... sounds on the side of the transplanted lung but no adventitious sounds Review of pulmonary function testing shows an FEV1/FVC ratio of 50% of the predicted value and an FEV1 of 0.91 L Additionally, ... temperature of 38.4°C (101.1°F), blood pressure of 95/65 mmHg, heart rate of 110/min, respiratory rate of 25/min, and oxygen saturation of 92% on 100% face mask He has notable jaundice and icterus ... rate of 24, tidal volume of mL/kg, FIO2 of 1.0, and positive end-expiratory pressure of 12 cmH2O An arterial blood gas measurement is performed on these settings; the results are pH 7.20, PaCO2 of
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 22:18
... HARRISON'S EDITION P R I N C I P L E S OF INTERNAL MEDICINE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND BOARD REVIEW For use with the 15th edition of HARRISON’S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE EDITED BY RICHARD M STONE, ... Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: PreTest SelfAssessment and Review has been designed to provide physicians with a comprehensive, relevant, and convenient instrument for self-evaluation and review ... E S OF INTERNAL MEDICINE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND BOARD REVIEW NOTICE Medicine is an ever-changing science As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2020, 21:55
Ebook Harrison principles of internal medicine self-Accessment and board review (15th edition): Part 2
... cultures of jejunal aspirates 223 X-15 (Continued) ferential of 75% neutrophils, 10% bands, 10% lymphocytes, and 5% monocytes; hematocrit of 42%; and platelet count of 522,000/mL Plain film of the ... reveals an anxious patient with a temperature of 38.3ЊC (101ЊF) orally, blood pressure of 100/60, pulse of 120, and respiratory rate of 26 Her skin is cold and clammy The oral mucosa is dry Cardiac ... values include a hematocrit of 30% and a white blood cell count of 11,300/L with a shift to the left Flatplate and upright x-rays of the abdomen show some airfilled loops of small bowel but no air-fluid
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 07:19
... their cell of origin by the use of antisera and monoclonal antibodies against certain cell surface phenotypic markers and, more recently, by the use of DNA probes for immunoglobulin genes and genes ... to half of all cases of cardiotoxicity occur 6 months or more after completion of therapy. Efforts to limit cardiotoxicity and thereby enable the administration of a higher total dose of anthra- ... awareness of the epidemi- ology of cancers and the sensitivity and specificity of any proposed test. It is recommended that each time a patient is seen by his or her physician, cancers of the oral
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... hemiparesis and dysphasia. Demyelinization of the posterior columns leads to the ataxic gait and de- stroyed joints from loss of position sense characteristic of tabes dorsalis. About 10% of patients ... usually in the form of aneurysms of the ascending aorta. Gummas are nodules of granulomatous inflammation that involve the skin and skeleton. Gummas of the skin may take the form of nodules, a papulosquamous ... least 25% of adults and perhaps 50% of people in high-risk settings are infected. However, since different subtypes of HIV are prevalent in different geographic regions, the development of a single
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... properties of both ventricles, and the relative impedance of the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Defects of the sinus venosus type occur high in the atrial septum near the entry of the superior ... (erythema chronica migrans) and often flulike symptoms; a secondary stage with cardiac and/ or neurologic signs and symptoms; and a tertiary stage with arthritis. Lyme carditis most often is manifested ... 5% of patients treated with heparin and probably is due to platelet aggregation caused by heparin-induced antibodies. Therapy usually consists of discontinuation of the heparin and the use of
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... pharyngitis and fever have now resolved. Physical examination reveals a blood pressure of 180/96, pulse of 98, and a temperature of 37.1ЊC (98.7ЊF). Lab- oratory values reveal a serum creatinine of 177 ... examination he has a pulse of 120, blood pressure of 142/80, and weight of 72 kg (158 lb). He has diminished skin turgor and dry mucous membranes. He also has a fever of 38.9ЊC (102.0ЊF). Lab- ... complains of no symptoms referable to the urinary tract, and examination of urinary sediment is within normal limits. Which of the following studies should be performed next? IX. D ISORDERS OF THE
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... diffusion of hydrogen ions to the base of the ulcer and by binding other injurious molecules. Colloidal bismuth stim- ulates gastric mucosal secretion of prostaglandins and glycoprotein mucus and may ... tating complication of acute pancreatitis. It is characterized by sudden loss of vision and the presence of cotton-wool spots and hemorrhages in the area of the optic disc and macula. The cause ... amylase and lipase insofar as the pancreas is the only source of this enzyme. X-28. The answer is B. (Chap. 290) Carcinoma of the colon is the most common cause of mechanical obstruction of the
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... inflammation and destructive mutilation of head and neck tissues, may present with nasal and sinus symptoms. Ulcerations of the nasal septum and soft and hard palates are har- bingers of very destructive ... removal and leading to the deposition of immune complexes. Deposition of these complexes in tissues other than those of the reticuloendothelial system is responsible for the signs and symptoms of ... upper airway findings, the absence of vasculitis on biopsy, the absence of pulmonary and renal disease, and the presence of palatal perforation make the diagnosis of midline granuloma much more likely.
