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XUAN BA bAi tap TIENG ANH ii n h A x u a t BAN HA n Oi XUAN BA BAI TAP ■ NGUf PHAP TIENG ANH nh A x u a t b a n t h e gicji L O IN O ID A U Cac ban hoc vien than men! De co them tai lieu thiet thUc phuc vu nhu cau hoc tap va luyen thi chiing chi A, B, C tieng Anh cang nhieu cua dong dao cac ban hoc vien, chung toi da bien soan va lan lUdt cho mat loat sach gom 13 tap nhu sau: Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh A B (tap I) Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh C (tap II) Bai tap Doc Hieu Tieng Anh Bai tap Dien Tti Tieng AnJi Bai tap Dat Cau Tieng Anh Bai tap Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh Bai tap Cum Dong Tif Tieng Anh Bai tap Trac Nghiem Gi6i Tu1Tieng Anh Bai tap Tif Vung Tieng Anh 10 Cac Bai Luan Tieng Anh 11 Bai tap Nguf Phap Tieng Anh 12 Bai tap Thanh NgU Tieng Anh 13 Bai tap Luyen Viet Tieng A.nh Loat sach tren co nhulng dac diem cau: Cung cap doi dao so lu!dng bai tap ve cac bai gui dinh doi vdi mon thi Doc - Viet nhu trac nghiem, doc hieu, dien tCf, dat cau v.v Moi mot tap sach la mot chuyen de luyen thi rieng re giup ban ren luyen va nam vUng kien thijfc cung nhil kl nang ma moi loai hinh bai tap doi hoi Cac bai tap dUdc bien soan cho ca trinh A, B, C theo dung dang thtic de thi cua Bo Giao Due - Dao Tao Rieng ve Bai Tap Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh chi co bai tap cho trinh B va C vi theo m iu de thi A cua Bo khong co ph4n bai tap Rat m ong nhan ditoc nhieu dong gop qui bau cua ban doc gan xa Chuc cac ban cong >71 / Tac gia • f CONTENTS 1/ T e n s e s II/ S eq u en ce o f T e n s e s III/ T h e p a ssiv e a n d a ctiv e s e n t e n c e s IV / T h e p a rts o f s p e e c h 1.N o u n s P ro n o u n s A je ctiv e s A d v e r b s 5.W ord s t u d y D egrees o f com p a rison o f A djectives and A d v erb s 31 45 58 58 72 84 94 102 133 V e r b s N u m e l s P r e p o s it io n s C o n ju n ctio n s 11 A r t i c l e s V/ C la u ses a n d P r a s e s V I/ E xep ression o f q u a n t it y V II/ E m p h a s is V III/ S t y l e s IX / R ep orted s p e e c h 145 162 170 195 199 206 245 251 254 259 X/ X I/ S e n t e n c e s P ctice T e s t 266 274 X II/ K e y 310 A p p e n d ix A • A p p e n d ix B T o ch iic qu oc te - chvif v ie t tat th on g d u n g D o, can , d on g 370 B an g liet ke cac dong tti b a t quy tac 383 I TENSES (CAC THi) The Simple Present Tense (Thi hien tai dOn) a Form - I, We You, They + Verb (without to) - He, She, It + Verb + s/es - Dong tti chia d hien tai (V,) (Neu chu ngut d ngoi thti ba so ft, ta phai them “ S” hoac “ ES” vao sau dong tuf) ij U sa g e: Thi hien tai ddn dien ta mot thoi quen, mot hanh dong xay thUdng xuyen lap di lap lai d hien tai Ex + He watches TV every night + W hat you everyday? + I go to school by bicycle Thi hien tai ddn d iln ta mot chan ly, mot sU that hien nhien Ex: + The sun rises in the East + Tom com es from England + I am a student Thi hien tai ddn dude dung ta noi ve thdi khoa bieu (tim eta b les), chUdng trinh (program m es) Ex: + The plane leaves for London at 12.30 p.m + She departs for Australia tom orrow + The film begins at o’clock - Thi hien tai ddn de chi “ Hien tai lich s t f , nhat la nhQng bai binh luan ve cac mon chdi hoac cac vd kich Ex: + The badm inton player sends the shuttlecock over the net Thi hien tai ddn dung sau nhUng cum tii chi thdi gian "when” , “as soon as” va nhung cum tu: chi dieu kien “ i f ’, “ unless” Ex: + We will not believe you unless we see it ourselves + If she asks you, tell her that you not know c S p e llin g : * Ta them S de hinh ngoi thCf b a ’so* it cua hau het cac dong tu! NhUng ta them ES dong tii co tan cung la o, sh s ch x, z Ex: He teaches French * Neu dong tii tan cung la “y” va diing tru(6c no la mot phu am, thi ta doi “y” “ i” trUdc them “es” Ex: + He tries to help her + She studies at Canberra d C ac p h o tif th iid n g dxidc d u n g c h u n g vcfi th i h ie n tai dtfn: + Often, usually, frequently + Always, constantly thUdng luon luon + Sometimes, occasionally + Seldom, rarely thinh thoang it khi, hiem + every day/ week/ month hang ngay/ tuan/ thang e N