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English 12 EXERCISES ON GRAMMAR (12) Exercise Read the text and decide which answer bets fits each space RESUND BRIDGE Imagine driving along a bridge that is so long that you can’t even (0.) _the other end The Resund Bridge, one of the (1.) _ bridges in the world, (2.) _so far ahead into the (3.) _that you can’t even tell where the blue of the water (4.) _the blue of the sky The Resund Bridge is an amazing example of modern engineering design that (5.) _the Scandinaviancountries of Denmark and Sweden It is kilometres long and was (6.) _in July 2000 It crosses the Flinte Channel, the chilly waterway (7.) _the two countries At one stage the bridge turns (8.) _a tunnel under the sea This tunnel is also a (9.) _breaker in its own right as it is the longest road and rail tunnel in the world The engineers built an artificial island near the Danish coast that (10.) _to support part of the bridge (11.) _as well as being the pint at which the road disappears (12.) _before coming out in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark The bridge, which was built (13.) _by the two countries, is expected to bring huge advantage It will (14.) _time compared to traditional ferry connection, as well as being of (15.) _to the economy of both countries A watch B find C see D look A longest B furthest C deepest D hardest A travels B leans C stretches D pulls A space B distance C horizon D range A comes B meets C lines D starts A links B contacts C holds D relates A done B ended C brought D completed A splitting B cutting C breaking D separating A down B into C out D back A performance B world C record D account 10 A helps B aids C attempts D tries 11 A scheme B plan C structure D form 12 A down B underground C below D underneath 13 A commonly B doubly C similarly D jointly 14 A save B spare C spend D spread 15 A good B benefit C quality D comfort Exercise Complete the expressions in italics in each sentence with a word from the box down life round soul sound then time wide It’s extremely important In fact, it’s a matter of and death Ann is great fun, and is always the life and of the party The police have been searching far and for the stolen jewels We were completely lost, and drove round and for hours I’ve told you and again not to write tests in pencil! The two missing explorers have been found safe and That man has been walking up and outside the house all day I don’t see Paul very often, but I visit him now and Exercise Replace the words in italics in each sentence with one of the phrases from the box are fond of give up fancy let me down fed up with longing for get on my nerves put me off I’m really looking forward to a few weeks’ holiday! Sarah has decided to without eating chocolate I wanted to study biology, but my teacher discouraged me Sports programmes on televisions really annoy me Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening? Why can’t you tell the truth? I’m tired of your excuses! Terry and I like going for walks in the country George agreed to help me, but then disappointed me Exercise Complete each sentence with a word from the box conscience tears death temper hand thanks heart trouble mood voice The children were happy because their teacher was in a good to Mr Dawson, our car was repaired in time for our holiday Ruth was helpful, and went to a lot of to make us comfortable High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 12 Harry was leaning out of the window and shouting at the top of his When Alice heard the bad news, she burst into Neil is a very kind person His is in the right place If you something bad, it will be on your for a long time I was really angry, and lost my , and shouted at people We need some help Could you give us a ? 10 The first time I saw a horror film, I was scared to Exercise Complete each part sentence with an ending a I’ve started going takes after his father b When little Tina is grown together again next Friday evening? c I wonder if you could put up by an aunt after their parents died d Carol doesn’t really get in on Steve for a chat e Everyone says that Tom after my dog while I’m away? f Let’s have some friends out with George’s younger sister g Do you think you could look round for dinner on Friday h Why don’t we all get on well with her mother –in-law i Ellen and Laura were brought up she wants to be an astronaut j If I have time I’ll drop 10 us up for a few days next week? Exercise Completes each sentence with a word or phrase from the box Use each word or phrase once only after against away in on on and off out over It would be nice to meet again I’ll get _ touch with you next week I’m afraid Sonia isn’t here She went _for the weekend I