 61 strategy management, the hospital can choose appropriately different forms of examination For instance, the hospital can carry out periodical or extraordinary examination on departments, functional wards On the other hand, the most important task is educating cadres and staffs to be self-consciousness, compliant with the hospital’s discipline The process of examination has to be prepared with specific plans, and carried out from the highest-rank leaders to the lowest of the hospital The examination should be done by many examining subjects to ensure the correctness, completion and objectiveness However, the hospital should appropriately determine the number of examining subjects, the scale of examination so as to the examination does not obstruct the strategy implementation 1.4.9- Accomplishing the information system to instruct the strategy implementation The information system helps strategy managers convey their strategic decisions to the inferiors and receive feedbacks from the inferiors The first task of the strategy development is that strategy managers have to apply the information system + Information channel of management: The planning department of the hospital has the strategic duties approved by the Directors; making reports on plans to implement strategy; setting up and delivering the regulations on implementing strategy to the strategic divisions Business-level managing cadres (middle level) will develop the strategy at the business level on the base of implementing business strategy; Setting up and determining plans of demonstration, delivering decisions by documents and other means down to the grassroots Information channel of management is ensured to be clear throughout the implementing process of the strategy Strategy delivery from the Director board to departments, wards and organs has to be clearly and rapidly planned The system of these documents is the legal basis for the inferiors to implement and is the base for the superiors to examine 62 If the information of management is not clear and specific, the implementation of strategic tasks will be overlapped, confused and obstructed, the sources will be used wastefully, effecting a great deal on the result of strategy implementation + Information channel of feedbacks: The information of feedbacks is very necessary for the strategy managers and for the examination Feedbacks help the superiors keep track of the strategy implementation progress, achieved results of the strategy implementation thereby to have suitable adjustments to accelerate the strategy implementation and ensure the effectiveness of the strategy Feedback information stream must be frequent, continuous and selectively processed through strategy managing levels to ensure that managers are able to update the necessary information without overloading Feedbacks always go in line with the examining process; collected through daily reports in the grassroots, monthly, quarterly and yearly financial and summary reports Recommendations 2.1-For the macro environment - To make a breakthrough in macro mechanism and policy to promote the capacity of exploiting resources, especially, the domestic resources to increase the investing capital into the medical branch, ensuring to fulfill the target of health care and protection of citizens, in which there are children - To continue accomplishing the legal systems on medicine, soon to apply Laws on Examination and Treatment to the daily life; setting up the medicine with health care for all citizens and of all aspects on the base of combination between public and private medicine, in which, public medicine plays the core role - To promote socialization of medical service business - To increase investment in modern facilities, equipment, high quality human resources for the public hospitals, especially those of elementary line to meet citizens’ demand for examination and treatment and to release load for those of provincial and central lines 2- For the sector (micro) environment 63 - To increase investment in new infrastructure, equipment to upgrade the business capacity of the hospital - To complete the managing mechanism in the hospital, creating distincitions and competitive advantages, to retain the market and to yield benefit for the hospital - Branch managing organs need to set up and promulgate comprehensive institutions in managing and supervising the operation of hospital, creating the equal competition among the hospitals Drawbacks in process in research and research orientation in the future 3.1- The sensitivity of figures Medicine is the special aspect of business, tightly related to the human factor Therefore, it is posible that analysis on the theme has not metioned all the issues in business and business strategies of the hospital Besides, the medical business activities have some rules on information release Some information are forbidden to be released without permission of the hospital and the branch managing organs This is for the information security of enterprises as well as their own other rights against the competitors Therefore, the theme does not mention to the issues to recover the situtation currently ocurring in the enterprise 3.2- Researching time Beside these above factors, the short time to carry out research partly affects the research quality of the group However, with the collected figures and the support and assistance from the managing organs, experts in the field and the hospital, specially the