e g a tiv e F o r m (T h e p h u d in h ) * Doi vdi dong tu: dac biet (be, can, may ), ta them “not” sau dong tii Ex: + He is a good pupil —> He isn’t a good pupil + My brother can swim -* My brother can t swim * Doi vdi dong tti thUdng, ta dung trd dong tu "D o” hoac “ Does” theo chu ngCt Ex: + She doesn’t hke coffee + They don’t want new shoes f I n t e r r o g a tiv e fo r m (T h e n g h i va n ) * Doi vdi dong tu1dac biet ta chuyen no len dau cau va them dau “?” d cuoi cau Ex: + Are you tued now? + Can Peter drive a car? * Doi v6i dong tii thUdng, ta them “Do” hoac "Does” vao dau cau (Nhd dUa dong t if chfnh ve nguyen mau) Ex: + Her father likes tea —> Does her father like tea? + They their homework every day -> Do they their homework every day9 T h e P r e s e n t C o n tin u o u s T e n se (T h i h ie n tai tie p d ie n ) a F orm : -1 - He, She, It - We, You, They + am + is + are + V-ing b U sa g e: - Thi hien tai tiep dien mo ta mot hanh dong dang dien va keo dai met thdi gian d hien tai, (no thUdng di kem vdi cac cum tti chi thdi gian "N OW ” , “ RIGHT N O W ’, “AT THE MOMENT” , “AT PRESENT” ) Ex: + The children are playing football now + W hat are you doing at the moment? - Thi n ay cung thUdng dude dung theo sau cau de nghi, menh lenh Ex: + Look! The child is crying + Be quiet! The baby is sleeping in the next room - Thi dude dung de dien ta mot han h dong sap xay (d tUdng lai g&n) Ex: + He is com ing tomorrow + My parents are planting trees tomorrow c Spelling * Neu dong tif tan cung la “e” ddn thi bo "e” di trUdc them • ti • y> mg come —> coming Ngoai trii cac dong tU: to age (gia di), to dye (nhuom), to singe (chay xem) va cac dong tti tan cung la ee * Neu dong tuf co mot am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am d giiia hai phu am thi nhan doi phu am cuoi len roi them “ ing” run —> running * Neu dong tCf co hai hoac hdn hai am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am d giuta hai phu am va am rdi vao am tiet cuoi thi ta nhan doi phu am len roi them "‘mg” begin —» beginning * Neu dong tti tan cung la “ie” thi doi “y” roi m6i them “ing” lie —> lying * Neu dong tti tan cung la “1” ma trUdc no la m ot n gu yen am ddn thi ta cung nh an doi “1” len roi them “ing” travel —> travelling Ngoai le: tie (cot, buoc) —> tieing hoac tying hie (voi va, di voi va) —> hieing hoac hying L ifu y : Khong dung thi hien tai tiep dien v6i cac dong tiT chi nhan thile, tri giac nhu: to be,, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget, belong to, believe Vdi cac dong tti ta thay bang thi Simple Present Ex: + I am tired now + She wants to go for a walk at the moment + Do you understand your lesson? Yes, I understand, it now • d Negative Form (The phu dinh) Them “not” vao sau dong tu: “to be” : “am is, are” theo chu ngU Ex: + She is not working + They are not learning now Chu y : is not viet tat la isn’t I am not I’m not are not aren’t e Question form (The nghi van) Dao am, is, are len trUdc chu ngut Ex: + Are you a teacher? - Yes, I am - No, I am not + Is she watching T.V now? - Yes, she is - No, she isn’t The Present Perfect Tense (Thi hien tai hoan thanh) a F orm : I, W e, They, You + have He, She, It + has + past part,;clple ( v 3) The ph u dinh: S + h a ven ’t/ h asn ’t + Vs The nghi vain: H ave/has + S + Vs ? b U sage: - Thi hien tai hoan dien ta hanh dong vtia mdi xay vifa mdi ket thuc, thUdng di vdi trang tti “just” Ex: + The concert has just begun + I have finished my hom ework recently - Thi hien tai hoan dien ta mot hanh dong bat dau tif qua khif, keo dai den hien tai va co kha nang tiep tuc d tUdng lai Ex: + Mary has lived m this house for ten years + They have studied English since 1990 - Hanh dong xay qua khif ma khong biet ro thdi gian Ex: + I have gone to Hanoi + He has done his housework - Th) hien tai hoan dien ta mot hanh dong dude lap di lap lai nhieu lan d qua khti Ex: + Daisy has read that novel several times + I have seen “Titanic” three times c Cac tif thu’ofng di kerrt vdi thi hien tai hoan la: just, recently, lately: gan day, vtia mdi ever: da tting never: chUa bao gid already: roi yet: chUa since: tii (thdi diem) for: khoang (thdi