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Hafez a radi, john o rasmussen auth principles of physics for scientists and engineers 22

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16.5 Temporal Interference of Sound Waves: Beats 551 If we substitute a = ω1 t and b = ω2 t in this identity, then the resultant wave y reduces to: y = [2 A cos 21 (ω1 − ω2 ) t] cos 21 (ω1 + ω2 ) t (16.25) When the difference in angular frequencies is small compared to the sum of angular frequencies, i.e.: |ω1 − ω2 | ω1 + ω2 or |f1 − f2 | f1 + f2 (16.26) Then the time behavior of the factor cos 21 (ω1 + ω2 ) t, is a rapidly varying sinusoidal oscillation, see Fig 16.15b, with the average angular frequency 21 (ω1 + ω2 ) Thus, the y equation indicates that the resultant sound wave at any given location has an effective angular frequency equal to the average angular frequency: ωav = ω1 + ω2 or fav = f1 + f 2 (16.27) In addition, the oscillation is not precisely sinusoidal because the resultant amplitude varies with time according to the expression: Ares = A cos 21 (ω1 − ω2 ) t (16.28) This resultant amplitude is a slowly varying envelope in time, see Fig 16.15b, that modulates the rapidly oscillating factor cos 21 (ω1 + ω2 ) t Moreover, this resultant amplitude Ares confirms the existence of a constructive interference when cos 21 (ω1 − ω2 ) t = ±1 That is when: |ω1 − ω2 | t = 0, π, 2π, (Constructive interference) (16.29) Also, the resultant amplitude Ares confirms the existence of a destructive interference when cos 21 (ω1 − ω2 ) t = That is when: 1 |ω1 − ω2 | t = π, π, π, (Destructive interference) 2 2 (16.30) The time between successive moments of constructive (or destructive) interferences is called the beat period, Tbeat During this time, the phase difference increases by π, i.e 21 |ω1 − ω2 | Tbeat = π Thus: Tbeat = 2π = |ω1 − ω2 | |f1 − f2 | (16.31) 552 16 Superposition of Sound Waves Hence, the number of beats per second, or the beat frequency fbeat , will be given by: fbeat = |f1 − f2 | (16.32) Musicians can use the beat phenomenon in tuning their instruments If an instrument sounds different from how it is supposed to, it can be tuned by using a standard frequency until the beat disappears Example 16.8 Two identical violin A strings (see the left part of Fig 16.16) of the same length and tension are tuned exactly to 440 Hz The tension in one of them is increased by 2% (see the right part of Fig 16.16) When both strings are struck, what will be the beat frequency between their fundamental frequencies? G D E A String String L t1, m L t2, m Fig 16.16 Solution: The frequency of a string that is fixed at both ends is given by √ Eq 14.68 as f = τ/μ/(2L), where L, τ, and μ are the length, tension, and mass per unit length of the string, respectively Thus, the ratio of frequencies of the two strings after being struck is: f2 = f1 2L τ2 μ 2L τ1 = μ τ2 τ1 When tension τ2 is 2% more than τ1 , we can find the frequency f2 of string as follows: f2 = f1 1.02τ1 √ = 1.02 = 1.01 τ1 ⇒ f2 = 1.01 f1 = 1.01 × (440 Hz) = 444 Hz 16.5 Temporal Interference of Sound Waves: Beats 553 With the use of Eq 16.32, the beat frequency will be: fbeat = |f1 − f2 | = |440 Hz − 444 Hz| = Hz = beat/s Example 16.9 A musician wants to tune the A2 key (key No 25) of a piano that has a proper fundamental frequency of 110 Hz, see Fig 16.17 Assume he uses a fork of frequency f1 = 220 Hz and was able to tune the A2 key after observing a beat frequency of Hz Explain the process of tuning and find the mistuned frequency Brand F# G# A# 22 24 26 F 21 Piano keyboard G 23 A 25 B 27 C# D# 29 31 C 28 D 30 110 Hz E 32 F# G# A# 34 36 38 F 33 G 35 A 37 B 39 220 Hz Fig 16.17 Solution: Equation 16.25 leads to the beat phenomenon when the frequencies are close to each other, which is not the case for 110 and 220 Hz However, based on Eq 14.69 of fixed strings, the proper second harmonic of the string of the A2 key should be: f2 = × (110 Hz) = 220 Hz (Proper second harmonic) By listening to the beats of Hz between the fundamental frequency f1 = 220 Hz of the tuning fork and the unknown mistuned second harmonic frequency