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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Unit 4: SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM GRAMMAR REVISION: The passive voice Form ( Dạng): Thể bị động hình th{nh kết hợp động từ tobe v{ Qu| khứ ph}n từ ( Past participle) To be + Past participle Ex: The house was bought in 2005 English is spoken all over the world The car has been driven several times The picture could be seen from a long distance Rules of changing active to passive Active: SUBJECT VERB OBJECT Passive SUBJECT Be Ved/3 BY OBJECT Active: Hoa cooks the meal Passive: The meal is cooked by Hoa * C|c bước chuyển đổi tiến h{nh sau: O (active) => S (passive) To be => phù hợp với c}u chủ động V (active) => Past Participle S (active) => By + O C|c th{nh phần lại => xếp theo cấu trúc C|c thay đổi Thì c}u bị động: Simple Present => S + am/ is/ are + PII Simple Past =>S + was/ were + PII Simple Future =>S + will + be + PII Present Continuous =>S + am/ is/ are + being + PII Past Continuous => S + was/ were + being + PII Present Perfect Past perfect => S + had + been + PII A: People play soccer all over the world P: Soccer is played all over the world A: We have visited this place a several times P: This place has been visited several times 3.Một số hình thức kh|c c}u bị động a.Động từ nguyên mẫu (infinitive) c}u bị động => S + has/ have been + PII S + am/ is/ are + going tobe + PII S + have to be + PII S + V + to be + PII Ex: A: I have to finish this report by Friday Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội P: This report has to be finished by Friday A: He is going to buy a new house P: A new house is going to be bought b Động từ hình th|i (modal verbs) c}u bị động S + modal verbs + be + PII Ex: A: We should plant a tree here P: A tree should be planted here c Mệnh đề t}n ngữ c}u bị động Mệnh đề t}n ngữ (noun clause) c}u bị động có dạng: It be Ved/3 that + Noun clause Ex: It is thought that he is from the royal family It was believed that he was the best doctor in town C|ch chuyển đổi c}u có mệnh đề t}n ngữ sang c}u bị động : Dùng cấu trúc thụ động với It (Mệnh đề t}n ngữ giữ nguyên) A: People say that the dove is the symbol of peace P: It is said that the dove is the symbol of peace Dùng cấu trúc thụ động với động từ nguyên mẫu Nếu h{nh động mệnh đề t}n ngữ xảy trước h{nh động mệnh đề => Perfect infinitive (to have + Ved/3) A: They say that the robber has got away with $1000 P: The robber is said to have got away with $1000 A: People said that he had won the game P: He was said to have won the game Nếu h{nh động mệnh đề t}n ngữ xảy đồng thời với h{nh động cho mệnh đề => Present infinitive (to be + Ving) Simple infinitive (to V) A: They said that ABC Company was in trouble P: ABC Company was said to be in trouble A: They think that Tom is planning something P: Tom is thought to be planning something Nếu h{nh động mệnh đề t}n ngữ xảy sau h{nh động mệnh đề chính, dùng Simple Infinitive (to V) A: We think that the president will resign soon P: The president is thought to resign soon Một số lưu ý Nếu chủ từ c}u chủ động l{ someone, somebody, everyone, people c|c đại từ nh}n xưng, ta bỏ c|c cụm túc từ t|c nh}n by + agent Adv of Places +By + agent + Adv of Times Trạng từ thể c|ch thường đứng Be v{ Past participle CÁC TRƯỜNG HỢP ĐẶC BIỆT: It's your duty to+Vinf => You're supposed to+Vinf Ex: It's your duty to make tea today => You are supposed to make tea today It's impossible/ possible to+Vinf => S + can't/ can + be + P2 Ex: It's impossible to solve this problem => This problem can't be solve It's necessary/ unnecessary to+Vinf TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN => S + should/ shouldn’t + be +P2 Ex: It's necessary for you to type this letter => This letter should/ must be typed by you It’s important/ essential + to + V + O => S + must + be +P2 Ex: It’s important to send this letter => This letter must be sent Bị động c}u mệnh lệnh => S + should/must + be +PII Ex: Turn on the lights! => The lights should be turned on Lưu ý: Sử dụng “ Let” * Thể (+) V+O => Let + O + be + PII Ex: Do the exercise! => Let the exercise be done! * Thế (-) Don’t + V + O => Don’t let + O + be + PII Ex: Don’t leave him alone! => Don’t let him be left alone! Bị động LET S + let + O1 + V(bare infi) +O2 => C|ch 1: S + (be) + let /allowed + to V + O2 C|ch 2: S + let + O2 + be + PII of V + (by O1) Ex: He lets me drive his car => C1: I’m let/ allowed to drive his car C2: He lets his car be driven by me Bị động MAKE S + make + o + Vinf => S + be made to + Vinf Ex: He makes me work harder I’m made to work harder by him Cấu trúc " NHỜ AI LÀM GÌ" S + have + sb + Vinf get + sb + to Vinf => S + have/ get + st + PII Ex: I have my father repair my bike => I have my bike repaired by my father Bị động SUGGEST S + suggest + Ving + O => S + suggest + that + SO + should + be + PII Ex: He suggested selling my house => He suggested that my house should be sold 10 Bị động động từ theo sau l{ Ving (love, like, dislike, enjoy, fancy, hate, imagine,….) S+ V+ sb + Ving Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội => S+ V+ sb/st + being + PII Ex: I like you wearing this dress => I like this dress being worn 11 Bị động NEED/ DESERVE Sb + need / deserve … + to-V + Sth + … => C1: S + (need/ deserve …) + Ving + … C2: S + (need/ deserve …) + to be+ PII EX: We need to water the plants every day => The plants need watering every day The plants need to be watered every day My decaying tooth needs pulling out My decaying tooth needs to be pulled out 12 Một số cấu trúc to be + made To be made of => chất liệu Ex: The table is made of wood To be made from => nguyên liệu bị biến đổi ho{n to{n từ trạng th|i ban đầu để l{m nên vật Ex: Paper is made from wood To be made out of => qu| trình l{m vật gồm nguyên liệu Ex: This cake is made out of milk, coffee and sugar To be made with => số nguyên vật liệu l{m vật Ex: This cake is made with milk VOCABULARY Academically (adv) /,ækə'demikəli/: mặt học thuật Speed (n) / spi:d/: tốc độ Puzzle (n) /'pʌzl/: c}u đố Measure (v) /'meʒə/: đo Found (v) / faund/: s|ng