englishpage.com Home > Vocabulary > States and Territories States and Territories f t g+ p Vocabulary A. = Adjective ADV. = Adverb IDM. = Idiom N. = Noun V. = Verb to be classified V. to be put into a category, to be arranged in classes or groups a district N. an area of land or political division used for official purposes geographical A. relating to geography geographically ADV. done in a way which is related to geography New England N. a cultural region in the United States known for its small towns, traditional culture, countryside and colored leaves in autumn a region N. a large area or part selfgoverning A. independently run, not controlled from the outside a state N. a smaller, partly selfgoverning division of certain countries to stretch V. to spread out, extend A. 1) connected with rope or string 2) connected (historically, tied politically, economically, etc.) N. an area of land ruled by a government a territory (territories) "Territory" often suggests that the area of land is not given full recognition or equal power in the political process Exercises Vocabulary in Conversation Vocabulary FollowUp http://www.englishpage.com/vocabulary/interactivelesson7.html 1/2 Copyright © 2016 Englishpage.com, All Rights Reserved Contact us | Privacy Policy | Advertise with us Your personal online English school. Learn English at Englishpage.com! Weekly Lesson Grammar Book Vocabulary Verb Tenses Conditionals Modals Gerunds / Infinitives Articles Prepositions Minitutorials Irregular Verbs Reading Room Listening Lounge Games English Forums English Schools English · Foreign Dictionaries English ·English Dictionaries Irregular Verb Dictionary Phrasal Verb Dictionary Verb + Preposition Dictionary http://www.englishpage.com/vocabulary/interactivelesson7.html 2/2