keep leaving and coming back I’ve lived here _for several years Matthew brought up the children _his own after his wife died The baby was called Clare, _its grandmother Peter is _at the moment but he’ll be back in half an hour Ann decided to get married _the wishes of her parents After their final quarrel, Carrie told Luke their relationship was _ Exercise Complete each sentence with a verb from the box Use each verb once only disguise dress up fit go with look put on suit wear This dress doesn’t _me It’s far too big The children decided to _as astronauts for the party Sue always seems to _trousers She says they’re more comfortable I like your new haircut It makes you _younger It’s a nice pullover, but the color doesn’t _you The escaped prisoner managed to _himself as a policeman I got up late and had only a few minutes to _my clothes I don’t think that yellow socks _a black suit Exercise Complete each expression with one of the parts of the body from the box arms eye face foot hair hand head heart leg tongue The word is on the tip of my _, but I just can’t remember it Crossing the mountains on my own was a _-raising adventure I know this is hard to believe, but you must _the truth It is now over thirty years since man first set _on the moon After his long trip Tom’s parents welcomed him with open _ Peter knows the songs by _and doesn’t need to look at a book Try to stay calm, and don’t lose your _, and everything will be fine Have I really won the prize, or are you only pulling my _? Lisa needs some help with her suitcase Could you give her a _? 10 I waved at Ann, hoping to catch her _, but she didn’t see me Exercise Choose the best answer CLOTHES Choosing clothes can be difficult Some people want to be (1.) _ , but they don’t want to look exactly (2.) everybody else Not all clothes are (3.) for work or school, perhaps because they’re not (4.) enough, or simply not (5.) It is easy to buy the (6.) size, and find that your trousers are too (7.) , especially if you’re a little bit (8.) Very (9.) clothes make you feel (10.) , but when they have (11.) in the washing machine, then you have the same High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 12 problem! If you buy light (12.) clothes, then they might not be (13.) enough for winter If your shoes are not (14.) , and if you aren’t (15.) for the cold, you might look good but feel terrible! A of fashion B Fashioned C fashionable D fashion A alike B like C similar D same A fitted B suitable C comfort D equal A formal B strict C uniform D suited A comforting B comfort C comforted D comfortable A false B mistake C wrong D error A straight B close C stiff D tight A slim B overweight C thin D enormous A loose B lose C loosened D lost 10 A thin B slim C narrow D spare 11 A lessened B reduced C decreased D shrunk 12 A of cotton B in cotton C cotton D cottoned 13 A warm B cold C hot D cool 14 A tight B enclosed C firm D waterproof 15 A worn B clothed C dressed D fitted Exercise 10 Complete each sentence with a verb from the box blocked flooded collapsed injured crashed sank exploded trapped Yesterday a lorry into a bus at the traffic lights The falling roof tiles several passers-by, though not seriously The old wooden building in a high wind A terrorist bomb at the railway station last week The river burst its banks and _the town during the night Rocks and mud from the mountain the main road yesterday The storm at sea several small fishing boats The rising water two families in their homes for six hours Exercise 11 Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings a Fire- fighters managed to put fire accidentally b After a few minutes a fire fire to the house deliberately c It was believed that someone set spark from a passing train d Luckily Paul carried a fire into flames e The fire was started by a heat inside the burning car f Metal melted from the intense out the fire after two hours g I could hardly breathe because of the thick cloud of smoke h The old theatre caught –extinguisher in his car i The wooden hut was burnt to a heap of ashes j In seconds the building burst 10 engine arrived at the blaze Exercise 12 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence The doctor gave Sue a prescription/recipe for some medicine Tim’s mother used a thermometer to take his fever/temperature It took Julie a long time to get over/get off her illness The cut on Katrina’s leg took a long time to cure/heal I couldn’t run because I had a hurt/pain in my leg I bought these sea-sickness pills from the chemist’s/physician’s David was ill with a flu/flu for two weeks Dick couldn’t speak because he had a throat ache/sore throat Exercise 13 Complete each sentence with a compound noun made from two words from the