lập Judge (v) /'dʒʌdʒ/: ph|n xét, đ|nh gi| Average (n) /'ævəridʒ/: trung bình Score (n) / skɔ:/: điểm Be entitled to / in'taitl/ : cho phép l{m gì, có quyền l{m Straightforward (adj) / ,streit'fɔ:wəd/: thẳng thắn, không vòng vo against the clock (idiom): chạy đua với thời gian initiative (n) / i'ni∫ətiv/: chủ động creative (adj) / kri:'eitiv/: s|ng tạo drawback (n) / 'drɔ:bæk/: hạn chế graduate (v) / 'grædʒueit/: tốt nghiệp basic (adj) / basic/: TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE society (n) / sə ‘saiəti/ : x~ hội religious (adj) / ri’liʤəs/ : (thuộc về) tôn gi|o value (n) / ‘vӕlju:/ : gi| trị individualism (n) /,indi'vidjuəlizm/ : chủ nghĩa c| nh}n independent (adj) /,indi'pendənt/ : độc lập quality (n) / 'kwɔliti/ : chất lượng memorize (v) /'meməraiz/: ghi nhớ express (v) / iks'pres/: thể form (v) /fɔ:m/ : hình th{nh opinion (n) / ə'piniən/: quan điểm by contrast : / 'kɔntræst/ : ngược lại reflect (v) /ri'flekt/ : phản chiếu belief (n) / bi'li:f/: niềm tin goal (n) / goul/: mục tiêu assignment (n) /ə'sainmənt/: b{i tập formal (adj) / 'fɔ:məl/: trang trọng, theo nghi thức recite (v) / ri'sait/: đọc thuộc lòng NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN A PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY PRACTICE TEST I Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence In English school education system, schooling is _ for all English children from the age of to 16 A optional B temporary C reinforced D compulsory The academic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into three _ A courses B seasons C terms D sections Each term is _ by a one-week break called half term A separated B divided C defined D discriminated The state school system and the public school system are in England A equal B parallel C similar D likewise The state school system _ 93% of the pupils in England A trains B teaches C instructs D educates any children who pass the final examination at the secondary school can be _ with this certificate A set B nominated C awarded D sent The school day normally finishes at 3.00 p.m in England A typical B formal C usual D normal Vietnamese students have to take an entrance to go to a college or a univeristy A pretest B exam C competition D contest _ should understand that disciplinary actions not always work with students A Headmasters B Trainers C Educators D Psychologists 10 In some cases, the generational are sometimes more difficult for parents to accept than the teachers A discrimination B differences C varieties D changes B GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer 11 I think that the football final match all over the world Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội A is broadcasting B was broadcasting C will broadcast D will be broadcast 12 Today many serious childhood diseases by early immunization A are preventing B can prevent C were prevented D can be prevented 13 Dr Jones the prize in chemistry by the Nobel Committee A was awarded B was been awarded C was being awarded D was awarding 14 In recent years, the government imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers Both domestic and imported automobiles must antipollution A equip with B equip by C be equipped with D be equipped by 15 A shortage of water is a problem in many parts in the world In some areas, water from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply A is being taken B has been taken C is taking D has taken 16 Vitamin C _ by the human body It gets into the blood stream quickly A absorbs easily B is easily absorbing C is easily absorbed D absorbed easily 17 “When can I have my car back?” “I think it’ll _ late in this afternoon” A finish B be finished C have finished D being finished 18 About 15,000 years ago, northern Wisconsin under ice a mile deep A buried B was burying C was buried D had buried 19 The Mayan Indians _ an accurate and sophisticated calendar more than seven centuries ago A were developed B developed C are developed D have been developed 20 Grass _ by fat cows on the green meadow A are eaten B was being eaten C were being eaten D was been eaten 21 The pedestrians in cities _ by automobile A were not frightening B did not frighten C will not frighten D are not frightened 22 So much progress that there may be space – flights to Mars A are being made B is being made C will be made D will being made 23 Renoir’s paintings _ masterpieces all over the world A are considered B is considered C had considered D considered 24 Millions of pounds worth of damage has _ by a storm which _ across the north of England last night TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN A caused/ has passed B been caused / had been passed C caused/ passed D been caused / passed 25 Bradford Hall as home for City Arts Centre for the last ten years A has been used B was being used C was used D had been used 26 Sometimes printing errors after the newspaper has been published A are discovered B have been discovered C had been discovered D would be discovered 27 Last night a tornado through the village It _ destroyed everything in its path A swept / was B was swept / was C swept / X D was swept /X 28 The hotel, which last month, has _ with modern facilities A has completed/ being equipped B was completed/ been equipped C completed/ equipped D completed / been equipped 29 In some rural areas, health care _ by a small number of doctors and nurses A is provided B provided C is being provided D provides 30 Many people believe we can look forward to the day when even our household jobs like cleaning and decorating _ by computer-control robots A will be done B would be done C are being done D will be doing C READING I Read the passage and choose the best answer A In a Western society such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious, and cultural differences, people highly value individualism—the differences among people—and independent thinking Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special The educational systems in these countries show these values Students not often memorize information Instead, they