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Learn english for children 3 2

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NEI^#Uff*LEAIINI :i JH \.F -V s" ffd { l-i \ t*{ L J I - W t" l u,r i- NEW LET'' TEARN ENG L I$ H DON DALLA' LINDA PELHA,vI :,? ljqxtu$ ZE,':d LV ZV w 6Z w tv 9" sAwd ?.,-****i*j[S*e ?aqe After echool 55 1 Funin the ?ark 60 Our birthdaye 65 Revieion unitelo-12 70 Nowand then 73 14 Cam?inglaet eummer 7B Theweather B3 Revision unite1g-1o fn rny kitchen BB 91 17 gounds we hear 96 A good brother 101 Revi eion Unite 1o-1o 106 r_ pu!) I L A+r1 0n0u s 0ul>UoM-pJ0L,l JOAOIC I n ld leq Wwv Azol c T ' J On OICs,oLls'A;l0Soos uoc I !y: /D* L-10]u 0L U // ) Our lr oq6op S )/ I u!0u! s sprlq v OurArcUIO Oull lol ro lom T 'raqloupuolb Jorl rll!^ lrod oql u! sl Al,reqC'ppol pup uals!'l t: # L f \Sg Fun Reqding SuddenlyEricheord0 n o ise He thoughtthere wctscl robberoutside in the corridor Lost nightEricToylorcould not sleep I c on heorhim w0l k i n g I heorthe door I conheorit opening Ericpickedup ctvose stondingon the bedsidetoble The door opened.Eric roisedthe vose to smoshit on the robber'sheod S udden l yt h e l i g h tw e n t o n It wos his wife Whot ore you doing? It's onlyme Act the story tG & )r)dd#\ auood s,AlJotlCAps noA uoc trnoN 'lLl0lulo poq u! oll I uoqM uocI JooL,l '0ulrl6no;'0ulL,l6no1 LUIL,I ')or,llolAtuJootluocI '+rl6lulo poq u! oll I uotlM 'tfieods,upsns Aps nlt W'/ ( JooLluoc I 'so1 Oul)lolJoL,l JootlnoAuoC Lwny1; E W, 0ur lro q 0u lq0nol 'OulL,l0nol uoc I 'so1 JooL4 LulL,l noAuoC LpoCJooL,l 'lel sup pup )sV 'dae1slouupc fuleqg pup upsns H Look ond tick (/) or cross(X) L u$s% 1T L2 Somewoteris folling I A monis snoring A womonis shouting T A workmonis bonging Somechildren orepushing I I o comel Two girlsore collecting firewood Two dogsore borking A youngwomonis pocking I I o bog An oldwomonis boiling woter | | 10 A cot is climbing the tree L-, 11 Twowomenoreloughing.L ] 12 A bobyis crying d+| c Ps c t{ fut ' p uno Jp uo punorl! poMolloloH 'Alilonnqoql Jollo uoj puo u!t.ls-I slrl lto )ool Ailof V l'Vx*8V;o6 Iil ff aoul Jol ll r.{c}ocnoA uoC 'Ailef 'Ap.roilnq Inlnnooqloql lo )ool s 'Addor.l Jolstsslr,lo)otu ol poluoM orl lnq lom Oul+ooo)ll lou plp Auof t ioLUllq qoJc orll- iMo 'JOntJOrll olu! po)lo/\A puo sJosnollslr,ldn polloJ or.fuoql- 'seoqs slrl lJo )ool Auof 'Jolstsolnll slrl ponol Auof 'x!s som oluulM puo uooplrllsom Alof 'Ailof 'Jolstsopill JnoA lo oloc o)ol puo otuoL,llo AotS 'oluorllo Aolso+ luom lou plp oluulg 'Arolsorll ol uolsll pup ppod $ffirysgffirq ffiffin3$ v ffi V f,} q fr' f,""e t Lookout, Jerry! Je rry did not see o big stoneon the ground.He trippedover it ond hit hi s heod g Thot nightWinniecouldnot sleep She thoughtobouther brother She wos sod O Co Jerry wos tired ond dirty.Therewos o big hole in his T-shirt.He went to his roomond fell osleepon the bed LO Winniewent into the kitchen.She took o coke out of the fridge room 12 LL Winniewentintoherbrother's ondgovehimthe coke You'reo very good brother Mrs Williomssmiledos she wotched th e ch ild r e n A!lr';A ': fO ,",9I93 'o0plJtolll Io lno o)oc 'lL.l 0lu loL,ll 'puno;6ol4luo ouolsOtqo 'qoJc oL,ll 'lomOulpoo 'oLUoL1 lo Aols ol 'JOlStSS!L,l lou plp oos lollo )ool 2l 6i\ dluulM:0L ornlc!d plnocoluulM :b ornlc!d :t oJnlcld Alef tt OJnIC!d Alof L OJn}Cld Alof o!uu!M (, oJnlcld Alof L OJnICld deels luom r.lcloc o>l!l o)ol 'spron osaqllo rurollcoJrocorll osn socuoluosor,llaloldruog / T T T 'Jor.l Jol1 1qOnoc fule1 'qorco poluo^ otuutM (p 'rouurpAuoenoqlou plp puo dee;so oH 'porllsomArrel (c llol 'lou plnocor.llnq ll qclocol popl fule1 (q 'o1oco LU;L4 enoOoqs 'Alep lo; furossomoluutM (o T 'Alpepnqo poluomotuulMuorll '{o;do} }no}uo^ eluulMpuofurepAopeug (e 'sexoq oql u! sJoqunu aql olpn 'repro1q6;leql u! socueluosor{llnd r r t: Winniewroteq letterto her friend Rose.Finishthe letterfor her Dear Roea, YesterdayI wenVout,to Vlaywilh my brolher.We L riverI sawa crab.My brolher2 the river,A-.r,he to ffi a buttertly My brolher Nriedlo iNfor me,Then overa big oNoneand catch iNbuNhe could nof,,He h is h e a d , My brother wao very lired wh e nwe q o l h o m e ,He aeleeV, le d i d n o l h a v eanydinner,le waoveryhunqry.Laf,erin Lhe niqht I hima cake,I eaid eorry Noo,I lovemy brotherand he loveeme, Youre, Winnie ,ANG+Ar"E to;,ut !W I)rr)vdd- ill ,oluulM 'AU!pos s,ll 'ssoJpJnoA lo )ool lng G,ffi h r.y41-qm'o?J, : r 'oAooooe $ 'umopilS L\uUp o luonnnoAoC 'LlJnfN F$ l iA"qA ,noooooo I _: r 'Oopor4lpol I puo sluoldoL,llpoJolon I 'sollslporll poqso^I uoouJollo slrll 'ulnn 'sosuodsoJlceJJocorll )cn pup ppod Rsul$lom6 Whotcon you see in the picture?Ask qnd tick Look, reod ond mqtch Conyou heoro mon? Conyou heoro bird? Conyou heorsomechildren? Conyou heoro womon? Conyou heorthem? Conyou heorhim? Conyou heorher? Conyou heorit? lgl RevfrroN r - o {T e ilqqor Aol sl!ncs!q slooq t -t V - )ooq loocutoJ r@ ollojqrun 'lc!l puo uols!'t L>lcpdoq plp lorl^ Appllor{uo luo^ ouaeg ffi (i' uoouJouo oLlluI t6l AI qClOM ol o0 looL,lcs 0u!uJotuoL,lluI L,lCUnl OAOLI oosoLllur r,urMs opu lloqlo)soqAold o)!q s!L,l 'Aps pup plp op uour!s )oo-l lfuoplelseA loLt^ a H Reqd: Grqndpq's Birthdqy Yesterdoyit wos Grondpo'sbirthdoy so Tessoond Susie'smothercooked o specioldinnerfor Grondpoond G rondm oT h e g i r l sh e l p e dth e ir mother.Tessopreporedsome vegetoblesond SusiehelpedMother cook some chicken.The food s melle dd e l i c i o u s ThenTessoput somefruitin o bowl Firstshe put someorongesin the bowl.Thensheput in some Afterthot she put strowberries somegropeson top of the fruitin the bowl Susieloidthe toblefor dinner.She put the bowl of fruit on the toble Next to the fruit bowl she put o vose of flowersond Grondpo'sbirthdoy coke Everythingwos reody At eighto'clockthe girlsheordthe door open.Dod come in with Gr o n d p oo n d Gr o n d m oT h en U ncl e Jock, UncleJim ond Aunt Kothy come.The wholefomilyhod o lovelymeol After dinner,everyonesong Hoppy BirthdoyDeorGrondpoond gove him o birthdoycord ond o present Then it wos time for the birthdoy coke.It wos delicious.Grondpotold lots of storiesondjokes Everyone hod o lovelytime ond the girls stoyedup lote i r c -{gg/ '(do+)SOtaSed.ro;selsar) '!