doan) so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho den bay gid Cac tut chi dUdc dung kern vdi thi hien tai hoan cac cau ddn Doi vdi cau co tti hai menh de trd len hoac mot doan van thi dong tii phai dUdc chia theo ngii canh chti khong phu thuoc vao cac tif (xem them d phdn Sequence of Tenses) 10 102 103 104 105 Tom is e x cellen t repairing thmes You get b o r e d doing the same thine everv day I’m sure you are ca p a b le .tourists Mary is very fo n d animals 106 Ann wasn’t very k e e n going out in the rain, so we stayed at home 107 108 Hurry, or you’ll be l a t e .school Were they p re se n t .the meeting 109 Jane was a b se n t class yesterday 110 111 She was confused .the dates The house was cr o w e d .students 112 113 114 Miss W'hite is very k in d her colleagues She is a ccu stom ed rising early He was su ccessfu l his job ] 15 Tom is very q u ic k maths 116 I’m rather anxious her, I haven't received a letter from her 117 118 119 120 121 He was s a d his failure This country is r ic h oil I explained the problem the police The museum is now o p e n .all visitors Smoking is h a rm fu l your health 122 Are you a fra id snakes? 123 124 Is she se rio u s .learning to be a pilot Is this matter im p ortan t .you? 125 I just couldn’t believe what he said It was c o n tra ry his thought 126 Don’t give up hope yet Be co n fid e n t .the success 127 128 Please wait here I’ll have some tickets a v a ila b le them Make yourself u s e fu l others 129 It’s very k in d .you to help them 188 130 131 132 133 Hurry up, or you’ll be la t e school He said he had g iv e n .drinking Don’t p u t until tomorrow what you can today What does NATO s ta n d .? 134 135 This is a different c a r the one drove yesterday Everyone is a w a r e .air pollution 136 137 138 139 140 This building b e lo n g s .those who live in it They are g o o d .learning English A man usually takes off his hat when he is in trod u ced a woman or a g ir l .the street Drinking is h a rm fu l your health The police said a notorious criminal was involved 141 the robbery He has w a ite d .her for a long time 142 143 144 I a g r e e .you completely His opinion d iffe rs mine She said that she had been absent school the day 145 before There were c r o w d s .people in the park yesterday 146 You can’t r e ly .the post It’s always late.' 147 The convict e s ca p e d pnson 148 149 I’m fed u p mv job My parents are p le a s e d my result 150 151 152 I think you are q u a lified .this job Mr Smith is very k in d .us We are p le a se d .the result of our work 153 154 We are co n fid e n t .the success Many people d ie d .the way, when crossing the plams 155 156 accused h im .stealing my scooter Hue is fa m o u s its historical vestiges 157 My mother is always b u s y her housework 189 158 Dirty air is h a rm fu l health 159 We are p r o u d our people’s heroic tradition 160 The teacher’s advice is p rofita b le the students 161 The streets are cro w d e d vehicles at the rush hour 162 163 164 The climate of our country is fa vora ble .aenculture The air at the seaside is g o o d .health Everything he said was la u g h ed 165 166 John is sk ilfu l dancing This opportunity is lu c k y us 167 168 169 I’m not a cqu ain ted .those fellows Mr Smith is not accu stom ed .hot weather Your words are co n tra ry your acts 170 171 172 173 174 175 My home is f a r school We congratulated h im his success Many young people want to be independent their parents We are g te fu l our teacher I’m in terested current events Your profession is s im ila r mine 176 177 178 This chemical is d an gerou s humans This work is not su ita b le him Her voice sounds fa m ilia r me 179 My house is n e x t .the post office 180 This man is g re e d y fame 181 I was a b s e n t class yesterday 182 Children are fo n d candies 183 Teachers are resp on sible the principal their teaching 184 The beach is f u ll tourists in summer 185 We are p re se n t .the lecture yesterday 186 We must hurry, otherwise we should be l a t e .school 190 187 Air is n e ce ssa ry life 188 eitti 189 shin 190 He is frie n d ly .everybody The day seems p e rfe ct a picnic That singer has become very