Tiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo DụcTiếng anh 10 Nhà xuất bản Giáo Dục
BO GIAO DUC VA OAO TAO 'nm G Ar J BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO HOANG VAN VAN (Tong Chu bien kiem Chu bien) HOANG THI XUAN HOA - DO TUAN MINH NGUYEN THU PHUONG -NGUYEN QUOC TUAN TIENG ANH (Tdi hdn ldn thif tu) NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUG vF T NAM Chill trdeh nhiem \uat han : Chu tich HDQT kiem Tong Giam doc NGO TRAN AI Pho Tong Giam doc kiem Tong bien tap N G U Y £ N QUY THAO Bien lap ldn ddu TRAN THI KHANH - LE THI HUE Bieu tap tdi hdn : TRAN THU HA Bii'ii tap mi thudt : TA THANH TL'NG Tiitih bdy hia : BLT QUANG TUAN Thiet ke'sdch : NGUYIIN THANH LONG Sua bdn in : TRAN THL' HA Chebd/i CONG TV CO PHAN MI THUAT VA TRUYEN THONG Ban quyen thuoc Nha xua't ban Giao due Viet Nam - Bo Giao due va Oao tao TIENG ANH 10 Ma so : CH020T0 In 35.000 cudn (QDIO), khd 17 x 24 cm In tai Cong ty TNHH MTV In Quan doi So in: 0253 SoXB: 01-2010/CXB/562-1485/GD In xong va nop luu chieu thang nSm 2010 LOI NOI DAU TI^NG ANH 10 dugc bien scan dtia theo chuong trinh chuan tieng Anh Trung hoc thong cita Bo Giao due va Dao tao, tiep theo Tieng Anh 6, Tieng Anh 7, Tieng Anh va Tieng Anh TI^NG ANH 10 dugc bien soan dira theo chu diem (theme-based) gom 16 doTi vi bai hgc va bai on Moi don vi bai hgc tjrrig vai mgt chu de cii the va gom cac muc sau: A READINCI: Gom mgt hoac mgt so doan van co dai khoang 180 - 220 tir, nham giup hgc sinh lain quen vai chii de ctia don vi bai hgc, cung cap thong tin va ngir lieu cho toan dan vi bai hgc va phat trien cac kT nang dgc hieu cho cac em B SPE.\KIN(J: Gom cac hoat dgng luyen kT nang noi theo cac chirc nang ngon ngii' va theo chu de ctia don vi bai hgc, dugc trinh bay qua cac hoat dgng giao tiep nhu thirc hanh noi theo cap, thao luan theo nhom va noi ca nhan C LISTENING: Goin cac doan van hay cac doan thoai lien quan den chu de ciia dan vi bai hgc Muc dich chinh la nham ren luyen kT nang nghe hieu cho hgc sinh Ngoai ra, Listening giiip cung cd va chinh stia lai nhiing sai lech ve each phat am va sir dung cac cau true ngon ngir cua hgc sinh D VVRITINCJ: Gom cac bai tap phat trien kT nang viet cua hgc sinh theo cac the loai van ban khae nhu viet thu, mo ta dii lieu, tran thuat, v.v E LANCJl A(iE FOCUS: Gom hai muc chinh Pronunciation va (iramniar and \ocabiiiarN PrtMuinciation nhSm on lai each phat am nhung am don va am doi (nguyen am hay phu am) tir va cac phat ngon (irammar and \ocahiilai\ de cap den nhiing van de ngir phap va tir vimg dirge cho la trgng tam cua don vi bai hgc NhCrng van de dugc trinh bay duai hinh thijrc bai tap hay hoat dgng giao tiep de hoc sinh thirc hanh Sau bai on tap dugc trinh bay duai hinh thirc TEST YOl'RS.ELE va dugc thuc hien sau moi chu de lon dugc quy dinh chucmg trinh chuan ciia Bo Giao due va Dao tao Cac TEST \'()LRSELE dugc bien soan de giup hgc sinh tu kiem tra kha nang va sir hieu biet ciia minh sau cac em da hgc ,\ong tir hai den ba dem vi bai hgc (nghTa la sau tir 10 den 1.5 tiet hgc) va giiip giao vien co ca so tham khao de thiet ke bai kiem tra tiet cho hgc sinh Diem so cua moi phan mgt TEST YOURSELF dugc tinh iren tong so 10 diem nhu sau: Li.steiiing Reading Writing Language Focus : : : ; 2.5 2,5 2,5 2.5 diem diem diem diem Cuoi sach la danh muc tir \img dirge iiet ke theo tirng dan vi bai hgc co phien am \a nghia tieng Viet tuang dirong Tap the cac tac gia hi \gng TIENG ANH 10 se mang lai nhieu bo ich cho cac em hgc sinh Chiic cac em cony! CAC TAC GIA Buckingham Palace An overview of London Reading • Guessing meaning in context Speaking • Scanning for specific information • Asking for and giving information from a timetable • Talking about daily activities • Reading for exact information • Passage comprehension • Making questions and giving responses in small talks • Vocabulary comprehension: matching • Deciding on True or False statements • Passage comprehension • Asking and answering questions about people's background • Vocabulary comprehension: matching • Making an interview: matching • Extensive reading: muUiple-choice questions • Intensive reading: gap-fill • Making an interview and reporting on results TECHNOLOGY • Vocabulary comprehension: matching AND YOU • Idenfifying the main idea • Asking for and giving information about the uses of modem inventions • Talking about the uses of modem technology Unitl A DAY IN THE LIFE OF • Passage comprehension Page 12 Unit SCHOOL TALKS Page 22 Unit PEOPLES BACKGROUND • Role-playing Page 32 Unit SPECIAL EDUCATION Page 44 Units • Passage comprehension Page 54 Unit AN EXCURSION Page 62 • Extensive reading: multiple-choice quesdons • Expressing agreements and disagreements • Passage comprehension • Intensive reading: gap-fill • Giving opinions Listening Writing • Writing a narrative • Monologue: -Listening and numbering -Narrative and the past simple pictures -Deciding on True or - Stages of a False statements narrative • Dialogue: • Filling in a form -Listening to small talks and numbering pictures - Deciding on True or False statements -Deciding on True or False statements • Pronunciation: /A / - / a : / • Pronunciation: /e /-/ae / • Grammar: - The past perfect - T h e past perfect vs the past simple • Writing a letter of complaint • Pronunciation: /D / - / o : / • Grammar and vocabulary: -The + adjective - Used to + infinitive - Which as a connector • Writing a set of instructions -Sequence connectors - Imperative verb form • Pronunciation: /u / - / u : / • Grammar and vocabulary: - The present perfect - The present perfect passive - Who, which, that -Gap-filling • Monologue: -Deciding on True or False statements -Gap-filling /I / - / i : / • Grammar and vocabulary: - T h e present simple -Adverbs of frequency - T h e past simple • Writing about people's background -Gap-filling • Monologue: • Pronunciation: • Grammar: - fF/7-questions -Gerund and to + infinifive -Complefing a dialogue • Dialogue: Language Focus • Writing a • Monologue: confirmation - Listening and numbering letter pictures -Gap-filling -Comprehension questions • Pronunciation: /e / - / : / • Grammar: - The present progressive (with a future meaning) —Be going to | i | Reading ! Unit? THE MASS MEDIA • Vocabulary comprehension: mate bing • Deciding on True or False statements • Passage comprehension Speaking • Asking and answering questions about uses of media • Talking about different types of media Page 74 Unit THE STORY • Vocabulary comprehension: matching OF MY VILLAGE • Scanning for specific information • Talking about plans and their possible results (in the village) • Passage comprehension Page 82 a:- Unit UNDERSEA WORLD • Vocabulary comprehension: gap-fill • Talking about causes and consequences • Passage comprehension • Cloze reading: gap-fill • Offering solutions • Reporting on discussion results a Page 94 Unit 10 CONSERVATION >' a • Vocabulary comprehension: • Talking about the new matching kind of zoos • Deciding on Tme or False • Reporting on discussion statements results • Identifying the main idea Page 104 Unit 11 NATIONAL PARKS Page 112 • Finding words from context • Making plans • Passage comprehension • Talking about an excursion • Expressing regrets • Listen and repeat, merchant pillar carved destination vessel omamental heritage certified Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregatio • ^ i - ' * ^ ; _^, -fr,^ L^ ,j!S=i4 Japanese Covered Bridge 172 While you listen CW Task Listen and choose A B, or C that best completes the sentence Hoi An is located kilometres south of Da Nang A 13 B 30 C 16 Hoi An used to be an important trading centre A in Southeast Asia B in the 19'*" century C in the Far East Hoi An is well-known for its old houses which are A small and thatch-roofed B narrow and carved C small and tile-roofed The Japanese Covered Bridge was built A in 1855 B in the 18"" century C in the 16'"^ century Tan Ky House was built as a A house for a Chinese merchant B meeting hall for the Cantonese Chinese C house for a Vietnamese merchant 73 CW Task Listen again and answer the following quesfions Where is the ancient town of Hoi An situated? What was Hoi An known as between the 16"^ and the 17"^ centuries? What is it now famous for? What are the old houses in Hoi An like? How old is the Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregation? When was Tan Ky House built? What is special about this house? When was Hoi An recognised by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site? After vou listen Work in groups Talk about the ancient town of Hoi An, using the following cues • its location and roles in the past • its attractive characterisfics at present • its main tourist attractions and their features D WRITING Descrihinjj a chart VISITOR ARRIVALS IN VIETNAM (From the USA, France and Australia) CW Task The chart on the right presents some information about visitor arrivals in Vietnam from the USA, France and Australia in 2001 and 2002 Study the chart and then answer the questions that follow 300.01)0' 259,H7 :5o.ooii 2i0.470 200.000 150.000 50,000 IS.\ IK-W I v S\KMl\ 2001 L'S.\ IRASO \LSTR.\LIA 2002 (Source: Vietnam National Administration, 2002) 174 According to the chart, which country had the biggest number of visitors to Vietnam in 2001? How many French visitors arrived in Vietnam in 2001? Which country had the smallest number of visitors to Vietnam in 2002? Is the number of Australian visitors coming to Vietnam in 2001 greater than that in 2002? Which country, France or Australia, had more visitors to Vietnam in 2002? How did the number of American visitors to Vietnam in 2002 increase in comparison with that in 2001? CW Task Based on the answers to the questions above, write a description of the chart provided in Task E LANGUAGE FOCUS • Pronunciation: / / — / S / • Grammar and vocabulary: Comparatives and superlatives Making comparisons Pronunciation • Listen and repeat /3 / /S / television Asia shop washing pleasure illusion machine English measure massage Swedish special • Practise these sentences It's his pleasure to visit Asia You shouldn't have any illusions about television A massage can be a good measure to help you relax Does this shop sell washing machines? Is he English or Swedish? Is there anything special on TV tonight? 175 Ciraniniar and vocabulary • ( omparatives and superlatives Exercise Write the comparafive and superlafive forms of the adjectives Adjective cheap expensive young happy big busy intelligent beautifiil bad 10 far 11 new 12 dangerous Comparative Superlative cheaper more expensive the cheapest the most expensive | Exercise Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions family/the/am/my/in/1/oldest / am the oldest in my family sister/me/my/than/younger/is class/who/oldest/the/the/in/is/? passenger/plane/used to be/Concord/world/fastest/the/in/the book/interesting/than/my/your/more/is/book bought/expensive.^shop/the/in/watch/most/Peter/the 176 cheapest/buy/you/shop/in/the/the/did/watch/? difficult/German/English/is/than/more/much weather/better/today/than/much/is/yesterday/the • Making comparisons Exercise Look carefully at each line Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there Put a tick ( / ) for each correct line If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space Transport solutions First of all, walking is obviously the cheapest means of travelling, and can be the quicker in a city centre Of course, the further you have to go, the more so tired you will become In some ways walking is more healthier than travelling by bus or car, but it can be just as the unhealthy because cities are the much more polluted than they used to be Cars are faster of course and more than convenient, but as cities become more of crowded, parking is getting harder Sometimes public transport is better even though buses don't go as fast as cars it Cars are a lot more and convenient but as they cause most pollution, it is the better to avoid using them if possible In a city the fastest way of travelling is on a bike, which keeps you fitter and is not so that noisy as a motorbike or a car / the 10 11 12 13 14 15 i77 TEST YOURSELF F I Listening (2.5 points) Listen and fill each blank with the missing word Well, think that living in Bangkok is very exciting, but haven't lived here all my life My family came here when I was (1) • But now it is my home Nearly all my (2) live here It's our (3) city, and very big From moming till night there are (4) of people on the main streets Some parts of the city are very (5) I have a long joumey to school every day, but I don't mind because it's so (6) There's always something happening in the (7) There are all kinds of people selling things - fmits, (8) , cooked food, clothes - everything you could imagine I really (9) the excitement of the crowded streets and large (10) buildings I love walking around the streets at the weekend with some other boys from my class II Readinji (2.5 points) Read the passage, and choose A, B, or C that best completes the sentences Sydney - the largest metropolitan area in Australia - is located on the southeastem coast of the country With a population of about million people, it is the capital of New South Wales (NSW), Australia's most populous and economically important state The city is a dynamic cultural centre with the economy focused on service industries, tourism, manufacturing, and intemational commerce Its harbour is one of the leading centres of intercontinental trade in the Asia-Pacific region Sydney was founded as a British colony on January 26, 1788 Today, the natural harbour forms the centrepiece of a modem, cosmopolitan city Sydney's population is diverse with its people coming from many other countries, which results in the city's vibrant cultural life It is the top Australian destination for tourists from abroad, and tourism is a leading industry in the city Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympic Games, which boosted its image worldwide as the gateway to Australia 178 Sydney is A the capital of Australia B the capital of the Asia-Pacific region C the capital of New South Wales The population of New South Wales is _ A larger than that of other states of Australia B smaller than that of other states of Australia C as large as that of any other states of Australia The harbour is A the most important feature of Sydney B a dynamic cultural centre C a cosmopolitan city Sydney has a vibrant cultural life because A its people come from different parts of the world B it was founded by the British C it is the top destination for tourists abroad After the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney A more people come to Australia through Sydney B fewer people come to Australia through Sydney C people had a bad opinion of the city III Grammar (2.5 points) Combine the following pairs of sentences, changing the second sentence into a non-defining relative clause, and putting it in the correct place (1.5 points) Example: When was in town, met your sister She was shopping for some clothes When I was in town I met your sister, who was shopping for some clothes 179 Their house is quite big and modern It's in the suburb of the city The new English teacher seems to be veiy friendly I met her yesterday Sandra has got a new job with Capital Insurers It's a much better company than the last one she worked for Her latest novel is really good I read it on holiday This bag is full of books I cartied it all the way from the stafion • Put the adjecfives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form (1 point) Pam: So how are you enjoying living in the new place? Debbie: Oh, it's very nice The house is much (I) (big) than the one we had in London, and one of the (2) (good) things is being able to walk in the garden Pam: So all in all, it's much (3) isn't it? (good) than London, Debbie: Yes, think so In London, it's certainly (4) (polluted), and (5) (stressful) Here it's so much quieter, and that's good for my health IV \ \ ritinji (2.5 points) Write a description of Taipei, using the cues below - capital city of Taiwan - founded in the 18"^ century - population: 2.3 million - country's most exciting city - weather: humid, not very pleasant - busy city, crowded streets - famous for excellent museums 180 GLOSSARY UNIT air-liostcss (n) / ' e ( r ) h a u s t a s / nir tiep vien hang kliong alternate (V) /'o:ltaneit/ thay phien \cn ke announce (V) / a ' n a u n s / thong liao bank(n) /bcei]k/ dipiv) /dip/ nhiing ngam dim xuong fasten (V) /'faisn/ that, buoc fasten seat belt / ' f a : s n s i : t b e l t / that dai an toan fire brigade /fai9(r) bri'geid/ doi ciru hoa gooff /gau of/ chuong (dong ho) harrow (v) /'hsrau/ bira /plau/ cay plough (\) /pAHip/ bam pump(v) stare death m the face / s t e a ( r ) de9 i n 33 f e i s / doi mat \ tu than stewed / s t j u : d / / s t u : d / ( d u a c ) ninh ham kho /'tipikl/ dien hinh typical (adj) UNIT comer shop marital status /'ko:na(r| jDp/ cua hang o goc /'mffiritl ' s t e i t a s / tinh trang hon nhan nguon goc lai lich origin (n) /'oridsin/ nghe nghiep profession (n) / p r s ' f e S n / hoc ki semester (n) /si'mestairi/ bl tac bi ket stuck (adj) /stAk/ UNIT ambitious (adj) / a e m ' b i S a s / nhieu tham \png background (n) / b e e k g r a u n d / curriculum \'itae /karikjalara lai hch diploma (n) ease(\) gift(n) humane (adj) /di'plauma/ /i:z/ /gift/ /hju:'mein/ humanitarian (adj) /hju: 'vi:tai/ ban li lich chimg chi van bang lam diu di giam bm nang khieu nang lire nh.in dire, thuang ngucri niceni'tearian/ nhan dao interrupt (M /,inta'rApt/ tam ngimg lam gian doan /rea(r)/ hiem hiem co rare (adj) romantic (adj) / r a u ' m a e n t i k / liing man strong-willed (adj) / ^st r o t ] w i l d / CO y chi manh me /'trsd3ik/ bi tham bi kich tragic (adj) UNIT add (\) /eed/ deaf(adj) /def/ dice demonstration (n) / , d e m a n ' s t r e i S n / s i r the hien sir thuyet mmh determination (n) /di, t3 :mi'neiSn/ sir quyet tiim disabled (adj) / d i s ' e i b l d / tan tat dumb (adj) /dAm/ cam enclose (v) /in'klauz/ gui kem theo exhibition (n) / e k s i ' b i j n / cuoc tnen lam gradually (adv) / ' g r E e d s u a l i / diin diin mentally retarded /'mental! ri'taidid/ cham phat tnen tri tue opposition (n) / ^ D p a ' z i j n / sir chong doi phan doi passion (n) /'psjn/ niem say me photogenic (adj)/ , f a u t a ' d e n i k / an anh, len anh dep photography ( n l / f a ' t o g r a f i / nhiep anh require(v) /ri'kwaie(r)/ yeu cau doi hoi sctiooling (n) / ' s k u i l i r j / sir day (giao due) a nhii truang sorrow (n) /'sDrau/ noi buon stimulate(v) /'stimjuleit/ khuyen khieh thuc