(tq&yuo+loq)g5a8ed roJ slqroJ / pleuocrlt uuy,fte1rr1 :({a7 a1pp1w)96 aSed ro, srqro) / uossua s p.alro.1 :(lrq81tdoil oeaSed.ro;selqqng / {rorpoo6 ar.uua{ :1ala7 wo1loq)77 a8ed roJ srqro) / Wuarc plereD :1t48u applu) 77 a8edrot srqro) / oqprsrD Tlrred :1{a7alpptw) 77 a8ed.ro; saSeuq AnaCI suorpnpord MS :(#I dot) 77 a8edlo; sa8eurydnaC / qlFu5 qqou :1{a1uoaaoq)7gaSud roJ srqroJ / sralnag / uos8poll ue1 !(ttq&1t fut)W a8ed.royslqro) / 'oC ry opqcl / ralup\ a €C :1t48Uuoqqoq) 99 aSed.ro;Ials.rapupXStrgroq / IJeDIrug Ined :(atryw uogqoq)99 aSed.ro; dalsrapupXStrgroq / ramnl qilpnl ggaBedroJVCtH drua11f1pg :1{a1wosqoq) aSed prll961 lntSUatpplu) ':(fui ge a8ed ro1slqroJ :1{alwoAqoq) 91 a8ed.ro; sa8uu4 &pC / p.rebuo.r; a,ra1g :({qqpryw) 96 a8ed pve ({at fui gt aSed.ro;{ropremod / uosua a'I uelv :sqderSopqd acnpo.rdarol uorssrurred.rol SuurrolloJ eql o11rya1u.r8alu aM lqSuddoc dqde.r8o1oq4 lq8ptS &eX'sdIIITq.I rnqlrv 'poordaH pIAeC'd,ruag {IFS ro^all '{oof, qlas uollu4snIII too) puelSug,ZDI zNg uolq8lrg VCH dq sraqs[qn.I etp roJ paredar4 e11api1seDlrerCdq ufedS ur pa]rmcl +dVtqsq8ug ueru8uo'I uI pS 6-9920-8907-r -I L6 NgSI 8002uorssardun rpJnod 9002uI paqsTlqndlsrld duedruoDuolleJnpfl uosr€acl€ palpulT EIsV uonernpfl uosread 'raqslqnd pur8rro aql tplzn luaruaSuerre dq paqs[qncl 'pelrasa1 slq8fU 11V 0002palnm-I eIsV uorlernpfl uosreaclO rySFddor uoplpa purBIrO patrunT uo1le)npfl uosr€aa dq V00ZOry&rddoc uoneldnpv 9002PalnuIT uopernpfl uosrBado ruoJ'u€ruSuol'/vvvr/v\ 'plro1,4 palelrossv pue aqr saruedruof, lnoq8norql ruop8trry pelrun g[Z gAN) xessfl /vr.olr€H'alsDqS.rnqulpg pelnmT uopBJnpfl uosrEacl I S B N - - E0 - illililil [...]... likeshopping Whotthingscon we buY? Betty,it's Aunt Helen'sbirthdoyon Soturdoy Let'shoveo portyfor her t Q Q orongejuice We con buy somechocolotes, ondo cordfor AuntHelen ond biscuits, ond We buythemin the supermorket the bookshop.Conwe go now? Answerthe questions 1 Whosebirthdoyis it? It is 2 Whenis her birthdoY? It is 3 Do Bettyond her motherbuy o birthdoycord? PBAcnct Jffi RseorNG ll[s OuHIs tL ldoo) 6ul)tol... Good!Now I've got two sweetthings 2 Is thereonythingsolty on yourcords? It's your turn Yes,hereyouore Crispsore solty Good!Now I've got two soltythings I've got two sourthings,two sweetthingsondtwo soltythings I've got no morecords.I win Pr cfc et 'ool suotuolo)!l I 'so^ ) t) d d 2 fvd " ffi o)!llou soopouoog so)!louoog 'ol!JAA :ruol 'LlJOL,ll O)!l I 'LlJLUl/\:OUOO8 3 i)c!no 'JOIOM OI.UOSoLUOAIC 'lot-{oo}... Oulloost fuoy11 ;,6u;1upppup Fu;pe AeWeto il)tll1 )ool puo uols!