It isn’t certain how April Fool’s Day really started Make up your own legend about the origin of the day Be prepared to share your legend with the class • What are some tricks people play on April Fool's Day? What sort of tricks are good to play? • Have you ever tried fooling your family on April Fool's Day? • Do you always look forward to April What you think this quote means? “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and leave no doubt.” Mark Twain Fool's Day? • Have you ever been tricked on April 1st? • Are you mad if someone plays tricks on you? How would you feel if you were being fooled by Answer this riddle I am extremely light, but if you try to hold me, you won’t be able to for very long What am I? your dearest friends? In the Middle Ages, a fool was a jester whose job was to entertain royalty He typically looked like this Make up some jokes for the jester to tell Share them with your classmates!