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MATHEMATICS BY PLORIAN CAJORI FOHMEBLY PROFESSOR 03T APPLIED MATHEMATICS IN THE TULANE UNIVERSITY NOW PROCESSOR or PHYSICS IN COLORADO COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA; * "by I am sure that no subject loses more than mathematics J W L any attempt to dissociate it from, its history." GLAISHMR gatfc MACMILLAN AND ANB LONDON 1894 All riff Ms reserved CO COPYRIGHT, BY MAOM1LLAN 189,1, AND 00, * ITortooob prt J S, Gushing ; & Co, -Berwick & Smith, Boston, Mass,, U.S.A PREFACE AN increased interest in the history of the exact sciences manifested in recent years by teachers everywhere, and the attention given to historical inquiry in the mathematical class-rooms and seminaries of our leading universities, cause me to believe that a brief general History of Mathematics will be The form found acceptable to teachers and students pages treating necessarily in a very condensed the progress of made during the present century, are put forth with great diffidence, although I have spent much time the in effort Many reasonably complete to them render accurate valuable suggestions and and criti cisms on the chapter on "B/ecent Times" have been made by ,I)r E W Davis, of the University of Nebraska The proof-shoots of this chapter have also been submitted to Van Velzer, both of the Dr J E Davies and Professor C A University of Wisconsin; to Dr G- B Halsted, of the University of Texas Professor L M HosMns, of the Leland ; Stanford Jr University College, am all of ; whom and Professor Gr D Olds, of Amherst have afforded valuable assistance specially indebted to Professor 3T H Loud, of Colorado has read the proof-sheets throughout To all the gentlemen above named, as well as to Dr Carlo Veneziani College, who v PKEFACE vi of Salt Lake City, who read the manuscript, I desire to express acknowledging first my part of my work in But in hearty thanks their kindness, I trust that I shall not seem upon them any share in the responsibility for errors which I may have introduced in subsequent revision of the to lay FLORIAN CAJOBL COLORADO COLLEGE, December, 1893 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ANTIQUITY , THE BABYLONIANS THE EGYPTIANS THE GREEKS 16 16 Greek Geometry The 17 Ionic School The School 19 of Pythagoras The Sophist School 23 The Platonic School 29 The First Alexandrian School 34 54 The Second Alexandrian School 63 Greek Arithmetic TUB ROMANS 77 MIDDLE AGES 84 THE HINDOOS THE ARABS 100 EtJBOPE DURING THE MIDDLE AOES 117 ^ 84 Introduction of Roman Mathematics 117 124 Translation of Arabic Manuscripts The First Awakening and its 128 Sequel MODERN EUROPE 138 THE RENAISSANCE : 189 ^ VIETA TO DJCSOARTES DBSGARTES TO NEWTON 183 NBWTGN TO EULBK 199 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Viii EULER, LAGRANGE, AND LAPLACE The Origin of Modern Geometry KECENT TIMES PAGE 246 285 291 SYNTHETIC GEOMETRY 293 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 307 ALGEBRA 315 ANALYSIS 331 THEORY OP FUNCTIONS 347 THEORY OF NUMBERS 362 APPLIED MATHEMATICS INDEX 373 405 BOOKS OF REFEKENCE The following books, pamphlets, and articles have been used in the preparation of this history Reference to any of them is made in the text by giving the respective number Histories marked with a star are the only ones of which extensive use has been made Ziele tmd Hesultate der neueren Mathematisch-his- GUNTHER, torischen JForschung Erlangen, 1876 The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the U S CAJTOEI, F S Washington, 1890 *CANToit, MORITZ Vorlesungen uber Gfeschichte der MathematiJc Leipzig Bel I., 1880; Bd II., 1892 Unter Mitwirlcung von EPPING, J Astronomisches aus Babylon P J K STUASSMAIER Freiburg, 1889 Die Qeometrie und die G-eometer vor EukliBituTHOHNKiDfflR, C A * Gow, JAMES Leipzig, 1870 des A Short History of Greek Mathematics Cambridge, 1884 * HANKBL, HERMANN und Zur Gfeschichte der MathematiJc im Alterthum Leipzig, 1874 G-reek G-eometry from Thales to JEuclid Mittelalter *ALLMAN, G J Dublin, 1889 DB MORGAN, 10 A "Euclides" in Smith s Dictionary of Greek and Itoman Biography and Mythology HANKBL, HERMANN Theorie der Complexen Zahlensysteme Leip 11 WmcwELL, WILLIAM 12 XEUTIIISN, zig, 1807 II G History of the Inductive Sciences Die Lehre von den Kegelschnitten im Alterthum KopQnlaagen, 1886 ix BOOKS OF REFERENCE X 13 * CHASLES, M 14 15 DR L A SOHNCKE Halle, 1839 Histoire des Sciences Matheniatiques et MARIE, MAXIMILIEN siques Tome COMTE, A Aus dem Franzosischen G-eschichte der Geometric tibertragen durcli I.-XII Phy Paris, 1883-1888 Philosophy of Mathematics, translated by W M GIL- LESPIE 16 HANKEL, HERMANN ten Jahrhunderten 17 18 19 Die ISntwickelung der Mathematik in den Tubingen, 1884 letz- GUNTHER, SIEGMUND und WiNBELBAND, W GesckicJite der antiJcen Naturwissenschaft und Philosophic Nordlingen, 1888 ARNETH, A Geschichte der reinen Mathematik Stuttgart, 1852 CANTOR, MOIUTZ Mathematische Beitrage zum Kulturleben der Halle, 1863 VoUcer LTIDWIG Grundzilge der Antiken und Modernen Algebra der Litteralen GUichungen Leipzig, 1878 Fort$chritte der Mathematik 21 OURTMANN und MULLER Article 22 PEACOCK, GEORGE Aritlimetic, in The Encyclopedia, of Pure Mathematics London, 1847 20 MATTIIIESSEN, " 23 HERSCHEL, J !F W Article * Mathematics," in Edinburgh Jfflncy- dopcedia 24 SUTER, HEINRICH 26 PLAYFAIR, JOHN Cfeschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Zurich, 1873-75 25 QUETELET, A Sciences Mathetna&iques et IViysiques ehe% les Beiges Bruxelles, 1866 Article u Progress of the Mathematical and Phys in Encyclopedia Britannica, 7th editi6n, tinued in the 8tlx edition by SIK JOHN LESLIE ical 27 Sciences," BE MORGAN, A to the 28 Arithmetical Books from the Invention of Printing Present Time NAPIER, MARK 29 burgh, 1834 HALSTEB, G B 31 MONTUCLA, 32 BtiHRiNG- E 33 BREWSTER, D Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston Edin "Note on the First English Euclid," American Journal of Mathematics, Vol XL, 1879 30 MADAME PERIER Translated into The Life of Mr Paschal English by Mechanik ^81 35 W A., London, 1744 Histoire des Mathematiques Paps, 1802 Kritische Geschichte der allgemeimn Principien der J F Leipzig, 1887 The Memoirs of Nc.wton Edinburgh, 1860 BALL, W W R A Short Account of the History of Mathematics London, 1888, 2nd edition, 189S, DE MORGAN, A "On the Early History of lEfiEitesixualB," in the Philosophical Magazine, November, 1852 BOOKS OF REFERENCE, 36 xi Bibliotheca Mathematica, herausgegeben von GUSTAP ENESTROM, Stockholm GUNTHER, SIEGMUND 38 Vermischte Untersuchtingen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften Leipzig, 1876 *GERHARDT, C I Geschichte der Mathematik in, Deutschland 39 GERHARDT, C 37 Miinclien, 1877 niz 40 SntdecJcung der Di/erenzialrechnung durch Leib I Halle, 1848 GERIIARBT, K " I Leibniz in London," in jSitzirngsberichte der Koniglich Preussischen Academic der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, FeTbruar, 1891 41 DB MoR(UK, A in tlie cum," 42 Articles "Muxions" and u Commercimn Epistoli- Penny Cyclopaedia, History of the Mathematical Theory of Probabil *TODUUNTEK, I A ity from the Time of Pascal to that Cambridge and of Laplace London, 1865 43 A History Strength of Materials of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Edited and completed by KARL PEARSON Cambridge, 1886 Note on I tlie *Toi>iniNTBK, I " History of Certain Formulas in Spher 44 TOBHUNTKR, 46 Philosophical Magazine, February, 1873 Die JBasler Mathematiker, Daniel Bernoulli und Leonhard Euler 46 RKIFF, R 47 WALTKRSIIAUSKN 48 BAUMCJART, OSWALO ical Trigonometry," BaHol, 1884, Gfeschichte der Unendlichen Heihen , W SAHTOUIXIS Gauss , mm Tubingen, 1889 Leip Q-ed&chniss zig, 1850 Ueber das Quadratische J&eciprocitatsgesetz, Leipzig, 1885 History of the Bulletin of 49 HATHAWAY, A 50 51 N Y Mathematical Society, I WOLF, RUDOLF Cfeschichte der Astronomie Mtinchen, 1887 Translated by B POWELL, Eulogy on Laplace AUAOO, 1) F J 52* BEAUMONT, M S "Early Potential," the " Smitlisonian llPfiort, 1874, I^LIK