work individually and find answers by themselves, and they express their ideas in class discussion At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions B In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same language, history, and culture Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much of Asia reflects society's belief in group goals and traditions rather than individualism Children in China, Japan, and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments In the classroom, the teaching methods are often very formal The teacher lectures, and the students listen There is not much discussion Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized C The advantage of the educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves They learn to take the initiative—to make a decision and take action without someone telling them what to The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas There is, however, a drawback, a disadvantage When students graduate from high school, they haven't studied as many Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội basic rules and facts as students in other countries have 31 According to the passage, the educational system in a Western society such as the United States or Canada shows A religious difference B the differences among people C independent thinking D B and C 32 Thanks to the teaching method that value individualism, students A often memorize information B form their own ideas at an early age C work together on assignments D listen to teachers and take notes 33 _ are reflected in most Asian educational system A Social belief and traditions B The differences among people C Class discussions D Specific ideas and opinions 34 One advantage to the system of education in Japan is that students A can be self- control B learn to show their own opinions C learn the social skills working together D express their ideas in class discussion 35 The educational system in North America prepares students A for a modern society B for a society that values creative ideas C for a self- control society D for a cooperation society II Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best completion INTELLIGENT TESTS A School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of tests we take They find out how much knowledge we have (36) … But they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isn’t it a (37) ….that some people who are very successful academically don’t have any (38) ….sense? B Intelligence is the speed (39) ….which we can understand and (40) ….to new situation and it is usually tested by logic puzzles Although scientists are now preparing technology that will be able to ‘read’ our brains, (42) (41) ….computer ….tests are still the most popular ways of measuring intelligence C A person’s IQ is their intelligence (43) ….it is measured by a special test The most common IQ tests are (44) ….by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in 1946 By 1946 it (45) … 1,300 members in Britain Today there are 44,000 in Britain and 100,000 worldwide, (46) ….in the US D People taking the tests are judged in (47) ….to an average score of 100, and those who score over 148 are entitled to join Mensa This (48) ….at 2% of the population Anyone from the age of TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN six can take the tests All the questions are straightforward and most people can answer them if (49) ….enough time But that’s the problem- the whole (50) ….of the tests is that they’re against the clock 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 40 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A fetched case natural on accord advanced at this age how appointed held largely concern adds up allowed reason B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B gained fact bright to react forward for the present that commanded had enormously relation turns to spared point C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C attached circumstance sharp in answer ahead at the time as run kept highly regard comes up let matter D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D caught truth common at alter upper now and then so steered belonged considerably association works out provided question D.ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Identify the error in each sentence 51 Education systems established to provide education and training, in most cases for A B C children and the young D 52 In general, primary education consist of six or seven years of schooling starting at the age A B of or 6, although this varies within countries C D 53 The National Curriculum is set by the Government and must be following in all state A B C D schools 54 English, Maths and Science are core subjects, in which are compulsory in the national A B examination at certain stages of the school education system C D 55 Computers are now much smaller and more powerful but they can be bought much more A B C cheaply D 56 A new study by UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) is highlights the strong effect of A B C inequality on primary education system in many countries Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội D 57 All data in computer changed into electronic pulses by an input unit A B C D 58 The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for A B C education or to be trained directly in a profession D 59 Do you know of a breakthrough idea that is improved learning and is adaptable to A B C D different contexts? 60 Mirrors were made of shiny metal were used by the Egyptians in ancient times A B C D E Writing: Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice 61 They didn’t buy anything from the supermarket _ 62 The hurricane has totally destroyed the town 63 The children are going to organize a surprise party _ 64 When did they design this building? _ 65 We could have taken the car to the garage today _ 66 Jane will complete the reports tomorrow _ TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE 10

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2016, 13:35

