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LP E10 2014 2015 unit 2

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  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Get to know the topic, vocabulary about how eating can affect one’s health, and the use of will.

  • - Practice asking and answering the questions about eating can affect one’s health.

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • I. WARM-UP (5 mins.)


  • Show the picture and ask Ss to tell the meaning of the picture.

  • Give feedback: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  • Lead in the lesson: You will read and find out what the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” means and get to know some words related to the human body and illness.

  • II. LISTEN AND READ (15mins.)

  • Play the audio and ask Ss to read silently.

  • Call 1 or 2 pairs to read the dialogue.

  • Correct pronunciation if necessary.


  • Ask Ss to work in pairs, to practice asking and answering the questions.

  • Ask some pair to report their answers

  • Give the correct answers:

  • 1. Better health, good body condition, stronger resistance to illness…

  • 2. Lose weight, build healthy bones, and prevent diseases like cancer.

  • 3. Memory or brain

  • 4. He feels uncertain about the benefits of apple juice.

  • IV. LISTEN AND REPEAT (7mins.)

  • a. Listen and circle the word

  • Ask Ss to listen carefully and circle the words they hear.

  • Call some Ss to read their circled words

  • Play the tape again and check:

  • Keys: Prevent diseases, bones, weight, brain, boost, healthy.

  • b. Categorize

  • Ask Ss to work in groups of 4

  • Have Ss classify the words into the corresponding categories

  • Give feedback:

  • Noun

  • Adjective

  • Verb

  • Disease Bones

  • Balance weight

  • Skeleton brain

  • System lungs

  • Nervous

  • Healthy

  • Prevent

  • Balance

  • Boost

  • VI. DISCUSSION (8mins.)

  • Explain the common saying “Laughter is the best medicine.”

  • Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss a time when laughter was the best medicine for them.

  • Ask Ss to report their answer

  • Look at the picture and tell its meaning

  • Pay attention

  • Listen carefully

  • Listen carefully and read silently

  • -Read the dialogue

  • Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

  • Correct answers

  • Listen and circle words

  • Read the words

  • Check answers

  • Work in groups of 4

  • Classify into corresponding categories

  • Receive feedback

  • Pay attention

  • Work in pair, discuss the question

  • Report answers




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Know to use some words related the topic.

  • - Know how to use Will and Be going to in proper situations and how to use them in some certainly different ones.

  • - Know when to use passive.

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • I. Vocabulary (10mins.)

  • 1. Your body

  • Pre-teach some of the words using the pictures

  • a. Look at the phrases below and match each with its definition.

  • Ask Ss to work to match the items in the left column with the ones in the right column in 3 minutes, then discuss with their partners.

  • Give feedback:

  • Circulatory system-c

  • Skeletal system-e

  • Digestive system-d

  • Nervous system-a

  • Respiratory System-b

  • Picture 1: Circulatory system Picture 2: Digestive system

  • Picture 3: Respiratory system Picture 4: Skeletal system

  • Picture 5: Nervous system

  • b. Practice saying the names of systems

  • Have Ss to work in pairs to practice saying the names of the systems

  • Remind Ss to pay attention to the stresses syllables.

  • 2. Which system do the followings belong to?

  • Tell Ss to work in groups of 4, classify the words into the corresponding systems.

  • Help Ss to find the right meanings.

  • Call some Ss to give answers

  • Give feedback:

  • Circulatory system: heart, blood, pump

  • Skeletal system: stomach, intestine

  • Digestive system: breath, air, lung

  • Nervous system: spine, bone, skull

  • Respiratory System: brain, nerves, thinking

  • II. Pronunciation (10mins)

  • 1. Listen and repeat:

  • Play the tape and have Ss to listen and repeat the words.

  • Help Ss make a clear distinction of the clusters in the pair /pr/ and /gl/

  • 2. Read these sentences aloud

  • Ask Ss to read the sentences aloud.

  • Ask Ss to underline the consonant clusters in focus.

  • Ask Ss to practice the sentences a few times.

