Miller Former Secretary, Ductwork Group Front cover photograph by kind permission of Commtech Limited FINANCIAL CAUTION It is essential to realise that except where it is mandatory in Cl
Trang 1A practical guide to
Heating and
Trang 2A practical guide to —
DW/144 specification for
sheet metal ductwork.
CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIATION Esca House, 34 Palace Court, London W2 4JG Telephone: (020) 7313 4900 Fax: (020) 7727 9268 e-mail: web:
by the Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association All rights reserved
ISBN: 0-903783-30-4
Trang 3DW/1 43 Ductwork Leakage Testing A practicalguide
contributed to this work, and in particular to the members of the Drafting Panel
Original DW/143 Drafting Panel 1983 Ductwork Group Technical Sub-Committee 2000
K Wheatley
G P Keller (Secretary, Ductwork Group)
J M Paynton (Former Secretary, Ductwork Group)
R J Miller (Former Secretary, Ductwork Group)
Front cover photograph by kind permission of Commtech Limited
It is essential to realise that except where it is mandatory in Class C ductwork in DW/l44 this document
is not an endorsement of the routine testing of ducts but purely a guide to outline the procedures,
necessary for testing ducts for conformity with air leakage limits
When proper methods of assembly and sealing of ducts are used a visual inspection will suffice for the verification of a well engineered construction
Trang 4EdgarPoppleton Chairman, Technical Sub-Committee Ductwork Group, 2000
Specification DW/142, published by the HVCA in 1982, provided for the first time in a long series of such publications for leakage limits over the whole range of air pressures covered by the specification and (where required) a test procedure to establish conformity
Although leakage testing of high-pressure ductwork is still mandatory in DW/144 (as was the case in previous ductwork specifications issued by HVCA) the leakage
testing of ductwork designed to operate at low and medium pressures is required only
where so specified in individual job specifications
With the retention of three pressure classifications in DW/144 it is hoped that
the designer, having control over performance standards, will find leakage testing an unnecessary contract expense with regard to low and medium
pressure ductwork see note Financial Caution (page 2).
Ductwork contractors faced with a job calling for leakage testing should take this
requirement very seriously and satisfy themselves as the job progresses that the
required leakage rate or rates are within the limits set by the designer or the client The cost of making good an installation that has been found on completion to have failed in this respect can be very expensive
DW/144 specifies leakage limits for the ductwork alone, because the ductwork contractor has no control over the leakage characteristics of the various components
which go to make up the whole of the air distribution system Where a job
specification calls for a leakage limit for the whole system, it will be for the designer
or client to ensure that the leakage rates of the components are also within the
required limits
Edgar Poppleton Chairman, Technical Sub-Committee Ductwork Group, 2000
Trang 5DW/1 43 Ductwork Leakage Testing Apractical guide
Part One
A practical guide to
ductwork leakage
I General
With regard to air leakage, the
responsibili-ties for ensuring the achievement of a
satis-factory job is divided between the drawing
office, the factory and the ductwork installers
on site It is essential that there is full
co-operation between them
2 The drawing office
represent-atives the class of ductwork called for in the
job specification, i.e.:
Class A: up to 500 Pa positive
Class B: up to 1000 Pa positive
Class C: up to 2000 Pa positive
2.2 Establish with the client or their
represent-ative that the required leakage rate or rates
are for the ductwork alone (eg excluding
dampers, fire dampers, air handling units,
fans, coils, attenuators, terminal boxes)
unless, by prior agreement, the casings
for any such items have been
manufac-turedlsealed, by the supplier, to the required
standard of DW/l44
Additionally, establish the type of gasket
material required in relation to the pressure
class/velocity of the system
Note:- Specific gasket material may be
required in locations such as clean rooms,
hospitals etc
If a leakage limit is laid down for the whole
system, it will be for the client or the
design-er to ensure that the leakage charactdesign-eristics
of the components are acceptable
2.3 Agree with the client or designer the test
pressure for each section of the installation
(Note that whilst duct construction
specifica-tion is related to the highest test class of the
duct installation it is important that each duct test zone should only be tested to a pressure
to cover the mean working pressure of that
particular section of ducting —seeA.9(b) 2.4 Decide on the best way to isolate the
installation into test zones When doing so, the drawing office should bear in mind the
test pressures called for, the allowable air losses, the work sequence on site and the
capacity of the test equipment
2.5 Arrange for the supply of suitable blanking
medium, e.g heavy-duty polythene sheet
2.6 Make sure that all test points and blanking
devices can be reached with the minimum of difficulty after the ductwork has been
2.7 Ensure that a reading can be obtained, by
planning test sections to have a permitted leakage of approximately 25 per cent less than the total volume generated by the test
rig at the pressure required for each section
2.8 Provide the ductwork installers with details
of the test zones, duct operating pressures
and test pressures: and indicate the nature of
the blanking devices, gasket material and
sealant to be used
2.9 Prepare test sheets giving the information
called for on the sample test sheet shown on page 7
This information should indicate the test
content, the surface area of the ductwork to
be tested, and the permitted leakage of each
section to be tested (this leakage is to be expressed in litres per second per square
metre of the ductwork surface area)
3 The factory
fit to minimise the use of sealant A poor fit
cannot be remedied by the use of more
sealant —it will not work
Trang 63.2 Sealall longitudinal seams, laps cross joints.