f2 of the A2 key, he can adjust the tension in the string until the beat note disappears From the beats Eq 16.32, he can find the mistuned frequency of the A2 key as follows: fbeat = |f1 − f2 | Hz = |220 Hz − f2 | 554 16 Superposition of Sound Waves Hence, f2 = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ 228 Hz ⎨ or ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 212 Hz Accordingly, the musician cannot tell whether the mistuned fundamental frequency of the string was 114 Hz or 106 Hz, because both frequencies produce the same beat frequency 16.6 Exercises Sections 16.1 and 16.2 Superposition and Interference and Spatial Interference of Sound Waves (1) Two traveling waves are defined by the following relations: y1 = (2 cm) sin(kx − ω t), y2 = (2 cm) sin(kx − ω t + φ) Find the amplitude of the resultant wave y = y1 + y2 when φ = π/2 and φ = π (2) Two traveling waves are defined by the following relations: y1 = (1.5 m) sin(10x − 16t), y2 = (1.5 m) sin(14x − 20t) where x is in meters, t is in seconds, and the arguments of the sine waves are in radians (a) What is the phase difference between the two waves when x = m and t = s? (b) At t = s, apply the condition of destructive interference (phase difference = (2n + 1)π, n = 0, 1, 2, ) to find the closest positive value of x to the origin (3) The two identical speakers shown in Fig 16.18 are driven by one oscillator that has a frequency of 3,400 Hz Take the speed of sound to be 343 m/s (a) What are the values of x that correspond to a minimum sound intensity at point P? (b) What are the values of x that correspond to a maximum sound intensity at point P? (4) A small speaker is placed in a circular pipe of radius r = 1.35 m, as shown in Fig 16.19 Take the speed of sound to be 343 m/s and assume propagation 16.6 Exercises 555 of one-dimensional waves for such a big radius What are the three smallest frequencies that produce a maximum sound intensity in the tube? Fig 16.18 See Exercise (3) L P L-x Fig 16.19 See Exercise (4) r (5) Two identical speakers, S1 and S2 , are placed vertically at a distance d apart They emit sound waves driven by the same oscillator whose frequency is f A listener at a distance R from the lower speaker walks straight towards it as shown in Fig 16.20 If the speed of sound is v, show that the listener will hear a minimum sound when R satisfies the following relation: R2 = d − (2n + 1)2 (v/2f )2 , (n = 0, 1, 2, ) 2(2n + 1)(v/2f ) Destructive interference (6) In the previous example, assume that d = m, f = 350 Hz, and v = 343 m/s How many times will the listener hear a minimum in sound intensity while walking from a very far point to the nearest possible point in front of the lower speaker? Section 16.3 Standing Sound Waves (7) Two waves are traveling in opposite directions and are described by the following relations: y1 = A sin(kx − ω t), y2 = 21 A sin(kx + ω t) 556 16 Superposition of Sound Waves Show that the resultant of these two waves can be written as a combination of a traveling wave and a standing wave of the following form: y = y1 + y2 = 21 A sin(kx − ω t) + (A sin kx) cos ω t d L S1 R S2 Fig 16.20 See Exercise (5) (8) Two identical speakers facing each other as shown in Fig 16.21, establish a standing wave as a result of the production of the following two oppositely traveling sound waves: y1 = (2 cm) sin(2.5x − 5t), y2 = (2 cm) sin(2.5x + 5t) where x and y are in centimeters and t is in seconds (a) What is the amplitude of the simple harmonic motion of an element of the medium located at x = cm? (b) Find the position of the nodes and antinodes (c) What is the maximum amplitude of an element at an antinode? (9) The two sources shown in the evacuated vessel of Fig 16.22, are 1.2 m apart, and send sound waves of speed v = m/s Source S1 vibrates according to the equation (0.04 m) sin 10π t while source S2 vibrates according to the equation (0.01 m) sin 10π t (a) Show that S1 sends sound in the positive x direction as: y1 = (0.04 m) sin(5π x1 − 10π t) where x1 is measured from an origin located at S1 (b) Show that S2 emits sound in the negative x-direction as: 16.6 Exercises 