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16995 reported speech

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  • requested

  • begged sb to + inf

  • implored sb to +inf

  • shouted to sb +inf

  • screamed at sb

  • 4.for offers and suggestions

  • … offered sb to+ inf

  • suggested +that…/gerund

  • it+ that clause

  • subject+ to + infinitive

Nội dung

WHAT IS A REPORTED SPEECH? REPORTED SPEECH REWRITE EACH SENTENCE AS INDIRECT SPEECH, BEGINNING AS SHOWN IS A REQUEST, A MIXED EXERCICE NOTE WHETHER THE SENTENCE TENSES CHANGES ‘You can’t park here.’ The police officer told Jack With REPORTED SPEECH you generally inform someone else of what other people just said, ordered, suggested, offered, asked… This speech is often done in a different place and usually on a different day so you need to make some changes: PRONOUNS VERB TENSES (except conditionals and past perfects) Also, if we are reporting something that was said but it is still true we don’t need to move the tense back “ I love Paul” She said she loves Paul WORDS REFERRING TO A PARTICULAR TIME OR PLACE These changes apply to all kind of sentences on condition that the introductory verb is in the SIMPLE PAST SENTENCES CHANGES REPORTED STATEMENTS REPORTING VERB+(OBJ)+(THAT)+ SENTENCE WITH THE NECESSARY CHANGES “ I won’t go to the park tomorrow”, he said to me He said to me (that) he wouldn’t go to the park the next day FROM SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLEPAST PRESENT PERFECT PAST PERFECT WILL STATEMENT OR A QUESTION REPORTING VERBS "I like this picture." He said TO ‘I’ll seeSIMPLE you inPAST the morning, Helen.’ Peter told Helen SOME OF THEM ARE: _ FOR STATEMENTS PAST PERFECT have youtrain parked car?" She asked …your SAID TO SB THAT … me ‘I’m"Where taking the 5:30 tomorrow evening.’ Janet said TOLD SB THAT…./TO +INF _ WOULD BOASTED TO ‘The"Itrousers have be ready this afternoon.’ PAST don'tCONTINUOUS feel liketogoing out tonight," She saidPaul told the dryASSURED SB THAT… PAST CONTINUOUS cleaners _ PAST PERFECT _ REMARKED THAT… PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ‘I leftCONTINUOUS my umbrella here two days ago.’ Susan told them PAST PERFERCT CONTINUOUS MENTIONED THAT… "Say hello to Paul," They asked me _ COMMENTED THAT… ‘The _ parcel ought to be here by the endTHAT of next ADMITTED … week.’ Brian said "Don't play near the lake, boys," said DENIEDShe THAT …/ GERUND EXPRESIONS OF TIME.CHANGES APOLOGIZE FOR + GERUND ‘I like _ this hotel very much.’ Diana told me THIS (AFTERNOON) THAT (AFTERNOON) PROMISED TO + INF "Where have you been all night?"She asked him FOR QUESTIONS TODAY/THIS DAY THAT DAY ‘I think it’s going to rain tonight.’ William said … ASKED SB IF / WHTHESE (DAYS) THOSE ( _ DAYS) NOW THEN "I am quite good at drawing," ENQUIRED He said 9.(YEAR ‘What time does the film start, Peter?’ I asked A (YEAR) AGO A ) BEFORE WONDERED LAST (WEEK) THE (WEEK ) BEFORE/ THE WANTED TO KNOW PREVIOUS (WEEK) "Has Ian?"→ He wanted to know WAS CURIOUS TOChris?’ KNOW The interviewer 10 ‘Doshe youmet watch television every evening, NEXT (WEEK) THE FOLLOWING (WEEK) FOR COMMANDS asked _ TOMORROW THE NEXT/FOLLOWING DAY … ORDERED SB TO + INF "I was so tired that I couldn’t sleep" She said ASK SB TO + INF 11 ‘Why did you apply for this job’ asked the sales manager? The REPORTED SUGGESTIONS TOLD SB TO + INF sales manager asked REQUESTED "Be careful with the matches, Ann," She told Ann me REPORTING VERB+ THAT+ FINITE VERB BEGGED SB TO + INF +12 SHOULD +‘Are INFINITIVE _ you taking much money with SB youTOto+INF France?’ My bank IMPLORED + GERUND manager to know "I willwanted get some food, I’m starving" SheSBsaid SHOUTED TO +INF “Why don´t we go to the park” he suggested SCREAMED AT SB He suggested that we go to the park 4.FOR OFFERS AND SPEECH USING ONE REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN REPORTED "Why haven't you phoned me?" → He wondered we should go to the park OF THE FOLLOWING REPORTING SUGGESTIONS VERBS _ going to the park … OFFERED SB TO+ INF PRESENT CONTINUOUS ACCUSE REPORTED QUESTIONS "I cannot APOLOGIZE AGREE DECIDE OFFER SUGGESTED +THAT…/REMIND GERUND driveADMIT them home," → He said INSIST DOUBT DENY REFUSE WARN WRITE IN THE MOST SUITABLE VERB IN THE CORRECT FORM PROMISE CONFESS SUGGEST ADVISE /THREATEN ADMIT - ADVISE - ANNOUNCE – ASSUREREPORTS - CLAIM -We COMPLAIN IMPERSONAL can report a) ‘No, it’s not true, I didn’t steal the money!’ said Jean YES/NO QUESTIONS CONFIRM - CONVINCE what - DECLARE EXPLAIN INFORM - using INSIST people- generally say or think REPORTING VERB+ (OBJ)+ IF/WHETHER MENTION - PERSUADE PASSIVE REASSURE SUGGEST VERBS There are two +SENTENCE (not in the interrogative form)we go to the cinema REPORT c) ‘Why don’t this evening?’ said Peter structures: “Are you hungry?” She asked 1– “Stop worrying so much,” he her “Everything will be ok.” d) ‘Yes, of course I’ll give you a lift,My Helen” Liz late?B: boss said _ that I stay She asked me If I was hungry2– A: Why are you home so IT+ THAT CLAUSE REPORTING VERB+ (OBJ)+ TO (NOT TO)+ SUBJECT + TO for + INFINITIVE until I’d finished the report she needs tomorrow.A: Well, you can’t INFINITIVE e) ‘I’ve broken your pen awfully sorry, Jack.’ David.hard if you WH- QUESTIONS _ YouI’m knew that you would havesaid to work REPORTING VERB+(OBJ)+WH-+ SENTENCE (not “ “Sit down!, the teacher told me “People say he is a thief” took this job in the interrogative form) f) ‘Don’t forget to post It The teacher told me to sit down said /known/ hesaid is a Diana thief myisletter, will you,that Sue?’ 3– The American and British governments _ a lot “ Don’t speak so fast”, He begged me He is said/known/ believed to be a thief “How old are you?” He wanted of to people know that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction He begged me not to speak so fast carry so your suitcase, Harry said He wanted to know how old I g) was‘Let me (nuclear bombs) they invadedJohn.’ the country They were wrong 4– The student her teacher that she would be h) right, true, I was nervous.’ The actor said late‘All the nextit’s day TRANSFORM THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH _ 5– He called his wife toQUESTIONS tell her that he had been involved in a car i) ‘I don’t think Liverpoolher willthat win.’he Vanessa said wasn’t tomorrow?” badly hurt He asked STATEMENTS COMMANDS/ SUGGESTIONS/accident, OFFERS “Are you leaving She her students to stop messing around and “I don’t know what she is doing” He said 1.“Wait outside I’ll tell you 6– when to come in” her j) ‘If I were Bill,only I’d buy a mountain bike.’ Stephen said their wasting time you, as they fewhelp more tohomework?” improve _ He told the boys had “Canayou memonths with my English (!) “I can’t speak as many languages as you do” My brother asked me k) –‘Don’t worry, Martin, I’llto?B: bringI’m your book back”, A: Where going round to saidLeslie Bill’s place.A: I She confessed. _ 2.“We could go to see a film7tonight” Sheare you off thought you were going to “Is stayhehome tonight?B: Well, I He was but he suggested coming next Tuesday? asked l) _me ‘You murdered Lord Digby, didn’t to go andyou, see Colin!’ him said the inspector _ “Don’t leave the vase on the table” She – He _ that hadn’t been tellingMy theflat truth 3.“I met her in London last year” He said told “When didhemy mother phone?” m) no, you must to?B: have another drink!’Dick said – ‘No, A: Who are really you talking I’m _ our reservation for us mate asked tonight _ _ _ n) ‘It me who the money,’ said Jim – A:was Did she tellstole you that she’s getting divorced?B: She “I have already finished the book you lent Shall I make you a cup of10 coffee? She _ it when we were talking wedding me” My friend told offered _ “Where have youabout been Ann’s lately?” Ann I was o) ‘Right, I’ll take the brown pair.’said Andrew soinstead surprised me “Let’s have dinner at home of going wanted to know _ 11 – During the convention he that he was out” Ann suggested _ p) ‘No, sorry, don’tafter want25 to years lend you my camera.’ said Alex retiring next Iyear, Heexam?" _ "Did youservice pass the I said to thathe hesaid would be very sad to leave the company and “If you that again I’ll be angry.” My "How about rating a canoe?" Joe. _ q) ‘Don’t play been near having the road, Jimmy.’ Said Jimmy’s that he had health problems recently.mother mother said. _ – He that it was an accident and he "Let's go for a swim!" he 12 said _ r) Get meant off thetograss immediately!’ heso said to the kids._ never break it but I’m not sure REPORTED COMMANDS

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2016, 07:56

