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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – PRACTICE TEST No I TOPIC VOCABULARY IN CONTRAST artificial(adj) Not natural or real, but made by people: The growers use both natural and artificial light false (adj) Made to look like something real: I realized that the man was wearing a false beard engine (n) The part of a vehicle that makes it move: There was a problem with the engine, so we took the car to the garage motor (n) The part of machine or vehicle that makes it work: The pump is powered by an electric motor aim (n) The thing that you hope to achieve by doing sth: My main aim on this course is to gain confidence cause (n) An event, thing or person that makes sth happen: The cause of death was found to be a heart attack reason (n) A fact, situation or intention that explains why sth happened, why sb did sth or why sth is true: The police asked her the reason for her visit electric (adj) Using electricity: I’ve just got a new electric toothbrush electrical (adj) Connected with electricity: electrical equipment/ electrical fault/electrical appliances/electrical engineer 10 electronic (adj) Using electricity and extremely small electrical parts, such as microchips: Our maths teacher said that we’re allowed to use electronic calculations in the exam 11 electronics (n) 12 invent (v) To design or create sth that did not exist before: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite 13 discover (v) To find sth that was hidden or that no one knew about before: William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 14 award (n) A prize is given to someone who has achieved sth: She won the Player of the Year award 15 reward (n) Sth good that happens or that you receive because of sth that you have done : You deserve a day off as a reward for working so hard II PHRASAL VERBS break down: stop working (for a machine, etc) give off: produce sth such as heat or a smell carry out: perform an experiment, etc narrow down: reduce the number of possibilities come off: succeed plug in: connect to the electricity supply come on: develop or make progress put through: connect by phone come up with: think of (an idea, a plan, etc) turn into: change into sth different cut off: stop the supply of sth turn off: stop a machine working find out: discover information, etc work out: find a solution to a problem, etc III PHRASES AND COLLOCATIONS attempt Make an attempt (at sth/doing sth/to do); attempt to do; in attempt to average On average beginning In the beginning; at the beginning (of sth); begin with bottom At/on the bottom (of sth) cause (be/find/look for/etc) the cause of sth conclusion Come to/reach the conclusion; in conclusion experiment Do/perform/carry out an experiment (on sth); experiment with sth/doing fact In fact; as a matter of fact; the fact (of the matter) is (that); face the facts introduction With the introduction of sth; an introduction to sth/sb phone call Make/receive/get a phone call photograph Take a photo (of sth/sb) research Carry out/do research (on/into sth ) Exercise Choose the best answer to complete the sentence The magnet the piece of metal A attacked B attached C erupted There are many satellites in around the earth High School for Gifted Students - HNUE D attracted A circle B orbit C circumference D launch As the car came down the hill, the brakes and it crashed into a wall A fell B broke C cracked D failed The air we breathe mainly consists oxygen and nitrogen A of B in C off D with When you heat this metal rod it A contracts B expires C fills D expands An electric flowed through the wire A currant B current C cover D wave The water soon in the heat A melted B dissolved C evaporated D froze Some things, paper for example, fire very easily A catch B take C reach D get To receive satellite T.V you need a special A area B aerial C reception D screen 10 For this type of photography you need an extremely light-meter A sensible B sensual C sensational D sensitive 11 Stir the salt in the warm water until it A melts B dissolves C breaks D digests 12 Radar pilots to land in difficult weather conditions A lets B enables C succeeds D makes 13 The leaves were up a long tube into the machine A sucked B sipped C slipped D slid 14 This plane can fly at over twice the speed of A sound B flight C noise D bang 15 My microscope can objects up to a hundred times A amplify B extend C generate D magnify 16 The sponge most of the water A ate B absorbed C digested D exhausted 17 The on the window shows that it’s cold outside A condensation B damp C evaporation D humidity 18 The water out of the hole in the dam A flowed B floated C expanded D drifted 19 From this terminal you can call our main computer at head office A on B for C at D up 20 Robot arms the parts of the car together A melt B weld C sew D saw 21 Electronically stored information is easily A resumed B updated C predated D rebuilt 22 They heard the aeroplane go through the sound A barrier B limit C junction D frontier 23 The drill a hole 20 metres deep A poured B pierced C bored D fixed 24 Tall buildings must have strong to stand on A funds B fundamentals C foundations D basics 25 I picked radio signals from all over the world A on B at C up D off 26 A long was dug to put the pipes in A canal B pile C path D trench 27 Nowadays international telephone calls are beamed into space and off satellites A bumped B bounced C jumped D radiated 28 Thousands of circuits can be onto one microchip A crammed B crushed C cranked D crunched 29 I couldn’t receive the programme very clearly because of caused by the weather conditions High School for Gifted Students - HNUE A blocks B blockage C interference D manipulation Exercise Match the word on the left with their collocations on the right A