MUSIC I ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW • What types of music you know? Which is your favourite? • What you need if you want to listen to music? • Where you go if you want to listen to live music? • Where can you learn to play a musical instrument? II MATCH THE WORDS ON THE LEFT WITH THEIR DEFINITIONS ON THE RIGHT band choir orchestra musician composer songwriter conductor baton pop star 10 singer 11 vocalist 12 lyrics 13 tone-deaf A a famous pop singer B a person who sings C unable to tell the difference between different musical notes D a large group of musicians who play different musical instruments together E words of a song F a wooden stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band G a person who plays a musical instrument H a singer who sings with a pop group I a person who composes (writes) music J a small group of musicians who play popular music such as rock, pop or jazz K a person who writes songs L a large group of people who sing together M a person who conducts (directs) an orchestra III MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10 drums 12 trombone 11 accordion 13 triangle 13 cymbals 15 cello 14 clarinet 16 French horn 19 harp 20 tambourine 17 xylophone 18 cymbals 19 harp 13 cello Put the instruments above into the correct group • • • • • String instruments: Brass instruments: Percussion instruments: Wind instruments: : Keyboard instruments: IV WHAT DO THESE VERBS MEAN? TRANSLATE THEM INTO SLOVENE • • • • • • Play (music) by ear Hum a tune Whistle a song Tune the piano Record a song Read music V COMPLETE THE WORDS IN THE SENTENCES VI ANSWER: Do you like music? What kind of music you listen to? Who is your favourite singer/band? Have you ever seen them play/sing live? Have they made any albums? What is your favourite song? Who is it by? Do you often go to concerts? Have you ever been to the opera? Do you sing? Have you ever sung in a choir? When you listen to songs with lyrics, you try to understand the lyrics? Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, which? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pop/rock star? 10 Write a short composition about your favourite band My favourite band is They play music In the band there are members: They play (instruments).They started playing together in They have made albums Their number one hit is My favourite band