  • III. Grammar (25 mins.)

  • 1. Will and Be going to

  • Give some examples:

  • 1. She’ll give me a book when I finish cleaning the floor.

  • 2. Nam (seeing an elderly lady with heavy bags) Don’t worry, I will carry it for you.

  • 3. The screw is stuck. It won’t loosen.

  • 4. The forecast says it will be raining tomorrow.

  • 5. I’m going to travel around the world.

  • 6. Viet Nam is going to become a new industrialised country in the 21st century.

  • Give explanations:

  • Will can be used to express:

  • 1. Promises- example 1

  • 2. Offers and requests for help: example 2

  • 3. Refusal of things: example 3

  • 4. Predictions about the future: example 4

  • Be going to is used for:

  • 5. Plans, intentions

  • 6. Making some predictions

  • Exercise: (Activity 4 in textbook)

  • Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right form of will and be going to. Remind Ss that sometimes both can be used.

  • Call some Ss to give answers

  • Give feedback:

  • 1. Will/be going to

  • 2. Won’t

  • 3. Will/ is…going to

  • 4. Are going to

  • 5. Will

  • 6. Are…going to

  • 7. Will

  • 8. Am not going to

  • 2. Passive

  • Ask Ss to read about the usage of the passive voice.

  • Provide some explanations if necessary to help Ss understand the rules.

  • Have Ss to read the surprising facts about human body first, then practice using the passive voice.

  • Key:

  • 1. Is consumed by the brain

  • 2. are damaged

  • 3. is pumped through our body everyday

  • 4. are produced by humans only.

  • Take note

  • Do matching

  • Discuss answers

  • Receive feedback

  • Work in pairs

  • Practice saying

  • Focus on stress

  • Work in groups of 4, classify words

  • Give answers

  • Listen and repeat the words

  • Read aloud

  • Underline

  • Take note

  • Pay attention

  • Complete sentences

  • Give answers

  • Read usage

  • Pay attention

  • Do exercise




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Practice reading sub skills such as skimming for an overview and scanning for specific information.

  • - Understanding more about acupuncture

  • - Know some words about acupuncture

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • I. Warm-up:


  • Divide the class into 2 big groups

  • Give instructions

  • Conduct the game

  • A C U P U N C T U R E

  • Lead in the lesson “Today, we’ll read the passage about acupuncture.”

  • II. New lesson

  • 1. Pre-reading:

  • Activity 1: Look at the picture, do you know anything about acupuncture?

  • Ask if someone know something about acupuncture

  • Give the brief description

  • Pre-teaching vocabulary:

  • 1. Harmony between…and

  • 2. Sore (adj)

  • + Soreness (noun)

  • 3. Blood (noun)

  • + Bleed (v)

  • 4. Side effect (noun)

  • 3.While-reading:

  • Activity 1: Read the text quickly and find words which are closest in meaning to the following.

  • Ask Ss to read the text quickly and pick out words or phrases that are new to them.

  • Help Ss to look for the meanings of these words

  • Give feedback

  • 1. Ailments

  • 2. Ease

  • 3. Acupoints

  • 4. Precaution

  • 5. Alternative

  • 6. Treatment

  • 7. Evidence

  • 8. Promote

  • Activity2: Read the text and answer the following questions

  • Ask Ss to read the text again in depth to find necessary information to give answers to the questions.

  • Call some Ss to give answers

  • Give feedback:

  • 1. Promoting harmony between humans and the world around them and balance between ying and yang.

  • 2. There are more than 2000 nowadays.

  • 3. They are soreness, slight bleeding or discomfort.

  • 4. Those who have electrical or electronic medical devices inside them.

  • 4.Post-reading: Discuss with your friend the question “Do you want to use acupuncture as a treatment? Why and why not?”

  • Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, discuss the question above.

  • Call out some ideas.

  • Give assistance if necessary.

  • Give feedback.