p o p u la r the youth rvciiti 191192 This sweater will keep you s a fe the cold She said she came two hours ahead the performing time 193 194 195 197 198 Everything looks s a d autumn Your plan will be a cce p ta b le some respect Was she a w a r e not doing anything co n tra ry her parents’ expectations9 The lesson was difficult us but the teacher was ca p a b le making us understand it thoroughly My brother wasn't fid en t passing the exam After many months of living m Canada he got accustomed 199 the cold He was a b s e n t work yesterday because he was ill 200 We are a sh a m e d .his behaviour 196 II Write the correct prepositions in the following passage ( ) the summer, we went (2) the beach every day We stayed (3) a lovely hotel right (4) tne beach (5) the morning we would get up (6) 9.30, have breakfast, and then spend four hours (7) the pool (8) all the other guests (9) lunch we would eat something light like sandwiches and fruit (10) the afternoon we would return to the pool area III Hoan chinh cac cau voi “ in, at hoac on W rite your n a m e .the top of the page 191 I like that picture hanging the w a ll the kitchen There was an a ccid en t the crossroads this morning wasn t sure whether had come to the right office There was no n a m e .the door the end of the street there is a path leading to the river You’ll find the sports results the back page of the newspaper I w ouldn’t like an office job I couldn’t spend the whole day sittin g a desk My brother lives a small village the south­ west of England The man the police are looking for has a s c a r his right 10 11 12 13 14 cheek Nicola was wearing a silver r in g her little finger It can be dangerous when children p la y the street If you walk to the end of the street, you’ll see a small shop the corner Is T o m this photograph? I can’t find him My office i s the first floor It’s .the left as you come out of the lift 15 We normally use the front entrance but there’s another en tra n ce .the back 16 Is there anything in terestin g paper today? 17 I love to look up at the s t a r s .the sky at night 18 W hen I’m a passenger in a car, I prefer to s i t the front 19 It’s a very small village You probably won't find it your map 20 Paris i s .the Seine river 21 I didn’t see you the party Saturdav Where were you? 22 It was a very slow tram It stop p ed .every station 192 cion t know where my umbrella is Perhaps I left it the bus 24 Shall I t r a v e l .your car or mine? 25 We stayed a very nice hotel when we were Amsterdam 26 Tom is ill He wasn’t work today He was h o m e bed 27 I wasn’t home when you phoned I was my sister’s house 28 It’s always too h o t my sister’s house The heating is always on too high haven’t seen Kate for some time I last saw her Dave’s wedding 30 Paul lives London He’s a student London University IV Dien “to, at, in, into” vao cho neu can thiet Three people were t a k e n hospital after the accident I met Caroline on my w a v .home We left our luggage the station and went to find something to eat Shall we take a t a x i .the station or shall we walk9 I must g o .the bank today to change some money ,S The Rhine river flo w s the North sea I’m tired As soon as I g e t home, I’m g o in g bed "Have you got your cam era?” —"No, I left i t home” Marcel is French He has just returned France after two y e a r s Brazil 10 Have you ever b e e n China? 193 11 I had lost my key but I managed to climb the house through a window 12 We got stuck in a traffic jam on our w a y .the airport 13 W elcom e .the hotel We hope you enjoy your stay here 14 She g o t .the car and drove away 15 Don’t wait outside C o m e the house V Dien vao cho vdi cac gidi tif “ b y , in, on hoac with” Who is that man sta n d in g .the window? I managed to put the fire o u t a fire extinguisher These photographs were ta k e n .a friend of mine These photographs were ta k e n .a very good camera I don’t mind going car but I don’t want to go your car Shall we get a taxi or shall we g o foot? W hat’s that music? I know it’s Beethoven but I can’t remember what it’s called There was a small t a b le .the b e d a lamp and a c lo c k it Our team lost the