ause STARE PLUCK START KEEP REPORT RAVE AT RATE PULL PEEP NIBBLE INSERT ONE OF THESE PHRASAL VERBS WITH “AT” IN THE CORRECT SENTENCE Make the necessary changes: The headmaster the apprentice teacher because of his students’ grades (speak angrily) The child his mother’s skirt (drag forcibly at something) Everyone Angela when she began singing one of Adele’s songs (looked fixedly in surprise) John _ the sound of the firework (to make a sudden movement of surprise, fear or pain) She her mother’s sleeve demanding an ice-cream (pull something to call someone’s attention) I decided to learn German, but I only _ it (make a poor attempt) He told his son to _ work because the exams were close (persevere) The nurses 0’clock p.m ( to present oneself for duty or service) The smiths’ fortune was about 300.000,00 euros (estimate the value of …)