  • Work in group

  • Listen carefully

  • Answer the question

  • Answer T’s questions and take note

  • Read the text quickly and do the task

  • Find the meanings

  • Receive feedback

  • Read the text again and answer questions.

  • Give answers

  • Take note

  • Work in groups

  • Discuss the questions

  • Give answers




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Talk about how to get rid of bad habbits

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • I. Warm-up: (5 mins.)


  • Ask Ss to work in group A and B

  • Ask Ss to look at the picture and name the habits in the pictures, which group that has more answer will become the winner.

  • Give the feedback:

  • Picture 1: Staying up late

  • Picture 2: watching TV all day

  • Picture 3: littering

  • Picture 4: eating what you like

  • Lead in the new lesson: These are bad habits that you should get rid of. Today we will practice talking about how to get rid of bad habits.”

  • Picture 1:

  • Picture 2:

  • Picture 3:

  • Picture 4:

  • II. New lesson (40 mins.)

  • Activity 1: Which of the following habits are good and which are bad for you?

  • Ask Ss to work in pairs

  • Have Ss to look at the list of habits and decide which ones are good and which one are bad.

  • Have Ss to explain their choice.

  • Give feedback:

  • + Good habits: being thankful, keeping a routine, doing regular exercise, never giving up, saving money, reading regularly

  • + Bad habits: staying up late, watching TV all day, littering, arriving just in time, leaving things until the last minute, eating what you like.

  • Activity 2: Why some of the habits above are good for you and Why some are bad for you?

  • Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, discuss the question above.

  • Have Ss suggested ways to stop the bad habits from their own experience.

  • Give the useful structure if necessary:


  • Activity 3: Read the text and answer questions: Do you think you could follow it? Why or why not?

  • Ask Ss read the text quickly and choose the things they think they can of can’t follow.

  • Ecourage Ss to explain their decision to the class.

  • Have Ss to read the phrase in the Watch out! Box and try to find out the meaning of the idiom.

  • Activity 4: Make a list of Dos and Don’ts in order to kick that habits

  • Ask Ss to work on pairs to choose one bad habit and make a list

  • Have Ss share their lists with each other and report to the class.

  • Give feedback.

  • Work in group

  • Look at the pictures

  • Tell the name of the habits

  • Pay attention

  • Work in pairs

  • Look at picture

  • Do the task

  • Explain the choice

  • Work in groups of 4

  • Give the ways

  • Read quickly

  • Explain answers

  • Read watch out! Box

  • Work in pairs

  • Do the task

  • Share list with friends




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - practice listening for gist about choosing a healthy diet

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Student’s activities

  • Activity 1: Fill Your plate with some foods

  • Ask Ss to work individually and fill their plate with the foods that they usually have for lunch and dinner.

  • Call to give answers

  • Ask more questions “Do you care about the nutritional value?”

  • Activity 2: look at the pictures. What do you think the listening about?

  • Ask Ss to talk about what they think the listening may be about.

  • Have ss respond briefly to give their opinions on the listening they are going to do.

  • Have Ss to listen one more time if necessary to build up Ss’s confidence in their listening capability.

  • Pre-teaching vocabulary:

  • 1. Food pyramid

  • 2. Complex >< simple

  • 3. Top >< bottom

  • 4. Diet

  • 5. Plate

  • 6. Half ><quarter

  • Activity 3: True-False statements

  • Ask Ss to read the statements and guess if it’s true or false.

  • Have Ss listen the recording once or twice before answering the questions.

  • Call on Ss to check their answers.

  • Give feedback

  • 1. T 2. T 3.F 4.T 5.F

  • Activity 4: Divide plate into sections and label which food should be in each situation.

  • Ask Ss to listen again and divide the plate into sections with the right labels of the foods they hear.

  • Ask Ss to exchange answers

  • Check the answers:

  • + Half: vegetables, fruits

  • + Quarter: whole grains

  • + Quarter: fish, poultry, beans and nuts

  • Activity 5: Write some sentences to describe the plate you have just made in

  • Ask Ss to work individually and write some sentences to describe the plate the have just drawn in.

