Chip and Dale 1) Match words and pictures A pillow A dressing gown Curtains A top hat A bow A cane An acorn To snore 2) Watch the cartoon and put events in the right order: _Dale treats Clarice to some candy _Clarice goes on stage _Chip and Dale pretend to go to bed _Chip looks at himself in the mirror _ Chip and Dale straighten their ties being a reflection of each other _Chip and Dale argue in front of Clarice’s door _They all sing _Clarice smells a rose 3) Answer the questions: a) What colour is Dale’s sleeping hat? b) How many steps are there in Chip and Dale’s house? c) What curtains they have? d) What’s the girl’s name? e) What’s the name of the club? f) What is Clarice wearing? g) How does Clarice feel when the boys are fighting? h) What instruments can Chip and Dale play?