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100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 2)

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Level 2 < Contents > 1. I Want to Dye my Hair Green 2. Why Do People Dislike Other People? 3. The Birthday Gift 4. New Year's Day 5. If I Could Fly 6. What I Look for in a Friend 7. A Funny Thing Happened on the way to School 8. Advice 9. A Trip to the Hospital 10. What My Cat Did 11. If I Was Tiny 12. If I were a Giant 13. Do People Have the Right to Smoke in Public? 14. My Favorite Bedtime Story 15. If I Found a Magic Lamp 16. Superstitions 17. Help 18. The Peach Orchard 19. Learning to Dance 20. Super Heroes 21. Being a Princess 22. My Worst Fear 23. If I Live to be 24. What I Like Most and Least About Myself 25. The Trunk in the Attic 26. Hot and Cold 27. Walk a Mile in My Shoes 28. If I Could Go Back in My Life 29. Joking 30. Drugs 31. Divorce 32. If my Fish Could Talk 33. The Best Teacher 34. Weather 35. How to Avoid Catching a Cold 36. The Future 37. Giving a Speech 38. Moving to Another Country 39. Look for the Beauty 40. My Doll 41. I am Curious 42. Creative People 43. Career Choices 44. I Need Glasses 45. I am Clumsy 46. Home Alone 47. Family 48. My First Job 49. First Trip Away From Home 50. My Job 51. My Hobby 52. If I Had a Million Dollars 53. A Picnic 54. Working in my Yard 55. Early Morning 56. The Wedding 57. The Perfect Place 59. Visiting the Zoo 59. The Dentist Appointment 60. Day Dream 61. My Friend in the Next Office 62. The Musician 63. The Circus 64. Going to the Grocery Store 65. A Day at the Beach 66. Making Cookies 67. Stars in the Midnight Sky 68. Music 69. First Data 70. University 71. School Dance 72. Health 73. Halloween (1) 74. New Year's 75. More Music 76. Babies 77. Bed Time 78. Why Do I Like Mathematics? 79. My Sister's Visit to Canada 80. A Summer Sunday 81. My Parents 82. The Planets of Our Solar System 83. Learning to Drive 84. Snow 85. Christmas 86. Thanksgiving 87. Halloween (2) 88. Easter 89. My Friends 90. Hobbies 91. Life in Outer Space? 92. Reading the Newspaper 93. Summer Jobs 94. Eating Out 95. Radio Stations 96. Being a Good Citizen 97. Visiting the Doctor 98. A Small Town 99. Personal Computers 100. Methods of Transportation 101. A Life Experience 102. Air Plane Rid 103. A Rainy Day 104. Elementary School 105. The Middle Child 106. Advice to a Student from a Foreign Country 107. A Ghost ======================================================================= Article #1 I Want to Dye my Hair Green Many of my friends have dyed their hair different colors. I don't mean normal hair colors like brown or black. My friends have dyed their hair orange, purple and blue. I told my mother that I would like to dye my hair green. I explained to my mother that I would only use food coloring. The green would not last forever. My mother said that dyeing your hair was a silly fad. She said that I would not look good with green hair. I said that if I couldn't dye my hair green, maybe I could get a nose ring. My mother said "no." I said that maybe a tattoo on my arm would be nice. My mother said "no way." My mother said that she did some crazy things when she was a young girl. She said that she used to iron her hair to make it straight. That sounds quite boring to me. My friend Joan came over. Her hair is dyed bright pink. My father said "nice hair, Joan." I don't think that he really meant it. My mother says that when I am an adult I can dye my hair whatever crazy color I like, but for now she would like me to leave my hair its natural color. I tried to tell her that all my friends were doing it. My mother asked, "if all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you do it too?" I said "no." I think I'll have to wait to have green hair, but maybe by the time I'm old enough to dye my hair green, I won't want it that color. My mother says that fads change all the time. One day something might be popular, and the next day it's not in style at all. I'll just have VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 100 luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level (Phần 2) Article #21 Daily Schedule I wake up every morning at seven o'clock I take a shower I eat my breakfast I usually have toast or cereal I brush my teeth I put on my clothes I catch the school bus I ride to school In my class, we have math and English before recess At recess time, the girls skip, or walk around and talk The boys play in the playground or play baseball After recess, we have physical education and geography We eat lunch, and then we play outside When the bell rings, we line up to go back into the classroom After lunch, we have history and science At recess, we play ball again Some of girls play ball too In the winter, we build snowmen If it is too cold, we stay indoors and talk to each other After