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... results. A random cortisol of 135 nmol/L (4.8 g/dL) in the middle of the stress of hypotension and an illness severe enough to warrant an intensive care unit are quite suggestive of adrenal ... junction of the osseous and cartilaginous portions of the ear. The treatment of choice is a 6-week course of ticarcillin or carbenicillin plus tobramycin. In addition, surgical debridement is often ... symptom of optic neuropathy due to glaucoma is loss of central vision XIII-31 A 65-year-old man with a long-standing history of hypertension complains of recurrent 30-min episodes of right
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... dorsiflexion of the ankle and great toe, and weakness of inversion and eversion of the foot. Sensory loss would be noted over the lateral aspect of the foreleg and the dorsal surface of the foot. ... Quantitation of albumin (adult) Quantitation of IgG... physician should be aware of the consequences of a relapse and should be willing to accept the risk About 60% of adults and 70% of children ... reflex, weakness of knee extension and foot dorsiflexion, and sensory loss over the anterior knee and the medial portion of the foreleg. A lesion of the L5 root would result in weakness of knee flexion,
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Harrison’s principles of internal medicine 21st edition 2022 part 14
... High levels of aluminum are found in the neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, as well as in the drinking water and soil of areas with ... pancreatitis occurs with stings of Tityus trinitatis in Trinidad, and central nervous toxicity complicates stings of Parabuthus and Buthotus scorpions of South Africa In Iran and adjacent countries, ... [DMSA]), and penicillamine; their specific use depends on the metal involved and the clinical circumstances Activated charcoal does not bind metals and thus is of limited usefulness in cases of acute
Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2023, 08:44
Lecture Notes Of Internal Medicine ppt
... decline of ejection fraction of the left ventricle or any valve lesion Treatment of acute cardtogenlc... in cases of ischaemic heart disease, hyperthyroidism and myocarditis • The effect of ... of blood pressure EB abnormal cerebral state i.e brain oedema, that is potentially reversible with control of blood pressure Sudden and marked increase of blood pressure ~ disturbance of ... Blurring of vision, non specific Easy fatigue Symptoms of complications Symptoms of the cause (2ry H.) (It is mostly asymptomatic) ~ii tfD $j ~ ~: ~:I = : Elevated blood pressure Signs of the
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:21
Báo cáo hóa học: " The efficacy and value of emergency medicine: a supportive literature review" pdf
... University of the Health Sciences, and George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA 2 The Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, ... aspect of EM efficacy. 1. Efficacy of EM for critical care and procedures 2. Efficacy of EM for efficiency or cost of care 3. Efficacy of EM for public health and p reventive medicine 4. Efficacy of ... only comprised of a journal article review, it was exempt from institutional review board approval. The journals reviewed included Annals of Emergency Medicine, Academic Emergency Medicine, theAmerican
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu 17th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine docx
... None of the above I-127. (Continued) SELF-ASSESSMENT AND BOARD REVIEW For use with the 17th edition of HARRISON’S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE EDITED BY CHARLES WIENER, MD Professor of Medicine ... problem solving. This book is offered as a companion to the remarkable 17th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. It is designed for the student of medicine to reinforce the knowl- edge ... expression of these disor- ders depends on a family of genes that can impart a certain degree of risk and then be modi- fied by subsequent environmental factors. The risk of the development of disease...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:20
... representative of the major areas covered in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th ed., and (2) parallel the format and degree of difficulty of the questions on the examination of the ABIM. ... of competence in internal medicine. Study of this self-assessment and review book should help to (1) identify areas of relative weakness; (2) confirm areas of expertise; (3) assess knowledge of ... EDITION SELF-ASSESSMENT AND BOARD REVIEW For use with the 15th edition of HARRISON’S PRINCIPLES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE EDITED BY RICHARD M. STONE, MD Clinical Director, Adult Leukemia Program Department of Adult...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
... correct? (A) Hand-foot syndrome characterized by diffuse swelling, tenderness, and warmth of the hands and feet in children under the age of 5 leads to chronic disability in about 10% of patients. (B) ... manifestations of the presence of such anti- bodies are hemolysis, which is generally not severe, and a mild elevation of the reticulocyte count, agglutination of red cells, and an increased rate of hemolysis ... subtypes of von Willebrand’s disease, therapy is required only for bleeding prophylaxis around the time of surgery and could include the use of arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) and/ or administration of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20