  • Correct some writing.

  • Give feedback.

  • Work individually

  • Fill the plate

  • Answer questions

  • Give the thought

  • Listen

  • Pay attention and take note

  • Read the statement and gues if it’s true or false.

  • Listen to the recording and answering questions

  • Check answer

  • Listen again

  • Divide the plate into sections

  • Exchange answers

  • Check answers

  • Write some sentences to describe the plate




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Write a request-for-help letter about their diets as they are going to do important things

  • - Write a short letter, with details or examples as supporting idea, to give advice on what to eat before important occasions.

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • Elicit answers: I have learnt how to write to ask for advice about advice about proper dining/eating. I can write to give advice on things to eat for special occasions.




  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Practice speaking and writing about systems of body getting benefits from some activities

  • - Study some information about how traditional healthcare practices and beliefs vary in Vietnam and Indonesia.

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities


  • LESSON 8: Looking back and project


  • A. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

  • - Listen and repeat the sentences to consolidate their recognition and production of the learnt consonant clusters.

  • - Revise the words they have learnt in the last period

  • - Review 2 grammatical points: passive and Will/Be going to

  • - Practice speaking through doing a survey.

  • B. Knowledge:

  • C. Skills:

  • - Develop speaking through doing a survey.



  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • I. Looking back: (30 mins.)

  • 1. Pronunciation:

  • Ask Ss to listen to the recording and then repeat

  • Call some Ss to read aloud in front of class

  • Ask Ss to underline the words that contain these consonant clusters /pl/, /pr/, /gl/ and /gr/

  • Give feedback

  • 1. The prince plays a prime role in producing the special food.

  • 2. Alice glances through the window and prays for magic.

  • 3. The Grimm brothers’ fairy tales have their grounding in the fairy world.

  • 4. The growth of the grass in the ground is carefully monitored.

  • 2. Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with a word or phrase about the body.

  • Have Ss to complete the sentences using words they learnt previously in the unit.

  • Call some Ss to give answers

  • Give feedback:

  • 1. Brain

  • 2. Lung/heart

  • 3. Digestive

  • 4. Skeletal

  • 5. Respiratory

  • 6. Stomach

  • 7. Nervous

  • 3. Grammar: Underline the word in italics that best completes the sentence.

  • Ask Ss to underline the part that is appropriate

  • Call some Ss to give answers

  • Give feedback:

  • 1. Will become

  • 2. Are broken down and converted

  • 3. Is going

  • 4. Are stimulated

  • 5. Is used

  • 6. Won’t go

  • 7. Are supported by

  • 8. Is going to rain

  • II. Project (15 mins.)

  • Instruct how to conduct a survey, explain to Ss that they should ask their classmates the given questions to complete the survey.

  • Have Ss use the information to write a report.

  • Ask Ss to report their findings to the class.