recess, we have music and health We get out of school at three thirty I sometimes walk home with my friends, or I take the bus I have a snack and change my clothes when I get home I change into my pajamas If it is raining, I watch television If it is nice outside, I play with my friends I have supper at five thirty On some nights, I help my mother to the dishes VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí After supper, I my homework I wash my face and hands, and brush my teeth Article #22 Meals Breakfast is very rushed at our house My brothers and sisters and I have toast or cereal We also have orange juice On weekends my mother makes bacon and eggs for us My father just has a cup of coffee for breakfast My mother packs a lunch for all of us We usually have a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink of juice or milk My favorite sandwiches are egg salad, tuna, roast beef and ham My brother always wants peanut butter and jam sandwiches My mother sometimes packs a treat for us Today we had cookies with our lunch At supper time, the family sits around the table and talks about what they did all day My mother makes good suppers We sometimes have spaghetti My mother makes a roast of beef with potatoes and vegetables quite often She makes many different dishes out of chicken She makes soups or stews She also makes casseroles My brothers and sisters and I have milk with our dinner My parents sometimes have wine with their dinner Sometimes we have salad before our dinner I set the table for my mother I put out the forks, the knives and spoons I also put out glasses and fill them full of milk or water For dessert, we sometimes have ice cream, cake or pie My mother said that it is better to have fruit because it is better for you Tonight I ate a peach for dessert VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí My favorite fruits are apples, peaches, plums and bananas After supper, my mother always has a cup of tea with sugar and cream in it After dinner, I help my mother with the dishes Usually she washes the dishes, and I will dry them Article #23 Seasons There are four seasons Winter is the cold season It snows in the winter The winds blow, and ice forms on the water We play hockey on the ice We play in the snow After winter is the spring That is when it begins to get warmer Trees get buds on them Flowers start to bloom It rains a lot in the spring Spring is followed by the summer It can get very hot in the summertime The sun shines brightly We go swimming in the summer We spend a lot of time outdoors Many people go on vacations in the summer We get a summer vacation from school Summer is followed by the fall or autumn The leaves on the trees change colours They change from green to red, orange and brown The leaves fall off the trees The weather gets cooler The days get shorter VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí We go back to school in the fall Then, winter comes again The seasons follow one after each other Article #24 Weather You can watch the weatherman on TV, to find out what the weather will be like It might be a nice clear day with no clouds in the sky The sun might be shining It could be a cloudy day Sometimes, cloudy days are just dull On some cloudy days, it begins to rain or snow Some days are rainy You need a raincoat, umbrella and boots on a rainy day Rain makes the flowers and grass grow The weather forecast might say that it will be windy You could have a gentle breeze It might be very gusty so that the wind pushes you It is dangerous if the wind is very strong A hurricane or tornado is very dangerous Once in a while, the weatherman says there will be hail Hail stones are hard cold pellets of ice that fall from the sky Sometimes, the weatherman will say that there will be snow flurries Sometimes, there is just a light dusting of snow Sometimes, there is a blizzard or a snowstorm It can be dangerous driving through a blizzard If there is a lot of snow, the streets have to be plowed You need a hat, coat, mittens and boots on a very cold day Sometimes, the weather forecast is wrong The weatherman might say that it will be a sunny day, but then the clouds come in and it ...Level 3 < Contents > 1. Louis Pasteur 2. Psychology 3. Corruption 4. Canada : Provinces and Territories 5. Two Great Artists : Leonardo and Michelangelo 6. The Viking 7. William Shakespeare 8. Ice Hockey 9. Chinese People in North America 10. The History of the English Language 11. African Slavery in the Americas 12. Worries About Physical Appearance 13. Physical Fitness 14. The History of Trial By July 15. Benjamin Franklin 16. Preservation of Forests 17. Violence on Television 18. The Inuit 19. Kings and Queens of England 20. Alcohol 21. The Origins of Canada and The United States 22. Hawaii 23. Charles Darwin 24. Jazz 25. Australia : Nature 26. Australia : People 27. The Earth Revolves Around the Sun 28. George Washington Carver 29. The Rights of the Accused 30. New York City 31. California 32. Drug Use Among Athletes 33. Scotland 34. London 35. Soccer 36. Extinctions 37. Obesity and Nutrition 38. Sexual Harassment 39. Cultural Differences : Individualism and Collectivism 40. The Protestant Reformation 41. Modern Engineering Wonders 42. Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller 43. The Automobile, or Car 44. Sexual Attitude and Behavior 45. The Mississippi River 46. Doctors Without Borders 47. Chicago 48. Women and the Right to Vote 49. Charles Dickens 50. Samuel Clemens, or Mark Twain 51. The Islands of the Caribbean 52. North American Indians 53. How the First World War Started 54. Abraham Lincoln 55. Two Great Musicians : Mozart and Beethoven 56. Amelia Earhart 57. Life in Academia 58. Education Systems in Canada 59. Business Education 60. Strategic Uses of Information Technology 61. E-Commerce 62. The First Five Years of My Life in Canada 63. Great Lakes 64. Canadian Rocky Mountains 65. For the Record 66. Canadian Universities 67. Banff National Park 68. Sport Canada 69. The National Hockey League 70. Drug Use in Sport 71. Participation 72. The Olympic Games 73. Sport in Canada 74. Professional Sport in Canada 75. Ned Hanlan 76. Rowing 77. Tiger Woods 78. Globalization and Sport 79. Women in Sport 80. Sport and Television 81. Nike 82. Arthur Ashe 83. Bjorn Borg 84. "Babe" Didrikson 85. The Dubin Inquiry 86. FIFA 87. International Olympic Committee 88. Earvin "Magic" Johnson 89. Michael Jordan 90. Billie Jean King 91. Marathon 92. National Football League 93. Jackie Robinson 94. Title IX 95. O. J. Simpson 96. Fosbury Flop 97. Free Agency 98. New Zealand 99. Track and Field 100. Thomas Edison 101. Capital Punishment, or The Death Penalty 102. Continental Drift 103. Evolution and Creation In School ======================================================================= Article #1 Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur was one of the greatest scientists of all time. Pasteur made very important discoveries in biology and chemistry, and the techniques he developed helped greatly to develop medical science and the agricultural and food industries. Pasteur was born in a small town in France during the year 1822. When he was a young man, Pasteur studied science at a university in the city of Paris. He soon did some excellent work in chemistry, and later began his famous study of germs. Pasteur was one of the first scientists to understand that many diseases could be caused by extremely small, invisible organisms. Only a few other scientists had believed this before Pasteur. He advised doctors to wash their hands thoroughly before treating patients. Pasteur also demonstrated that life forms did not arise spontaneously. His research confirmed the idea, developed by previous scientists, that a living organism would not appear unless other individuals of its kind were present. One of Pasteur's most important contributions was a technique that has been named after him: pasteurization. Pasteurization kills the germs that are found in drinks such as milk or beer. Because of Pasteur's technique, people are no longer infected with diseases by drinking these liquids. Just as important as pasteurization Level 4 < Contents > 1. Come to the Fair 2. Hiroshima 3. Niagara Falls 4. Cowboys 5. George W. Bush Jr. 6. Handel's "Messiah" 7. Ireland 8. Louisa May Alcott 9. Niagara-On-The-Lake 10. Newspapers 11. Paul Kane, Frontier Artist 12. Plains Indians 13. Pocahontas and John Smith 14. Remember The Alamo! 15. Gribbio 16. Summertime 17. Telephone Systems 18. Texas 19. The Ford Pinto Case 20. The Golden Man ? El Dorado 21. The Grand Canyon 22. The Niagara Park's Commission 23. The Welland Canal 24. Wal-Mart Stores 25. Yellowstone National Park 26. Student Newspapers 27. Canadian Colleges and Universities 28. Coffee and Donuts 29. David Livingstone ? Medical Missionary 30. Favourite Cookies 31. Florence Nightingale 32. Harriet Tubman 33. Hernias Repaired Here 34. Julie Andrews 35. Potato Chips and Corn Chips 36. The Stratford Festival 37. The Two Cultures 38. The War That Both Sides Won 39. North American Death and Burial 40. Anastasia and the Russian Revoluion 41. Australian Origins 42. Casa Loma 43. Charlie Brown 44. Conquering Lake Ontario 45. Currier and Ives 46. Death Valley - California 47. Dr. Norman Bethune 48. Ebenezer Scrooge 49. Etiquette 50. Gambling 51. Gilbert and Sullivan 52. Hawaii 53. Henry Ford 54. It Could Be a Whole Lot Better 55. John Chapman : American Pioneer 56. Las Vegas, Nevada 57. Laura Secord 58. Little House on the Prairie 59. Mutiny!! 60. North America's Rainforest 61. Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia 62. Prince Edward Island 63. Public Transit 64. Red-haired Ann 65. Romance Novels 66. Shopping at the Mall 67. Stephen Foster ? American Songwriter 68. Sunday Morning at Church 69. Thanksgiving Day 70. The Calgary Stampede 71. The Expulsion of the Acadians 72. The Florida Everglades 73. The Great Walls of China 74. The Internet 75. The Planetarium 76. Alexander Graham Bell 77. The Story of Anne Frank 78. Charlotte Church 79. Christmas Holidays 80. Garage Sales and Yard Sales 81. Helen Keller 82. Trial By Jury 83. A Favourite Place 84. Business Ethics 85. Colonial Williamsburg ======================================================================= Article #1 Come to the Fair Fall fairs have been a feature of North American life since early in the nineteenth century. At the end of the harvest, people from rural areas have come together to celebrate. Usually, these fairs take the form of a competition regarding the best of all farm products of that year. Depending on the part of the country, and its most important crop, fall fairs can begin as early as August or as late as November. They usually last several days. When the United States and Canada were organized, they were divided into small units called counties. Larger units were called states or provinces. Many of the best-known fairs are county fairs or state fairs. There are also smaller local fairs, and larger ones too, like the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, Ontario. Since these fairs are usually annual events, many have developed permanent buildings over the years. Most of these are large barn-like structures. These buildings are used to display new products for farm life, such as tractors, home furnishings and water systems. Several barns are usually necessary to house all the horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens and other animals in competition. There must also be room to display all the vegetables, berries and fruits in competition. Finally, there is space for handicrafts, artwork, baked goods, and jams and jellies. Usually, there is a grandstand, which is a stage with wooden seats around it. Here entertainers perform for an audience during the fair. Country and western singers are usually popular at fairs, but so are comedians, clowns, dancers and musicians. There may also be other contests such as a beauty competition for queen of the fair, tests of strength for the men or pie-eating events. Most fairs also have a racetrack, which is used for horse racing, or, in some cases, £ N G 50 Listening 3 U YE N ; LIEU Practice Lessons NHA XUAT BAN VAN HOA - THONG TIN 50 BAI LUYEN NGHE TIENG ANH DANH CHO BE 50 BLVTA - 1 50 Listening Practice Lessons I C H U J ! & £ $ 1 0 NHA XUAT BAN VAN HOA - THONG TIN L OI N O I D A U “50 bai luyen nghe dcinh cho be” la cuoti scich luyen nghe tieng Anh danh cho hoc sinh tieu hoc. Noi dung ditdc bien soan vdi 50 chu de ddn gian, de hieu ua quen thuoc vdi hoc sinh tieu hoc. Cac chu de luyen nghe la nhitng cdu chuyen thu ui ve tri/dng hoc, thay co, ban be va cac con vat, Sach diMc bien soan vdi cac doan van ngan gon, sinh dong, giau hinh anh rat phii hdp vdi cac be d cap tieu hoc, vita nang cao diMc ky nang nghe tieng Anh, vi/'a tang them hieu biet ve moi triidng xung quanh, ve cac si/ vat hien tu’dng va cac hoqt dong trong cuqc song hang ngay. Scich co tang hem ctia MP3 giup cac be co the luyen nghe va phat dm chuan tieng Anh. Moi bai doc difflc chia thdnh ba phan: phan ti( mdi va cum tit, phan bai tap luyen nghe va phan chu thich. Phan tit mdi va cum tit cung cap cho cac be von tit vitng xucit hien trong moi bcii nghe theo cac chu de thong dung, giup cac be nam vitng cdch doc, nghia va cdch dung cua mdi tithoqc cum tit tieng Anh. Phan bai tap luyen nghe cung cap cac dang bai tap hdp ly, ddn gian. Mdi dang bai tap luyen nghe deu co phan yen cdu rd rang giup cac be cd the hieu va thitc hanh nghe tieng Anh nhanh va dai hieu qua cao nhat. 5 Phan chu thich trinh bay cu the va neu rd cdc h sit dung cua mot so mau cdu xudt hien trong bdi luyen nghe hodc mot so cdch phdt dm, giup cac be co the luyen nghe vd noi tieng Anh hieu qua. Cuon sach con co phan dap an giup cac be vd cac bcic phu huynh co the tit kiem tra lai ket qua luyen tap cua minh. Cuon sach htia hen se mang lai cho cac em hoc sinh nhieu dieu bo ich vd thu vi trong qua trinh hoc tap vd thi/c hdnh nghe tieng Anh. Trong qua trinh bien soan chac chan khong the tranh khoi thieu sot, rat mong nhdn di/c/c siI dong gop quy bau cua ban doc de Ian xuat ban sau cuon sach diCdc hoan thien hon. 6 R > a i / * Members Of My Family TCr moi vd cum tu engineer / cntty'nior / (n) ky sit accountant / o'kauntont / (n) ke toan teacher /’ti:tjo / (n) giao vien salesperson /’scilz.po:sn / (n) nhan vien ban hang I. Be hay nghe va noi cac tif v6i nhau cho phu hdp. mv mother teacher m a company my father engineer in a bank mv aunt cleaner in a bookstore mv uncle accountant on a street salesperson in a school mv sister 7 II. Be hay