Unclear sentences Rewrite each sentence, making the meaning clear by changing the order of the words Peter saw a fox looking out of the window of the room Mother cooked a meal for the visitor made of oysters Peter’s hair needs cutting badly He telephoned asking me to come next Sunday today James made a sewing machine entirely from his head for his mother Uncle Thomas called his grandson who is over ninety The basket was carried by a girl full of flowers The boy wrote to the President who lives next door The boy wore a hat on his head made of jute fiber Answers Looking out of the window of the room Peter saw a fox Mother cooked a meal made of oysters for the visitor Peter’s hair badly needs cutting He telephoned today asking me to come next Sunday James, entirely from his head, made a sewing machine for his mother Uncle Thomas, who is over ninety, called his granddaughter The basket full of flowers was carried by a girl The boy who lives next door wrote to the President The boy wore a hat made of jute fiber on his head Stay on top of your writing! Download our grammar guide from www.englishgrammar.org to stay up-to-date Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)