1 Match the words with the pictures: Words: Find the words: skiing freezing a snowfall shoveling hockey snowballs a snowman icicles a snowflake 10 sledding 11 a bird feeder 12 boots 13 a winter cap 14 a Christmas tree Complete the sentences: We decorate a _ for Christmas _ are very dangerous We often throw _ in the street We often put seeds into the _ in winter I like to make a in winter Tom prefers a _ in winter The boys like to play in the yard in winter Little children like _ Answer the questions: Are snowflakes large? holiday? What is the colour of snowflakes? Do you like snowfalls? Why are people afraid of the icicles? Do you feed birds in winter? Is it cold in your place in winter? 12 mhskiinghmkwwstsbiathlonoctsoeboo iincdowtcnokdgfslgweiglpepfynaahata pgnkuqplcapeqwslalom Can you guess the words? They are white and of different sizes and shapes – They are _ We put it at home and decorate it with balls and lamps – It is a They hang from the roofs of the houses and can be very dangerous.They are _ We wear different things on our heads in winter – They are What is the first winter Do you like it? 10 What is your favourite winter sport? 11 Do you like biathlon? What winter sport you like KEY: Find the words: m h s k i i n g h m k w w s t s b i a t h l o n o c t s o e b o o i i n c d o w t c n o k d g f s l g w e i g l p e p f y n a a h a t a p g n k u q p l c a p e q w s l a l o m 3 Complete the sentences: We decorate a Christmas tree for Christmas Icicles are very dangerous We often throw snowballs in the street We often put seeds into the bird feeder in winter I like to make a snowman in winter Tom prefers a winter cap in winter The boys like to play hockey in the yard in winter Little children like sledding Can you guess the words? They are white and of different sizes and shapes – They are snowflakes We put it at home and decorate it with balls and lamps – It is a Christmas tree They hang from the roofs of the houses and can be very dangerous - They are icicles We wear different things on our heads in winter – They are winter caps and woolen hats