Words Meaning Companies and offices Competitive ( adj) BM: Used to describe a situation in BrE /kəmˈpetətɪv/ which firms or organizations compete AmE /kəmˈpetətɪv/ against each other Tính cạnh tranh To close offices BM: To stop trading BrE /kləʊz ˈɒfɪs/ AmE /kloʊz ˈɔːfɪs/ Đóng cửa văn phòng To expand into new markets BM: To start operating in new regions BrE /ɪkˈspænd/ or countries AmE /ɪkˈspænd Mở rộng công ty sang thị trường A good reputation BM: A company famous and trusted BrE /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ AmE /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/ Có danh tiếng tốt, có uy tín A hot desk BM: An office organization system BrE, AmE /desk/ which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods Hệ thống làm việc nhân viên bàn làm việc riêng phân bổ không gian làm việc theo To merge (v) nhu cầu họ BM: To combine or make two or more BrE /mɜːdʒ/ things combine to form a single thing AmE /mɜːrdʒ A multinational company (n) Sáp nhập BM: A company that operates in more BrE, AmE /ˌmʌltiˈnæʃnəl/ than one country On the third floor Công ty đa quốc gia BM: An office on the third storey of a building Open-plan (adj) Trên tầng tòa nhà BM: No walls, all staff are working in the same room Không vách ngăn / thiết kế theo kiểu mở The production industry BM: Companies that produce goods Profitable (adj) Ngành công nghiệp sản phẩm BM: When a business makes or is likely BrE /ˈprɒfɪtəbl/ to make money AmE /ˈprɑːfɪtəbl/ To be recognized internationally Có lợi / Khả sinh lợi nhuận BM: To be known about and well thought-of around the world A security pass Được công nhận toàn giới BM: A card allowing entry to building with a photo of the holder The service industry Thẻ nhân viên BM: A company that offer a service A solid client base Ngành công nghiệp dịch vụ BM: A number of reliable and regular customer To take over Cơ sở khách hàng vững BM: To buy another company Tiếp quản / mua lại To trade (v) BM: To business (in a particular BrE & AmE : /treɪd/ field) Tower block (n) Giao dịch thương mại BM: A building with very many BrE: /ˈtaʊ.ɚ/ /blɒk/ floors AmE: /ˈtaʊ.ɚ/ /blɑːk/ Upcoming company (n) Khối nhà cao gồm nhiều văn phòng BM: A new company making an BrE & AmE: /ˈʌpˌkʌm.ɪŋ/ /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ impression on the market Well-established company (n) Công ty mắt thị trường BM: a company that has been in business BrE & AmE: /ˌwel ɪˈstæb.lɪʃt/ long enough to have a solid client base and good reputation Working enviroment (n) Công ty có uy tín, có bề dày thành tựu BM: the place and atmosphere within BrE & AmE: /ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt/ which people work Môi trường làm việc Finance To be up by 30% (v) BM: to have increased by 30% A cost (n) Tăng lên 30% BM: an amount of money a company or BrE: /kɒst/ person has to pay to buy something AmE: /kɑːst/ To decrease (v) Chi phí BM: to fall; to drop; to go down BrE & AmE: /ˈdiː.kriːs/ To drop (v) Giảm bớt, làm suy giảm GM: to fall or to allow something BrE: /drɒp/ to fall AmE: /drɑːp/ BM: to decrease; to go down Sụt, giảm, hạ; lắng xuống The economic climate (n) BM: the situation in which the economy BrE: /iː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk/( /ek.əˈnɒm.ɪk/ ) / finds itself ˈklaɪ.mət/ AmE: /iː.kəˈnɑː.mɪk/(/ek.