rivets and duct penetrations generally in
accordance with the requirements of
3.3 Makesure that sealant is properly applied to
the ends of all lock forms and other types of
longitudinal seam, and to the corners and
junctions between those seams and the cross
3.4 Takespecial care to have as small a clearance
as possible where there are penetrations of
the duct, as for example damper spindles
required by DW/l44
3.6 Tobe sure of minimum leakage special care
must be taken in the fitting and sealing of
access doors and panels etc
3.7 Toavoid the danger of breaking the seals, the
ductwork when ready to despatch to site
must be handled and loaded carefully
Forfull details of procedure see Fig I on Pages
8 and 9 and Appendix B Pages 14 and 15
4.1 Understand the proper use of the test rig.
It is expensive precision equipment The
instructions must be read carefully and the
equipment handled in a responsible manner
4.2 Make sure that the right type of test rig is
available for the job A rig suitable for
high-pressure leakage testing is seldom suitable or
economic for testing low- or medium-
pres-sure ductwork, and vice versa
4.3 Note that leakage testing is always done
under positive pressure even when the
duct-work is to operate under negative pressure
4.4 Beforeinstallation, inspect all duct sections
to make sure that factory applied sealants
have not been damaged in transit Make
good where any damage is noticed
4.5 Ensure the correct gasket material has been supplied and the application is in
accor-dance with the manufacturer's instructions Check with the drawings and specifications where sealants are to be used on the cross joints, and apply the sealants as necessary
(Use only as much sealant as will do the job
—toomuch sealant is as bad as too little.)
that will be difficult to reach after installation
of the ductwork
4.7 Fix the blanking plates or other types of
tem-porary seal in the positions shown by the draw-ing office (Ensure that the blankdraw-ing material is accessible for subsequent removal.)
client or their representative on a progressive testing programme
4.9 Beforepresentation to the client or their
rep-resentative it is essential that a preliminary
test is carried out on each section of the work
at the earliest opportunity to ensure that the ductwork has been correctly manufactured
and site sealant correctly applied
4.10 Ifthese preliminary tests show that the leak-age is over the limit, then:
4.10.1 Look for any obvious places where
there may be leaks, for example, an open access door or missing or
Simple methods of locating any
leakage are:
a) by listening for them;
b) by feeling for them especially
with a wet hand;
c) by applying soapy water over
the seams or joints;
d) by (with the agreement of the
client) using a smoke pellet
NOTE When smoke pellets are
used, the smoke should he intro-duced downstream of the test rig
and not on its intake side.
Trang 7DW/1 43 Ductwork Leakage Testing A practicalguide
found the leakage source(s).
enough time for the sealant to cure
(Remember that sealants take longer to cure in cold weather.
Read the sealant manufacturer's
4.1 1 When satisfied with the results of the
preliminary tests
then:-4.1 1.1 On successful completion of the
test, offer the section to the client or their representative for formal acceptance and signature on the test sheet;
4.1 1.2 A permanent record of tests must
be retained
4.12 As tests are satisfactorily completed, remove
all blanking-off devices
Trang 85 Example of a completed test sheet
Based on ductwork shown on pages 8 and 9
Test No
Name of job !'