day subtract (V) /sab'traskt/ trir time-consuming (adj) /'taim kansjuimii]/ ton nhieu thcri gian UNIT /'keemko:da(r)/ / , s i : d i : 'rom/ may quay video dia CD diing dc liru trir (Compact Disc Read-Only-Meinory) miit khoi lugng lan dir lieu central processing unit /'sentral prau'sesii] 'ju:nit/ bo xu li trung tam (CPU I communicator ( n ) / k a ' m j u : n i k e i t a ( r i / nguoi giao tiep computer screen / k a m ' p j u : t a ( r ) s k r i : n / man hinh mav tinh /'daial/ dial (V) quay so /'flnpi disk/ floppy disk dia mem hardware (n) / ' h a : d w e a ( r ) / phan cimg /in's3 :t/ insert (v) c h o \ a o chen vao keyboard (n) / ' k i ; b o : d / ban phim miraculous ( a d j ) / m i ' r £ e k j a l a s / ki dieu thiin ki mouse (n) /maus/ chuot (may tinh) places of scenic beauty / p l e i s i z 8V s i : n i k b j u : t i / thang canh /pres/ lin nhan press (V) /'printa(r)/ may in printer (nl /'sDftwea(r)/ phan mem software (nl visual display unit (VDL'l /'vi3ual 'displei 'juinit/ ihiet bl hien thi hinh anh man hinh camcorder CD ROM UNIT ^ UNIT altitude (11) /'eeltit ju:d/ Bolamcal Ciardcn / b a t s n i k ] 'ga:dii/ \ iron bach tluio hang, hang dong ca\e(ni /keiv/ destination (n) / d e s t I ' n e i J n / nai den dich^ rue rd liing la\ glorious (adj) /'glorias/ thuc im thua left-overs (n) / l e f t a u v a z / su cho phep permission (n) / p a ' m i ^ n / linnet phiic persuade (\) /pa'sweid/ picturesque (adj) / p i k t J o ' r e s k / dep nhu tranh nai nghi /ri zo:t/ resort i n) dia diem, vi In /salt/ site (n) UNIT? aurallv (adv) /'D:rali/ cartoon (n) /ka:'tu:n/ comedy (n) /'komadi/ documentary (n) / dDkju'mentri/ feature (n) /fi:tS8(r)/ internet (n) /'intanet/ mass media (n) orallyiad\) passi\e (.adj) qui/•-how (n) visualK (ad\) /maes 'mi ' d i a / /'oirali/ /'pssiv/ /kwiz Jau/ /'visual l/ bang thinh giac biing tai hoat hmh hai kjch phim hai phim tai lieu dac diem, diic trirng mang may tinh toan eau thimg tin dai cluing biing lot noi bl dpng thli dimg chuang trinh dii \ui biing thi giiie biing mat \\eaiher forecasi (n) /'wefla(r) wildlilelni UNIT 5'' 'fo:ka:s t / du biio ihoi tiet sinh \iit hoane dii /'waildlaif/ -ipsa-'^'!"- khiing cai thicn lam cho lilt han gaeh hrick(n) /brik/ bumper crop / ' b A m p a i r i k r o p / \ Ll mua bill thu city thuang cash crop /'kcej k r o p / pham mua mang crop(n) /krop/ farming IHCIIUHI/ f a : m i r ) itieOad/ phuong phap canh tiic bl niiiip lut tlooded (adj) / f lAdid/ holiday resort / ' h n l a d e i r i ' z o t / " • atmosphere (n) / 'aetmasf i a ( r ) / better (\) /'beta(r)/ khu nghi phii last (\) mud (n) muddy (adj) raise (v) resurface (\) shortage (n) straw (n) w iden (\ I 182 /laist/ /mAd/ /'iDAdi/ / r eI z / / r i :'S3 f i s / / So:tid3/ /stro:/ /'waidn/ du Ijch keo dai bun diu uat nh.io Lay lin nang len trai lai (mat duang) sir thieu thim rom iiHv rone /atsteik/ b| de do.i (doa) at slake bii>di\ersu\' (nl / b a i a u d a i ' v i s a t i / da dang - m i l ' i ' " cariiu ore (n) / ' k a n i v o : ( n / / ' dn1fIn/ dolphin (nl entrapment (n / i n ' t r a e p m a n t / gestation (n) gulf in) herbicide in) jellvfish (n) "krifl (n) /dse s t e i j n / /gAlf/ / 'h3ibisaid/ /dselifij/ /kril/ /'ofsprir)/ olTspring in) /'o;ganizani/ organism (ii) /ri'vi:!