557 y2 = (0.01 m) sin(5π x2 + 10π t) where x2 is measured from an origin located at S2 (c) Show that the equation of motion of a particle at 0.8 m from S1 and 0.4 m from S2 is given by: y = y1 + y2 = (−0.03 m) sin 10π t Standing wave Speaker Speaker x Fig 16.21 See Exercise (8) S1 0.8 m 0.4 m 1.2 m S2 P Fig 16.22 See Exercise (9) (10) Using direct substitution, show that the standing wave function: y = A cos φ sin kx − ω t + φ is a solution of the general partial linear differential equation [see Eq 14.58]: ∂ 2y ∂ 2y − 2 =0 ∂x v ∂t Section 16.4 Standing Sound Waves in Air columns Note: Unless otherwise specified, use the speed of sound in this section to be 343 m/s (11) An organ pipe of length 30 cm is open at both ends What are the frequencies of the fundamental and the next two harmonics? (12) If the organ pipe in the previous exercise has one end closed, what are the frequencies of the fundamental and the next two harmonics? 558 16 Superposition of Sound Waves (13) The fundamental frequency of a pipe is found to be 110 Hz when the speed of sound is 330 m/s (a) Find the pipe’s length when it is closed at one end (b) Find the pipe’s length when it is open at both ends (14) The two adjacent harmonic frequencies of an organ pipe (with both ends open) are determined to be 540 Hz and 420 Hz (a) Find the fundamental frequency of the pipe (b) Find the pipe’s length (15) Estimate the fundamental frequency that you would experience when blowing across the top of an empty cylindrical soft drink bottle that has a height of 10 cm Assume that the bottle behaves like a tube with one end closed Take the speed of sound to be 340 m/s How would this frequency change if the bottle was only three quarters empty? (16) What would be the range of an adjustable pipe length that has two open ends if its fundamental frequency spans the human hearing rang (form 20 Hz to 20 kHz)? Take the speed of sound to be 340 m/s (17) A tuning fork vibrating at a frequency of 384 Hz is held over the top end of a vertical tube while the other end is partially inserted in a water tank as shown in Fig 16.23 The water level in the tube is lowered by opening a valve in the tank so that the length L of the air column slowly increases from an initial value of 30 cm Determine the next two values of L that correspond to resonance Fig 16.23 See Exercise (17) L (18) Assume that the speed of waves on a guitar string does not change when the string is fingered If an unfingered string has a length L = 0.75 m and is tuned to play an F note (at 349 Hz) (a) How far from the end of this string must your finger be placed to play an A note (at 440 Hz) (b) What is the wavelength of the standing wave when this fingered string resonates at its fundamental frequency? (c) Find the frequency and wavelength of the sound waves that are produced by this string at that fundamental frequency 16.6 Exercises 559 (19) At a temperature of 25 ◦ C, an open organ pipe produces the middle C note (262 Hz) with a fundamental standing wave (a) What is the length of the pipe? (b) Find the frequency and wavelength of the fundamental standing wave in the pipe (c) Find the frequency and wavelength of the sound produced in the air outside the pipe (20) An open organ pipe is tuned in a room where the temperature was set to 20 ◦ C If the temperature drops to 10 ◦ C, what would be the percentage change in frequency generated by the pipe? (21) In an air-filled tube closed at both ends, the distance between several nodes is 25 cm When another gas replaces the air, the distance between that same number of nodes is 35 cm If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, what is the speed in the gas? (22) An organ pipe can resonate at the successive harmonics of frequencies 210, 350, and 490 Hz (a) Is this pipe open at both ends or closed at one of its ends? Explain why (b) What is the fundamental frequency of this pipe? (23) A tube is open at both ends and has a length L = m It resonates at two successive harmonics of frequencies 355 and 440 Hz (a) What is the fundamental frequency of this pipe? (b) What is the speed of sound in the air inside