box air bus car centre city failure hour jam park parking pollution power rush shortage stop strike ticket traffic train water The roads were crowded and I was stuck in a for hours The is bad in this city It’s getting hard to breathe! All the lights went out because there was a I left my car in the wrong place and the police gave me a I couldn’t use the railway yesterday because there was a I had to pay a fortune to leave my car in a multi-storey I waited at the for hours but all the buses were full High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 12 There is always a lot of traffic during the It doesn’t rain a lot here, and at the moment there is a 10 The Government has decided to ban all cars from the Exercise 14 Read the text and choose the best answer to complete it COFFEE CULTURE The other day I wanted a cup of coffee, so I (0.) into the bank I sat in a soft armchair and watched the world (1.) , which, in this case, was the (2.) for the services of the bank clerks I’m joking, of course, but this could soon be common in banks in big cities The (3.) to “real coffee” in Britain, like that for mobile phones, seems never-ending However, the (4.) is that the attraction for many British people (5.) not so much as the coffee as in the “coffee culture” that surrounds it This is to with big, soft sofas and the idea that if you sit on one, you too can (6.) the actors in the American TV comedy Friends In London, the first café opened in 1652 Men would (7.) there, often at (8.) times during the day, to (9.) news and gossip, discuss (10.) of the day and (11.) business The café acted as offices and shops in which merchants and agents, clerks and bankers could carry out their (12.) In London today, it is (13.) that there are more than 2000 café and the number is (14.) It won’t be long before coffee is sold everywhere You can already buy it in hospitals, motorway service stations, supermarkets and at tourist (15.) throughout the country A hopped B looked C jumped D popped A fly past B go by C pass on D walk along A queue B line C wait D search A demand B development C claim D supply A sense B suspect C suspicion D style A leans B lies C occupies D rests A be B feel C join D contact A bring B fetch C take D gather A regular B right C correct D perfect A give B exchange C offer D establish 10 A thoughts B issues C feelings D circumstances 11 A make B perform C D form 12 A trading B transactions C information D works 13 A estimated B guessed C taken D told 14 A raising B growing C succeeding D remaining 15 A scenes B points C attractions D matters Exercise 15 Choose the best answer I advertised several times for someone to mow the lawn for me, but _the end I had to it myself A in B by C at D to I’m sorry I can’t see you immediately, but if you’d like to take a seat, I’ll be with you _moment A for the B at the C in a D for a I didn’t trust the post, so I delivered the parcel _hand A by B to C on D out of We’ve had such a busy day! At least ten people phoned Oh, _the way, there’s a message here for you from your brother A on B in C by D over If you want to be a professional spy, you must learn to be very secretive _all, you must learn to listen more and speak less A In B After C At D Above His name is Sebastian, but we call him Seb _short A in B for C as D by I have some important information for you, but I don’t want to give it _the phone Do you think we could meet somewhere? A by B through C on D over Is everything Ok, sergeant? – Don’t worry, sir! Everything’s _control A under B in C on D by Do you agree? - _point, but I don’t think you are completely right A To the B For a C Up to a D On the High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 12 10 I never met Joe Louis, but he was a great boxer _ A by all accounts B on account C in the account D according to the accounts 11 I forgot to pack any food, so we’ll get something to eat _the way back A in B all C on D by 12 The red light goes on outside the studio door to let people know that you are _air A on the B by C in D through the 13 The auditors have been through the accounts, and they report that everything is _order A to B on C by D in 14 Have you seen this morning’s paper? There’s a big picture of you _the front! A at B on C in D by 15 “The other children all call me Big Head.” – “Don’t e so sensitive! You mustn’t take everything _heart! Now, run down to the greengrocer’s and get me three kilos of potatoes in your cap.” A to B by C in your D at 16 The general manager is away _business this week A for B on C in D about 17 I’ve taken this watch _pieces, and now I can’t put it together again A into B to C in D out of 18 “ _during the performance of this trick, ladies and gentlemen, my hands actually