READ AND NUMBER THE PLACES The handcraft shop is between the hotel and the restaurant on River Street 10 11 12 13 14 The bus station is opposite the bookshop on River Street behind the church There is a zoo on the corner of Palm Street and Sea Street The cinema is on Sea Street next to the café opposite the church The police station is between the fire station and the post office The mall is opposite the zoo There is a museum on River Street behind the mall There is a library on the corner of River Street and Palm Street Hotel Handcraft shop Cinema Mall 15 Zoo Library 16 Fire station Hospital 17 Museum Theater 18 Church Restaurant Bus station Police station Bank Post office Café bookshop There is a bank next to the hospital on Shore Avenue The hospital is on the corner of River Street on Shore Avenue R i 14 v e r S t r e e t Shore A 11 v e a 10 n e v s t u 16 17 A 18 e S Palm 3 re n u e e e 15 t