great effort of the group member, the theme has, basically, fully reflected different aspects of the hospital in the present time CONCLUSION Establishing the business strategies is an indispensible matter in any enterprise, particularly in the present market economy Analysis on business environment shows that Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics is facing a lot oportunities for development as well as difficulties and challenges: the 64 business market of the hospital is large; the development of science and technology has been creating conditions for the hospital to apply technological advances and use new equipment to serve examination, treatment and patients’ belief in the hospital is increasing, etc However, there remains situtations like patient overloaded; equipment, facilities of the hospital not meet the minimum standard and are incomprehensive; demands and requirements of the citizens for upgrading the quality of disease examining and treating service is increasing, the growth of private and foreign invested hospital; etc In this context, through hospital internal analysis, we can see strong and weaknesses, thereby building the suitable business strategy With the studied theory about strategy and collected figures from the medical branch and Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics The research subject Building strategies for development of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics has partly responsed to the urgency of the current context and the demand for the hospital’s own stability and development Athough the theme has only been done on researching and analysing some of matters related to strategies of the hospital so as to stablify and develop the business strategy, the solutions and recomendations are practical and relevant to the manging organs as well as enterprises which did and are going to participate in this hospital business full of potentialities and opportunities 65 LIST OF REFERENCE MATERIALS Books 1.2- Associate Professor, PhD Le The Gioi,(2007), “Strategy Management”, page 166, Statistic Publishing House 1.2-B.Wernerfelt (1994), “A Resource Base View of the Firm”, Strategic Management Journal, (1994), 5(1997) page 171-180 1.3- Lawrence R Jauch and William F Gluek, (1989) “Business Policy and Strategic Management” 1.4- M.E Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York: Free, Press, 1980) 1.5- Quinn, J., B (1980) Strategy for change: Logical Instrumentalism Homewood, Illois, Irwin 1.6- R Lubit, 2001 “Tacut knowledge and knowledge management: The keys to sustainable competitive advantage”, organizational Dynamucsics, 29(3):164-178 2- Other publications 2.1- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2004 2.2- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2005 2.3- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2006 2.4- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2007 2.5- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2008 66 2.6- Ordinary report of Vietnam National Hospital of Pediatrics year 2009 2.7- Chandler, A (1962), Strategy and Structure Cambrire, Massachusetts MIT Press 2.8- Johnson, G, Scholes, K (1999), Exploring Corporate Strategy, 5th Ed Prentice Hall Europe 2.9- Syllabus of Strategic Management – Education Publishing House, year 2005 2.10- J.E Barriers to New Competition (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1956) For a review of the modern literature on barriers to entry, see R,J Gilbert, “Mobility barriers and value on Incumbency” in R Schmalensee and R.D Willig, Handbook of Industrial Organization, (Amsterdam,, Holland 1989),I 2.11- Article 28, Decree No 36/2005/NĐ-CP, dated 17th March 2005, Guiding to implement some article of Law on Child Protection and Care 2.12- Resolution No 46/NQ-TW, dated 23rd February 2005 of the Ministry of Politics (Course IX) on “Protection, Care and Improvement of citizens’ health in the new state” 2.13- Associate Professor Doctor Ho Sy Quy, View on Vietnamese cultural environment, Speech at the third International Conference on Vietnamese study held on 5th November 2008 2.14- M.E Porter, competitive Strategy (New york : Free Press, 1980) Websites 3.1- http://www.benhviennhitu org.vn 3.2- http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chu%E1%BB%97i_gi%C3%A1_tr%E1%BB%8B 3.3- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science 3.4- http://epress.anu.edu.au/anzsog/centrelink/mobile_devices/ch03.html 3.5- http://www.sggp.org.vn/xahoi/2009/8/199741/ 3.6-http://dantri.com.vn/c76/s76-313788/kinh-te-viet-nam-chi-tang-truong-03-nam2009.htm 67 3.7-http://dddn.com.vn/200910317403795cat101/goi-kich-cau-kinh-te-thu-hai-daduoc-chinh-phu-thong-qua-.htm 3.8- www.moh.gov.vn/ 3.9- www.soyte.hanoi.gov.vn/ LIST OF INSTRUCTING ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS No NAME CONTENT OF INSTRUCTION Griggs university’s representatives in Formality, Direction of and Vietnam contribution to content in English Email: faculty@griggs.edu.com Ph.D Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai Suggestion Tel: 0913500898 structure and all the basic content Email: nguyenttmai@gmail.com Board of Directors of on names, outline of the theme Vietnam Suggestion on concerned issues of National Hospital of Pediatrics the hospital and medical branch Tel: 04.38343176; Fax: 37754 448 Email: nip_vn@hn.vnn.vn 68

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2016, 14:00

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