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Grade: 6th Grade Date: ENGLISH WORKSHEET NAME: CONTENT: Adjectives to describe people’s behavior, how to compare people OBJECTIVE: With this worksheet you will practice the use of adjectives and comparison How to describe people? In English there are words that describe people’s character, and others to describe their physical appearance: People’s Character 1) ambitious: Possessing a desire to be successful 16) diligent: Hard working in a careful, steady manner 2) cooperative: Able to work well with others together for a common purpose 17) creative: Not bound by the norm 18) self-motivated: The ability to begin tasks and to finish tasks without someone asking you to 3) cheerful: Good humored, bright and pleasant 4) respectful: Feeling or showing honor for the feelings and rights of others 19) patriotic: Respectful and devoted to one's country 20) punctual: On time, prompt *5) self-respect: To demonstrate a positive opinion of oneself * 21) perseverance: To continue working in spite of difficulties and obstacles 6) courageous: without fear 22) reliable: Following commitments 7) committed: Bound to a course of action 23) courteous: Well-mannered and polite towards others 8) loyal: Faithful to a person, team, or country 24) honest: someone who always says the truth 9) determined: Staying firm, steadfastness 25) fair: To be honest and just 10) trustworthy: Responsible, dependable, reliable, faithful, and loyal 26) patient: Able to wait calmly without complaining 11) tolerant: Respecting the individual differences, beliefs, and views of others 27) clean: Free from dirt, neat and tidy 28) self-controlled: Having control over one's actions and feelings 12) empathic: The ability to sense and understand what another person is feeling 13) kind: Friendly, considerate, and willing to help others 29) compassionate: Showing sympathetic feelings, showing pity or mercy 14) thankful: A feeling of appreciation for something given or done 30) independent: Being self-reliant, not dependent on others 15) generous: Willing to give and share, unselfish 31) wise: Having accumulated learning, good sense and judgment I Exercises: A) He is always on time, he is very p _ B) This work is so original, the author is c C) My mother is one of the most c people I know, she is always telling jokes and smiling D) He never left me alone; he is a l friend E) My big brother always keeps his promises, he is r F) My father was a very r _ boy, he was never told-off by his parents G) The hero of the movie must be c _ to fight all those enemies H) I’m madly in love, he opened the door for me, he is so c I) He never has any mistakes on his writing, because he is very d to work J) I have friends with different opinions, and we quarrel, that is because we are very t with each other’s opinions K) Andy was t _ to his mother, because she helped him L) She has many friends because she is very e , she easily understands how they feel M) That man is quite tight-fisted, he never leaves any tip He is not g _ N) In order to be a great student, you need to be a l and keep studying along your life O) My great-grandfather is 102 years! He is a very _ man, he knows a lot P) That student seems s because he always hands in the worksheets on time, and without any mistakes People’s Appeareance: Height Build Age frail tall stocky short young slim medium height elderly thin middle-aged chubby fat skinny well-built Face Eyes Hair round big oval round square blue eyes with scares small wrinkles bright freckles narrow Clothes bald casual scruffy straight curly shabby smart tidy spiky sun-tanned wavy pale messy Dora Madonna Esmeralda Eddie, Floyd and Jane Denis Tsui-Lee Pierrot Bozzo III Look at the drawings and complete the following sentences: Eddie is (height) _ Tsui-Lee has(eyes) Madonna has (hair) Denis is(face) Pierrot is (biuld) _ Jane is (height) _ Esmeralda is (age) _ 10 Dora is (face, color) _ Esmeralda’s face is 11 Floyd is (height) Bozzo is very _ 12 Doras has (eyes) IV Classify the following adjectives: Confident Ambitious Funny Shy Tall Short Sun-tanned Scruffy Thin Chubby Easy-going Patient Bald Smart Extroverted Humorous Freckles Curly Blonde Describing People Appearance Character V Complete the gaps in the following sentences: A) I used to be quite well- _when I was younger but now I'm not so fit B) Karen is in her _ If fact she'll be 28 next week C) My eldest daughter is quite _ People often think she's younger than she is because of her size D) Have you seen Mary's new boyfriend? He's so _ Apparently he used to be a male model E) Since I had that cold I've lost so much weight I've never looked this _before F) The police are looking for two men: one quite short and the other one medium- _ G) The doctor told me I was _and needed to cut down on the amount of fatty foods I eat H) There are almost 11 million _people in the UK who are over the age of 65 I) You need to be quite _to play basketball Many players are over 2m J) Sarah has two _little girls They're so pretty VI Write the synonym for each clue: a) A more polite way of describing fat people _ b) The opposite of tall _ c) A man that is attractive is _ d) A woman that is pretty is _ e) Another word for thin _ f) The opposite of fat is _ g) A thin and short woman _ h) He is not tall, nor short, he is _ height VI Writing Now write a paragraph about your own family Write about each member giving as many details as possible 1

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2016, 15:07
