PLASTIC MATERIAL I) Plastic and rubber Nhựa Place of origin Plastic is a material consisting of any of a wide Cao su thuộc loại polyterpene có công thức phân tử (C5H8)n Cao su range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics thiên nhiên trích lỹ từ mủ cao su.Trong mủ cao su có hydrocarbon (90- that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects of diverse shapes Application Cao su - 95%), protein, đường , acid béo.Ép đóng khuôn sấy khô không khí hun khói thu cao su thô Cao su gồm loại cao su tự nhiên cao su tổng hợp Plastics are used as everyday objects such - Rubber as doors, cups, bowls, furniture applied as products such as cushions, wheels, synthetic The mechanical properties of plastics with higher then used as objects of engineering, such as mold making, are durable toughness Rubber should be rubber cords, bulbs II) Features thermoset and thermoplastic Thermoset Thermoplastic Heating the solid hard Heating is flexible There is a fixed shape, it can not blanket the 2nd heat Available in many forms: grain, powder The degree of cross-linking so hard chemical high So the reaction can Maybe when the heating blanket (several hundred degrees) It will not occur contrary, due to the structure of polymer fixed, if heated 2nd harden when cooled to room temperature it will be destroyed rather than melting Hardness and brittle The long chain polymer will melt when heated Can repeat the process, if the temperature is too high will cause reduced quality materials Crystal level (with the crystalline and amorphous regions) III) The additives in the injection molding industry a) Accelerators toughness: Restructuring HD PP plastic circuits for increased impact resistance EX: PLUB NA21, POE, POgMA b) Chất tạo trắng: Tạo màu trắng sứ, giúp màu sp VD: TUPYRE R103, K-828 c) Siêu tẩy: Hấp thu ánh sáng tạo vung ánh sáng xanh tổng hợp, giúp màu sp tươi VD: OB-1, OBN-1, OB 129, OB-X d) Tăng lỏng: chất tẩy trắng quang học dạng lỏng VD: CZ-35 e) Tăng cứng, giảm co ngót, giảm cong vênh: Tăng mật độ kết tinh, đồng vùng kết tinh rút ngắn thời gian kết tinh VD: NU11, PLUB NA21 f) Tươi màu: Giúp phân tán màu, chống cháy màu gia công VD: PLUB26, AntiOX g) Kháng UV lão hóa: Giúp kéo dài tuổi thọ khả chịu môi trường cho sản phẩm VD: MASTER UV IV) The viscosity of the plastic - The plastic viscosity is a measure of the friction characteristics of the resin flow (gas, liquid ) The higher viscosity, fluid flow in the tube harder plastic (large friction