the tube? (24) A tube has a length L = 2.5 m How many harmonics are present in this tube within the human hearing range (from 20 Hz to 20 kHz) if: (a) the tube is open at both ends, and (b) is closed at one end? (25) A pipe is open at one end and closed by a movable piston at the other end A tuning fork of frequency 348 Hz is held at the open end On a hot day a resonance occurs when the piston is at 0.25 m from the open end and again when it is at 0.75 m, see Fig 16.24 (a) What is the speed of sound in the air inside the pipe? (b) How far from the open end will the piston be when the next resonance is experienced? Fig 16.24 See Exercise (25) 25cm First resonance 75 cm Piston Second resonance 560 16 Superposition of Sound Waves Section 16.5 Temporal Interference of Sound Waves: Beats (26) Determine the beat frequency resulting from the superposition of the two sound waves given by: y1 = (1.5 cm) sin(3.5x − 1376π t), y2 = (1.5 cm) sin(3.5x − 1364π t) where x and y are in centimeters and t is in seconds (27) Two identical violin strings have the same length L, tension τ, and exact fundamental frequency of 600 Hz How much should we increase the tension of one of these strings to generate a sound beat of Hz (see Fig 16.25 for a new tension τ1 )? Fig 16.25 See Exercise (27) L String t ,m L String t1 , m (28) A standard tuning fork of frequency 512 Hz makes a beat frequency of Hz with another fork of unknown frequency The beat frequency disappears when the prongs of the second fork are waxed What is the frequency of the unknown fork? (29) A mistuned Middle C string in a piano (corresponds to key No 40) has a proper fundamental frequency of 262 Hz, see Fig 16.17 During the tuning trials, a musician hears beats per second between the piano string and a standard oscillator of 262 Hz (a) What are the possible frequencies of the string? (b) When the musician tightens the string slightly, he hears beats per second What is the frequency of the string now? (Hint: use the fact that tightening the string raises the wave speed and frequency) (c) By what percentage should the musician change the tension in the string to tune it? (30) At a temperature of 30 ◦ C, a source generates sound waves that propagate in the air with wavelengths λ1 = 1.62 m and λ2 = 1.70 m (a) What beat frequency is heard? (b) How far in space is the distance between the maximum intensities? (Hint: see Fig 16.15b) Light Waves and Optics 17 Since ancient times, the nature and properties of light have been intensively investigated in an attempt to address many of our needs for a better life on Earth Today, scientists view the behavior of light as waves (electromagnetic waves) in some situations and particles (photons) in other situations In this chapter, we briefly introduce aspects of light that are understood best when using wave models, as applied to geometrical and physical optics First, we study the reflection and refraction of light at the boundary between two media Then we study formation of images when using the two types of mirrors and lenses 17.1 Light Rays It is useful to represent light waves with imaginary surfaces representing the crests of the electric field of the electromagnetic waves These surfaces are called wave fronts, and the distance between any two successive wave fronts is referred to as the wavelength λ While propagating in vacuum, light waves have a constant speed c = λ f, where c = 2.9979 × 108 m/s × 108 m/s and f is the light’s frequency When we study light reflection from mirrors, refraction from a surface between two media, and propagation through lenses, we approximate light propagation by defining rays that travel in straight lines perpendicular to the wave fronts This ray approximation technique is referred to as geometrical optics On the other hand, when we study interference, diffraction, and polarization of light and need to get satisfactory descriptions of these phenomena, we treat light as waves Such a study is referred to as physical optics H A Radi and J O Rasmussen, Principles of Physics, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23026-4_17, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 