Building Ref. 2
Part 1 —Physicaldetails
a Section of ductwork to be tested
b Drawing Number
d Test static pressure ?.cq
e Leakage factor
f Surface area of duct under test
g Maximum permitted leakage k
Part 2 —Test particulars
b Manufacturer and type of flow measuring device
c Range of measurement of flow measuring device
d Reading of flow measuring device
f Duration of test (normally 15 minutes)
Date of test Carried out by ?"'S:naturej Witnessed by SgnuIure)
and Company andCompany
Width and depth
or diameter - Periphery Length Area
Trang 9DW/1
A practical
A practical
luordertoavold of
dfrectlytothe ductwork
flow device
to commencing
to graph
inum and
if necessary
to cure)
removal 800
perlicularlyatblanks,accesaopeninp and
- Withtestngnmningleaks shonid
if wet)
use) D1W
Trang 10Page blank
Trang 11DW/1 43 Ductwork Leakage Testing A practicalguide
Part Two
6 This section, apart from Appendix 'B', is
Sheet Metal Ductwork, and for ease of
refer-ence the numbering as in DW/144 has been
retained The leakage limits for EUROVENT
classifications A, B and C, as set out in their
document 2/2 (Air Leakage in Ductwork) have
been adopted for the low pressure, medium
pressure and high pressure Class C
Ductwork classification and
air leakage
6.1 Classification and air leakage limits
Ductwork classification and air leakage
limits are set out in Table I
6.2 Compatibility with CEN
The leakage factors used in Table 1 for
Classes A, B and C are the same as those for
the classes similarly designated in the CEN
Document Pr EN 12237/Pr EN 1507
6.3 Leakage at various pressures; and other
Applying the limits specified in Table I,
Appendix A (Table 17) sets out the permitted
leakage at each of a series of pressures up to
a maximum for each class Included in that
appendix is a graphical presentation of the
pressure/leakage relationship (see fig 178)
Appendix A, also gives details of the basis
Table 1
6.4 Air leakage testing Air leakage testing of low and medium
pres-sure ductwork is not mandatory under the
specification DW/l44
Air leakage testing of high pressure ductwork
is mandatory under the specification DW/l44
and for details of testing procedure refer to
Part 1 of this guide
Table 1 Ductwork Classification and Air Leakage Limits
Static pressure limit Ductpressureclass
Positive Negative
I High-pressure— Class C 2000
Maximum air'
10 20
Where p is the differential, pressure in pascals.
Pa 500 750 750
Air leakage limits
litres per second per square metre of duct surface area
0.027 x p01
0.009 x p°'65
0.003 x p°-65
Air leakage from
A.1 Introduction
Leakage from ducted air distribution systems
is an important consideration in the design
and operation of ventilation and air
condi-tioning systems A ductwork system that has
limited air leakage, within defined limits, will
ensure that the design characteristics of the
system can be maintained It will also ensure
that energy and operational costs are
main-tained at optimum levels
Ductwork constructed and installed in
accor-dance with DW/144 should minimise a level
of air leakage that is appropriate to the
oper-ating static air pressure in the system.
However, it is recognised that the
environ-ment in which systems are installed is not
always conducive to achieving a predictable
level of quality in terms of system air leakage
and it is therefore accepted that designers
may sometimes require the systems to be
test-ed in part or in total It should be recognistest-ed
that the testing of duct systems adds a
signif-icant cost to the installation and incurs some
extra time within the programme (See 4.1 and
6.4 of DW/144 re mandatory testing)
A.2 Duct pressure
Ductwork constructed to DW/144 will be
manufactured to a structural standard that is
compatible with the system operating pressure
There are three classes of duct construction to
correspond with the three pressure classifications:
Class A
Low pressure ducts suitable for a maximum
positive operating pressure of 500 Pascals
and a maximum negative pressure of —500
Class B
Medium pressure ducts suitable for a
maxi-mum positive operating pressure of 1000
Pascals and a maximum negative pressure of
—750 Pascals.
Class C High pressure ducts suitable for a maximum positive operating pressure of 2000 Pascals and a maximum negative pressure of —750
Leakagefrom sheet metal air ducts occurs at the seams and joints and is therefore
propor-tional to the total surface area of the ductwork
in the system The level of leakage is
similar-ly related to the air pressure in the duct sys-tem and whilst there is no precise formula for calculating the level of air loss it is generally accepted that leakage will increase in propor-tion to pressure to the power of 0.65
The effect of air leakage from high
pres-sure/velocity ductwork is critical in terms of
system performance energy consumption
and the risk of high frequency noise
associat-ed with leakage
These problems are less critical with medium
pressure/velocity systems but should be
Low pressure/velocity ducts present the
lowest risk in terms of the effect of leakage on
the effective operation of the system
A.4 System leakage loss
Asthere is no direct relationship between the volume of air conveyed and the surface area
of the ductwork system required to match the
building configuration it is difficult to express
air leakage as a percentage of total air
Similarly, the operating pressure will vary
throughout the system and as leakage is
relat-ed to pressure the calculations are complex However, it is generally accepted that in
typ-ical good quality systems the leakage from
each class of duct under operating conditions will be in the region of:
Class A low pressure 6%
Class B medium pressure 3%
Class C high pressure 2%