nghe va dien tif eon thieu vao cho trong ben du’di. I (1) ________ a big family. There are six people (2) _________ my family. They are my (3) _________ my father, my aunt, my (4) ______ , my sister and I. Chu X thich "er" neu khong co trong dm thi ditdc phat dm la [a]. Vi du: teacher , sister , fever Ta mdi va cum ttf both / bouO / (adv) ca hai study hard hoc hanh chain chi parent /'pcoront / (n) cha me V - Bai tap luyen nghe I. Be hay nghe va dien ,rYes" neu cau dung va dien "No" neu cau sai vao trong dau ngoac ddn. ( ) 1. The father is forty-five. ( ) 2. They have two sons and a daughter. ( ) 3. Their parents like them very much. II. Be hay nghe va chon mot dap an dung nhat. 1. There are ____ people in the family. A. Three B. Four C. Five 9 2. Van Anh's _______ is a doctor. A. Father B. Mother C. Brother 3. Minh and Huy are _______ A. Brothers B. Father and son C. Father and daughter 10 A Garden Of My Family TCf mdi va cum tu garden /'ga:dn / (n) vi/cfti flower /'flauo / (n) hoa grass / gra:s / (n) co like / laik / (v) ^/?f'c/? help /'help / (v) cftf water /'wo:t3 / (v) fi/cft exercise /'cksasaiz / If I Die Young The Band Perry *** If I die young, ______________ [1] me in satin _________ ___________ ____________ [2] on a, bed of roses ______________ [3] me in the river, at ____________ [4] __________ _____________ _____________ [5] with the words of a love song *** Uh oh, uh oh Lord make me a _______________ [6], I'll shine down on my mother She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my ______________ [7], oh and Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby “The ____________ ____________ [8] of a short life, well I've had, just enough time” Repeat *** Repeat “” And I'll be wearing ______________ [9], when I come into your _________________ [10] I'm as green as the ring on my little, cold ________________ [11], I've Never known the lovin' of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand, there's a Boy here in town who says he'll love me forever, Who would have thought forever could be severed by Repeat “” So put on your best boys and I'll wear my ________________ [12] What I never did is done A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a ________________ [13] They're worth so much more after I'm a goner And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin' _______________ [14] when you're dead how people start listenin' Repeat *** Uh oh (uh, oh) The ballad of a _______________ [15] (uh, oh) Go with _________________ [16] and love Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh Repeat “” VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 100 luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level (Phần 1) Article #1 First Snow Fall Today is November 26th It snowed all day today The snow is beautiful The snow finally stopped My sister and I are excited My Mom doesn't like the snow My Mom has to shovel the drive way My sister and I get to play I put on my hat and mittens My Mom puts on my scarf My Mom zippers my jacket My sister puts on her hat and mittens My Mom puts on her scarf My Mom zippers her jacket My sister and I go outside We begin to make a snow man My Mom starts to shovel the snow My sister and I make snow angels My sister and I throw snowballs It starts to snow again We go inside for hot chocolate Article #2 Jessica's First Day of School Today is Jessica's first day of kindergarten Jessica and her parents walk to school Jessica's Mom walks with her to her classroom Jessica meets her teacher His name is Mr Parker The school bell rings at 8.45 A.M Jessica hugs and kisses her Mom goodbye Jessica's Mom says "I love you." At 9.00 A.M., Jessica stands for the National anthem Mr Parker calls out children's names Each child yells back "Here." Mr Parker teaches them about letters Mr Parker teaches them about numbers At 10:15 A.M the students have recess Recess is fun The students get to play and eat At 10:30 A.M the students go to gym class At 11:15 A.M the students return to Mr Parker's classroom Mr Parker tells the students to sit on the carpet Mr Parker reads the students a story Mr Parker teaches the students a song The lunch bell rings Jessica's first day of school is over Article #3 My Flower Garden My name is Anne I love flowers I have a flower garden My garden is in front of my house My neighbour has a garden too My garden has different types of flowers I have roses in my garden I have tulips in my garden I have petunias in my garden My garden has different colours I plant red flowers I plant orange flowers I plant blue flowers I plant purple flowers I take care of my garden I water my garden every day I kill the weeds in my garden I kill insects that eat my flowers I love my beautiful garden Article #4 Going Camping The Bright family went camping on the

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2016, 18:02