/ reveal(\ I /si:l/ seal (n) /Sa:k/ shark (n I sperm whale I n)/ s p : m w e l l / / sta:fiS/ starfish (n) submarine (nl / SAbma r i ; n / / t3:tl/ lunle (n) /wei1/ whale (nl doiiL' \ai im (Inl ca hen , sir danli bj> mac bay sir thai vinh ehilt diet co sira loai nhii\cn the (tim cua so ben nhoi nia cii vol an eon ciii de smh \at ca the tiet li) biic 16 cho bien hai cau cii map cii nha tang bien tau ngiim rua bien ca v o i U N I T 10 ' breed (\) /bri;d/ nuoi ga> giong cancer (n) / kaensa(r)/ bi-iih ung tlnr conservation (ni / k D n s a ' v e i J n / su hao tim tao create (\) /kri:'eit/ thiet hiii ton thiu damage (n) /'deemids/ sir bao \ e defence (nl /di fens/ sir tan phti destruction (n) / d i ' s t i A k J n / endangered species /in'deindsad spiijiiz/ cac loai diing (thuc) \at CO nguy co tu\iM chung sir XOI miin /i'rau3n/ erosion (n) ngiroi trimg coi /'fDrista(r)/ forester (n) rimg ngiriri lam lam nghiep bo til timu uiam imprison (\ I /irapnzn/ reconstruction In)/ , r i i k a n ' s t r A k \ ' n / vice xiiy dung lai risks (ailjl /riski/ diiy rui ro ngii\ hiem \aneiy(n) /varaiati/ su da dang \ege)alion (n) / , v e d a t e i J n / tlurc \at ea\ ciii will(n) /wil/ mong niuim \ chi UNIT n abandon (\) /a'bsndan/ tir bo butterlly (n) /'bAtaflai/ buom conlaminaiion (n)/kan,tffimi n e i J n / s i r nluem endanger(\) / i n ' d e i n d a ( r ) / gay ngu\ liiem ethnic'minority / e O n i k m a i n o r a t i / dim tiic thii'u so explore (\) /ik'splo:(r)/ thiim he dimg vat fauna / ' f o; na / fine (n) /fain/ tii-n phat flora /'flo:ra/ he thuc \iu orphan (v) /'o:fn/ sub-tropical (adj) /^SAb'tropikl/ wilderness (n) / w i l d a n a s / (khien cho) mo coi can nhiet dai \iing hoang dii biii hoang UNIT 12 B l " classical music / ' k l s e s i k l ' m j u i z i k / n h a c co dien communicate (v) / k ' m j u : n i k e i t / giao tiep /kem'pauz/ Siing tiJc soan nhac compose (v) nhii sang tac soan composer (n) / k r a ' p a u z a ( r ) / nh^c /di'lait/ liim cho \ui \ e de delight (v) ehm /I'mauSn/ emotion (n) tinh cam folk music / f a u k ' m j u i z i k / nhac dan gian fiineral (n) /'fju:n8ral/ diim tang gentle (adj) /'d3entl/ nhe nhiing diu em integral part / ' i n t i g r a l p a : t/phiin thiet yeu jazz(n) /dsaez/ nhac jazz lull(v) /1A1/ ru (ngu) lyrical (adj) /'linkl/ trir tinh moumful (adj) / ' m o i n f / tang thuang buim tham national anthem / ' n s e S n a l 'aen9am/qu6c ca manh me powerful (adj) /'pauaf 1/ khuiiy dong hao rousing (adj) /'rauzirj/ himg soi noi bmh tinh lang /sa'ri :n/ serene (adj) tranu nuhiem soleinn (aiij) /'solam/ UNIT 15 action film audience (n) cartoon tilm character (n) cinema (n) detective film disaster (n) discover (\) horror t1lm liner (n) love story film motion (n) movement (n) science fiction UNIT /'cekjn f i l m / /'o:dians/ /ka:'tu:n film/ /'kasrakta(r)/ /'sinama/ phim hanh dong khiin gia cu toil phim hoat hinh nhiin \at rap chieu phim dien anh / d i ' t e k t IV f i l m / p h i m tnnh tham /di'za:sta(r)/ tham hoa tai hoa / d i s kAva(r)/ phat hien tim /'horatD film/ phim kinh di /'laina(r)/ tau thuy /IAV s t n r i film/ phim t.iin li linh cam /'maujn/ dong sir \'an dimg /'mu:vmant/ chuyen dons; film /'salens 'fikjn film/ phim khoa hoc vien tuang 14l ambassador (n) / s m ' b a e s a d a ( r ) / champion (n) / ' t j a e m p i a n / championship (n) / ' t SEempianJip/ committee (n) / k a ' r a i t i : / compete (v) /kam'pi :t / competition (n) / k o m p a ' t i S n / dai sir nha vo djch quan quan giai \ dieh, chire vo djch uy ban dua tai canh tranh cuoc thi daiu, sir eanh tranh diinh thiing virirt qua defeat (\) /di'fi:t/ sir kii-n event (n) /I'vent/ qua dni ciiu globe (n) /glaub/ goal-scorer (n) / g a u l ' s k o : r a t r ) / nguai ghiban anh hero(n) /'hiarau/ clui nha host(n) /haust/ lio.in lai postpone (\) /pa'spaun/ prolessional (adj) /pra'fejanl/ chuye'n nghiep elimination games / i , l i m i neiJn eimz/ cac triin dim \ong loiii nguiri \e (dung) thir runner-up (n) / ' r A n a ( r ) A p / hai ii quiin ll so score (n) /sko:(r)/ danh hieu (vo djch) title(n) /'taitl/ tournament (n) / ' t u a n a m a n t / \6ng (giai) thi diiu trophy (n) /'traufi/ Clip, chien lgi phiim victory (n) /'viktari/ sir chie'n thiing volunteer(n) / , v