game only because of a m ista k e one of our players 1 didn’t feel like walking home, so I cam e h o m e .a taxi V I Dien vao cho vdi cac gidi tif thich hofp My house is n e x t the post office He su cceed ed .opening the door An accident has h ap p en ed .that family I thanked everybod y all the help they had given me I can’t d e a l .this problem Celia often reminds m e .her mother 194 i I congratulate y o u your success I can t mix o i l .water Don’t tell a n y o n e iu me 10 P le a s e English n o t Vietnamese 11 I d like to book a ta b le tw e lv e 6.30 this evening 12 The differences British English and American English are small 13 It isn’t easy to start lo o k in g .a job at her age 14 We often go to s c h o o l .the morning 15 16 17 18 I usually read the newspaper while I’m w a itin g the bus Janet doesn’t take good c a r e .himself Next month I’m going to S co tla n d a short holiday There was panic when people realized the building w a s fire 19 The pupils left theu' bicycle le a n in g the wall 20 I’m a little s h o r t money Can you lend me some? 10 CONJUNCTIONS (LIEN TU) Lien tit (conjunctions) la nhiing tit dung de noi nhiing tit, nhiing cum tii, nhitng menh de hoac nhiing cdu vdi I C a c hinh th iic c u a lien tif: Lien tit co the Id nhitng tit dcfn nhit: “ and but, or, because, although ” Ex: He came to see me because he felt happy You or I must tell him the truth Lien tit co the la mot ngit nhit: 195 “in order that, as soon as, as if, as though ” Ex: We will leave as soon as he comes Lien tit co the la titng cap mot nhit: “either or, neither nor, not only but also, both and,” Ex: W hat he said was neither kind nor true He both writes English and speaks it well II Phan loai lien tvf: Dita vao vai trd cua lien tit cdu, ta co the chia no lam loai: Co-ordinate conjunctions: noi cac tvf, cac nhom tvf, cac m enh de hoac cac cau doc lap vdi Loai lien tvf dvfOc chia lam nhom а Nhom “and’ (va) - ngu y them vao: Ex: On the table for tea there were biscuits and sandwiches The fur coat was soft as well as warm Nhom gom cac lien tCf nhu: and, both and not only but also, as well as, furthermore, besides, moreover б Nhom “but” (nhitng) - ngu y mau thuan: Ex: The car was quite old but, in excellent condition Nhom gom cac lien tvf nhu: yet, still, however, nevertheless c Nhom “or” (hay, hoac la) - ngu y lita chon hoac doan chitng: Ex: Take this book or that one You must work harder or go into another class Nhom gom co cac lien tti nhu: either or, ortherwise, neither nor d Nhom “so” (nen) - ngu y hau qud: Ex: The rain began to fail, so we went home Nhom gom co cac lien tii nhu: therefore, consequently 196 Subordinate conjunctions: Dung de mof dau mot menh de phu (menh de danh ti/ hoac menh de trang nguf) Ex: He said that he would help us Ask him when he can come Mot so lien til md dau cho mot menh de danh til: that, who, what, when, how, whether, if Mot so lien tU md dau cho mot menh de trang ngii: when, whenever, while, as soon as, since, until, before, after, where, if, though, as if E X E R C IS E S I Them lien ti/ (conjunctions) vao cac cho sau: He d rin k s b e e r wine I’m going out for a short tim e you can get supper ready Those who are not prepared to study should change their w a y s make room for those who will work She can’t hope to pass the exam in Decem ber she’ll have to wait till June He is seriously i l l , doctors have almost given up hope of his recovery They go to concerts of modern m u sic they really like it I not like him very much, I can appreciate his qualities Find o u t they are going this evening ask if we may join them I walked into the room, the phone started ringing 10 W e’ll be la t e we hurry 197 II Noi cac cau sau dung “Subordinate Conjunctions” Nam will pass the exam - He studied hard Mary came to class late - Her motorbike had a puncture Her mother was very sick - She couldn’t ~ome to class Tom was very lazy - He passed the final examination as well Daisy is very nice - All her friends love her very much Daisy is a very intelligent girl - She always gets the scholarships We will take the trip It is stormy I had forgot locking the door I drove to the office