  • Listen carefully and repeat the sentences

  • Underline the consonant clusters

  • Complete the sentences

  • Give answers

  • Do the task

  • Give answers

  • Conduct a survey

  • Report the information

Nội dung

Period:10 Date of preparation: 20 / 09 /2015 Date of teaching: 28 / 09 /2015 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED AN APPLE A DAY  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Get to know the topic, vocabulary about how eating can affect one’s health, and the use of will - Practice asking and answering the questions about eating can affect one’s health B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to the topic: parts of body, diseases, heath, illness, common sayings such as an apple a day keeps the doctor away; Laughter is the best medicine… - Grammar/ Structures: The use of Will - (Pronunciation): Practicing the dialogue C Skills: - Develop reading for comprehension - Listening for specific words - Practice speaking by asking and answering questions II PREPARATION: A Teacher: Student’s book, student’s workbook, pictures, CD player, CD… B Students: prepare lessons at home III PROCEDURE I Teacher’s activities WARM-UP (5 mins.) Students’ activities AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOC AWAY - Show the picture and ask Ss to tell the meaning of - the picture Give feedback: An apple a day keeps the doctor - away Lead in the lesson: You will read and find out what the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” - Look at the picture and tell - its meaning Pay attention - Listen carefully means and get to know some words related to the - human body and illness II LISTEN AND READ (15mins.) Play the audio and ask Ss to read silently Call or pairs to read the dialogue Correct pronunciation if necessary III ANSWER QUESTIONS (10mins.) Ask Ss to work in pairs, to practice asking and answering the questions Ask some pair to report their answers Give the correct answers: Better health, good body condition, stronger - Listen carefully and read silently -Read the dialogue - Work in pairs, ask and - answer the questions Correct answers resistance to illness… Lose weight, build healthy bones, and prevent diseases like cancer Memory or brain He feels uncertain about the benefits of apple - juice IV LISTEN AND REPEAT (7mins.) a Listen and circle the word Ask Ss to listen carefully and circle the words they - hear Call some Ss to read their circled words Play the tape again and check: Keys: Prevent diseases, bones, weight, brain, - boost, healthy b Categorize Ask Ss to work in groups of Have Ss classify the words into the corresponding - categories Give feedback: Noun Disease Balance Skeleton Bones weight brain - - Listen and circle words - Read the words - Check answers - Work in groups of - Classify into corresponding - Adjective Verb Nervous Prevent Healthy Balance Boost categories Receive feedback System lungs - VI DISCUSSION (8mins.) Explain the common saying “Laughter is the best - medicine.” Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss a time when - laughter was the best medicine for them Ask Ss to report their answer - Pay attention - Work in pair, discuss the - question Report answers Period: 11 Date of preparation: 20 / 09 /2015 Date of teaching: 29 / 09 /2015 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 2: LANGUAGE  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Know to use some words related the topic - Know how to use Will and Be going to in proper situations and how to use them in some certainly different ones - Know when to use passive B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to illness, health and systems of the body… - Grammar/ Structures: The future with WILL vs BE GOING TO; passive - (Pronunciation): Consonant clusters /pl/, /pr/, /gl/ and /gr/ C Skills: II PREPARATION: C Teacher: Student’s book, student’s workbook, pictures of some systems of body D Students: prepare lessons at home IV PROCEDURE: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities I Vocabulary (10mins.) Your body - Pre-teach some of the words using the pictures a Look at the phrases below and match each with its definition - Ask Ss to work to match the items in the left column with the ones in the right column in minutes, then discuss with their partners - Give feedback: Circulatory system-c Skeletal system-e Digestive system-d Nervous system-a Respiratory System-b Picture 1: Circulatory system Picture 2: Digestive system - Take note - Do matching - Discuss answers - Receive feedback Picture 3: Respiratory system Picture 4: Skeletal system Picture 5: Nervous system - Work in pairs - Practice saying - Focus on stress - Work in groups - b Practice saying the names of systems Have Ss to work in pairs to practice saying the names of the systems Remind Ss to pay attention to the stresses syllables Which system the followings belong to? Tell Ss to work in groups of 4, classify the words into the corresponding systems Help Ss to find the right meanings Call some Ss to give answers Give feedback: Circulatory system: heart, blood, pump Skeletal system: stomach, intestine - of 4, classify words Give answers - Listen and repeat the words Digestive system: breath, air, lung Nervous system: spine, bone, skull Respiratory System: brain, nerves, thinking II Pronunciation (10mins) Listen and repeat: - Play the tape and have Ss to listen and repeat the words - Help Ss make a clear distinction of the clusters in the pair /pr/ and /gl/ Read these sentences aloud - Ask Ss to read the sentences aloud - Ask Ss to underline the consonant clusters in focus - Ask Ss to practice the sentences a few times III Grammar (25 mins.) Will and Be going to - Give some examples: She’ll give me a book when I finish cleaning the floor Nam (seeing an elderly lady with heavy bags) Don’t worry, I will carry it for you The screw is stuck It won’t loosen The forecast says it will be raining tomorrow I’m going to travel around the world Viet Nam is going to become a new industrialised country in the 21st century - Give explanations: Will can be used to express: Promises- example Offers and requests for help: example Refusal of things: example Predictions about the future: example Be going to is used for: Plans, intentions Making some predictions Exercise: (Activity in textbook) - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right form of will and be going to Remind Ss that sometimes both can be used - Call some Ss to give answers - Give feedback: Will/be going to Won’t Will/ is…going to Are going to Will Are…going to Will Am not going to Passive - Read aloud - Underline - Take note - Pay attention - Complete sentences - Give answers - Read usage - Pay attention - Do exercise - Ask Ss to read about the usage of the passive voice - Provide some explanations if necessary to help Ss understand the rules - Have Ss to read the surprising facts about human body first, then practice using the passive voice - Key: Is consumed by the brain are damaged is pumped through our body everyday are produced by humans only Period: 12 Date of preparation: 20 / 09 /2015 Date of teaching: 30 / 09/2015 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 3: READING  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Practice reading sub skills such as skimming for an overview and scanning for specific information - Understanding more about acupuncture - Know some words about acupuncture B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to acupuncture… - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): C Skills: - Develop reading skill through tasks, especially skimming and scanning II PREPARATION: E Teacher: Student’s book, student’s workbook, pictures F Students: prepare lessons at home IV PROCEDURE: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities I Warm-up: HANG-MAN GAME - Divide the class into big groups - Give instructions - Conduct the game ACUPUNCTURE - Lead in the lesson “Today, we’ll read the passage about acupuncture.” II New lesson Pre-reading: Activity 1: Look at the picture, you know anything about acupuncture? - Ask if someone know something about acupuncture - Give the brief description - Work in group - Listen carefully - Answer the question - Answer T’s questions and take note Pre-teaching vocabulary: Harmony between…and Sore (adj) + Soreness (noun) Blood (noun) + Bleed (v) Side effect (noun) 3.While-reading: Activity 1: Read the text quickly and find words which are closest in meaning to the following - Ask Ss to read the text quickly and pick out words or phrases that are new to them - Help Ss to look for the meanings of these words - Give feedback Ailments Ease Acupoints Precaution Alternative Treatment Evidence Promote Activity2: Read the text and answer the following questions - Ask Ss to read the text again in depth to find necessary information to give answers to the questions - Call some Ss to give answers - Give feedback: Promoting harmony between humans and the world around them and balance between ying and yang There are more than 2000 nowadays They are soreness, slight bleeding or discomfort Those who have electrical or electronic medical devices inside them 4.Post-reading: Discuss with your friend the question “Do you want to use acupuncture as a treatment? Why and why not?” - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, - Read the text quickly and the task - Find the meanings - Receive feedback - Read the text again and answer questions - Give answers - Take note discuss the question above - Call out some ideas - Give assistance if necessary - Give feedback - Work in groups - Discuss the questions - Give answers Picture 2: Picture 3: Picture 4: - Work in pairs - Look at picture - Do the task - Explain the choice II New lesson (40 mins.) Activity 1: Which of the following habits are good and which are bad for you? - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Have Ss to look at the list of habits and decide which ones are good and which one are bad - Have Ss to explain their choice - Give feedback: + Good habits: being thankful, keeping a routine, doing regular exercise, never giving - Work in groups of - Give the ways up, saving money, reading regularly + Bad habits: staying up late, watching TV all day, littering, arriving just in time, leaving things until the last minute, eating what you like Activity 2: Why some of the habits above are good for you and Why some are bad for you? - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4, discuss the question above - Have Ss suggested ways to stop the bad habits from their own experience - Give the useful structure if necessary: I