Twitter The SMS of the Internet Facts max 140 characters in a tweet 500 million users 340 million tweets a day One of top 10 sites on Internet Famous Tweeters + their followers It was named after Larry Bird the great Boston Celtic basketball player @myname – a twitter address Lady Gaga 27 million Justin Bieber- 25 million Barack Obama – 17 Follow Shakira – 17 million Oprah – 15 million Cristiano Ronaldo- 11 Barack Obama @BarakObama Bruno Mars- 10 million Adele – million Charlie Sheen- million 10 Bill Gates 7.5 million 11 LeBron James – million 12 Paolo Coelho – 13 Dalai Lama – 4.7 million 14 Tom Hanks- 4.7 million Barack Obama @BarackObama No matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like, American is the place you can make it if you try Reply Retweet Favorite Barack Obama @BarakObama Info You can read tweets without joining at www It’s wrong to ask seniors to pay more for Medicare just so millionaires & billionaires can pay less in taxes Reply Retweet Favorite Lady Gaga @ladygaga MONSTER FACT: we love watching you freak out about what the next single is @DJWS ask this guy Reply Retweet Favorite Lady Gaga @ladygaga So apparently my # of followers is equivalent to the entire population of Australia and NZ combined TWITTERLAND IS A REAL PLACE Reply Retweet Favorite