Questions for the film: Describe the members of Bruno’s family (the father, the mother, Gretel and Bruno) Describe Bruno’s grandmother and his grandfather What happens after Bruno and his family move to the house in the countryside? Why can’t Bruno play in the back garden? Why is Bruno’s mother worried about Bruno? Describe the change Gretel goes through when she meets Karl What happens to Karl? What does Bruno think when he first meets Schmuel? Tell about their meeting Why is it decided that Bruno and his sister together with their mother have to go somewhere else to live for a time? 10 What happens when Bruno’s mother can’t find him? 11 What are the consequences of the friendship between Bruno and Schmuel? 12 How you feel about the ending of the film? Would you have preferred a different one? If yes, which one? 13 Why you think the director has chosen this ending? Wordle ( Recommendation Letter Go to the wordle website and create a word cloud using words that come from the film The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Who you think should see this film? Imagine you are Gretel You are going to write to your grandfather to tell him what has happened in the concentration camp Why should they see it? Why shouldn’t people see it? “Dear Granddad, I am writing to tell you that something awful………” Film review Other films List the titles of other films about World War II: Write a review of the film Remember to rate it Essay Write a short essay about your opinion of the film