25/2/2016 ENGLISH PAGE Bring + PrepositionsHome > Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs > Bring + Prepositions Bring + Prepositions Gapfill Exercise Fill in the blanks using the words in the
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Home > Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs > Bring + Prepositions
Bring + Prepositions
Gapfill Exercise
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below, then click the "Check" button to
check your answers
along around away back into on out over through
1. His heart attack was brought by too much stress at work.
2. I didn't realize he had gotten divorced. I'm so embarrassed I wish I hadn't brought his wife at the party.
3. Your new dress really brings the color of your eyes.
4. Don't you bring those dirty shoes my clean house!
5. What exactly did you bring from the experience. Did you learn
anything at all?
6. They brought a pizza and some beer and we watched an old movie
on television.
7. You are only allowed to bring two bottles of wine customs when you enter this country.
Trang 225/2/2016 ENGLISH PAGE Bring + Prepositions
8. When we go camping, don't forget to bring the binoculars so we can look for wildlife.
9. Lisa is going to pick Ted up at the airport and bring him to the
10. Sarah doesn't want to go skiing this winter, but we still have time to bring her
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