25/2/2016 ENGLISH PAGE Take + Prepositions englishpage.com Home > Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs > Take + Prepositions Take + Prepositions Gapfill Exercise f t g+ p Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below, then click the "Check" button to check your answers after away back down for in off on out over 1. John is going to take Cybil 2. She should never have taken for a nice dinner and a latenight film. so much responsibility at work if she wasn't willing to work nights and weekends. 3. I hate that picture which is hanging over the couch. Can we please take it ? 4. I said you were a nice person, but I take it You are absolutely horrible! 5. Jessica was taken by the con artist. He stole over ten thousand dollars from her. 6. We went down to the beaches near Cape Canaveral to watch the space shuttle take The launch was magnificent. 7. There was a military coup d'etat in the tiny nation. The military took http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/takeprep.htm 1/2 25/2/2016 ENGLISH PAGE Take + Prepositions the capital city and gained control of the government. 8. Jim really takes his father. They look the same, they act the same they even have the same laugh! 9. You thought I stole your wallet?! What kind of person do you take me ? 10. When the police discovered his history of drunk driving, they took his driver's license Check Copyright © 2016 Englishpage.com, All Rights Reserved Contact us | Privacy Policy | Advertise with us Your personal online English school. Learn English at Englishpage.com! Weekly Lesson Grammar Book Vocabulary Verb Tenses Conditionals Modals Gerunds / Infinitives Articles Prepositions Minitutorials Irregular Verbs Reading Room Listening Lounge Games English Forums English Schools English · Foreign Dictionaries English ·English Dictionaries Irregular Verb Dictionary Phrasal Verb Dictionary Verb + Preposition Dictionary http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/takeprep.htm 2/2