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TOEIC Grammar Quiz 6 & 7

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TOEIC Grammar Quiz TOEIC Grammar Quiz Write down your answers Check your answers at TOEIC Gram Quiz Review 126 Mrs Jones’ argument _ of the proposal was well-taken and changed many minds (A) in favor for (B) in favor of (C) at favor for (D) by favor in 127 If any problems _, please not hesitate to contact me at 530-753-0557 (A) arising (B) should have arisen (C) should arise (D) arose 128 This is _ of one arm of the company having no idea what the other arm is doing (A) a case classic (B) classic a case (C) a classic case (D) case, a classic 129 My secretary has arranged a meeting _ the situation this afternoon at 4:00 (A) discussion (B) discussing (C) to discuss (D) will be discussed 130 We believe our new office arrangement better facilitates communication between management and workers (A) what (B) that (C) that when (D) in that 131 Intel's vast array of computer chips its way into the majority of the world's computers (A) has found (B) have found (C) have been finding (D) having been found 132 Because your account is more than six months , it has been referred to collection (A) on arrears (B) in the rear (C) in arrears (D) in a rear Toeic Test Master Cdrom 133 Because of weather conditions over Europe, there will be a two hour delay in the _ arrival time of Swiss Air Flight 1590 (A) schedule (B) schedules (C) scheduling (D) scheduled 134 With so many weapons in our arsenal, we can drag this case though the courts for (A) years (B) yearly (C) the years (D) the year 135 The article in the newspaper indicated that the cruise in Seattle during the first week of April (A) will begin (B) will have been begun (C) beginning (D) begun 136 Unable to articulate its position clearly, saw public opinion swing against it (A) a company which (B) the company that (C) it was the company that (D) the company 137 Free market economists deplore the of artificial trade barriers between nations (A) exist (B) existing (C) existence (D) existential 138 By paying his dues, Mr Washington _ the business ladder slowly but surely (A) is ascended (B) was ascended (C) will have ascended (D) ascended 139 I am calling on behalf of our Purchasing Department _ the status of our order of July 15th (A) ascertained (B) who can ascertain (C) to ascertain (D) ascertaining 140 What the final cost will be cannot be known yet, but the price is $225,000 (A) asked (B) ask (C) asks (D) asking 141 His favorite aspect of the business is forging the interpersonal connections _ to increase business exposure (A) necessitate (B) necessitating (C) necessary (D) necessarily 142 Before you begin to assemble this , carefully read the directions given in the owner's manual (A) productive (B) production (C) product (D) produces 143 The assembly decided to recommend an increase in import duties by (A) percent of twelve (B) twelve of a percent (C) twelth percentage (D) twelve percent 144 the assent of the Board, we are obliged to postpone our plans to implement the strategy (A) Without (B) However (C) Unless (D) Nevertheless 145 In her _ conference, the Chairwoman asserted her belief that the economy was beginning to expand (A) press (B) pressing (C) pressure (D) impression 146 In the wake of the Concorde crash, Air France was forced to assess requirements for the supersonic aircraft (A) to maintain (B) maintain (C) maintained (D) maintainance 147 The manager’s assessment of the economic downturn was disheartening to all _ present (A) who (B) whose (C) that (D) those 148 The county tax assessor has reappraised our parcel, and _ our property taxes for the year (A) therefore increasing (B) thereby increased (C) there he increased (D) is increased that Toeic Test Master Cdrom 149 Her assets include , life insurance policies, and a large number of muncipal bonds (A) property estate real (B) estate real property (C) estate property real (D) real estate property 150 Jennifer Wong _ the responsibility of reorganizing the files of every corporate client (A) assigning (B) has being assigned (C) has been assigned (D) who assigned TOEIC Grammar Quiz TOEIC Grammar Quiz Write down your answers Check your answers at TOEIC Gram Quiz Review 151 In advance of the impending visit by our _, your assignment is to rent a large meeting hall in which we can hold meetings and buffets (A) distribution (B) distribute (C) that distribute (D) distributors 152 With the merger, Oracle will assimilate three computer start-ups into its structure (A) corporate (B) incorporate (C) corporation (D) incorporation 153 In order to assist us in our ongoing efforts to improve service, this call may be _ or taperecorded for future use (A) a monitor (B) moitoring (C) monitored (D) being monitored 154 If you need assistance, a Delta representative will be waiting in the entry hall as you deplane (A) those (B) each (C) any (D) every 155 The job announcement an assistant curator for the University of California-Davis Art Museum (A) that is for (B) it is for (C) who is for (D) is for 156 Mr Assaf, a close business associate of mine, will be during the week of August 10th (A) into town (B) in town (C) on town (D) onto town Want to improve your TOEIC score? 