DB "Memoir of Legendre." Translated by C A ALEXANDISR, Smithsonian Iteport, 1867 58 AUAOO, I) F X Joseph Fourier." Smithsonian Eeport, 1871 54, WITHER, CnuiHTiAN Lehrfatch der Darstellenden Gfeometrie Leip zig, 1884 55 Die Ilmptsilchliehstm Theorien der Geometrie in und heutlgen fJntwicMnnff, ins deutsche tibertraFitm SOHUTTB Leipzig, 1888 von gen *LoiA, GTKO ihrer fr dhtren BOOKS OF REFERENCE Xll 56 CAYLE Y, ARTHUR Inaugural Address before the British Association, 1883 57 SPOTTISWOODE, WILLIAM Inaugural Address before the British Association, 1878 59 J WILLARD Multiple Algebra," Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1886 FINK, KARL Geschichte der Elenientar-Mathematik Tubingen, 60 WITTSTEIN, ARMIN 58 " GIBBS, 1890 Zur Qeschichte des Malfatttf schen Problems Nordlingen, 1878 61 KLEIN, FELIX Vergleichende Betrachtimgen uber neuere geometrische Forschungen Erlangen, 1872 FORSYTH, A R Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable Cambridge, 1893 63 GRAHAM, R H Geometry of Position London, 1891 64 SCHMIDT, FRANZ Leben zweier ungarischer Mathe"Aus dem matiker Johann und Wolfgang Bolyai von Bolya." Grrunertfs 62 Archiv, 48:2, 1868 67 Justus Bellavitis," Zeitschrift fur Mathematik FAVARO, ANTON und Physik, 26 5, 1881 BRONICE, AD Julius Plucker Bonn, 1871 Gfedachnissrede auf Otto Hesse BAUER, GUSTAV Miinchen, 68 ALFRED CLEBSCH 65 : 66 1882 Versuch einer Darlegung und Wunligung seiner Leip wissenschaftlichen Leistungen von einigen seiner Freunde zig, 1873 70 Versuch einer Darstellung der Geschichte dvs HAAS, AUGUST Krwnmungsmasses Tubingen, 1881 FINE, HENRY B The Number- System of Algebra Boston and 71 SCHLEGEL, VICTOR 69 New York, ZAHN, W Hermann Gfrassmann, sein Leben und seine Leipzig, 1878 Werke 72 1890 " v Einige Worte zum Andenkon an Hermann 73 Mathematische Annalen, VII 4, 1874 MUIR, THOMAS ^1 Treatise on Determinants* 74 SALMON, GEORGE 75 CAYLEY, A "Arthur Cayley," Ilankol," 1882 Nature, 28:21, September, 1883 "James Joseph Sylvester," Nature, 39:10, January, 1889 76 BURKHARDT, Paolo HEiNRicii Ikiffim," ment, 1892 Die AnfUngo der Gruppontliooiie und MathemaUk und Physik, Supple Zeitschrift der MATHEMATICS AND A Treatise on tfie KEY $2.60 WATSON its Lame Treatise on Laplace s i2mo and and Integral Calculus 13 Applications s and BessePs Func $2.60 BURBURY: A Treatise on the Application of General By H W ized Co-ordinates to the Kinetics of a Material System WATSON and S H BURBURY Svo $1.50 WELD: A Short Course in the Theory of Determinants GIFFORD WELD, B.S., M.A $1.90 WHITWORTH: i2mo $2.60 An Elementary tions PHYSICS By LAENAS Trilinear Co-ordinates, and other methods of Modern Two Dimensions An Elementary Treatise Analytical Geometry of By W ALLEN WHITWORTH, M.A 8vo $4.00 MECHANICS Rigid Dynamics, An Introductory Treatise on By W STEADALDIS, M.A $1.00 ALEXANDER and THOMPSON Elementary Applied Mechanics PART ALDIS : MAN : Transverse Stress II BALL $2.75 Experimental Mechanics A Course of Lectures delivered to the Royal College of Science for Ireland By Sir R S BALL, LL.D., F.R.S Second Edition With Illustrations I2mo $1.50 : BASSET: A Treatise on Hydrodynamics vols An Elementary Treatise on Hydrodynamics and A Treatise on Physical Optics Svo BAYNES Lessons on Thermodynamics Svo $9.00 Svo $3.0 E BAYNES, M.A i2mo Sound $6.00 : By R #1.90 BESAWT: A PART I Treatise on Hydromechanics Hydrostatics I2mo Fifth Edition, Revised $1.25 A Treatise on Dynamics $1.75 Elementary Hydrostatics i6mo $1.00 Solutions to the Examples (In the Press.) 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MACKAY, in The Academy DIOPHANTOS OF ALEXANDRIA: A STUDY IN THE HISTORY OF GREEK ALGEBRA BY T S HEATH, B.A., SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 8vo $2,00 MACMILLAN & 66 FIFTH AVENUE, CO., NEW YORK 106343 [...]... by finding the length of the shadow of the pyramid at the moment when the shadow of a ; was 0(jual to its own length The JSud&mian Summary ascribes staff to Thales the invention theorems on the equality of vertical angles, the equality the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle, the bisec tion of a circle by any diameter, and the congruence of two of the af A HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS 18 and the... authenticity the transmigration of the soul and opposed, therefore, the shedding of blood In the later traditions of the !N"eo-Pythago-" reans this objection is removed by replacing this bloody sacri The proof of the law an ox made of flour fice by that of " ! three squares, given in Euclid s Elements, Euclid himself, and not to the Pythagoreans ,of thagorean method of proof I due to 47, is What... the childish, efforts of alchemists, but the mathematician jnatheBiati.es finds the geometry of the Greeks and the arithmetic of the Hindoos as useful and admirable as any research of to-day He is pleased to notice that though, in course of its develop ment, mathematics has had periods of slow growth, yet in the main it has been pre-eminently a progressive science The history of mathematics may be instructive... Anaximenes astronomy and physical philosophy Of Anaxagoras, ;a the last philosopher of the Ionic pupil of Anaximenes, and chiefly THE GREEKS school, we know little, 19 except that, while in prison, he passed This is the first his time attempting to square the circle time, in the history of mathematics, that we find mention of the famous problem of the quadrature of the circle, that rock upon which so many... period Surely a people engaging in A HISTOBY OF MATHEMATICS 10 have known something of enterprises of such magnitude must at least of practical mathematics mathematics All Greek writers are unanimous in ascribing, without Egypt the priority of invention in the mathematical At the Egyptian city Plato in Pho&drus says sciences old a was famous there Naucratis of god whoso name was envy, to " : Theuth;... development of mathematics at Athens The Sophists acquired geometry from Pythagorean sources Plato bought the works of Philolaus, and had a warm friend in Archytas The Sophist School After the defeat of the Persians under Xerxes at^the battle of Salamis, 480 B.C., a league was formed among the Greeks liberated Greek cities on preserve the freedom of the now Of this league bhe islands and coast of the JEgsean... the number of fingers But nothing of the human body could have suggested 60 Cantor offers the following theory At first the Babylonians it : reckoned the year at 360 days This led to the division of the circle into 360 degrees, each degree representing the daily amount of the supposed yearly revolution of the sun around the earth Now they were, very probably, familiar with the A HISTOKY OF MATHEMATICS. .. determination of the exact value of IT Approx imations to had been made by the Chinese, Babylonians, But the invention of a method to value, is the knotty problem which has engaged TT Hebrews, and Egyptians find its exact many minds from the attention of the time of Anaxagoras down to our own Anaxagoras did not ofer any solution of und seems to have luckily escaped paralogisms it, About the time of Anaxagoras,... Egyptian con structions The Ionic school lasted over one hundred years The pt ogress of mathematics during that period was slow, as compared with its growth in a later epoch of Greek history A new impetus to its progress was given by Pythagoras TJie School of Pythagoras which Pyrthagoras (580 ?-500? B.C.) was one of those figures /ffmes to such an impressed the imagination of succeeding eitenlt that their... imitation of Egyptian usages, and the a*|stooratic tendencies of the school, caused it to becoiae ai* object, of The democratic party in Lower Itely revolted and suspicion destroyed the buildings of the Pythagorean school* Tarentum and thence to Metapontum, ras fled to murdered Pythagoras has left behind no mathematical tventtees, and our sources of information are rather scanty Certain it is Pythagorean school,

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 10:53

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