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SPI top 5 email tools

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 TOP Recommended EMAIL TOOLS As Mentioned In PATFLYNN SMARTPASSIVEINCOME.COM SmartPassiveIncome Podcast Episode #115 " SmartPassiveIncome.com/Session115 BOOMERANG for GMAIL TOOL1 Pat Says: “ Tim Ferriss recommended this tool in SPI Podcast #110, and I’ve been using it ever since The ability to get notified if I don’t get a response when I need one is huge! Quick Tip: If you don’t use Gmail to manage your inbox, you should It’s definitely the most robust email client out there with the most features to help you stay organized, and you can use it with non @gmail.com email addresses too It does cost a little bit ($5/ month), but click here if you’d like to explore this further Where Where to Get it:to get it: If you use gmail as your mail client (which I highly recommend!) then you should also know about Boomerang " Boomerang allows you to things like schedule emails to be sent later, and be reminded if you don’t hear back from someone you need a response from " I mostly use the reminder feature, but it’s nice to be able to send an email at a specific time too (like 8:55am or 11:55am, right before work or next to lunch time) so I know that a person is more likely to see it If you send an email to someone at 2:55am, for example, other emails are likely to come in before they see it, and they might miss it completely Definitely check it out! http://www.boomeranggmail.com Unroll.Me TOOL2 Pat Says: “ When I used this tool for the first time, it helped me unsubscribe from 171 email lists! I didn’t even know I was subscribed to that many! Unroll.me is one of the most impressive email tools I’ve ever come across In just a couple minutes, you can completely unsubscribe from all of the email lists that you don’t want to keep getting emails from You keep the subscriptions that you want, and they get put into a single email that you get each day ! It’s free to use, and I guarantee that when you use it, you’re going to be surprised at just how many email lists you’re actually subscribed to Quick Tip: After you unsubscribe to all of the email lists you don’t want to be on, the ones you keep get rolled up and summarized into what’s called “The Rollup” Make sure to read this single email, because you can quickly skim for important information from the subscriptions you want, and save a ton of time Where Where to Get it:to get it: ! Just make sure not to accidentally unsubscribe from The Smart Passive Income Newsletter ;) http://www.unroll.me INBOX PAUSE TOOL3 Pat Says: “ I batch answer my emails, so it’s really frustrating when I answer an email, and new ones have come in This tool helps me feel like I’m making progress This is another one of those Gmail only tools For some, it might be completely worth switching over for if you aren’t using Gmail as your email client yet ! Inbox Pause allows you to literally pause your inbox When you click the pause button in Gmail, you will see no more new emails enter your inbox Of course, you can still receive emails while you’re paused, but you won’t see them until you un-pause Quick Tip: My best tip for this tool: ! Don’t forget to unpause ! This helps big-time because it can be really frustrating to get new emails in your inbox while you’re in the middle of answering one, and when you *pause* you can actually see yourself making progress Where Where to Get it:to get it: http://www.inboxpause.com GMAIL (OFFLINE) TOOL4 Pat Says: “ I just discovered this tool, but the next time I’m on a plane, this is what I’m going to use to get stuff done! Without an Internet connection but would still like to make progress on your inbox? You’re in luck! Whether you’re on a plane, your Internet goes down or you’re in a wi-fi deadzone, you can still read through and compose messages offline with Gmail Offline ! Gmail Offline is a FREE browser extension for Chrome, and as soon as you’re back online, it automatically syncs the messages you’ve gone through and sends out the new ones you’ve composed ! Pretty slick! ! Quick Tip: Play a little game with yourself with this tool If you’re somewhere without internet access, see how many emails you can get through in 10 minutes Then another 10 minutes, and try to see if you can beat that number Gamifying tasks like this makes it at least a little enjoyable Where Where to Get it:to get it: Gmail Offline Chrome Browser Extension TextExpander TOOL5 Pat Says: “ This was one of the first productivity tools I ever used I’ve been using it for over years and recommend it to everyone It’s not just for email either Quick Tip: To make it easy for me to remember what my “hot keys” are, I usually just double the first letter of something related to what the text is about For example, gguest for my guest post email response, or tthank for my thank you It’s something I wouldn’t normally type (so I don’t accidentally expand something), but it’s still easy to remember Where Where to Get it:to get it: TextExpander is a Mac-only app (if you’re a PC user, Phrase Express is essentially the same thing) that allows you to set “hot keys” for larger bodies of text that you seem to keep writing over and over again ! So for example, when people ask me about writing a guest post on my blog, I simply type gguest, and it immediately transforms that text into a large, formatted answer I’ve already written ahead of time with information and instructions that I don’t need to waste time writing anymore ! Gmail has their own text-expander type extension tool called Google Canned Responses It works not with hotkeys, but with a pull-down menu of pre-written text that you create I like TextExpander better because it’s not just confined to email within the Gmail App I use it for HTML and coding, and urls in browsers too for long URLS I don’t want to remember ! Click Here to Get Text Expander Thank You! More Resources: ALL of the Tools I Use Online ! Ask Pat (if you have questions) ! Passive Income 101 ! Start a Blog in Minutes ! How to Build an Email List ! eBooks the Smart Way ! It took me over years to finally gain control of my Thanks again reading this resource! inbox I hope that thisfor resource, ! It took me over years to finally gain control of my inbox and I’m hoping this guide (and the information shared with you in SPI Podcast Episode #115) will help you gain control of yours ! If you enjoyed this resource, please share it! You’re more than welcome to share it with anyone you’d like, and distribute it on your own site and social media channels as well Just don’t steal, modify or take credit for it, that’s all I ask! ! Cheers, and thanks again for your support! Pat on Twitter ! Pat on Facebook ! Liked it? Click Here to Share! Where tofrom get Pat it: at: http://www.smartpassiveincome.com Get More

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2016, 18:44

