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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 10: Endangered species

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GIÁO ÁN ENGLISH 12 Unit 10 : Endangered species A Language skills Reading: - To help students gain some knowledge about endangered species - To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of words in context Students learn words and phrases in terms of plants and animals Speaking: - Students can ask and answer about a picture - Students learn more words and phrases in term of plants and animals Listening: - Students can improve their listening skill : they can understand the passage and then they can summarize the passage that they have listened to - Students learn more words and phrases in term of plants and animals Writing: - Students can write a report basing on the information given in the Table of the Sahara desert B Language focus Pronunciation: - Rhythm Grammar: - Students know how to use Modal verbs : may , might, must mustn't , needn't A Reading Aims - To help students gain some knowledge about endangered species To help students improve their reading skills: scanning and skimming, guessing the meaning of words in context - Students learn words and phrases in terms of endangered species Aids - English textbook for students - English textbook for teachers - Pictures Procedures Stages Prerea din g (4min) Teacher’s activities - Greet Ss - Ask students to look at the picture page 99 and ask Ss to answer some questions: Which of the folloing animals and insects are found in Vietnam ? Which of them is / are in danger ?/ - Call a pair to report their discussion - Introduce the topic: Endangered species While- - Teach some new words: ask students reading whether they know the words, if they ( 30 min.) not know them, explain in English then ask them to give Vietnamese equivalents to check their understanding - rhinoceros - leopard - parrot - impact - enact -vulnarable Task - poriority ( min.) - derive from - habitat - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times - Call 2-3 students to read new words again - Ask students to read the passage in silence - Ask students to Task 1: Give Vietnamese equivalent words to ones given in the passage -Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs - Check Ss’ answer Task Students’ activities -Greet teacher - Listen to the teacher and think about the topic - Answer teacher’s questions in pairs - Give Vietnamese equivalents - Read the words - Read the passage in silence - Do task Answer : 1- d 22e 33a 44b 55c ( 10 min.) - Write down the answers and read the words - Do task in pairs Task ( min.) Postreading ( 11 min.) - Give the answers: d b - Write down the answers on the board a - Let the whole class read the new 4a words twice or three times d - Call 2-3 students to read new words again - Do the Task in pairs - Ask students to task in pairs - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Ask representatives of pairs to give * Suggested answers: the answers If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right - Listen to the feedback and answers correct their mistakes - Ask students to task in groups - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Ask representatives of groups to answer the questions If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers - Ask students to After you read in pairs, scanning the text to find information to complete the note - Go around to supervise them Note down the serious and common mistakes - Call some pairs to read their note - Give feedback and correct some serious or common mistakes B Speaking I Aims - Students can ask and answer about endangered animals - Talking about the information of some endangered animals II Aids - English textbook for students - English textbook for teachers III Procedures Stages Prespeaking ( min.) Task Teacher’s activities - Introduce the lesson: Today, we learn Unit 10: part B Speakin g(Write on the board the title) - Ask students to look at Task - Ask students to Task 1; Ask and answer the questions How you call ;Gau truc, Te Giac , Ho , Voi ,in English Where does each of them live ? Which of animals can use as pets or for food or medicine ? Which of them is/ are in dangered ? Can you guees the population of each species ? Students’ activities - Listen to the teacher and write the title in their notebooks - Look at Task - Do Task - Work in pairs and discuss in about minutes - Give comments, correct the common mistakes after they finish While- Ask sts to study the information in the Work in pairs box Word explanation sp decline ea swamp ki bark n g ( 28 min.) Task - Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times -Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about them - Read the new words - Do Task in groups S1 Where giant pandas live ? S2 In bamboo forests S1 What is the population of pandas in the world? S Only about 600 - Call one student to repeat the instruction to check whether they are clear about what they have to - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes Postspeaking ( 10 min.) Task - After about minutes of discussion, call some groups to report what they have done - Ask the others to listen to their friends - Listen to students attentively and pay attention to the mistakes they have made - After students finish, give them comments: correct some pronunciation mistakes they have Work in groups : Take turn to give an oral report on the animals mentioned in task - Repeat after the teacher - One pair to role play in front of the whole class - Listen attentively to their friends’ dialogue and give comments or ask questions made - Read aloud the words and ask the whole class to repeat - Call pair to role play in front of the whole class - Ask the others listen attentively to Homework their friends’ dialogue and give ( min.) comments or ask questions - Call another group if there is enough time - Give feedback and correct serious or common mistakes - Prepare a presentation about the information about animals - Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes - Listen to the teacher and note down homework C.Listening I Aims - Students can improve their listening skill: they can catch detail information from the passage - Students can summarize the passage II Aids - English textbook for students - English textbook for teachers - Tapes and cassette - Handouts III Procedures Stages Teacher’ activities PreWarm up: listenin Ask sts to dicuss and choose the g best answer (6min.) Aek sts to listen to the teacher and repeat some new words in the book Learners’ activities Work in pairs 1A 2B 3D 4B 5C Whilelistenin g (29min.) Task - Ask students to listen to the passage the first time - Read the passage twice - Ask some students to give their answers If their answers are right, repeat them; if not give the correct answers Task - Ask them to listen again the second and the third time to finish task 2: Ask sts to complete the chart in the book - Go around to supervise students if necessary - Eliciting the answers from students, if their answers are right, repeat the answers, if they are wrong, give them the answers: - Listen to the passage and answer the questions * Answers: 1A 2B 3D 4B 5C - Listen again the third time to finish the task 1peaceful plant-eating a few females and their young plants and afew insects in trees in grasses forests being cut down - If most students not catch the information for the questions, let them listen again to the passage once more Postlistenin g (10min.) - Ask students to work in pairs to work in groups summarise the main ideas of the passage using the information intask and - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes - Ask one group to report what they have discussed - Give comments after they finish - Call another group if there is enough time - Give feedback and correct serious or common mistakes D.Writing I Aims - Students can write a report basing on the information given to write about measures to protect endangered species and possible results - Students can improve their writing skill II Aids - English textbook for students - English textbook for teachers III Procedures Stages Prew r it i n g (7min.) Whilewriting Teacher’s activities Students’ activities ask sts to speak something about some rare Listen and answer the animals which are in dangered quetions -Ask some questions ; Why are they in dangered ? -what about their habitats ? - Are they in danger ofvanishing? - Why are they in dangered of in nanishing? Task1 Ask sts to read task carefully and then (28 min.) suggest possible measures that should be taken to solve the broblems - In troduce the Red-List -Raise people's wareness of conversation needs - Develop wildlife habitat resernes -Stop people from throwing rubbish in to forests , cutting down trees, hunting animals for food, fur, skin or otherproducts Ask sts to tak work in pairs Discuss the given sollution Task Ask sts to read the given sollutions again and then write a paragraph about measures for protecting endangered animals ( using the ideals discussed in Task Begin your paragaph with There are anumber of measures tht should be taken to protect endangered animals Postwriting ( 10 min.) - Write the description - Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes - Go around to supervise them Note down serious and common mistakes - Show and correct some common mistakes - Ask students to revise their description - Ask students to hand in their work to mark - Revise their description - Hand in their work E.Language focus I Aims Pronunciation: - Rhythm Grammar: - Students know how to modals verbs: may , might , must , mustn't , needn't II Aids - English textbook for students - English textbook for teachers - Pictures III Procedures Teacher’s activities Stages Pronun - Introduce the lesson: ciation Ask sts to practise reading the sentences Students’ activities - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher (7min.) in the book (paying attention to the stressed syllables ) - Read the second time for the students to repeat - Ask 2-3 students to repeat, correct their mispronounce Practice these sentences - Read times the sentences, and then let the whole class read the sentences twice or three times - Read the sentences - Read the sentences twice or three times - Read the sentences again - Read the sentences in pairs Gram Exercise mar Explain how to use may,might, must't - Give the answers (38min needn't may, might wake ) may , might bite - Call some students to give their may, might need answers If students’ answers are right, may ,might slip repeat them, if not, give the right answers may ,might break Exercise Underline the correct altrmative in the sences Note : xplain how to use however - Call some students to give their answers If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers Go around to supervise them Exercise Add so , therefore , or however Note The use of therefore - Call some students to give their answers If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers Go around to supervise them - Ask students to exercise - Go around to supervise them - Ask students to discuss the answers in pairs - Call some students to give their answers If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2016, 15:49

Xem thêm: Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 unit 10: Endangered species



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