B browse a a file be connected b online enter c to the Internet access d a chat room compose e the web attach f a website go g an option visit h the web address select i a message Exercise Choose the correct collocation It is very important for websites to be maintained/hacked into Sam spends hours every evening accessed/connected to the Internet I don’t crash/receive as much spam as I used to Is it an easy website to navigate/reinstall? How can I burn/enter a CD on this computer? It’s a good idea to keep a hard/fast copy of all important documents Be very careful not to select/delete your work Do you a lot of computer/online shopping? Exercise Complete these sentences Her phone has got a very irritating tone Has your computer got a broadband ? Some people think that too many records about us are on computer these days? Did you read about that teenager who into Pentagon’s main computer? I want a mobile phone that will let me my e-mails when I am away from home My sister e-mailed me this wonderful video of her new baby This computer screen has great resolution and so displays very well In this computer exercise you have to the right answer A, B, C or D Exercise Choose the correct answer Modern Science It seems entirely (1.) to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and other institutions around the world, attempting to (2.) the way the world works However, it hasn’t always been that (3.) Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could work out the (4.) of natural events just by the power of thought During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could (5.) their scientific ideas by designing a relevant (6.) and seeing what happened A lot of (7.) was made in this way by individual scientists These men and women often worked alone, carrying out (8.) into many different areas of science, and they often received very little (9.) for their hard work At the start of the 20th century, thought, it became (10.) that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive The individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts Modern science was born A physical B natural C typical D real A create B invent C construct D discover A route B method C way D technique A aims B reasons C causes D impulses A calculate B estimate C measure D test A experiment B research C attempt D analysis A development B movement C progress D evolution A research B experiment C discovery D education High School for Gifted Students - HNUE A award B prize C gift D reward 10 A clear B true C accurate D actual Exercise Circle the correct word Many materials have been used for artificial/false teeth, including wood Be careful! You might give yourself an electric/electronic shock! I’m afraid the problem with your washing machine is the engine/motor Many employers in the chemicals industry/factory object to the new law My computing exam is taking place/occurring next week Technology is a fundamental part of new/modern life We had our car serviced and it seems there’s a problem with the engine/machine Exercise Complete using the correct form of the words in the box plug turn carry narrow put work come break A lorry had down on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour I have it down to two computer games, but I still can’t make up my mind I wish you would the TV off and go outside and get some exercise Scientists are trying to out ways to reduce pollution from aircraft Tomorrow, we will be out an experiment to test this theory Who up with the idea of the ball-point pen? I’ll just you through to our research department Please hold on No wonder the vacuum cleaner isn’t working You haven’t it in! Exercise Match to make sentences Alex’s electricity was cut a off because she forgot to pay the bill Wear a mask because these chemicals give b metals such as lead into gold I’m writing an essay and I need to find c out who discovered penicillin I was pleased that our gamble came d on in physics over the last year Alchemists spent years trying to turn e off fumes that can be harmful Your teacher says you’ve really come f off and the experiment was a success Exercise Choose the correct answer I don’t think people should be allowed to perform experiments animals A for B over C on D to There was an explosion in technology the beginning of the 20th century A in B at C through D on Let’s face - we are destroying the environment and we need to something now A truth B facts C things D information The distance from the Earth to the Sun is, average, about 149 million kilometers A by B on C from D in It’s amazing that creatures survive the bottom of the ocean A in B by C at D to Fox Talbot the first photograph in 1835 A gave B did C drew D took Researchers have to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes A come B got C reached D arrived Do you mind if I just a quick phone call from here? A B take C have D make Many lives were saved the introduction of antibiotics A into B at C with D in 10 The of the nuclear accident is still unknown A reason B cause C base D motive 11 My father works at the university, doing research weather control A on B to C of D from 12 The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, an attempt to understand their past A on B for C with D in Exercise 10 Find the extra word in each line The future High School for Gifted Students - HNUE We were discussing about the future in class today Some people were wondering it whether we would have to live in space when we destroy our own planet I explained them that the answer lies in technology because scientists are intend to develop forms of energy that will not damage the environment The problem caused as being a result of technology will be solved by technology I am look forward to our next discussion Exercise 11 Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence Write between two and five words The mistake by scientists caused a massive explosion (in) →The mistake by scientists a massive explosion Dr Antherton finally succeeded in discovering the secret formula (managed) →Dr Atherton finally the secret formula Another name for iron oxide is “fool’s gold.” (as) →Iron oxide “fool’s gold.” Many local residents intend to protest about the nuclear power plant (plan) →Many local residents about the nuclear power We are thinking of appointing Dr Knight to the position of Professor (considering) →We the position of Professor We can’t live in outer space without special equipment (us) → It to live in outer space without special equipment Exercise 12 use the word given in bracket to form a word that fits in the gap QUALCOMP POWERTOP Qualcomp have just brought out their (1 revolution) new handheld computer, the Powertop It’s (2 possible) not to love it, with its smooth, shiny (3 appear) and its bright screen It might not be the best (4.introduce) to handheld computing because it is quite advanced, but you’ll find an (5 explain) of all the features in the detailed manual The Powertop has been (6 science) designed to fit a lot of computing power in your palm The (7 invent) of a unique wireless Internet connection means there’s a world of (8 discover) just waiting for you We give the Powertop nine out of ten Exercise 13 Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in bracket when this is necessary Did you know that George Washington had (wood) teeth? The old astronomer patiently made his (observe) and wrote down what he saw (Research) have announced that a major breakthrough has been made I’m planning to train as a (psychology) when I grow up That red (build) over there is the Science Department The scientist said she had an announcement of international (important) Science Weekly has a special (introduce) offer-the first issue is free! If there are aliens out there, you think they are much more (technology) advanced than we are Exercise14 Use the word given in bracket to form a word that fits in each gap EGYPT AND SOUTH AMERICA There is still no adequate (1.explain) why, several thousand years ago, cultures in both Egypt and South America saw the (2.introduce) of pyramids Was it coincidence? Many (3.science) believe that it was, and state that there is no (4.possible) at all that people from two distant continents traded information on (5.build) techniques However, some (6.revolution) theories in recent years, based on the (7.discover) that the two cultures also share key myths, legends and beliefs, suggest that the (8.appear) of pyramids on opposite sides of the world was no coincidence at all One (9.research) working on this, Crystal Davis, said: “The (10 important) of finding out the truth here can’t be exaggerated It could change our whole understanding of the history of the world Exercise 15 Match to make sentences The fax machine has broken a out by physicists which prove that time can speed up and slow down A number of experiments have been carried b on enormously in recent years High School for Gifted Students - HNUE Whoever came The electricity was cut c off for over three hours yesterday d down, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow I’d like to find e off a very nasty smell when it’s heated This chemical gives f up with that idea should have won the Nobel Prize Cancer treatments have come g through to the Radiology Department, please I wonder if you could put me h out much more about technology in the Bronze Age Exercise 16 Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence Write between two and five words I can’t wait until we some experiments in the science lab (forward) →I’m really some experiments in the science lab Communication changed completely when the telephone was introduced (with) →Communication changed completely the telephone Dr Frankenstein was finally successful in bringing the monster to life (managed) →Dr Frankenstein the monster to life I can’t understand how they built the Pyramids (impossible) →I how they built the Pyramids Fleming discovered penicillin as a result of a little luck (resulted) →A little luck penicillin People sometimes call nurses “angels” (known) →Nurses ‘angels” Einstein eventually realized that he was wrong (conclusion) →Einstein eventually that he was wrong Our physics teacher tried to explain the Theory of Relativity (attempt) →Our physics teacher explaining the Theory of Relativity We’ll save enough money and then we’ll buy a computer (soon) →We’ll buy a computer saved enough money Exercise 16 Read the text and decide which option best fits each space Most people who have mobile phones, say that having one is simply a matter of (1.) _ As a techno-phobe who does not possess a mobile phone, still less an online connection, I am always flabbergasted when I hear people saying this The (2.) _reason I not have a mobile phone is that I refuse to be at someone else’s beck and (3.) _24 hours a day But apparently there are plenty of sane adults out there who actually want to be in this position Of course a lot of people say they only got a mobile on the (4.) _understanding that it as to be used for emergencies only But sure enough the insidious thing son took over their lives, to the (5.) _where it seems they can barely live without it Giving a mobile phone to a child makes even less sense Parents lose their freedom and the children lose the ability to (6.) _for themselves A ease B handiness C utility D convenience A sheer B perfect C very D utter A cry B ring C need D call A strict B absolute C severe D precise A mark B point C spot D position A support B keep C fend D sustain High School for Gifted Students - HNUE

Ngày đăng: 10/10/2016, 08:51