əˈnɑː.mɪk/ ) / Tình hình kinh tế ˈklaɪ.mət/ To even out (v) BM: to become more stable, having previously fallen or increased (e.g costs or sales) An exact figure (n) Trở nên ổn định BM: a figure which is known precisely, BrE: /ɪɡˈzækt/ /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ so often used when talking about figures AmE: /ɪɡˈzækt/ /ˈfɪɡ.jɚ/ in the past To fall (v) Một số cụ thể GM: to suddenly go down onto BrE : /fɔːl/ the ground or towards the ground AmE: /fɑːl/ without intending to or by accident BM: to decrease: to drop A financial forecast (n) Hạ thấp, xuống thấp BM: a prediction, looking to the future BrE: /faɪˈnæn.ʃəl/ /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ as to what the financial situation will be AmE: /fəˈnæn.ʃəl/ /ˈfɔːr.kæst/ To increase (v) Dự báo tài GM: to (make something) BrE & AmE: /'ɪŋkri:s/ become larger in amount or size BM: to go up; to rise Tăng lên, tăng thêm, lớn thêm Unprofitable ( adj ) BrE /ʌnˈprɒf.ɪ.tə.bəl/ BM: Not making a profit AmE /ʌnˈprɑː.fɪ.t̬ə.bəl/ Không mang lại lợi nhuận Total sales figures (n) BM: BrE /ˈtəʊ.təl/ / /seɪlz/ /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ The complete number of sale AmE /ˈtoʊ.t̬əl/ / /seɪlz/ /ˈfɪɡ.jɚ/ Share prices (n) Tổng doanh số BM: BrE /ʃeər/ /praɪs/ The price of a particular company's AmE /ʃer/ /praɪs/ shares Giá cổ phiếu A rough figures (n) BM: BrE /rʌf/ /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ A figures which is not known precisely, AmE /rʌf/ /ˈfɪɡ.jɚ/ so often an estimate for taking about figures in the future To rocket (v) BrE /ˈrɒk.ɪt/ AmE /ˈrɑː.kɪt/ Khoảng GM: To rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success BM: to increase extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success To rise (v) Phóng tới GM: BrE /raɪz/ AmE /raɪz/ To move upwards to stand, especially after sitting to get out of bed BM: To increase in number, amount, or value to a more important position in an organization Profitable (adj) BrE /ˈprɒf.ɪ.tə.bəl/ AmE /ˈprɑː.fɪ.t̬ə.bəl/ To predict (v) BrE /prɪˈdɪkt/ AmE /prɪˈdɪkt/ Vươn lên GM: Eesulting in or likely to result in a profit or an advantage BM: Producing a profit Có lợi, lợi nhuận GM: To say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience BM: To say what you think will happen in the future Overheads (n) BrE /ˈəʊvəhedz/ AmE /ˈəʊvəhedz/ Dự đoán BM: The regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, that are involved in operating a business To nose-dive (v) BrE /ˈnəʊz.daɪv/ AmE /ˈnoʊz.daɪv/ Chi phí chung GM: A fast and sudden fall to the ground with the front pointing down BM: A sudden fast fall in price, value, etc Sụt giảm Market stability (n) BrE /ˈmɑː.kɪt/ /stəˈbɪl.ə.ti/ AmE /ˈmɑːr.kɪt/ /stəˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/ A Loan(n) BrE /ləʊn/ BM: When market is stable Sự ổn định thị trường GM: An amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid AmE /loʊn/ back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing BM: Money that someone borrows from a bank or other financial organization for a period of time during which they pay interest Khoản Vay An Investment (n) BrE /ɪnˈvest.mənt/ GM: The act of putting money, effort, time, AmE /ɪnˈvest.mənt/ etc into something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc BM: The act of putting money into a business to buy new stock, machines, etc., or a sum of money that is invested in a business Interest rate (n) BrE /ˈɪn.trəst ˌreɪt/ AmE /ˈɪn.trɪst ˌreɪt/ Đầu Tư GM the interest percent that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the interest percent it pays you when you keep money in an account BM: the percentage amount that you pay for borrowing money, or get for lending money, for a period of time, usually a year Tỉ suất lợi nhuận Nhóm 1: Nguyễn Đức Anh Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc