The official celebration of Europe’s languages takes place on September 26 th There are many different languages Some are official, some are semi-official and some are immigrant languages Can you put in the missing vowels (a,e,i,o,u) to make up the languages? Rearrange the letters to make up the languages spoken in Britain, then complete the These are the official languages sentences.: 1) R_m_n_ _ n 12)Gr_ _ k 1) ngElshi _ is spoken in England 2) G_rm_n 13)D_n_sh 2) rihoCns _ is spoken in Cornwall 3) Sl_v_k_ _ n 14)_t_l_ _n 3) cilaeG _ is spoken in Scotland 4) Cz_ch 15)Sl_v_n_ _n 4) selWh _ is spoken in Wales 5) F_nn_sh 16) _ngl_sh 5) shiIr 6) D_tch 17)Sw_d_sh 7) Fr_nch 18)H_ng_r_ _n 8) P_rt_g_ _s_ 19)L_th_ _n_ _n 9) L_tv_ _n 20)M_lt_s_ 10) Sp_n_sh 21) _st_n_ _n 11) P_l_sh 22)Cr_ _t_ _n 23) B_lg_r_ _n _ is spoken in Ireland These days, Europe is very multicultural, with hundreds of languages There are approximately two hundred and fifty languages spoken in London, the capital of England Some of the main community languages spoken in England are: Put the number of the language spoken in the right place One has been done for you 16 1) Urdu 2) Hindi 3) Chinese 4) Yoruba 5) Sinhalese 6) Bengali and lots more moremore Match up the country with its word for ‘Hello’ One is done for you 1) Hello a) Germany 2) Bonjour b) Slovakia 3) Hola c) England 4) Buongiorno d) Finland 5) Guten Tag e) France 6) Dobry Den f) Greece 7) Hei g) Italy 8) Yia sou h) Spain Key: Romanian, German, Slovakian, Czech, Finnish, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Latvian, Spanish, Polish, Greek, Danish, Italian, Slovenian, English, Swedish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Estonian, Croatian, Bulgarian English Cornish Gaelic Welsh Irish Bonjour = France, Hola=Spain Buongiorno=Italy Guten Tag=Germany Dobry Den=Slovakia Hei=Finland Yiasou=Greece