561 562 17 Light Waves and Optics In geometrical optics we first consider a point source S emitting light waves isotropically in all directions in a uniform medium The emitted waves are a series of concentric spherical wave fronts with the source located at their common centers, and these waves can be approximated by straight-line rays perpendicular to the wave fronts, see Fig 17.1a Next, we consider the case when the source is very far and study the propagation of plane wave fronts In this case, light rays propagate as straight lines perpendicular to the wave fronts in a given direction, see Fig 17.1b Wave Fronts Ray c λ Ray λ c λ λ λ Ray c (a) c Rays c c c Ray c c S c λ Wave Fronts (b) Fig 17.1 Light waves of wavelength λ propagating with a speed c as: (a) spherical wave fronts and (b) plane wave fronts Spotlight We observe the following effects when plane wave fronts meet a barrier with a circular opening of diameter a: • If λ a, the rays of the wave continue to move away from the opening in straight lines, see Fig 17.2a • If λ ≈ a, the rays of the wave spread out from the opening in all directions, see Fig 17.2b This effect is called diffraction • If λ > a (or λ a) the rays of the wave spread out more (diffracted more) in a way as if the opening is a point source, see Fig 17.2c 17.1 Light Rays λ 563 Sharp shadow More Diffraction Diffracted Rays Ray ca Ray c c Ray λ≈a λ a Wave Fronts a a (a) λ a (b) (c) Fig 17.2 A plane wave of light of wavelength λ is incident on a barrier that has a circular opening of diameter a (a) When λ a, the rays continue in a straight line and the ray approximation is valid (b) When λ ≈ a, the rays spread out from the opening in all directions (c) When λ > a (or λ a) the circular opening behaves like a point source 17.2 Reflection and Refraction of Light Figure 17.3 shows a beam of light of wavelength λ1 and speed v1 represented by a light ray traveling in a straight line in medium The beam encounters the smooth boundary surface (or interface) of the transparent medium 2, which is more dense than medium Part of the incident light is reflected by the surface and another part penetrates medium with wavelength λ2 and speed v2 Unless the incident beam is perpendicular to the surface, the ray that enters medium is bent at the boundary and is said to be refracted Normal Incident ray Medium θ1 θ1′ = θ 1 Reflected ray Interface Medium 2 θ2 Refracted ray Fig 17.3 An incident ray in medium is reflected from the interface and maintains the same speed v1 , while the refracted ray is bent toward the normal and propagates in medium with a speed v2 < v1 564 17 Light Waves and Optics In Fig 17.3, the incident, reflected, and refracted rays are all in a plane perpendicular to the boundary surface In addition, the incident, reflected, and refracted rays make angles θ1 , θ1 , and θ2 , respectively, with the normal to the boundary surface Moreover, v1 and v2 are the speeds of the light rays in media and 2, respectively Experiments and theory prove the following two laws: Spotlight • θ1 = θ1 (Law of reflection) • (17.1) v2 sin θ1 = v1 sin θ2 (Law of refraction) (17.2) The speed of light v in any material is less than its speed in vacuum c It is found that the value of v slightly depends on the wavelength λ Also, it is convenient to define a dimensionless quantity known as the index of refraction n of a material as follows: n= c v (17.3) Since v is always less than c, then n > for any material and n = for vacuum Table 17.1 lists the indices of refraction for various materials As light crosses an interface between two media, its speed v and wavelength λ change, but its frequency f remains the same This can be understood by considering a normal incidence of light and treating light as photons, each with energy E = h f If f changes, then energy will pile up at the interface, which is a mechanism that cannot take place under the laws of Physics Since the relation v = λ f must be satisfied in both media of Fig 17.3, and since the frequency f of the incident and refracted rays must be the same, then: v1 = λ1 f and v2 = λ2 