THINK ….IS GOOD/BAD SINCE IT MAKES ME… Activity 3: Read the text and answer questions: Do you think you could follow it? Why or why not? - Ask Ss read the text quickly and choose the things they think they can of can’t follow - Ecourage Ss to explain their decision to the class - Have Ss to read the phrase in the Watch out! Box and try to find out the meaning of the idiom Activity 4: Make a list of Dos and Don’ts in order to kick that habits - Ask Ss to work on pairs to choose one bad habit and make a list - Have Ss share their lists with each other and report to the class - Give feedback - Read quickly - Explain answers - Read watch out! Box - Work in pairs - Do the task - Share list with friends Period: 14 Date of preparation: 25 / 09 /2015 Date of teaching: 06/ 10 /2015 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 5: LISTENING  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - practice listening for gist about choosing a healthy diet B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to healthy diet, … - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): C Skills: - Develop listening for information II PREPARATION: J Teacher: Student’s book, student’s workbook, pictures K Students: prepare lessons at home IV PROCEDURE: Student’s activities Teacher’s activities Activity 1: Fill Your plate with some foods - Ask Ss to work individually and fill their plate with the foods that they usually have for lunch and dinner - Call to give answers - Ask more questions “Do you care about the nutritional value?” Activity 2: look at the pictures What you think the listening - Work individually - Fill the plate - Answer questions about? - Ask Ss to talk about what they think the listening may be about - Have ss respond briefly to give their opinions on the listening they are going to - Have Ss to listen one more time if necessary to build up Ss’s confidence in their listening capability Pre-teaching vocabulary: Food pyramid Complex >< simple Top >< bottom Diet Plate Half >< imbalance - Yin and yang - Restore - Herb (n) Herbal (adj) Read about some traditional health beliefs and practices in Viet nam and Indonesia and discuss the similarities and differences - Ask Ss to read about health practices and beliefs in the two countries and note the similarities and differences - Call some Ss to present in front of the class - Give explanations, if necessary - Give feedback Talk about some traditional therapies - Introduce some traditional therapies: - Work in groups and discuss the activities - Present in front of class - Work in groups, choose a system and make a list - Report - Write a text - Pay attention and take note - Read - Present in front of class - Listen carefully ACUPUNTURE MESSAGE AROMATHERAPY YOGA - Ask Ss to find information about these therapies at home and present in the next period - Take note homework Period: 17 Date of preparation: 25 / 09 /2015 Date of teaching: 12 / 10 /2015 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 8: Looking back and project  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to - Listen and repeat the sentences to consolidate their recognition and production of the learnt consonant clusters - Revise the words they have learnt in the last period - Review grammatical points: passive and Will/Be going to - Practice speaking through doing a survey B Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to the systems of body, health… - Grammar/ Structures: Passive and Will/Be going to - (Pronunciation): Consonant clusters /pl/, /pr/, /gl/ and /gr/ C Skills: - Develop speaking through doing a survey II PREPARATION: A Teacher: Student’s book, student’s workbook, pictures B Students: prepare lessons at home III PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Looking back: (30 mins.) Pronunciation: - Listen carefully and - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and then repeat repeat the sentences - Call some Ss to read aloud in front of class - Underline the consonant - Ask Ss to underline the words that contain these consonant clusters /pl/, /pr/, /gl/ and /gr/ - Give feedback The prince plays a prime role in producing the special food Alice glances through the window and prays for magic The Grimm brothers’ fairy tales have their grounding in the fairy world The growth of the grass in the ground is carefully monitored Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with a word or phrase about the body - Have Ss to complete the sentences using words they learnt previously in the unit - Call some Ss to give answers clusters - Complete the sentences - Give answers ... question Report answers Period: 11 Date of preparation: 20 / 09 /20 15 Date of teaching: 29 / 09 /20 15 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 2: LANGUAGE  I OBJECTIVES: A Aim: By the end of this... through our body everyday are produced by humans only Period: 12 Date of preparation: 20 / 09 /20 15 Date of teaching: 30 / 09 /20 15 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 3: READING  I OBJECTIVES: A... in the next period - Take note homework Period: 17 Date of preparation: 25 / 09 /20 15 Date of teaching: 12 / 10 /20 15 UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU LESSON 8: Looking back and project  I OBJECTIVES:

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2016, 13:34