this morning We study hard We want to pass the final examination 10 She earned her living by selling newspapers She got a B.A degree III Noi cac cau sau, dung lien tvf dvfOc cho ngo&c She is in London She is ui Berlin, too (either or) He wasn’t an idler He wasn’t a gambler, (neither nor) He isn’t likely to be present at the meeting I’m not either, (neither nor) The com puter can gather facts It can store them, (not only but also) This prize will mean an honour for him It will mean an honour for us (not only but also) 198 11 ARTICLES (MAO TI t) I “A , A N ” : M ot “A, A n ” co the dvfng trvfdc danh tvf dem dvfdc so it Chung dUdc sii dung loi noi chung chung hoac de gidi thieu mot dieu gi chUa dUdc de c&p den trU6c Ex: A baseball is round (Noi chung moi trai bong deu tron) I saw a boy in the street (Chung ta khong biet “boy” nao) “AN” dvfdc svif dung trvfdc nhifng tvf bat dau bang mot nguyen am “A” dvfdc suf dung trvfdc nhvfng tvf bat dau bang mot phu am Ex: a book, a pen, an apple, an in k -p o t, * Co mot so' tit co the gay sit nham lan vi cdch viet va cdch doc khac nhau: Ex: a house nhung an hour a university nhvfng an umbrella * Nhitng tit sau ddy luon ditdc dung vdi “a”: European uniform home house eulogy university euphemism universal heavy eucalyptus half union * Nhitng tit sau ddy luon luon ditdc dung vdi an : hour heir uncle umbrella herbal honor unnatural understanding 199 C hu y: an umbrella an hour a white umbrella a whole hour II TH E “The” dUdc si1 dung de chi sii viec ma chung ta da biet hoac la mot kien thiic chung, bien Ex: + The boy in the corner is my friend (Ca ngUdi noi lan ngUdi nghe deu biet “boy" nao) + The earth is round (Chi co nhat mot “ earth”) Vdi nhiing danh tit khong dem dUdc, mao tii “the” dUdc sU dung de noi ve cai gi day rieng biet, nhung se khong dung mao tii neu muon chi cai gi chung chung Ex: + Sugar is sweet (DUdng thi ngot -> noi chung chung) + The sugar on the table is from Cuba (DUdng ma d tren ban la dudng Cuba —> rieng biet) Thong thudng, vdi nhiing danh tii dem dUdc so nhieu noi den loai nao thi khong co “the” di trUdc Ex: Oranges are green until they ripen, (all oranges) Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet, (all athletes) V6i danh ti* rieng, se co mao tif “the” diing trUdc neu ngUdi noi muon xac dinh ro Ex: The Susan Parker that I know lives is on First Avenue Nhiing tii nhu “breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home, college, work” khong sU dung bat cil mao tif nao neu khong gi6i han nghia Ex: We ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning We went to school yesterday 200 * Sii dung su tong qudt hod sau ddy nhii mot sU chi ddn cho viec sii dung mao tit “TH E” ★ Su? dung “THE” vAi: oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakes Ex: the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes mountains: Ex: the Rocky Mountains, the Andes earth, moon: Ex: the earth, the moon schools, colleges, universities when the ph rase begins with school, Ex: the University of Florida the college of Art and Sciences ordinal num bers before nouns Ex: the First W orld W ar, the third chapter wars (except world wars) Ex: the Korean war certain countries or groups o f countries with more than one word (except Great Britain) Ex: the United States, the United Kingdom historical docum ents Ex: the constitution ethnic grou ps Ex: the Indians 201 ★ Khong s\i dung “THE” vdi: singular lakes Ex: Lake Geneva, Lake Erie mounts Ex: Mount Vesuvius, Mount McKinley planets Ex: Venus, Mars schools, college, universities when the phrase begins with a proper noun Ex: Hong Bang college Hung Vuong University cardinal num bers after nouns Ex: World W ar I, chapter three countries preceded by “N ew ” or an adjective such as a direction Ex: New Zealand, South Africa countries with only one word Ex: France, Sweden, Vietnam continents Ex: Europe, Africa states Ex: Florida, Ohio, California 10 sports Ex: baseball, basket ball 11 abstract nouns Ex: freedom, happiness 12 general areas o f subject matter Ex: mathematics, sociology 13 holidays Ex: Christmas, Easter 202

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2016, 19:47