f (17.4) If the media and have indices of refraction n1 and n2 , respectively, then Eq 17.3 leads to: n1 = c/v1 and n2 = c/v2 (17.5) 17.2 Reflection and Refraction of Light 565 Table 17.1 Some indices of refractiona Medium Index of refraction n Vacuum Exactly Airb 1.000 29 Carbon dioxideb 1.000 45 Water 1.333 Acetone 1.360 Ethyl alcohol 1.361 Sugar solution (30%) 1.38 Glycerin 1.473 Sugar solution (80%) 1.49 Benzene 1.501 Ice 1.309 Fused quartz 1.46 Polystyrene 1.49 Crown glass 1.52 Sodium chloride 1.544 Flint glass 1.66 Heaviest flint glass 1.89 Cubic zirconium 2.20 Diamond 2.419 Gallium 3.50 a For light with a wavelength of 589 nm traveling in a vacuum b At ◦ C and atm Using Eq 17.4 with Eq 17.5 will give: This gives: λ1 v1 c/n1 n2 = = = λ2 v2 c/n2 n1 (17.6) n1 λ1 = n2 λ2 (17.7) If medium is vacuum (or air), then n1 = and λ1 ≡ λ In addition, if n is the index of refraction of medium 2, and λn is its refracted wavelength, then we find that: n= λ Wavelength of the incident light in vacuum = λn Wavelength of refracted light in the medium (17.8) Since Eq 17.3 leads to the ratio v1 /v2 = n2 /n1 , then the law of refraction given by Eq 17.2 can be written as: 566 17 Light Waves and Optics n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2 (Snell’s Law) (17.9) This form of the law of refraction is known as Snell’s law of refraction, and we will use this form in tackling most of our examples To compare the refractive angle θ2 with the incident angle θ1 and the relative ratio n1 /n2 for a light beam propagating from medium to medium 2, we present the following results: • If n2 = n1 , then θ2 = θ1 In other words, the light beam will not be deflected (refracted) as it changes media, as in Fig 17.4a • If n2 > n1 , then θ2 < θ1 In other words, the light beam will refract and bend toward the normal as in Fig 17.4b • If n2 < n1 , then θ2 > θ1 In other words, the light beam will refract and bend away from the normal as in Fig 17.4c Normal θ1 Normal θ1 θ1 n1 n2 n1 n1 n2 n2 θ2 n > n1 n = n1 Normal θ1 θ1 (a) θ2 (b) θ1 θ2 n < n1 (c) Fig 17.4 Light propagating from a medium of index of refraction n1 into a medium of index of refraction n2 (a) When n2 = n1 , the beam does not bend (b) When n2 > n1 , the beam bends toward the normal (c) When n2 < n1 , the beam bends away from the normal Example 17.1 The wavelength of yellow light in vacuum is 600 nm (a) What is the speed of this light in vacuum and water? (b) What is the frequency of this light in vacuum and water? (c) What is the wavelength of this light in water? Solution: (a) The speed of the yellow light in vacuum (n = 1) and water (n = 1.333) can be obtained by using Eq 17.3 as follows: c = × 108 m/s and v = × 108 m/s c = = 2.25 × 108 m/s n 1.333 17.2 Reflection and Refraction of Light 567 (b) We use the equation v = λ f to prove that the frequency of the yellow light in vacuum and water is the same, as follows: f = c × 108 m/s = = × 1014 Hz λ 600 × 10−9 m fn = v c/n c = = = × 1014 Hz λn λ/n λ (c) By using Eq 17.8, we can calculate the wavelength of the yellow light in water as follows: λn = λ 600 × 10−9 m = = 4.501 × 10−7 m = 450.1 nm n 1.333 Example 17.2 A beam of monochromatic light traveling through air strikes a slab of glass at an angle θ1 = 60◦ to the normal, see Fig 17.5 The glass has a thickness t = cm and refractive index n = 1.52 (a) Find the angle of refraction θ2 (b) Show that the emerging beam is parallel to the incident beam (c) At what distance d does the beam shift from the original? θ1 θ Fig 17.5 Air n a t Glass n2 θ2 Air n = n θ2 d b θ3 Solution: (a) We apply Snell’s law at point a on the upper surface: (1) n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2 sin θ2 = n1 sin 60◦ = 0.5698 sin θ1 = n2 1.52 ⇒ θ2 = 34.7◦ (b) Applying Snell’s law again at point b on the lower surface gives: 568 17 Light Waves and Optics (2) n2 sin θ2 = n3 sin θ3 = n1 sin θ3 Substituting n2 sin θ2 from Eq (1) into (2) gives: sin θ1 = sin θ3 θ3 = θ1 Therefore, Thus, the slab does not alter the direction of the emerging beam, it only shifts the beam laterally by an offset distance of magnitude d (c) From the geometry of