INSTITUTO CATÓLICO DE EDUCAÇÃO E CULTURA MATER COELI Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Professor: Douglas Aluno: _ Série: _ Número: The gun debate There is too much violence in the U.S How to reduce it? It still hurts The shootings at Columbine High School in Littletown, Colorado, have left painful dark marks on the nation It hurts to think of the two gunmen and the 15 lives they took It hurts to think that anything like this could ever happen again To make sure that it doesn’t happen again, the nation is pausing on the anniversary of the Columbine shootings to reflect on how to prevent such tragedies in the future The anniversary has instigated a national debate about how to reduce all types of gun violence The president of the congress, private groups and ordinary citizens have all entered the debate from two different viewpoints: Do we need more gun laws or we need better enforcement of the laws we already have? There is great discussion on that question But one fact no one can deny: 4.223 Americans aged 19 and younger were killed or killed themselves with a gun in the period of one year That’s nearly a dozen kids a day An additional 28.186 adults were killed What can be done to avoid more deaths? 1- Este texto fala sobre o quê? 2a) b) c) d) e) f) Answer in English Where the shootings occurred Number of people killed Why the American people are pausing to reflect about such tragedies What the anniversary of the shooting has instigated Two different viewpoints A fact that no one can deny 3- A causa das tragédias é mencionada no texto? Se sua resposta for sim, retire texto uma oração que a comprove 4- Do we need more gun laws or we need better enforcement of the laws we already have? Explique os dois pontos de vista mencionados neste período retirado texto 5- Marque as opções corretas: a) ( ) The text is about a disease b) ( ) Many young people have been killed recently in the USA c) ( ) The shootings happened in Huston, Texas d) ( ) There a solution for this violence e) ( ) There is not too much violence in the USA