leave my arms.” A On time B In no time C At no time D At times 19 There is nothing illegal about my business dealings Everything is strictly _board A on B above C by the D over 20 “Ah, sweet mystery of life _I’ve found you!” A at the last B at least C at last D at the least Exercise 16 Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence I really must go and lie down for a while; I’ve got a _headache A cutting B splitting C ringing D cracking Stop _about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what the problem is A rushing B hiding C beating D moving I usually buy my clothes _ It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker A off the peg B on the house C in public D on the shelf David’s leaving on Friday I suggest we all _and get him a going-away present $1 each should A dish out B chip in C pass the buck D pay on the nail The sky got very dark and soon it began to _down A roar B bath C bucket D pouring My father _when he found out that I’d damaged the car A hit the roof B saw pink elephants C made my blood boil D brought the house down If you want a flat in the centre of the city you have to pay through the _for it A teeth B back of your head C nose D arm I caught the last bus by the skin of my _ A mouth B leg C neck D teeth Because the owner wanted a quick sale, the house went for _- only $20.0000 A loose change B a song C a loaf of bread D a smile 10 You didn’t think I was being serious, did you, Brian! It was a joke! I was pulling your _, that’s all! A thumb B hair C toe D leg 11 The accident was caused by a taxi driver _the traffic lights A rushing B missing C jumping D beating 12 Lend me $20, John I’m _at the moment A broke B down the drain C stuck up D a bit thick 13 She would anything for her youngest son He was the _of her eye A plum B centre C star D apple 14 I always get _in my stomach before visiting the dentist A worms B butterflies C crabs D hedgehogs High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page English 12 15 Those second-hand Walkmans are selling like _ If you want one, you’d better buy one now before they’re all gone A shooting stars B fresh bread C hot cakes D wild oats Exercise 17 Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence Where is everyone? It’s as silent as _ in here! A Sunday B the grave C death D a tomb Jimmy’s feeling a bit under the weather today, but I expect he’ll be as right as _by the weekend A an athlete B sunshine C rain D roses I’ll never eat and drink as much as that again! I was as sick as a _ on the way home! A dog B horse C pig D poodle Ask David to give you a hand moving the furniture He’s as strong as _ A an elephant B a mountain C a gorilla D a horse You’re not getting enough to eat, Karen! Look at you! You’re as thin as a _ A stick insect B rake C finger D wire We can’t eat this meat – it’s as tough as _! A canvas B old boots C rubber D stale bread You shouldn’t have frightened her like that Poor thing! She went as white as _! A a sheet B snow C milk D whitewash Nothing ever seems to bother Colin No matter what happens, he always seems to remain as cool as _ A cold feet B ice-cream C a cucumber D an Eskimo You’ll have to shout, I’m afraid My father’s as deaf as _ A a leaf B a post C a politician D a stone 10 It’s hard to believe Brian and Stephen are brothers, isn’t it? They’re as different as _ A Mars from Jupiter B milk from honey C chalk from cheese D margarine from butter 11 Honestly, Pam, ever since I’ve given up smoking I feel as fit as _! A a fighter B a fiddle C a frog D an athlete 12 Out dog looks very ferocious, but don’t worry, Liz, Fido’s as gentle as _- especially with children A a pony B snowflakes C a lamb D washing-up liquid 13 “I hope the children didn’t play you up, Doreen?” – “No, not at all, Mrs Gardener They’ve been as good as _.” A religion B gold C God D brass 14 “The suitcase isn’t too heavy, is it?” – “No, it’s as light as _.” A dust B lightning C a feather D a fish 15 I wish the new secretary would cheer up! She’s been as miserable as _for the past week! A a monk B death C a banker D sin 16 “By the way, have you heard the one about the Welshman, the Irishman and the pig?” – Yes, we have That joke’s as old as _.” A Solomon B the hills C a dinosaur D Jupiter 17 Of course he loves you! It’s as plain as _ A a pancake B the knob on your door C the nose on your face D a bell 18 Kathy was as pleased as _when she heard she had passed the exam A punch B a poppy C a sunflower D pound notes 19 I hope the computer course starts this term We’re all as keen as _to get going A coffee B mustard C a gigolo D cornflakes High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Page

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2016, 10:04


