Tài liệu mô tả tổng quan về Công nghệ dập thủy tĩnh, cụ thể hơn ở đây là tạo hình phôi ống dưới áp suất cao bằng máy ép thủy lực. Tài liệu gồm 150 trang Slide mô tả tương đối chi tiết về công nghệ này, để tìm hiểu sâu thêm cũng như nghiên cứu chi tiết hơn các bạn nên nghiên cứu song hành trên các phần mềm mô phỏng tạo hình phổ biến như: Autoform, Dynaform, Deform...
Sheet & Tube Metal-Hydroforming PhD Nguyen Dac Trung Vice Director / Assistant Professor INSTITUTE OF METAL FORMING Address: C5 – 303 ; C10 - 301 Hanoi University of Technology No Dai Co Viet Road – Hanoi – Vietnam Tel 04 - 8692430 E-mail contact@giacongapluc.com Web: giacongapluc.com Outline Preamble, Introduction Quasistatic Workingmedia based Forming Processes 2.1 (Tube) Hydroforming (IHF) 2.2 High-Pressure-Sheet-Metal-Forming (HSF) 2.3 Hydromechanical Deep Drawing 2.4 Fluid-Cell- and Rubberpresses Highspeed Forming Processes: Explosive-Forming, Electrohydraulic Forming INTRODUCTION in to HYDROFORMING Technology Hydroforming Tube forming Sheet forming Hydroforming consists of two divisions, tube and sheet metal forming The two divisions are processed using similar techniques that are developed to manufacture the different products The basic principals for the different techniques are to use fluid pressure to form a part Products of Sheet Hydroforming Sheet Metal Parts I sm_0145_F Tube products Numerous applications of hydroforming can be seen in exhaust manifolds (duong ong thai) ) made of stainless steel tubes Lightweight Constructions Sheet Metal Parts II Sheet metal hydroforming Tube hydroforming 10 Examples of Workpieces Hydromechanical Deep Drawing 134 ho_0447_pt Deviation of Inner Workpiece Contour Conventional Deep Drawing β = 2.1 ; p w = 437 bar Rolling direction Rolling direction Material : Fe P 04 Sheet metal : s = 1.01 mm thickness x 20 mm β = 2.1 Hydromechanical Deep Drawing DSt = 149.2 mm u = 1.4 mm 135 ho_0563_b Roundness Deviations: Comparison of hydromechanical and conventional Deep Drawing 120 Conventional Deep Drawing Hydromechanical Deep Drawing β0 =2,4 mm 100 p = 437 bar W p = 323 bar W p = 143 bar W p = 440 bar W p = 329 bar W p = 148 bar W p = 337 bar W p = 148 bar β0=2,25 β0=2,1 80 β0 = 2,1 β0 = 2,25 } β0 = 2,4 β0=2,1 β0=2,1 60 Height Height W } } 40 20 p = 528 bar W p = 403 bar DCO4 Material : s0 = 1,01 mm D = 149,2 mm St u= 1,4 mm 0 200 400 600 µm 800 Roundness Deviation ∆ D max W D = 141,7 mm St u = 5,15 mm µm 100 ∆ D max p = 408 bar W p = 305 bar W D = 131,9 mm St u = 10,05 mm µm 100 ∆ D max 136 ho_0564_b Comparison Fuel Tank Made of Steel and Plastic Steel Tank Method: Material: Wall Thickness: Weight: Capacity: Diffusion tight conv deep drawing (upper shell) hydromechanical deep drawing (lower shell) Nirosta 4301 0.4- 0.7 mm 7.2 kg 74.3 l Plastic Tank Method: Extrusion blow moulding Material: Polyethylene (PE-HD) Wall Thickness: 4- mm Weight: 8.9 kg Capacity: 71.5 l 137 we_0593_b Hydromechanical Deep Drawing: Increased Drawing Ratio I F BH FP d BH,i dP d2 dc Punch hc Drawring Sheet d0 pb d DR FP FBH (a) (Source: IFU) FBH Blankholder Bulge FBH FP FBH SPC Drawring Insert pP pBH Sealing pS BPC pb Pressure Chamber pb FP FBH (b) SPC - Supporting Pressure Chamber BPC - Back Pressure Chamber 138 Forming Limit Ratio β0,max Hydromechanical Deep Drawing: Increased Drawing Ratio II 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,8 2,7 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,0 0,0 Cylindrical Hemispherical Conical Shouldered Cylind.+Shouldered Cylindrical+Groove 04 BH 0BH C D 18 26 E t E t ZS ZS (Source: IFU) 00 82 01 5 DP AA 139 Hydromechanical Deep Drawing: Incdreased Drawing Ratio - Workpieces (Source: IFU) 140 Tool System for Hydromechanical Deep Drawing Plungered Cylinder (8 on Flanges Circumference) Rim Plate Force Measurement Tool Guidance Punch Blankholder Drawring (Source: IFUM) 141 Control Strategies for Hydromechanical Deep Drawing Medium Pressure too high Optimal Medium Pressure Bead (Crack) Optimal Horizontal Flange Draw-in Current Bulging Die Blankholder cur Drawing Ring Drawn Part Medium Pressure too low Wrinkles Type (Source: IFUM) Medium Pressure p Water Tank 142 Hydromechanical Deep Drawing: Demonstration Workpieces (Source: IFUM) 143 Warm Hydromechanical Deep Drawing punch cooling Doubly working hollow piston cylinders (100 mm stroke) insulating plate blank holder (heated) component flange insulation drawing die (heated) insulating plate blind plug groove for heater (Source: IFUM) fluid box (pmax =150 bar) 144 Calibrated Raduius im mm Warm Hydromechanical Deep Drawing: Influence of the Temperature on the Geometry (Source: IFUM) Constant working media pressure Temperature T in °C 145 Outline Preamble Quasistatic Workingmedia based Forming Processes 2.1 (Tube) Hydroforming (IHU) 2.2 High-Pressure-Sheet-Metal-Forming (HBU) 2.3 Hydromechanical Deep Drawing 2.4 Fluid-Cell- and Rubberpresses 146 Le_0000_pt Fluidform Deep Drawing: Tool and Operating Course Insertion of the sheet metal blank Return stroke of lower tool (ASEA) Pressure build-up Deep drawing of sheet metal blank Take out of deep drawing component 147 le_1348_ba Fluidform Workpieces 100 mm (ASEA) 148 le_1307_pt