D l a n ' t i a ( r ) / nguiri linh nguyen U N I T 15 attract (v) /a'traskt/ thu hilt, hiip dan basc(n) /beis/ be characterise (v) / ' k e e r a k t e r a i z / dac trung hoii convenient (adj) /kan'viiniant/ thutin tii'n /kraun/ suang mien crown (n) /'fainKns/ tiii chinh finance (n) ice-free (adj) / ' a i s f n : / khimg bj dimg biing /'laukeitid/ located (adj) o vj tri metropolitan (adj) / ^ m e t r a ' p c l i t a n /(thuoc \e) khu dii thi lim mingle (V) /'miijgl/ hoa liin trim Uin COI m a open (adj) /'aupan/ de diit kin diio reserved (n) /ri'z3:vd/ iio choang robe(n) /raub/ tiim bang nho biing tablet (n) /'tablet/ dii CO \ let'khiie chir Iren ngon duoe torch (n) /to:tS/ kl la dac biet unusual (adj) /An'ju:3ual/ U N I T 16 BP*' banyan(n) bombardment / baenjan/ /bDm'ba:diiiant / categorise (v) / ' k a e t a g a r a i z / /'tSeimba(r)/ chamber (n) /'sitadal/ citadel (n) Confucian (a) / k a n ' f j u j n / Confucius (n) / k a n f j u : J a s / /in'greiv/ engra\e (\) /'flAriJ/ flourish (V) /'heritids/ heritage (n) /'ledsand/ legend(n) mausoleum (n) / , m o : s a l i : a m / memorialize (v )/ma m o : r i a l a i z / merchant (n) / ' n i : t S a n t / /'skDla(r)/ scholar (n) stele (n), stelae (plural) / ' s t i ; l i / tile-roofed (a) / ' t a i l r u : f t / /'vesl/ vessel (n) ciiy da sir nem bom phim loin phimg kifn luy (thuiic \e) nhii nho Khiing Tu khiic, chain tro phiit trien di san truyen thuyet liing liing tiim tim \inh tuang nhcr nha buon thuong gia hpe gia bia Ipp ngiu thuyen lan tau kVn 183 PRONUNCIATION AND PHONETIC SYMBOLS CONSONANTS * /p/ /b/ I'll /d/ /k/ /g/ /tj/ /d3/ /f/ /v/ /e/ /a/ pen bad tea did cat get chain jam fall van thin this /s/ /pen/ (^pV /bffid/ /z/ /ti:/ /did/ /keet/ /get/ /tjein/ /dsaem/ /fo:l/ /vaen/ IM izi 1: /em/ /h/ /m/ /n/ /r)/ /!/ /r/ /j/ /w/ /ais/ see zoo shoe vision hat man now sing leg red yes wet VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS n-.i i\i 111 lel Ixl /a:/ /D/ /D:/ lui /u:/ /u/ 184 see happy sit ten cat father got saw put too actual /si:/ *••?« /A/ /hffipi/ /3:/ /sit/ /8/ /ten/ leil /kffit/ laul /'fa:aa(r)/ lail /got/ lo-Ll /so:/ Id^Ul /put/ l-LQl /tu:/ leal /'aektjual/ iMBi /si:/ /zu:/ /Ju:/ /'vi3n/ /haet/ /maen/ /nau/ /sir)/ /leg/ /red/ /jes/ /wet/ +- cup fur about say /kAp/ go my boy now near hair pure /gau/ /f3:(r)/ /a'baut/ /sei/ /mai/ /boi/ /nau/ /ni8(r)/ /he8(r)/ /Pjuair)/ MUC LUC Trniii -J?c'i ittVi (Intt hill I A DAY IN THE LIFE OF I2 ///// SCHOOL TALKS 22 ///// PEOLE'S BACKGROUND 32 TEST YOURSELF A 41 ///// SPECIAL EDUCATION 44 lini S TECHNOLOGY AND YOU 54 ///// AN EXCURSION 62 TEST YOURSELF B 72 ///// THE MASS MEDIA 74 //(// (S THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE 82 TEST YOURSELF C 91 UNDERSEA WORLD 94 ///// ///// 10 CONSERVATION 104 ///// / / NATIONAL PARKS 112 TEST YOURSELF D 121 MUSIC 124 ///// /2 C/) H Z LU H Z o u ///// lc, FILMS AND CINEMA 132 ///// /4 THE WORLD CUP 142 TEST YOURSELF E 153 ///// /5 CITIES 156 ///// /6 HISTORICAL PLACES 166 TEST YOURSELF F 178 Y;/(' • ' / 81 mm VUONG MIEN KIM CUONG CHAT LUONG QUOC TE HUAN CHUONG HO CHI MINH {^ SACH GIAO KHOA LOP 10 I.TOAN HOC • D A I S d O HiNH HOC 10 TIN HOC 10 CONG NGHE 10 VAT Li 10 10 GlAO DUC CONG DAN 10 HOA HOC 10 11 GIAO DUC QUOC PHONG-AN NINH 10 SINH HOC 10 12 NGOAI NGIJ NGQ VAN 10 (tap mot, tap hai • TIINGANH 10 TI^NGPHAPIO LjCH S l i 10 • TIENGNGAIO T I ^ N G T R U N G Q U O C 10 DjA Li 10 SACH GIAO KHOA LOP 10 - NANG CAO Ban Khoa hoc Tir nhien TOAN HOC (OAI SO 10, HiNH HOC 10) VAT Ll 10 HOA HOC 10 SINH HOC 10 Ban Khoa hoc Xa hoi va Nhan van NGCTVAN 10 (tap mot, tap hai) LjCHSCnO D j A L I I G NGOAI NGU (TIENG ANH 10, TIENG PHAP 10, Tie'NG NGA 10, TIENG TRUNG QUOC 10) |l 8119 i l 05" (.12 @ Gid: ll.TOOd