-l W V uroFuno3 ? # Listenqnd reod.Bunnyond Kitty qre in o restouront @dwMffi Lunch t) Lunch C Lunch B Vegetables Vegetables Rice Vegetables Ice cream Fruit @ ,'egetobles? - creom fruit? coffee I wontteo rrI r,,vou ore Kitty Ask Bunny whqt he wqnts for lunch N t"1' 2oi roOUry\lrlll/r^rouulcl rNfovrdq spuouj s!r,l puore6t eqt [l stor,uluv... qs AeuoLl v J o0ns c G*, 'pool orll lo solsDl eql lnoqp IlpI 'lool pup uols!'I {'S ?!n f ; rf f r{$ 3 listen ond reod.Tolk obout the food solty? Yes,thereis Pototocrispsore solty sweet? No, sweet ll- {/ \ a3 \_l , sh Beeno'snotes.Whichfood is ? Writethe nqmeshere ?Heet s alt y AN6 ^ r ro trs ll"/ f 2 tv , 6 ,, aosoold'AtJnc uo)clL,lc o^oL.l I uoc ')o '+ol,lst Allncuo)cll,lc'so^ alol,|oulrll^uooJoLllsI... mustkeepquiet in the librory You mustsit stillin the clossroom Youmustn't musicroom You mustwolk in the corridor Nowhelpthe heodmosterto write the rulesfor Beeno'sschool ru I es 5 ch o o l a Do n o l ? l a y i n th e ca n fe e n , 2 KeeVquietin the library 3 5 Pn c fc ^l]J ... - : Bo \ Listen qnd reod Ken is o prefect in the corridor ,/-/ \ \/ (( )) \^-/ librory *'{owyou qre Ken 4 3 il,lotchthe pictures with the sentences \Vritethe numbers in the boxes T You I You T You T You wolkin the corridor p loyin the holl eot in the clossroom keepquietin the librory ANn A t Forri -lg ieAqpooC'oluor1 6ul o0u, I' t r lo l' l oot l cs rnoAo)ll l,uopI i;oopr1o ff "' llllslls lsnu no^... on,I 'drtlsocodsAru.:' , 'dtL,lsocods o lo0 on,I 'sAo1aql lnoqo ltpl 'ppor puo uels!'l ff[ t: ? 'l = oj Fun Reqding ConI hovethot redcor,pleose? The boysbuythe bluecors 2 Conwe hovethose bluecors,pleose? -:'e youore.Two pounds,pleose, The childrenploywith their new cors.They do not see Chorlie He is b e h in do b u sh littlegirlwontso cor,pleose Whot'shoppening? Oh, deor!Whichis my cor? O horlieis no... wontice creom Do you likeice creom? Oao I @ E\ mother I wont' Whot do they order?Tell the teqcher Are you reodyto ordernow? Yes,pleose.I wontmeotbolls ThenI wontice creomond coffee Pr*c,'lcn ^@ l f ) x d2f v f, 'alul^ aosotll olp sotlslp osorfAA 'o)oc luo^ l,usoopoLls octJsluo^ oLls.uo)clrlc lnq sluoMoLls :ons aluoMuuv sooploqM :JOlOd 'octnIe6uolo luoMl,usoopor.llnq solqolooensluoMoH uo)ctr.lc sluoMoH... shops? Eo;k There'so fruitbosket.It's in the fruitshop Thereore someboots.They'rein the clothesshop L biscuits o roincoot @ fruitbosket # boots 4 o pot plont on umbrello jeons socks Vo.'AB#i Aii{t r tn:ioJ3*vl'rcNvT!s oJ,AotlI esllncstqoL,lloJo Lqsll olll sl 's)uuppup pool orll lnoqp suollsonbJonsuo pup )sv 'lo)Jptujodns oql lp oro uorpllrlc orll 'dol4sAol o solzzndAnqoM aso7zndAnqo^ op T,T"iiJ:, qj 'lo>UoruJedns... wet in the fountoin Ch o r lieo n d Ch e r r yo r e hoppynow.Cherryis weoringher new roincootond boots Chorlieis weoringhis new wotch Finishthe sentences C- rrl i e i s (cleverI politeI hord-working) - 3 nos o g oodideo H e : -ys o wotchI goesshoppingwith his mother I ploysunderthe fountoin) *{| G ?"9r ioop!pooc 'spunoduooulL,ll oJ,Aorll 'doL,ls Jomollol4lol oOs,lol 'dol4sJomollo ut sJoMolJ AnqoM ft

Ngày đăng: 21/09/2016, 10:16

Xem thêm: Learn english for children 3 2