the figure, we find that: d = ab sin(θ1 − θ2 ) and cos θ2 = t/ab d= Thus: sin(θ1 − θ2 ) t cos θ2 Therefore, for a given incident angle θ1 , the refracted angle θ2 is solely determined by n2 , and the shift d is directly proportional to the thickness of the slab, t Substituting the values of θ1 , θ2 , and t, into the above relation gives: d= 17.3 sin(60◦ − 34.7◦ ) × cm = 0.52 cm cos 34.7◦ Total Internal Reflection and Optical Fibers When light is directed from a medium having a higher index of refraction n1 toward one having a lower index n2 , i.e n1 > n2 , the refracted ray is bent away from the normal At some particular angle of incidence θc , called the critical angle, see Fig 17.6, the refracted ray moves parallel to the boundary, i.e θ2 = 90◦ In addition, all the incident light energy will be associated with the reflected ray All rays having angles of incidence θ1 greater than θc are entirely reflected at the boundary, see ray in Fig 17.6 For those rays, the angle of incidence must be equal to the angle of reflection To find θc , we use Snell’s law given by Eq 17.9 and then substitute θ1 = θc and θ2 = 90◦ , to find that: n1 sin θc = n2 sin 90◦ = n2 (17.10) 17.3 Total Internal Reflection and Optical Fibers 569 Fig 17.6 When n1 > n2 , the angle of refraction θ2 will be incidence θ1 As θ1 increases, θ2 will increase until θ2 = 90◦ For θ1 > θc , all rays θ2 greater than the angle of n2 Totally reflected θ1 n1 θc θ c will be reflected without any 3′ refraction n1 > n 2′ Partially reflected θ θ1 θ > θc 4′ This gives: sin θc = When n1 n2 n1 (n1 > n2 ) (17.11) n2 , Eq 17.11 produces small values of θc Diamonds and Cubic zirconium crystals are good examples of media that have a high index of refraction The critical angle for a diamond crystal in air is θc = sin−1 (1/2.419) = 24.4◦ Any light ray inside the crystal that strikes its surfaces at an angle greater than the critical angle will be completely reflected back into the crystal This ray might undergo repeated total internal reflections within the crystal, and this causes the crystal to sparkle Another important feature of internal reflection is the use of a thin flexible pipe made of glass or transparent plastic as a light transmitter This kind of flexible light pipe is called an optical fiber As shown in Fig 17.7a, b, light is confined to travel within a thin curved fiber pipe because of successive total internal reflections A bundle of fibers can be used to form an optical fiber cable, as in Fig 17.7c This cable can transmit light, images, and even telephone calls from one point to another with little loss This technique is used extensively in modern industry and is known as fiber optics A physician can explore or even perform surgery by inserting a bundle of optical fibers into the human body, avoiding the need to make large incisions Optical fibers are also commonly used in fiber-optic communications, which permits data, voice, and video transmission over longer distances than other forms of communication media 570 17 Light Waves and Optics Light ray This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License and GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 (a) (c) (b) Fig 17.7 (a) A ray of light traveling in a curved transparent pipe by multiple total internal reflections (b) A bundle of optical fibers (c) An illuminated fiber optic audio cable Example 17.3 Part of a fish tank made of glass is shown in Fig 17.8 A ray starting from the left passes through the glass and is totally internally reflected at the water-air interface Take the index of refraction for the glass and water to be 1.5 and 1.33, respectively (a) Find the critical angle θc for the total internal reflection at the water-air boundary (b) Find the angle θ2 between the light ray and the normal inside the glass wall (c) Find the incident angle θ1 between the light ray and the normal to the glass n1 Air Air n2 n1 θc θc n3 θ3 θ2 θ2 θ1 Water Glass Fig 17.8 Solution: (a) To find θc , we apply Snell’s law at the water-air interface of the figure as follows: n3 sin θc = n1 sin 90◦

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