157 This original play has been brought to you by our (A) student graduate association (B) association student graduate (C) graduate association student (D) graduate student association 158 From these x-rays of your lungs, I assume are a heavy smoker (A) that you (B) whom you (C) why you (D) in that you 159 My assumption is _ transportation will be provided from the JFK airport to the downtown Hyatt Regency (A) when (B) why (C) whose (D) that 160 You have my personal assurance be cancelled, you will receive an immediate and full refund (A) when this cruise should (B) that should this cruise (C) since this cruise should (D) while this cruise should 161 This traveler's health insurance policy assures you of treatment at (A) any emergency room hospital (B) any hospital emergency room (C) any room emergency hospital (D) any hospital room emergency 162 _ the booming economy, astronomical stock market gains have been registered in every sector (A) When (B) While (C) Although (D) As a result of 163 The Monsanto company attaches significance to its customer-client relationships (A) hard (B) hardly (C) great (D) greatly 164 As an attachment to this email _ the technical specifications for the hydraulic pumps under consideration (A) please find (B) please to find (C) please finding (D) please found 165 Because of the constantly shrinking job market, college graduates are finding it difficult to attain a job (A) increased and (B) increase that (C) increasingly (D) to increase so 166 All attempts a reservation on any flight to Hawaii for the Christmas vacation have proved futile (A) it obtained (B) which it obtained (C) who obtained (D) to obtain 167 As a stockholder of the Coca-Cola Company, you are invited to attend the annual stockholder's meeting to be held April 15th (A) in Atlanta on (B) at Atlanta in (C) at Atlanta during (D) by Atlanta at 168 Because of the great importance the President places on this project, attendance at the meeting is mandatory (A) who is (B) which (C) that he is (D) whose 169 You your car with the attendant in the parking garage who will return it to you upon your return (A) may have left (B) may be leave (C) may leaving (D) may leave 170 In today's , each company must be attentive to even the slightest changes (A) environment changing quickly business (B) quickly changing business environment (C) changing quickly business environment (D) business environment changing quickly 171 Finally, in this letter of recommendation, I to attest to the great work ethic which Ms Abrahamson has brought to the company (A) had better (B) would rather (C) would like (D) had rather 172 Formal attire will be required for all company events _ during the conference (A) attended (B) that attend (C) which are attending (D) who are being attended Need a 990 on the TOEIC Test? 173 Here at Allied Van Lines, we believe the attitude you bring to your job helps determine whether we can receive repeat orders from our customers (A) that (B) in that (C) in whose (D) in which 174 Without attorneys _ possible legal situations, corporations may find themselves mired in endless court challenges (A) to handle (B) who are handled (C) whom they are handling (D) handling to 175 The combination of wildly interesting graphics of navigation attracts over a million visitors a day to the site (A) but ease (B) also ease (C) and ease (D) though ease ... assigned (C) has been assigned (D) who assigned TOEIC Grammar Quiz TOEIC Grammar Quiz Write down your answers Check your answers at TOEIC Gram Quiz Review 151 In advance of the impending visit... increase so 166 All attempts a reservation on any flight to Hawaii for the Christmas vacation have proved futile (A) it obtained (B) which it obtained (C) who obtained (D) to obtain 1 67 As a stockholder... for 1 56 Mr Assaf, a close business associate of mine, will be during the week of August 10th (A) into town (B) in town (C) on town (D) onto town Want to improve your TOEIC score? 1 57 This

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2016, 21:36



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